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New PC stutters a bit and sometimes the old monitor blinks but I managed to make my usual time despite the disaster that was last month but here we are. Thanks for all the support and literally without you all there would be no chapter.

Fate/Bonds Beyond Humanity


62- The Value of Words II


Six people remained alive, or at least conscious, in the entrance hall of Lakmia’s manor; the owner of the manor herself, the Matron of Runeas, Thousand Ruins Lakmia Gremory and a group of five who stormed her home and defeated an army over 100 devils strong.

Of these five the woman knew four of them, each with some renown and power that even she could respect: Himejima Akeno, Champion of her Arena and basically a master of Lighting, Gasper Vladi, the first dhampir to be Reincarnated and owner of a powerful sacred gear capable of freezing time which could perhaps influence the fight despite his crippling wound, Xenovia Quarta, Owner of Durandal, one of the most powerful Holy Swords in existence and Leysritt, maid of the Mage of Swords.

The last one was a little obscure and the woman herself had no accomplishments that the Matron could name but there was a time that when someone heard the name Einzbern they either raced to buy their products or ran away from them.

And yet the redhead woman wasn’t concerned at all, in fact she was amused and confident in her absolute victory. Lakmia was so confident that she had no problem in letting her victims talk amongst themselves in the expectative they would see their struggle was worthless.

“Power of Luck or the Devil’s Luck.” Rossweisse was the first one to understand, her eyes jumping from Lakmia, to her rune, the entrance it was pointing to and back to Lakmia who looked all too smug for her taste. “The Power of the Gremory Clan and considered one of the weakest of all Pillar’s Powers; it is capable of nudging ‘chaos’ and ‘possibility’ towards any favorable outcome.”

Taking a few steps to the side, Xenovia commented. “But the reason why that power is considered the weakest is because it should cost too much to manipulate things.” Disbelief filled her as what the Valkyrie was suggesting went against everything she learned as an Exorcist. “If it is that powerful, why doesn't Rias use it more often?”

Mirroring the bluehead’s moves, Leysritt also took a few steps but in the opposite direction. “Doesn’t matter.”

“My dear. It matters more than you think.” Lakmia added with a smile, her eyes never leaving the small group now that Gasper was unable to escape with a wing torn.

“She is right.” Akeno admitted with a frown as she focused on a single chain to make sure the Matron wouldn't break free again once captured. “While true that most Gremory don't have enough energy to use it on this scale, we can’t deny Lakmia is doing just that.” Yet something didn’t fit. ‘If her power is that great, why isn’t she more famous?’

Unknown to the Queen, Xenovia was having similar thoughts. ‘She was known as a capable commander but noble or not, she was just above a soldier during the Civil War. Someone who fought with the army and not the sort of person to defeat one by herself.’ Gritting her teeth, the bluehead glared at the smug woman. ‘And this power is far above the common soldier.’

“Haven’t you realized yet? I just grew stronger after the Civil War.” Lakmia playfully toyed with her queen piece while the group talked.

That was something that the former Exorcist wasn’t buying. “So fast? If Lucifer could grow so much in that short time span then devils would have won the Great War.”

By the amused look on her face nobody would guess that was the wrong thing to say. “A few whips will silence those arrogant lips. I can already see what I am going to tell your Master if we fail to bring him in the fold; you joined my Peerage to help him and managed to find him after killing all the kidnappers. Look, you already killed some of them.” Said the woman while pointing to her own subordinates' bodies.

Which just made Xenovia more angry but besides a harsher glare she gave away nothing. The bluehead fell back in her training and kept carefully trying to step beyond Lakmia’s line of sight, an action the white haired maid kept mirroring. They weren’t necessarily in sync but soon enough both would be outside the redhead’s view.

Not that she was trying to keep up with them or anything, her eyes were locked into Akeno’s. “Is there something I say that will stop you all from fighting? I would hate to kill my Clan’s assets accidentally.” The Matron was making it clear she was talking only about the Queen. All she got was a little more mana focused on the ravenhead’s weapon. “Well, it seems there is nothing I can do to change this outcome.”

“Of your defeat?” Akeno offered with a confident smile as her chains began to shine brighter.

An amused chuckle escaped Lakmia’s lips before she raised her sword again. “Of yours, my dear. Because no matter your potential and your skills, none of you can defeat me.”

“Not so sure about that!” Xenovia declared with a charge mirrored by Leysritt as they broke their formation and went straight for the kill. Akeno took the hint and sent her chain towards Lakmia’s forehead as well, giving the woman three things to worry about.

With different speeds one of them would obviously get to the devil first and that one was Xenovia with Durandal’s Aura surrounding the sword for a powerful attack. However, her calling Lakmia had the woman already turning in her direction before the charge and the Matron moved her feet just enough to move a corpse that was close by.

With a kick it was flying towards the knight who didn’t hesitate to cut the dead body with Duradal’s power, burning it to cinders and out of her way. Nothing was going to distract Xenovia as she powered Durandal again for a back swing only to raise it defensively or have her heart pierced.

Either way Lakmia quickly used her sword and pushed it besides its length to hit Xenovia’s shoulder with two of her blades before having to duck and avoid the second fastest attacker; Akeno’s chain.

The Matron quickly grasped the weapon with her free hand, fighting back the Lightning as Akeno moved the links around to trap the older woman’s arm. Closer to the Matron was Xenovia who ignored the slashes on her shoulder and went for a stab with Durandal only for it to be parried away and her to get a knee to the face.

Fine with her for the bluehead knew she was the biggest threat with her Holy Sword and the person Lakmia had to pay more attention to or die a fast death. No, Xenovia’s intention wasn’t to win by herself but to distract the woman from her allies. With her sword busy, her leg lifted and Akeno tying her hand there was nothing Lakmia could do against the maid of her team.

Leysritt was by far the slowest of their group but her attack carried far more strength than any of the other women in the room could muster and Lakmia’s back was open.

Or so it seemed as the owner of the manor created a magic circle and unleashed a blast at Akeno faster than the ravenhead could react. The Queen dived for an escape but Luck wasn’t on her side and one of the living devils moved just in time for her foot to get stuck. Lakmia watched it with a smile and allowed her to be pulled by the chain.

Which left Leysritt and Xenovia to see each other as the maid’s halberd to destroy the floor and send rocks and dust everywhere while Lakmia escaped unharmed with both of her wings taking her towards her next target.

The older woman knew she only had a few seconds before the other two would come back for more. But it was still a few seconds, less than she needed to reach Akeno and even less than the Queen needed to get up after her fall. She grabbed the devil that made her slip beneath the arms and pulled him away just as Lakmia’s sword stabbed her position.

“You should worry about yourself.” Caring not for her subordinate, something completely unlike a Gremory, Lakmia stabbed in Akeno’s direction and the ravenhead could do nothing but dodge.

After five consecutive strikes the young woman noted that Lakmia was actually avoiding her subordinate’s body; she threw him at her only for the man to be kicked to the side. Still brutal but that bought Akeno the instant she needed to whip her chain towards the Matron only for her to block it with a magic circle and thrust her sword at full speed.

The links moved faster than the redhead expected and made a shield that saved the ravenhead from a nasty wound in her stomach. “Still a Gremory, huh?”

“Well, I can’t punish them for their failure if they are dead, can I?” A magic circle bigger than Akeno’s shield appeared in the Matron’s hand. “By the way, this isn’t the Arena.”

Violet eyes wide, the Queen was sent flying back with a giant blast as Lakmia turned and ducked to dodge Durandal’s edge. Xenovia retreated quickly to avoid a counter attack from a stab and she was only successful because Leysritt came swinging her own weapon and the Matron had to evade her.

The three women broke apart as the redhead revealed several magic circles and sent small but fast blasts towards the other two. Separating them would be for the best and that was her goal

Against that Xenovia took a step forward and pushed Durdandal’s handle and blade. “Durandina!” Bronze colored surrounded the pair as the bluehead focused on the blasts coming in her direction.

The shield was for her allies only, not for her, so Xenovia had to move quickly for the wall would fall if she fell. The blue blade moved and parried every single one of the small blasts but Lakmia wasn’t discouraged and sent out a few more while looking around her destroyed entrance hall.

Only after she took a minute to take in every single thing and position on the demolished hall did she move, letting the magic circles go and opening her wings just as Akeno sent a huge Thunder Sphere her way.

But she didn’t stop moving, shooting around the area and using her sword as a bat to send other swords towards her opposition. Her first target was Rossweisse who was trying to go for the hallway again and had to use her free hand to raise a barrier while a few others went for everyone else.

Lakmia focused her mana on the flower sword and stabbed the barrier which started a competition of powers. “You are not reaching the Mage of Swords, girl.”

Gritting her teeth, the Valkyrie was tempted to let her tracking rune go and deal with the devil but Odin’s orders held her hand. ‘Everything else is secondary? What if someone is trying to kill me?’

Fortunately for her Akeno was coming with a mass of Lightning and Thunder in her hands. “Raiden!!” The ground shook as the attack flew in Lakmia’s direction.

The older woman wasn’t bothered and dodged it by moving in front of Rossweisse to use the Valkyrie as a shield. The huge Sphere of Thunder blasted away the wall as the redhead created a magic circle taller than her and let out a huge blast against the silver haired woman’s barrier.

Rossweisse didn’t hesitate to let her shield go and run away which surprised the redhead for a second only for Leysritt to already be attacking again from the side. Lakmia quickly moved her magic circle and used it as a shield but that time it was Leysritt’s turn to be bait and Xenovia was already there to thrust Durandal’s in the older woman’s heart.

However Devil’s Luck was active and part of the wall Akeno had destroyed began to fall on Leysritt’s back. It was a minor distraction, the kind that shouldn’t bother the white haired woman but still did because the impact hurt more than it should be possible. It was like part of the attack had ignored her armor and rattled her bones.

Which weakened her grip and gave Lakmia a chance to send her flying with a blast to then redirect her magic circle to block Durandal. Thanks to her King Piece’s power the circle lasted a second against the blade’s Holy, just a second the woman used to fly up and escape safely.

“Such mean tricks you all have in your sleeves!” Lakmia revealed several magic circles again and began to shoot at Xenovia who, because of her bad positioning and the devil’s ‘high ground’, was hit several times despite her best efforts.

It was up to Akeno to pull her out of danger with her chain but Lakmia wasn’t going to let her escape and threw herself to stab the younger woman’s head only to watch as the bluehead escaped at the last moment as she was having difficulties moving her sword.

Immediately her eyes locked on Gasper’s as Forbidden Balor View was back into play.

“Tsk, that can get problematic.” Yet the Matron was smiling dangerously as she retreated until her feet were touching the wall to use it to jump towards the Bishop.

Gasper was a little surprised that Lakmia was targeting him but didn’t hesitate to strengthen his sacred gear’s power, unleashing its full effect in her direction. She shrugged it off easily, her time unaffected as her awareness allowed her to combat its effects better while moving far too fast for the Bishop to react properly.

When the blond was almost in her grasp, Lakmia found herself tackled to the side by Akeno who returned with a vengeance and a plan. “Rossweisse go!!” Ordered the younger woman as her chains moved to tie Lakmia up in the air.

Except things didn’t go according to the plan as despite the ravenhead struggling to trap the Matron the older woman managed to pull her sword arm away and throw the weapon in Gasper’s direction.

The Queen panicked and moved to intercept only to see that the Bishop had stopped the sword’s time and was already moving out of the way. However the distraction was costly as two feet kicked her to the ceiling and helped Lakmia land quickly and grab a pair of swords on the ground.

Leysritt and Xenovia were already charging towards the devil while Rossweisse dived to the hallway her rune was pointing towards but the devil was still faster than them and with powerful swings she sent a cloud of shrapnel, bodies and weapons towards the attacking pair.

Both had no choice but stop and defend themselves or risk going in blind against a capable opponent. Every instinct they had commanded self preservation or at least it was expected to.

Xenovia threw caution to the wind, not willing to give the devil any more openings. “Durandal!!”

Holy Light exploded in a concentrated blast to wash away everything and hit Lakmia but the bluehead failed to compensate for the devil’s speed as she got past the swordswoman in the blink of an eye.

However, that was noticed by everyone else, including Rossweisse who refused to slow down from her dash. The Valkyrie had long realized her allies were trying to get her out of the way for their peace of mind while the Matron was keeping her close as bait. So there was no way the silver haired woman was stopping out of her own volition.

Power of Luck was still a factor at play and that was their ruin again as some dust hit Gasper’s eyes, Xenovia chose the wrong position to walk towards and ended up stumbling on one of the unconscious devils who had surrendered which forced her to pause while Akeno was still recovering from being slammed into the ceiling.

Only Leysritt managed to break through the bad luck assaulting their group and push at full speed behind the King only to fall short. She was a homunculus and Lakmia was a devil, only one of those could fly.

With murderous intent the Matron quickly made her way to Rossweisse who ducked to dodge the first attack only for the second sword to come for her neck. Using her free hand the Valkyrie stopped the blade between her fingers just barely, the two women trading glares before she took a kick on the chin.

Flipping on the air Rossweisse was about to let the tracking rune go and fight for real when suddenly a shiver hit her spine. Odin’s eyes were on her, the younger woman was sure of that. It was the only explanation as the flavor of his power stopped her more aggressive action.

‘Remember my orders’ the feeling seemed to say and gritting her teeth the young Valkyrie saw no choice but to retreat away from the right path again.

In a manor like the one they were in perhaps the path was connected to another hallway but unless she was willing to demolish the place and risk everyone inside the better play was to follow the rune.

And everyone knew that, especially Leysritt who was always aware of the dangerous position Shirou was in. She took her halberd and attacked almost desperately, trying to get any hit on Lakmia who blocked her attack with a sword before using the other to hit the maid’s shoulder.

Not enough for the armor was on the way and while the impact was strong it didn’t even slow Leysritt down who used the center of her halberd to finally get a hit in on Lakmia’s chest. Her armor bended, almost crushed, but the redhead wouldn't submit and quickly kicked Leysritt’s heels to ruin her balance before moving to cut her head’s off.

Only for her attack to slow down, Forbidden Balor View couldn’t affect her but her swords held no power even if they were excellently made. Gasper was still scratching one of his eyes but his free hand also focused on a magic circle as he divided his attention between it and his sacred gear.

Lakmia abandoned one of her swords before throwing the other towards the former dhampir while making a mad dash in his direction. Akeno landed gracefully before throwing her chains at Lakmia, one moving to pierce her head while the other moved a little slower in case the redhead tried to escape.

And escape she did by rushing to the side towards the place where Gasper ran away from her weapon, now resting on the floor.

For her part the Queen didn’t think, just reacted; her faster chain’s links broke apart to change its direction while the slower one accelerated in pursuit of Lakmia’s back. Akeno also paid attention to everything on the floor, just waiting for when the Power of Luck would kick in and get in her way again.

She was looking in the wrong direction as Lakmia undid her cape’s strapping just in the right position to block the ravenhead’s vision. Powering up her chain, Akeno forced them both to accelerate and pierce the mantle with hopes of getting the Matron.

But it was in vain as the attacks moved too fast and the redhead flipped around one, grabbed her sword and dodged the other before retreating back to the hallway Rossweisse was trying to get through.

That time the Valkyrie was ready for the older woman’s arrival and stopped herself before any attack could be thrown in her direction.

Lakmia looked ready to pursue but thought better of it and stopped to admire as everyone else established positions in a big crooked semicircle, keeping their distance but ready to support each other.

That only made the manor’s owner laugh. “Oh my, look at that. You guys are lasting a little longer than I expected.” She looked at Rossweisse with mirth. “Especially you, stranger. Who are you again?”

Seeing that the Valkyrie was uninterested in answering, Akeno took over. “Get out of the way, Lakmia. No matter what sort of game you are playing, this can only end badly for you.”

“Fufufufu, really? Because some of you are already wounded while I,” she waved to herself confidently, “haven’t a single scratch.”

“The dent in your armor says otherwise.” The ravenhead shot back, much to the Matron’s amusement.

“And where is my blood on the floor? Or better yet, do you already have my head?” She looked at the swordswoman of the group with mirth. “I recall you saying you were leaving with it? Come here and take it?”

It was a simple taunt but effective as Lakmia projected a confidence and invincibility to a level that nobody could match. Add to that was her mana still spread around the hall, the Power of Luck oppressively reminding the five that the woman before them held a tremendous advantage. Both for the Power and how strong she was to sustain it.

Much to the frustration of many, Xenovia more than the rest. “Rossweisse, can’t you help us?” It certainly would be easier if they didn’t need to guard the Valkyrie for whatever reason.

However, her reasons were very real. “I have my orders, no matter how much I want to help. My priority is to retrieve Emiya Shirou. Everything else is secondary.”

“Not that it would make any difference~” Lakmia took a step forward and they all took a step back instinctively, much to her pleasure. “See? You already know the inevitability of your defeat. Surrender now and there is no need for any more blood.” Her queen piece made a new appearance between her fingers. “Of course that, for killing my Pieces, I will demand the proper compensation. The only thing that matters is who shall be my new Queen?”

“How can she be this strong?” Xenovia couldn’t help but ask outloud. “I was joking before but if Lucifer, any Lucifer, could evolve as fast as she is implying to have done then devils would have conquered the world easily.”

“It is like she can ready our every move.” Gasper pointed up.

““That is it!”” Both Akeno and Rossweisse realized at the same time. The Valkyrie continued first. “She wasn’t just faster than everyone else, it was like she was anticipating every one of our moves.”

However Akeno realized something else as well. “You were watching us fight, weren’t you?” The bitter smile the Matron revealed told the whole story which made the Queen mad. “You let your men die to find out our strengths?”

“Well, I am called Thousand Ruins for a reason.” Her chuckle was as bitter as her smile. “For a Gremory, the death of their subordinates is like a stab on the heart, right here.” She held her breast, queen piece around her fingers. “And three of you stabbed me many times today as others did many times before in the past.” Admitted the devil proudly. “Because unlike the other Gremory, I always looked for the survival of the Gremory Clan first! No sacrifice is too great, no price too small! I shall mourn and honor all who perished today.” Looking around the room, she knew exactly who was unconscious and who was pretending. “And for those who just fell justly, I shall always have them here, in my heart. Isn’t that right, Xarth?”

Looking at her Evil Piece it was clear Lakmia meant every word but no one was going to feel any sympathy for her because her decisions led her men to their deaths while her inaction assured it.

“So she stays back and watches her warriors give their lives to pick up her enemy’s strategies?” Rossweisse disliked the strategy but she couldn’t deny its efficacy. ‘No, it is more than that.’ Looking around the group she came with, people who she barely knew but was learning to respect, she noticed how tired all of them were. ‘Fighting against one hundred plus enemies isn’t easy, not without devastating attacks that they couldn’t unleash without destroying the whole place which in turn could kill their friend. And yet they are still pushing.’ She closed her fist in anger, her god’s eyes still in the back of her head.

“Oh, I can see the dread setting in your faces.” Lakmia continued, confidence practically pouring from all her being. “Thanks to Xarth and Caleb all your tricks were already seen and at this point I know your weaknesses better than you.” The flower sword was pointed to Gasper. “Your sacred gear can’t go beyond a minute without you struggling,” the Bishop hid behind Leysritt, the next on the line, “you lack any real range,” Akeno was next, “same girl as the Arena. Just a little faster.” Then to Xenovia. “Power a plenty but obviously you can’t control your sword.” Finally settling in Rossweisse. “You
 aren’t fighting yet for whatever reason. Not that I think you are going to be any threat when you finally realize the Mage of Swords is mine- No, all your lives are mine.”

‘That bitch!’ Xenovia and Rossweisse thought in unison until they began to hear chuckles.

Looking at Lakmia they also noted the devil was confused and soon everyone was looking at Akeno who had a hand over her mouth but that failed to hide her amusement. Actually took a moment for everybody to realize Akeno wasn’t just chuckling or giggling but was in reality holding back a laugh.

“Something wrong, Akeno? Did you snap?” There was some concern in Lakmia’s tone.

Akeno began to wave in front of her face even as she bent down a little to keep the laughter at bay. “No, no. It is just
 Ufufufufu. I just realized how much you really love the Gremory and how it really made you blind.” Straightening herself up, the Queen looked the King in the eyes, her smile mischievous and playful. “There is no escaping this, you already ruined your life and you don’t even realize it.”

“Truly you must have gone insane. Maybe I shall have my Bishop look at your mind before sending you away.”

“After changing our memories, right? Oh my, you really are putting a lot of faith in this Bishop.” Akeno’s aura began to pour out and everyone got ready to continue the fight. “Step back.”

Strangely stupid to ask in the Matron’s opinion. "Disappointing, Akeno. You know I won’t do this no matter how much you request.”

“I wasn’t talking to you.” Turning to Xenovia, she repeated. “Step back. All of you.”


“That includes you, Gasper.” The hybrid felt her power begging for release. “Fighting as a team is to our detriment in this situation, step back and huddle together on the side so Lakmia can’t get you.” Akeno’s chains began to spark as her Lightning grew stronger. “I will get rid of this traitor.”

“Traitor? Me?” Lakmia was legitimately offended.

And was completely ignored. “I don’t agree with this plan.” Rossweisse was the first to say.

“Are you mad, Akeno?” Xenovia was next with disbelief and anger. “She is running circles around us! Do you really think you can beat her by yourself?”

“I will go with everything I have, Xenovia.” Her violet eyes focused on the knight’s brown ones. “And it would be best if I don't have to watch your back the whole time.” Now both Xenovia and Leysritt were offended but Akeno turned back to Lakmia as her power stabilized. “Power of Luck is terrifying in groups. While most Gremory still fought with their armies because they cared, Lakmia is using it in the most efficient way; sacrificing her men to gather intel and then apply it with all the information she got.”

“Alone or in a group, won’t make her any less dangerous.” Leysritt pointed out, Gasper nodding rapidly behind her.

“Sensei is right. We need to make sure Rossweisse can get Shirou-senpai and we take him back to the Vault or the Gremory Castle. That is how we win.” It was like the objective in a game and only thinking like that the Bishop managed to calm himself down.

However Akeno knew that method wasn’t going to work. “Everytime we initiate an engagement we end up more and more wounded while she barely has any damage. Maybe things would be different if we all fought.” She offered Rossweisse a side glance and the Valkyrie looked down with shame. “But this is the hand the gods have dealt us. By the way, I have half an urge to slap an old man’s face when this is all over.”

“I have it a lot but he is my boss.” And Rossweisse wanted the promotion, and extremely high salary, she was going to get once her time as a bodyguard was done. “My apologies.”

“Not blaming you, as I said; ‘planning to slap an old man’.”

“What you should be planning was a surrender and the delivery of the Mage of Swords’ secrets to me.” Lakmia interrupted, losing her patience. “Do so and after signing a Geass, I shall allow most of you to leave unmolested.”

“I would prefer to die.” Xenovia returned angrily and Liz nodded her agreement.

“But you won’t die, you will serve.” Although she didn’t know if Reincarnating the woman with Durandal was a good idea. ‘That is fine. I have a suitable alternative.‘

Stomping her foot on the floor, Akeno allowed her power to wash over the area and got the Matron’s attention again. “Neither one or the other.” She said firmly. “All of you, step back. I will take care of this.”

“You gotta be kidding me!” Xenovia was about to advance when the area close to her feet exploded.

All noticed Akeno’s chain pulsing with power, her expression leaving no room for discussion. “Step aside, now!”

“You think I will just let them move around and escape? I am not foolish enough to believe Rias or Zeoticus will accept my actions so openly.” Lakmia was already planning to cut most of the people present down.

In her mind only Akeno and Gasper needed to live as they were part of the Gremory Clan, assets that showed a great deal of potential by lasting this long against someone with a King Piece and killing them would be worse than a waste.

But the rest would either die or submit, that was the ideal conclusion in the Matron’s mind.

Akeno understood most of what the woman was thinking even if she lacked knowledge about the King Piece. What she knew was that Liz, Xenovia and Rossweisse's lives were in peril because Lakmia tried to go for the kill against those three more than once. And a single mistake would obviously be fatal

So the ravenhead did the best with what she had. “No need to be rude. I know we sorta invaded your manor but you also have been a very bad girl.” With a smile on her face, she pointed to a corner of the room. “If they stand there, away from any exits, will that suffice?”

“What are you planning?” Liz whispered with a mixture of concern and confusion.

A question that was also on the Matron’s mind but Lakmia decided to shrug it off. “Sure. One by one it will be easier to not kill anyone by accident. Move along~” Her eyes never left Akeno. “The women need to talk.”

“Well, you all got an invitation. Move along.” Akeno threw a meaningful look in Rossweisse's direction, hoping the Valkyrie got the silent message.

“I don’t like this.” Xenovia voiced what most of them, including the Matron, were thinking.

Still they did what was asked and moved to stand at an entrance to the left of the manor and far away from the central path that could take them to Shirou or the exit that could get them reinforcements.

Lakmia threw them a glance for less than a moment before looking back at Akeno. “So, they are out of the way. Are you going to show me the same ferocity you displayed in the Arena?” Mockery colored her tone.

“Fufufu. I am not the same from that day, haven’t been ever since I left the Arena.” Her aura pulsed with eagerness, much to the devil’s shock. “I
 for my whole life I feared something; to become like my father. Do you know him?” Akeno’s usual smile looked far more devilish than usual.

Lakmia blinked and shrugged. “A fallen angel if I can recall correctly. Why does it matter?” She pointed the flower sword towards the ravenhead. “You are a devil now. Your previous family is irrelevant.”

“Not quite right. It matters a lot, especially here.” Lightning cracked around her form, focusing on her hands and dancing around her chains. “It matters because he gave me more than life. It matters because I was holding back a gift out of fear. It matters because I was afraid of making his mistakes and abandoning my family! It matters because for most of my life I hated him more than anything!!”

In tandem with her voice the Lightning began to grow stronger and soon everyone was hearing the Thunder in the manor as it started to shake as the power grew almost out of control.

Staring at Akeno, Lakmia wasn’t impressed as the Queen’s power still couldn’t compete with her own. Yet something was changing, of that the redhead was sure and she wanted to see what.

“Letting go of that hatred was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life but I did it! Thanks to the people I love!!” Lightning shot around and began to destroy the floor and remaining furniture in the area. “Except that the hatred never really left, did it? It was always here, waiting for a target!!” Her chains danced almost uncontrollably, growing in her arms until the two connected behind her back. “And you, you took someone important from me and now I will use all this hatred against you.”

All was said with her usual calm smile, every word about Lakmia carrying a disgust that was unmatched and yet it was all delivered with Akeno’s usual elegance and politeness.

It was enough to make the Matron laugh. “Cute but you are no match for me.” Sword poised for a thrust, Lakmia charged to end the fight before it began.

Then Akeno’s aura began to change color and she refrained from advancing a centimeter further as her instincts began to sound all sorts of alarms as something extremely dangerous for a devil suddenly made its presence known.

While the Matron tried to understand what sort of danger her senses were trying to warn her about, Akeno stood there with her usual smile. “My father is Baraqiel of the Grigori!” The news shocked the devil. “And I have his Holy Lightning!!”

Suddenly the arrowheads on both sides of the chain changed shape, becoming smooth nails the size of daggers as Akeno’s aura finished its transition to a new color and as soon as it did the chains changed as well.

Violet as her eyes Akeno’s aura covered her body as Lightning of the same color jumped around eagerly, the power of the aura was actually the same as the previous one however with a few distinct differences that everyone could feel but not all could identify.

“HOLY  ELEMENT?!!!” Lakmia asked in a panic just as Akeno closed the distance between them for a stab with one of her newly developed nails.

The Matron, having the advantage of range thanks to her sword, reflexively went for a stab of her own to the chest.

She half expected Akeno to impale herself but the Queen surprised the older woman for the second time under ten seconds by using clever footwork to dodge her weapon by a hairbreadth.

Still her speed was the same and Lakmia managed to sidestep the attack just enough where the nail to scratch her armor. Pain surged through her body as her power combated the Holy Element as best it could but she could feel a dip in her reserves just from the small contact.

The interaction lasted two seconds and Akeno smiled at noticing the redhead’s pain.

The Queen quickly went for a high kick in Lakmia's direction that was easily dodged but the Priestess of Medusa didn’t miss a step. Instead her kick turned into a repositioning for her other foot to connect on the Matron’s face.

Worse yet for the devil she felt Holy invade her body again, in a small dose sure but still Lakmia felt her body fighting against the energy as her mana paid the toll for her survival. At least she managed to step away before one of the nails pierced her arm.

Any reprieve was short lived as Akeno kept attacking with her nails while approaching swiftly by waving around in a hard to predict pattern Lakmia never saw before. ‘It is like her center of gravity is constantly shifting.’ Fighting against the nausea, the Matron began to counter attack with fast stabs while on retreat.

Just fine with Akeno who shifted her grip on a nail and used it to clash against Lakmia’s sword. Immediately the devil felt the mana on her sword being pushed back as Holy Lightning tried to use it as a conductor to reach her.

Pushing the nail aside, Lakmia tried to shift and stab the ravenhead’s chest only for the other nail to bat the sword down as she came for another kick on the redhead’s flank which when struck sent a small charge of Holy Lightning into her body.

Lakmia flew back, involuntarily at first but purposely a second after she realized sticking close was exactly what Akeno wanted. Power of Luck facilitated her retreat by having the floor break under the ravenhead’s foot, the crack just enough that anyone could slip and fall.

But to Akeno the fall was gracious as instead of losing her balance it was like the fall was purposeful since she used it for a swipe with her leg that Lakmia dodged only for the Queen to keep going on a turn using her chain like a whip, its nail touching the pureblood devil once again.

This time she was more prepared for the Holy Lightning, understanding that Akeno wasn’t lying. “You are Baraqiel’s daughter?! That bastard finally got with a woman?!”

Pushing herself forward with a hand, Akeno tried to stab her enemy from two sides but the redhead was still retreating. “Oh my, do you have a history with my father? Is that a crush I hear?”

A vein popped on the Matron’s forehead. “Like I could even care about a dirty fallen angel!” With a swing of her sword she kicked up several weapons and debris in Akeno’s direction.

Previous experience told her that the older woman was telling the truth. “Doesn’t sound like it~~” So Akeno lied as dancing around the attack, not even using her weapons to defend herself.

For that was what it was; dancing. Medusa’s training was paying dividends in a whole different manner as the goddess claimed it would.

Thanks to spars over the last few days Akeno knew it was possible but a spar was different from a real fight and people obviously held back. Unlike Liz in the studio, Lakmia wasn’t pulling any punches and Akeno could see her attacks, her body already moving in a familiar rhythm.

It wasn’t exactly the same as really dancing, the steps weren’t the same and her moves were far more reactive with a lack of routine. However practice made her body more flexible than ever with every movement feeling natural as she had practiced it in a fashion or another while dancing.

Her legs were now particularly strong as pivoted to the side and came at Lakmia with a kick straight on the chest that threw the older woman farther back. The devil didn’t waste time in recovering and flew back as fast as she could as a nail came for her head. A cut on the cheek and more Holy Lightning proved the hit before her brain registered it.

It wasn’t enough to stop the woman anymore as she started to expect the Holy energy at that point. Lakmia couldn't deny Akeno was telling the truth, she was Baraqiel’s daughter with all the potential power that entailed.

Fixing the grip around her sword the Matron swallowed her anger and said. “To think Rias and Sirzechs were hiding that sort of information. Your potential was greater than I expected, Akeno!!” With channeling mana in her sword, she used the Power of Luck to grab a corpse on the ground and threw it in the Queen’s direction.

As Luck would have it, the corpse looked alive enough that Akeno chose to sidestep instead of dealing with it, falling right into Lakmia’s range and getting stabbed in her abdomen. The Queen hissed but managed to smile when sending a nail to lock the sword in place while aiming the other for her enemy’s head.

Holy Lightning was already running through her arm so Lakmia found herself bending backwards to avoid death while struggling to hold her sword. She tried to push it deeper into Akeno, trying to cut her in half with any of the six blades but was failing miserably. Not that she wasn’t doing damage as every second of struggle had the ravenhead bleeding more as she held it in place.

The free nail moved quickly in a fast sequence of stabs and Lakmia found her grip growing slack as she had to evade the nail or die. Everytime the tip of the nail got too close she could feel her aura weaken, even with the lack of contact.

It made her realize something with horror. ‘Her father’s Holy Lightning! She has Baraqiel’s Holy Lightning!!’ Fearfully she focused more power on the defensive and threw herself at Akeno to grab her sword with both hands to kill the Queen.

Asset or not, Lakmia judged that her life had more worth than Akeno’s and went for it.

But while Luck was on her side, Akeno was the better fighter by quickly adapting at the woman’s charge and headbutting her just as she stepped up and then turning her nail down to stab the pureblood devil in the neck.

Pain, more pain than she ever felt in her life, spread through Lakmia's whole body as she felt herself burn. Holy Lightning, the power that killed thousands of devils in the Great War now ran freely on her body trying to destroy every cell. She knew death was close and instinctively she created a magic circle and unleashed an explosion that blasted both combatants apart.

Lakmia took several deep breaths as her life flashed through her eyes. Quickly she threw off her chest piece, revealing a leather shirt, to breath and touch her chest. The King Piece reacted and her meager reserves of demonic power were rapidly restored.

Akeno was much better, all things considered and managed to get to her feet quicker than the devil. “Well, that was fun.” Looking down she noticed the huge hole, bigger than a fist, leaving her body. The flower sword was missing and it took a chunk of her flesh with it. “Funny, I can barely feel a thing.”

It was partially the blood loss and partially her constitution since her own nature as a True Hybrid made it so she could ignore such wounds for a while. However there was more, Akeno could feel it. Her mana was different, its quality had been improved several times the moment she started using Holy Energy.

And it was Holy Energy, not just Holy Lightning. ‘Maybe I had nothing to worry about.’ With a shrug she summoned EM and breathed in relief as her organs and flesh were restored. “Funny, I could have sworn that using Holy Energy would kill me.”

“Akeno, what is happening?” Xenovia’s voice got her attention and she quickly glanced at the group, all watching her in shock. Well not all, Liz’s eyes were locked in Lakmia.

“That is Divine Energy. A subsection of it
 I didn’t know devils could do that
” Rossweisse observed with curiosity, much to Akeno’s frustration which the Valkyrie noticed. “Ah! Sorry. It is just
 devils can use Divinity?”

“That wasn’t Divinity! That was Holy Energy!” Xenovia claimed confidently, it was too similar to Durandal’s for her to be mistaken.

“Aren’t they more or less the same thing?” Gasper asked but Akeno didn’t hear the answer, her focus back on Lakmia.

Without her sword the woman was less of a threat but she quickly corrected that flaw when she grabbed two others from the floor. “Sure Luck would have you falling close to them. Of course.” There was no sarcasm, the Queen wasn’t even surprised.

What surprised her was the necklace around Lakmia’s neck, a familiar gem resting on her breasts. Medusa’s Gift stared at her, looking inert and without its usual luster.

‘Is that
 Did she
’ Hatred, familiar but new burned in her chest as her grip on grew thigher and were her chain made of steel she would be bleeding even more.

Yet her face remained calm and as elegant as always while any sort of hesitation she could have about killing the woman before her, a person she knew most of her life, died and withered.

The Queen almost asked why she had the Gift but it was easy to guess because greed took over Lakmia. So Akeno grew content with just glaring at and planning a very painful demise for the older woman.

“Holy Energy
 Did you inherit it from your father? Baraqiel?” Already the Matron felt her reserves stabilizing as she got ready for combat. “My mistake for not looking deeper on who your father was, Akeno. My apologies.”

“Oh, you don’t have anything to apologize for. I hated him.” Confessed the Queen as EM returned to its magic circle and her chain moved around her arm until its nail was on her hand.

“‘Hated’? Past tense. Tch, he isn’t part of your world anymore.” Lakmia was still watching her and the group in the corner but more and more she was convinced they weren’t going to intervene.

Just like Akeno wanted. “No, he isn’t. We aren’t ready to face each other yet.” The chains in her left arm coiled around it while the right side grew so she could hold it in front of her eyes. “But I am grateful for all he gave me, including the power to kill you.” Violet Lightning sparked around the hybrid. “By the way, it is going to hurt a lot, before you die.”

Taking a deep breath, Lakmia shook her head in disappointment. “You are the one about to die, child. If you think some Holy Element can change that outcome you are mistaken.” Her oppressive aura was back but Akeno’s new energy kept it at bay rather easily, much to the devil’s frustration.

“Fufu, doesn’t look like it.” Lightning focused on the nailhead of the chain and it began to transform as Thunder was added to it. ‘Whoa, this is much easier. Didn’t know Holy LIghtning was that much malleable.’

It wasn’t, what Akeno hadn’t realized just yet was that she had more Holy than just Holy Lightning coming from a different source and connection she had established recently.

The truth wasn’t remaining hidden but was occult for Akeno wasn’t aware of how much richer and powerful her mana became thanks to the angelic side of her existence. For comparison, manipulating mana before, magic circuits or not, was like she was trying to fit water in a mold that she needed to measure just right.

Now it wasn’t water she was playing with but clay of the softest kind that with just a command of the ravenhead could become hard as diamond before going soft again in the blink of an eye.

Formerly she had arrowheads for her chains because they were easy to mold without extra focus; not much bigger than the links of the chains themselves unless she needed an explosion of some sort like when she did with Thunder.

Nails or spikes were always what she wanted in her whips, after all. “Raiden!!” Thunder roared at her throw, a gigantic ball of the Element far more stable than any before flying towards Lakmia.

The Matron flew to the side and watched as the east wall was demolished, taking many rooms and things with it. Had Lakmia still been hanging around the direction Shirou was in, Akeno wouldn’t have dared to launch that sort of attack, it was just too powerful. It was the redhead’s turn to dodge debrids of all kinds but she solved most of her troubles with a magic circle.

Akeno attacked with a dozen Thunder Spheres flying in Lakmia’s direction much to her surprise as that was against what she observed in the Arena since the original chain still existed and the redhead could see the giant sphere still breaking her wall apart.

Powering herself even further and draining more from the King Piece, Lakmia blocked Thunder with her swords and mana while ignoring the explosions that threatened to shatter her borrowed swords, eyes fixed on Akeno.

The Queen raised her arms and began to gather energy and Lakmia took it as a sign that she was preparing for a bigger attack. Concerned with what could be coming the Matron prepared a magic circle beneath her feet to take whatever the younger woman was about to unleash.

Lightning gathered and was unleashed as expected and Lakmia fortified her magic circle and herself, ready for the Holy Element. A bright flash of light had the devil strengthening it further as she was forced to close her eyes. For those reasons she couldn't see what was coming until it was too late.

Not until the Raiden had hit her whole body until both made contact with another wall of the manor, the sphere exploding at the end for good measure.

"Rossweisse!!" The Queen didn’t need to call at all, the Valkyrie saw her chance and dashed towards the right hallway at full speed.

She was moving faster than before as no longer there was an enemy to worry about. At least for a few seconds as mana exploded around Lakmia’s location, the manor falling apart around the devil as she was bleeding all over and had a murderous look in her face.

Demonic Energy surged around the woman as her battered and bruised body burned away the Holy Energy that should be consuming her as dregs of the Celestial power poured from her body.

That wasn’t Akeno’s concern. “Liz, Xenovia, Gasper! Go to Gremory Castle and call Zeoticus-sama!!” She barely finished the order and Lakmia was already flying to the side with several magic circles in tow unleashing blasts of mana everywhere. ‘No, you don’t! You are not just trying to stop us!!’

For the Queen saw the feint for what it was; sure the blasts of power were flying towards her friends but Akeno knew they weren’t the Matron’s true target, not by the angle that she was going for.

Opening her own wings for the first time in a while, the Queen noted a new surge of energy seemed to fill her being as her power felt even more stable. There were other changes as well but Akeno had less than a second to react in pursuit of what she identified as Lakmia’s last hope. Something she refused to let the woman reclaim.

More and more of the area fell apart as milliseconds ticked, too much was broken and too much was going to break as the walls began to crumble.

Power of Luck was still active and the entrance hall was damaged enough that the roof began to fall apart, none of which on Lakmia’s path but plenty of chunks fell around everyone else, some even hiding the blasts of mana going in their direction.

Each reacted differently; Liz grabbed Gasper by the neck and began to carry him to the exit while Xenovia enacted Durandina’s power to protect them, Rossweisse ignored the attacks and rocks even when hit in the back as she successfully arrived on the right hallway.

The Valkyrie, still under the orders of her god, would fulfill her mission, trusting her new acquaintances to take care of themselves. Especially the ravenhead Queen.

Akeno also ignored everything in her path as she shot through like a missile hell bent to reach her target. Demonic energy grew weaker around her new violet aura and debris weren’t enough to harm her anymore. Nothing could take her eyes away from the same object Lakmia wanted to get back; the flower sword.

After the Queen’s last attack not only the pureblood devil ended up extremely wounded but her weapons were destroyed and she knew the only way out of that mess was with the best weapon around, the latest work of the Mage of Swords.

Reaching the same conclusion both women raced at top speed in a maneuver that could change the fight’s outcome.

Lakmia could feel her confidence growing as the sword grew closer, she undid every safety measure around the Power of Luck, fully unleashing it to make sure nobody could get close. From her peripherals she could already see some of her subordinates stirring and moving, loyal men who would die for her.

Once she had her sword and the numbers on her side, she was sure victory would be hers.

However she didn’t account how fast the fight was going, or better yet, her opponent. Akeno moved so swiftly that she overcame Lakmia like a violet blur and grabbed the flower sword just as the devil was about to grasp it.

In seconds all her hopes were dashed and replaced with rage. “Akeno-” Her words went missing as she saw the young woman. Specifically the wings in her back. “What? That- Those are not-”

“Akeno?” Xenovia, who stood in front of the exit to secure her friends’ retreat, was just as shocked and it soon spread as the few devils standing up looked to the Queen with confusion.

Flying above everyone’s heads wasn’t a devil, she couldn’t be a devil, it was just impossible despite previous knowledge they all had that Himejima Akeno was the Reincarnated Queen of Rias Gremory.

” One of the devils managed to say with some wonder and fear that all of them were feeling.

“That can’t
 It isn’t possible!” Lakmia protested with hatred. "Daughter of Baraqiel or not, you can’t be an angel!”

For in her back wasn’t the bat-like wings of devils but a pair that could only belong to the Celestial beings made by God. Only they weren’t the same, much to the devils’ confusion as instead of a pair white as a cloud or black as the night, Akeno presented them with a new color that was no less majestic.

Amused by their reactions, Akeno looked at her back and her smile grew wider. “Oh my, those escaped by accident
 Yet I can safely say,” she elegantly spun in the air only to stop in a provocative position with her wings fully open and on display, “they fit me quite well, don’t you think?”

Purple feathers shone brightly, piercing the darkness of the manor and captivating her audience with a flare worth of worship.

They banished all darkness and demonic power before her presence, truly demonstrating the Holy in her being while acting like a beacon capable of guiding a ship in the foggiest of nights.

However that was only for the lost and those dear to Akeno for the devils present, her enemies, felt the oppressive presence of a high noon sun in the Sahara Desert, ready to give them a horrible death by just existing if they were not careful.

But most of that was ignored by those like Xenovia and Lakmia as their eyes were mostly stuck in the purple wings and trying to piece together where they came from. ‘Is that
 because of Medusa.’ Only the former Exorcist could come to the right conclusion.

Not that Akeno didn’t suspect or think much about it in the first place, lost in the rush of energy her wings seemed to grant her. ‘This is completely different from devil wings. Just having them in the open like this
 It feels so warm.’ Had the situation be different the Queen of the Arena would be hugging herself and appreciating the blessing she had been given. ‘Can’t imagine living without this

She thought about all fallen angels she had ever met, including her father, and couldn't help but pity them. Especially her father who Akeno knew had Fallen for his family.

‘Then again, maybe with God it was different.’ Akeno pondered as her huge wings, far bigger than her bat-like wings, took over her focus for a moment. While a devil’s wings were on average as tall as their torsos, angel wings could be taller than they were, much like her own. “Well, well, well. This is news to me.” However the moment passed and her eyes shifted to Lakmia. “Not what I planned but, they helped.” Commented the Queen while raising the flower sword.

Examining the piece of work, Akeno couldn’t remember ever seeing a sword like that which had her deducing it was Shirou’s original creation in more than one manner. Structural Analysis followed next and the ravenhead found herself surprised by the information pouring in her mind.

Not the information itself but how easy it was to use the spell, her circuits basically used the spell precisely, perfectly, with not a single drop of extra energy spent.

There was no heat as the information came to her mind as vivid as a memory and almost like she was watching Shirou work over his shoulder. Every detail about the flower sword came to her and had Akeno had any real skill as a smith she could make a good attempt of forging it.

She would fail, not only because of her lack of experience but also the lack of other skills to make such a complex weapon, but it would have been a decent attempt nonetheless.

Which was why Akeno could say confidently, “Shirou-kun really works too much. Even when he is hesitant, he does his best to make something that will last
 Something the owner should appreciate.” Her eyes turned to Lakmia with fury as the devil gritted her teeth. “But you didn’t appreciate him enough. You just wanted more, more and more.” Touching an edge with a finger, the True Hybrid’s mana danced. “That is why you get nothing.”

Reinforcement wasn’t Akeno’s best spell, she could use it to a good extent but she preferred using her aura and natural strength whenever possible. Medusa, however, saw that spell’s potential so it was included in her dancing lessons. The thing about Reinforcement was the careful balance between filling something with enough mana for it to grow stronger.

Or not place too much and watch as the affected object could break apart in hundreds of pieces. The flower sword case was no different as it broke apart despite its many blades and the enhanced metal in its interior.

Lakmia watched with anger as her prize possession, the best sword in the manor save Durandal, was obliterated and with it her chances of victory pretty much went down hill.

“And with that, you have nothing left. Unless any of the swords around here can be of any use?” Akeno asked in a teasing tone, both knowing the answer. Despite the devil’s power, odds were that no other sword around could survive their fight. “Now are you going to be a good girl and accept your punishment?” Holding her chain’s nails once again, she was eager. “Or are you going to be stubborn? Please, choose the latter.”

Considering every option at her disposal and the fact that most of her enemies escaped in different directions, Lakmia had little choice. “Kill the angel!!” Ordered the devil and her six standing subordinates grabbed some weapons while she flew deeper into the manor.

Fighting was mostly pointless now and Lakmia knew it, her title of Matron would be taken and she would be arrested at best, banished most likely but executed if Rias was particularly vengeful.

So escaping was her best bet, she could negotiate later but clearly Akeno wasn’t going to let her live.

Which was proved one a Holy Lightning Bolt almost fried her alive just and almost made the Matron miss the right hallway. She had escape plans, allies outside of the Gremory and plenty of things to use as leverage. But Lakmia knew it wouldn’t be easy as the ravenhead quickly dispatched what were probably her last loyal men.

‘I need to kill the angel!’ Thought Lakmia with fury as she turned a corner to a specific hall in her manor. ‘She somehow broke her Evil Piece. Her existence is a threat to the Gremory!’ And the Matron had one last card to play.

Behind her Akeno had just killed her last standing subordinates with a single whip of her chain. “You aren’t escaping!” Declared the High Priestess in fast pursuit. Refusing to let Lakmia out of her sigh, she almost didn’t notice the bluehead to her left. “Xenovia? Shouldn't you-”

“If you say I should be going to the castle and leave you alone I am going to cut your new shining wings off.” The Queen was legitimately impressed she could talk normally despite the speed they were running. “By the way, care to explain that?”

“You know my father is Baraqiel, right?”

“Got the gist of it but why purple?”

“Because Medusa?”

“Figured as much.” Durandal’s aura powered its owner more, helping her keep up. “Where is she going? Shouldn’t she be trying to escape?” Her breathing was starting to grow heavy.

Superhuman or not, beyond human limits or not, they were going fast and she was the only person actively using her legs.

“You have no idea how many nobles and leaders have secret passages or something at their homes.” Through her chain Akeno sent multiple Thunder Spheres and Lightning Bolts towards their enemy. Power of Luck shouldn’t help Lakmia in a straight run but she turned just in time. “She probably is trying to either get rid of us or get to one of those passages. Perhaps even to Shirou-kun if she plans to use him as a hostage.”

They had no choice but to trust that Rossweisse would get to their redhead first as they chased the devil. All they could tell for sure was that Lakmia wasn’t going in the right direction, going for several hallways and rooms in what seemed to be random patterns.

It also didn’t take long for Akeno to shift behind Xenovia and grab her from behind. “What are you doing?!”

“Carrying you! This will be faster!” But instead of carrying her from the side, Akeno grabbed the bluehead to carry her much like one would a bride.

Which didn’t bother Xenovia as much as the fact she was being carried in the first place. “I am a knight!! I can run on my own!”

Her complaints lasted until Akeno accelerated, focusing exclusively on speed.

They were moving so fast that neither of the pursuers noticed that they were moving around the same hallways, the same rooms. Little by little they were destroyed at every pass as the fast speeds started to demolish the area and as Lakmia tried to land a magic circle in a specific wall.

Her time was running out as with her new burst of speed Akeno was starting to catch up and the Matron had to add another corner to her escape. They ended up in a new room with several portraits and thanks to Power of Luck many of them started to fall in Akeno’s path.

But Luck couldn’t out do pure power and Akeno just pushed through while trying to get an angle to shoot the devil down.

However Luck belonged to one person in that fight and thanks to the detour in that escape route Lakmia succeeded in connecting a magic circle to the right wall and doing a sharp turn into a secret passage.

Neither of the pursuers could do anything as the passage closed but Akeno let her friend go quickly and as safely as possible, forcing her to roll or get hurt, before unleashing Holy Lightning towards the right wall.

A magic circle revealed itself and a barrier of some sort stopped her attack forcing the Queen to bite back a curse.

“You are more powerful.” Xenovia commented with a smile as she rushed towards the barrier, sword held high. “But still not as strong as Durandal!!” She proved her point by breaking the barrier and the wall in one go. “Hah.”

Akeno had no problems letting Xenovia feel pride in herself as she saw the pit going down a considerable height. “Is this
 an elevator?”

“Like the Arena’s? Makes sense, I guess
” The bluehead also looked down and was glad that her glasses were enchanted to not fall. “Can’t see the bottom. Also aren’t all the elevators slow?”

“She forced it faster with magic or maybe there wasn’t one.” Akeno didn’t consider that important and offered Xenovia her arm, earning a raised eyebrow. “Planning on jumping?” Asked the ravenhead with her usual smile.

Rolling her eyes the knight threw her arm around Akeno’s shoulders who moved to hold her waist. Then they jumped, allowing gravity to carry them to the abyss with a small pull from the ravenhead’s wings for some acceleration.

When they were about to slam on the ground the Queen moved her wings once and all momentum was gone in less than a heartbeat, something she was pretty sure she couldn't do with devil wings and was even ready to call a magic circle and slow down their descent.

However some sort of instinct told her it wasn’t necessary. “Huh, those wings are better than my old ones.” Commented Akeno after they landed, still on guard.

“Angel wings, right? Devil wings have to be worse since those weren’t made by God.” Xenovia pointed out.

“My, oh my. Don’t let the older devils hear that.” Their faces lost all amusement as they noted they were standing on the elevator.

Xenovia cut them an entrance and when they landed they saw an elegant hallway with several paintings depicting combat and war. “Doesn’t look like an escape route.”

Akeno hummed in agreement and both started to run , her wings retreating into her back as there was no space to fly. Immediately she felt some of her body’s energy vanish and almost lost a step before recovering her balance.

‘Angel wings feel too different. The surge of strength when they are there and the emptiness when they are gone
’ Akeno shook her head, focusing ahead.

However it was noticed and elicited some concern. “Are you alright?” Xenovia couldn’t have her partner fail in the middle of the fighting after all.

“Better with wings, worse without.” The hallway ended shortly and the girl’s slowed down as they noticed a huge room of some sort. It was time to be more cautious of traps and such. “They are
 certainly special.”

“Probably because they are part of your connection with your goddess?” At the surprise look she got Xenovia shrugged. “It's her color, right? Besides, Lord Michael’s wings were the same but gold, marking him as the one in the Throne of Heaven.”

Then they arrived at the dome and jaws dropped at the sight greeting the duo; swords, swords everywhere to the point the walls of the dome were almost hidden.

Every inch and corner of the walls seemed to have a sword of some sort hanging there like trophies but it wasn’t just the walls that were full, the ground level had even more swords.

Several shelves with dozens upon dozens of swords on all sides formed hallways upon hallways that extended throughout the whole room which either could calculate was several kilometers in length with hundreds of those.

That was the equivalent of thousands upon thousands of swords, not even accounting for the ones in the walls and just the sight was enough to give Akeno and Xenovia a bad feeling.

“This is a trap, isn’t it?” Managed to ask the Queen after swallowing her surprise.

“But she is here.” The knight began to march forward only to the ravenhead to grab her arm. “We can’t let her get away.”

“Why? Doesn’t matter what she has, once the Gremory, Rias, knows what she did, she won’t find peace anywhere.” Thinking objectively, that was the best play.

However neither of them was really thinking objectively or they would haven’t jumped there in the first place and when Akeno saw a shadow moving around the hallways she jumped forward and unleashed Lightning towards it.

Both heard a gasp in Lakmia’s voice and charged towards her only to see the devil holding her shoulder with a scowl. She quickly shot back several blasts with a single magic circle and the two younger women rushed for cover before the devil stopped.

Nodding at each other they came to the silent agreement of going through opposite sides at the same time. It was similar to what happened above with Akeno reaching their enemy first only for Lakmia to be already moving deeper in the labyrinth.

Without a drop of hesitation Akeno started to accumulate mana for a huge blast of power. "Lightning Bolt!!!” The attack carried so much Holy Energy that it should decimate Lakmia.

Except Luck was still on her side and the woman smiled as just a small touch had a shelf falling in front of her and blocking the hit completely much to Akeno’s disbelief since with the amount of power behind that attack was more than enough to take down a skyscraper.

“Those shelves are-” Magically enhanced but she had no time to finish the line as the swords from that particular one flew in her direction in several absurd arches and angles. She didn’t hesitate to fly and dodge, going full speed until she reached the top of the dome where there was a painting of the sky. “Don’t destroy them, Xenovia! The Power of Luck is out and at full force!!!”

“It is more than that, Akeno~” Lakmia’s voice seemed to be speaking from everywhere and nowhere all at once. “Tell me, have you ever heard of the Gate of Babylon? Everyone must have at some point in their lives, I am sure.” The Queen looked everywhere for her enemy but found nothing, the tall shelves blocking her view. “It is said to be the most powerful Noble Phantasm, a deposit capable of safekeeping everything while under the control of a family with Divine lineage. I always wanted one since I was a little girl, maybe that is where my taste for weapons came from? Mwahahahaha!!”

A chill ran through Akeno’s spine as she remembered Angelo and how he almost killed Shirou in minutes without anyone being none the wiser. “You weren’t calling your weapons or anything like that!”

“True, but it never stopped a girl from wishing to have something like that. By the well, look down, a little to the left.” She did and saw Xenovia looking around with Durandal raised defensively. “You see, Akeno, here I am a Demon. The real deal, everything is under my control.” The shelf closest to the bluehead began to fall but the knight destroyed it and bashed the swords away with a mighty swing. “Everything.”

Another chill as the whisper seemed to echo and Akeno realized how deeply they fell in the Matron’s trap. ‘This place- this whole place- It is like a magician’s workshop! No, it is worse.’ From her peripherals, she saw a sword move by itself and jump from its resting place. ‘This is the palm of her hand!’

With a chain Akeno immediately destroyed the swords closest to her location but her angle was an odd one and the dome was too big to get too many before a section of them jumped off their resting as she felt mana all through the area making the swords shake.

‘Some sort of mechanism or spell!’ Either way Akeno didn’t have time to care as Xenovia had to move around the area and as shelves fell around her and swords flew in her direction. “XENOVIA STOP MOVING!!!!!!”

Panic already took hold of the Queen but the former Exorcist was calm enough to follow the instruction and just focused on the blades coming at her from the front and sides. Only when she saw Akeno’s shadow did she look up and saw an ocean of swords falling in her direction.

Had she kept moving around then Akeno wouldn’t have time to embrace her with her wings and arms, surround them both with as much of her power as she could just before all swords from the ceiling and all blades from several shelves jumped in their direction.

Violet aura flared as the ravenhead as all swords around the area fell on them with Lakmia’s mana and the Power of Luck boosting their damage. Mana challenged mana and even if it was just a little there were enough swords and they were heavy enough that soon they would get a hit.

Making matters worse was the Devil’s Luck side of the equation as many of the swords that fell ricocheted other swords towards Akeno only to be repealed before hitting something else and come back again in improbable maneuvers.

Improbable but not impossible and with Lakmia influencing the blades patterns and using magic to accelerate or make them more lethal it was only a matter of time before the hybrid’s power began to fail and her body took real damage.

Yet she still held the knight who began to grow uncertain with the sound of metal hitting metal outside of Akeno’s wings. Wings that grew taller, enough to protect them both as best as Akeno could and yet the space on her back between them remained exposed, a small weak spot between the lungs.

Big enough so that the Power of Luck could still hit her on the exact center of her back just where her wings started, meanwhile raining death all around them and there was exactly the first place she bled.

The other was her wings themselves as Celestial appendages or not they still bleed, proof of her origins as a True Hybrid or not, she was still a feasible existence, attainable and understandable.

Steel could harm her if strong enough and with probabilities stacked against her on the metaphysical level that meant there was no escape. The Queen was bleeding and fighting to keep herself from flinching while raising her defenses as best as she could.

“Akeno!!!” Xenovia shouted in concern and tried to break free at the painful look in her friend’s face. “Let me go!” She tried to break free and help as blood poured from the wings. “Let me fight! At least save yourself!”

There was no way Akeno would allow her so and the hug grew tighter. “It is almost over
” Commented the Queen with a smile that didn’t hide how much pain she was in. Still it was an honest smile for the friend in her arms was safe.

Durandal couldn't save the bluehead from that kind of assault, she would be torn to pieces in seconds unless Akeno took the full brunt of it and the ravenhead had no problems in embracing the pain even as hundreds of swords pelted her wings and slashed her back from many directions.

Just under two minutes hundreds of blades tried to cut through Akeno but she held firm, stopping them from reaching her body or Xenovia at all. Every single one ended up bouncing from her wings once or twice but thankfully the attack had to end and it soon did. Power of Luck or not physics were still applied.

Most of them just lost momentum and fell to the side or their flight paths ended shortly after another blade tried to bounce them back towards Akeno. Energy was spent and fortunately for the Queen once too many swords fell on the floor there was nothing picking them up or forcing more attacks.

Eventually they all just fell down with no hands to keep them going and no magic to continue the attack. That was the downside of the Power of Luck; it could make the improbable possible no matter how unlikely but not truly the impossible, it couldn’t muster things from nowhere and it couldn’t force the existence of what wasn’t there.

That was why the attack stopped and Akeno couldn’t help but relax a little in relief once she stopped feeling her wings being attacked. Slowly she began to let go of Xenovia and open her wings so the bluehead could see the outside but then the Queen fell to her knees and the knight had to catch her.

“Akeno! Oh my God
” Xenovia couldn’t help herself for the view around her was like a battle had just been recently fought and Akeno had been the sole participant.

Hundreds of blades rested around them in a circle, some standing, others laying on the floor with every shelf in an area of one hundred meters demolished. Some of the swords themselves were damaged too with handles torn and blades cracked as anything and everything was used to keep the attack going.

But Xenovia’s horror came from the visage on Akeno’s wings and back. She knew nothing about angel biology so she couldn’t say what was worse but her friend was bleeding a lot and that was cause for alarm.

The vibrant purple had faded away with how much dark red had taken over, enough blood to fill a barrel with her wings alone and perhaps a little more. That wasn’t even what Xenovia was seeing on her friend’s back and the main source of her horror.

From the bluehead’s point of view it was like someone had used a chainsaw and tried to rip her apart while going for different angles everytime they failed or used a lawnmower to tear her wings off.

Her training was the only thing keeping Xenovia calm. “Akeno, you need to summon EM and-” The sound of air being disrupted warned her something was coming and Durandal batted away a sword coming at the ravenhead’s neck. “You bitch!!”

“Apologies but Akeno needs to die.” Lakmia's voice sounded from everywhere again and the former Exorcist could say for certain she hated that trick. “You understand that, don’t you, Akeno?”

“She figured it out.” A bitter chuckle escaped the Queen as Xenovia held her side and moved around the circle of swords looking for the devil.

“Figured out what?”

“I am a True Hybrid and not really a devil
” She whispered weakly, raised an arm calling EM to her hand. It slipped through her fingers. “Oh
 I think I lost too much blood again.” Also used too much mana as her exhaustion told her.

If before she felt like a car running with nitro for the first time now every single drop of fuel was mostly used and Akeno didn’t think she would be fighting anytime soon even if her wounds were healed.

“For God’s sake!” The knight crouched to pick the scalpel up but abandoned the idea as a sword and a blast of mana came for her back. Durandal unleashed its power and got rid of both, her eyes failing to find Lakmia.

“Can you please not say that name in my home?” There was hatred in her tone. “The Enemy can't help you or his little angel! A pity, really.” Sounding hurt the woman threw a sword from another direction that was easily deflected. “Truth be told, Akeno you were my favorite of Rias Peerage. I loved our discussions and you certainly knew your tea. Then again, a spy has to have many skills, right?”

“She got it all wrong.” Xenovia pointed out loud, hoping the redhead would do something more drastic.

Silence took over for a second. “Did I? Perhaps I am wrong
 but that is even worse. The Evil Piece System works because once someone is Reincarnated they can’t return to what they were before. Once a devil there should be no going back.” There was no attack as Lakmia revealed herself from behind a shelf with a saber in her hand. “Even if Akeno is just a glitch, she is a threat to the system and if it falls, Sirzechs will follow it sooner or later. And with him, the Gremory. For its sake, Himejima Akeno must be eliminated.”

Mostly Lakmia was justifying things for herself and Akeno as her previous words were true and she did care for the ravenhead even if just a little.

“Don’t act like you weren’t going to kill us before!” Xenovia began to prepare Durandal for a long range attack.

“I wanted information, dear. Killing you was always a risk that could make Rias more mad at me.” The moment she rushed to her collection Lakmia had already accepted her plan had failed. “Soon the people of the castle will show up and it would be better for my health if I am not around.” Pointing her sword to Akeno she added. “But Rias won’t kill Akeno and so I must do it. For the Gremory!”

“Durandal!!” Holy Energy gathered and was about to be unleashed in a wave that destroyed many swords but failed to reach the devil before she ducked to the side. ”Durandal!!”

Only for Xenovia to let out another on the hallway where Lakmia was trying to escape and fail when one of the shelves moved to be intercepted as a magic circle tumbled it to the side.

The moment the furniture was hit swords flew in the bluehead’s direction and she changed tactics. “Durandina!!” White turned to bronze as Xenovia focused to protect herself even as most of the swords went to Akeno’s direction.

Already hiding again Lakmia let out a growl of irritation. “If you let me kill her-”

“Go to hell!!” Bronze turned to white and another blast went in a random direction only for the closest shelf to fall and block it far too soon. “Shit!”

Bronze returned and with her skill Xenovia blocked every sword that came in her direction as Akeno would be safe while she was safe. Fortunately for her there weren’t any swords on the ceiling above their position or else the bluehead would be definitively dead.

Realizing that she studied every corner of the dome and noted that leaving her position was a terrible idea. ‘Besides this spot, everywhere else has swords and then there are the shelves on the ground.’ Gritting her teeth she moved Akeno to the circle of sword’s center and began to move around her. ‘If I leave she can either kill Akneo or throw another rain of swords at me. But this isn’t all bad.’

Time was on their side as Lakmia previously stated. Sooner or later Liz and Gasper would be back with reinforcements and the woman would be dealt with.

“As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me.” And she knew that. “Let me kill her and you can leave. I can no longer Reincarnate your Master safely and Akeno’s death will benefit him as well since he is allied with the Gremory.”

“Heh, you can go fuck yourself.” Xenovia replied confidently, her eyes jumping around and hunting for her prey. “If you think abandoning a comrade is ever an option, you really don’t know me or my Master. That would be the greatest shame.”

A sigh could be heard throughout the dome. “Why are humans so stupid?”

Swords flew and Durandal held on.

Rossweisse kept following the rune deeper in the manor while ignoring every instinct demanding her to turn around and help her new allies or the sounds of the battle still going strong behind her.

Valkyrie or not she wasn’t the sort that liked watching people kill each other and tried to help whenever she could. It was one of the many reasons why she dedicated herself so much to her craft. Why she could be called a genius and graduated early with top marks, she didn’t want to just escort the dead.

Thanks to her diligence she reached the point where when taken to a battlefield much younger Rossweisse did manage to save a few lives, much to her grandmother’s pride for her skill and kindness.

She never was one who liked to abandon people when helping was an option, however there was little the white haired maiden could do. There was an argument somewhere that she was already pushing the boundaries of her orders by advancing deeper in the manor alone but she would ignore that.

What she couldn't ignore was the eyes on her and Rossweisse was pretty sure who owned them.

Odin’s eyes were still on her and she knew it, that sensation of being watched kept tingling on the back of her head and she could recognize Huginn or Muninn’s presence in the area better than most after months with her god.

And Odin was her god. No matter how much she disliked his personality or disregard for her. He was her god, former King of Asgard and Old Man of the North. Only Freya could compare as Queen of Vanir but Rossweisse wasn’t one of the Goddess of Beauty’s Valkyries.

No, she was born from Odin’s servants, raised to believe him and taught to follow the King of Asgard in battle if ever needed. Odin was her god and disobeying him was so far from her mind that she could only go around direct commands while still doing her best to follow them nonetheless.

Rossweisse took a right when the rune shifted, she was getting close to her target and the many rooms inside the mansion went ignored as her eyes remained locked in the rune tracking someone with a noble soul.

Still from her peripherals she saw quite a bit and couldn’t help but wonder, ‘Are the devils so loaded to waste money in stupid paintings?’ Those were works of art but someone like her never cared for that sort of art. ‘Are health benefits good too? No, maybe it is because the owner of the place is a noble
 Yeah, that has to be it.’ Not someone who lived from paycheck to paycheck.

Another joke from Odin as she was due a raise from her position alone if asked. She just never did and he wasn’t going to point that out.

However Rossweisse’s thoughts would never stop her from her duty of helping a noble soul and that was why she turned in a big empty room the second the rune changed positions. Finding nothing she kept running only to notice the rune shifting again for an empty hallway and taking a sharp turn.

Only for the rune to turn again just as she just before the next hallway.

Rossweisse stopped running to study the rune and move it around while standing in place. “Hmm.” Moving her hand around she watched as the rune kept pointing to a wall. Or at least something inside the wall. “A hidden room?”

Placing her free hand on the wall Rossweisse closed her eyes and began to focus. Supposing that a hidden room existed there had to be an entrance somewhere and be it mechanical or magical it would be a good idea to try and feel the place before barging in.

Quickly she detected three things; two people and a boundary field of some sort.

Both people were weak with one of them growing weaker at an alarming rate which made her worried. Swallowing her concerns, Rossweisse focused on the boundary field to try and perceive some sort of trap or lock. Her hand left the wall and she released the tracking rune to work with both.

Quickly several runes were drawn and soon they were giving her all the information she could ever need. ‘An alarm, absorption, anti scrying, misdirection, suppression, specific people’s lock, especial permissions. This boundary field wasn’t rushed at all
’ A dark look took over the Valkyrie’s gorgeous features. ‘How many have been stuck in that room?’

Because there was no longer any doubt the wall was hiding a room and while she could force it open the boundary field would be triggered. The alarms were useless at that point, combat had already started and focusing on her senses Rossweisse found herself surprised it was over as she detected little.

Akeno’s power was still a beacon with Lakmia’s trying to outshine her only to fail badly. ‘There is Divinity in her, no doubt about it. Had she had Divine blood herself I would call her a Valkyrie.’

Rossweisse cut off that train of thought and focused exclusively in the boundary field. Someone needed help, her allies were counting on her and the job didn’t wasn’t against Odin’s orders. To an extent that was but her boss’ familiars weren’t showing themselves so arguably she hadn’t disobeyed just yet.

At least that was what the Valkyrie decided to run with.

Sure there was a second presence in the room but she wanted to get in before worrying about whoever was guarding the Mage of Swords.

Dismantling a boundary field can take hours depending on its quality and deep inside the manor the one protecting the hidden room in particular was reinforced by the one outside and whatever tricks Lakmia could pull to make it stronger.

However the woman knew nothing about runes, especially Primeval Runes, so her defenses were basic at best against Rossweisse. The silver haired woman combined the runes to form a single one and took over the boundary field with ease. It wasn’t even a competition, that boundary field was made for secrecy and rewriting it wasn’t impossible, just annoying.

In that moment she could break it apart or just modify it to suit her needs. Destroying it would be the simplest solution but with its association with the boundary field outside the destruction may actually blow the whole place up. And that was deliberate from what she could perceive, Lakmia was not going to give up her prisoner easily.

So she just inserted ‘Rossweisse’ as the owner so the boundary field’s main functions wouldn’t work on her and it would allow her entrance while obeying any extra commands even without runes.

With it under her control Rossweisse turned around to the previous hallway and found a door that wasn’t there before. She marched towards it without hesitation, her hand opening the passage with enough force to have the door slam on the wall. Her eyes grew wide at a sight she almost couldn’t comprehend.

Two men were located in the center of what Rossweisse would call a medieval torture chamber and she expected the worse. By the equipment in the walls and floor; varied between torture chairs, ropes, chains, blades of several sizes and many other things, her original assumptions should belong in that room.

Instead there was no screams, no blood and as far as she could see at a first glance, no torture. No, what she saw were just two men, one standing with his hands on the other’s head.

It was just after a more cautious observation she noticed that the man standing had magic circles on his hands over the other man’s head who was sitting on a chair of pure ice locking at his wrists and ankles.

Conventional torture it was not, it was mental torture of that the Valkyrie was sure. “Stop- That can’t
 what?” She cut herself off when she noticed the two men's conditions.

The one standing had prosthesis for hands and looked completely exhausted and almost desperate. His mouth was foaming a little and his eyes showed signs of tears long dry. He didn’t look like an interrogator of any sort but had he been in the chair Rossweisse would be sure he was the prisoner.

The other, who she recognized fit Emiya Shirou’s description, looked too calm for someone who was having his mind invaded. ‘He is fine?’ With fast steps she approached the two, carefully not touching the ice as she recognized it from an excursion to Hades. ‘His eyes
 is he the one really being tortured?’

Every sign seemed to say ‘yes’ except for the fact that while Macabro, whose name Rossweisse didn’t know, looked completely lost and full of despair, Shirou’s eyes remained firm if just out of focus.

Her first assessment was correct, he was calm or at least appeared calm as his gaze remained looking at a horizon she couldn’t see and his breathing as steady as it could be.

‘How did this happen?’ Rossweisse was curious, truly curious. If the situation was a little differently she would be believing Shirou was the one doing the torture. “Can you hear me?” Macabro turned to her, his reaction slow and painful but thanks to it she managed to get a better look at him. “How are you still standing? You are showing symptoms of severe mana exhaustion.”

Sunken pale skin, shadows under his eyes which were red, lack of sweat as most liquid of his body was being used as a fuel to keep him going.

All indicated the man had gone above and beyond. And was still going.

However he was at the end of his rope and if he had magic circuits those would be fried from inside out and he would be long gone from the world of the living. Only the fact he was a devil kept him alive. That and, unknown to the Valkyrie, his Bishop Evil Piece that had expanded his capacities enough for him to last that long.

Macabro wouldn’t even be able to tell what exactly went wrong. Invading Shirou’s mind had been easy thanks to Lakmia’s herbs and the ice sapping his strength, too easy even. But the illusion itself, the nightmare he locked the redhead in, was extremely complicated and needed constant maintenance.

And the magus didn’t break, better yet he refused to break. The two talked inside Shirou’s mind several times and in every single one of those conversations the devil knew it would take years to instill despair in the redhead.

Regardless he tried, he pushed and while his body couldn’t keep up anymore, he was still there, both out of hatred and thanks to Lakmia’s commands.

“Orders.” He replied with a raspy voice as most of himself had been used as fuel for his illusions over the last few hours. “I must
 break him.”

A sigh escaped Rossweisse’s lips. “Your mistress has been defeated. Could you please let him go?” The Valkyrie wasn’t sure if she could separate the man from Shirou without killing him, which technically went against her orders.

Macabro’s eyes grew with hate. “Don’t care. Will break him.” His head turned back to Shirou, ignoring the Valkyrie completely both due to his order and his sincere desire of breaking the Mage.

‘What to do now?’ She fulfilled her mission and found the Mage of Swords but he was still being tortured, despite not looking like it. ‘Lord Odin’s orders were clear. Perhaps I can get Akeno or one of the others
’ Raising her head, Rossweisse noticed the boundary field was up as a second layer around the room and she couldn’t feel her god’s eyes on her. “Please let him go or I will use force.”

When she didn’t get a reaction, mostly because the man was giving his everything and his mind had melded with Shirou’s for interrogation. Most likely taunts as the one growing desperate in that situation wasn’t the redhead magus but the almost bald devil who just kept going.

Rossweisse sighed again and checked to make sure there were no eyes on her. “Sorry but you don’t have a choice.” Removing the man’s hands from Shirou’s head, he had no time to react as the white silver haired maiden pushed him into a wall. “Take a nap. You need it.”

Seconds later she watched as Shirou’s eyes came into focus and he let out a relieved breath. “Who is there? You aren’t Lakmia.” His relief vanished fast as he knew there was an unfamiliar presence around.

“Did they take your vision?” Rossweisse kneeled before him to study his eyes but they looked fine.

Feeling her gentle caress in his cheek, Shirou grew calm as she sounded concerned. “I think not
 It is just too dark.”

“Ah, yes, I forgot you are human. You probably can’t see without magic.” Runes could fix that for a while but first she needed to get him out of that chair.

Just before she started working he spoke again. “Are you an angel?”

“What? An angel?” Rossweisse flushed as that was considered a complement in many parts of the world. Accompanying her boss on his trips, she had received it several times from men and women flirting with her. “No- no. I am not. I mean-”

“Sorry, you smell like one.”

“Smell?” Suddenly she found herself curious again, studying Shirou’s face closely. It helped that he couldn't see. “Is that thing about using one of your senses to feel mana?”

“That is right.”

“Ah, so my presence is akin to an angel’s. Not odd I suppose since I am the servant of a god.”

“Either way, thanks for the help and taking Macabro out.” Noting he still couldn’t move, he asked, “You are helping me

“Oh, right. Sorry, just surprised.” Then she began to move around. “Stay calm, I will break the ice shortly.”

“Careful, it is-”

“From Cocytus. I know. I have been to Hades once, escorting prisoners.” She barely had graduated and it was before working directly under Odin but it was an easy job that didn’t really pay well.

Unless you were part of the elite for guarding the King of Asgard or one of the Valkyries traveling around the world to find worthy souls most of them didn’t pay well as Rossweisse had complained more than once.

“Great. So you know how to free me.” Shirou wasn’t going to take Lakmia’s words as fact if he could help it. In truth he also didn’t know Rossweisse and had no reason to trust her but doubted that it was some sort of scheme from the Matron who only employed men. “Do I have to do something?

“Try to not fall.” With her hand in the chair’s back, a rune banished the darkness for a moment before the ice fell apart completely.

Despite being warned and attempting his best Shirou couldn’t help but fall as his legs were stiff and weak. He had been sitting in the ice for hours with his strength being drained and there was little to muster.

However his back landed in something soft. “I got you.” Rossweisse informed as she gently had him sitting on the floor. “Hold still, I am going to use runes to improve your vision for a few hours.”

“Thank you.” Both understood it was for helping and informing him as a hand landed on his temple. Soon he was face to face with a silver haired maiden of breathtaking beauty and had he not been at least in one relationship he would have flushed. “Sorry but I believe I don’t know you. Emiya Shirou.”

Offering a handshake was a little weird as his arm was still numb but Rossweisse accepted it without troubles. “Rossweisse, personal bodyguard of God Odin, Retired King of Asgard.”

“Odin? Why would Odin send you to rescue me?”

Both shared confused looks until the Valkyrie remembered a previous conversation. “From what I understand, Governor General Azazel didn’t tell you that Lord Odin was going to instruct you in Primeval Runes, correct?”

She almost giggled at his dumbfounded face before the redhead let out a sigh of deep and profound exasperation mixed with exhaustion. “Of fucking course it was going to be someone like Odin. Just my luck that Azazel wouldn't tell me that. If he had, we wouldn’t be in that situation.” He facepalmed, despite his body’s weakness, and muttered another curse before turning to his savior. “Sorry about the language. Usually I am more polite with people I just met
 Or who saved my skin for that matter. Thanks again.”

“You seemed to be handling everything fine by yourself.” Rossweisse commented with a pensive look. “What exactly was he doing with you? Trying to breach your mind?”

“He trapped me in my worst nightmare
 my personal version of hell. That was also his mistake.” Turning his head, Shirou finally noted where Macabro was apparently unconscious and carved into a wall. “Too bad for him I already lived it and throwing the people I care about in it just made it easier to remember that it wasn’t real.”

“Why is that?” The Valkyrie didn’t wish to pry exactly on what his fear was but she was curious nonetheless.

Seeing the deep sadness in his expression made her regret asking. “Because I was alone in that hell until I was saved. He kept trying to mix it with memories of people I know couldn’t be there
 But I remember every detail about it vividly.” His eyes turned to Rossweisse and she was hit by how dead they looked. “Tell me
 is this another illusion? Another trick or different approach?”

Taking a moment to process the question, she gently shook her head and placed a hand on his shoulder. “No. If you need any proof then think about it like this; the more he tries to modify a memory the more mana he has to spend and you don’t know me.” She added confidently. “You never saw me and if he created me out of nothing he would be killing himself from exhaustion. Just like he had been doing by trying to modify a memory you could never forget.”

It completely justified the state she found they both in; Shirou wasn’t affected by the illusion because he knew it by heart and could deal with it while Macabro was actively trying to kill himself since the Mage couldn’t be broken by his nightmare alone.

Just by looking in his eyes Rossweisse could tell the reason for that was clear; whatever his personal hell was it had already broken him once and doing it a second time wasn’t on the cards.

He noticed the pity in her eyes instantly. “Hey, don’t look like that. I am fine. Mostly because you saved me. Admittedly I was growing a little bored by just walking around fire and destruction.”

“You are lying.” It wasn’t intuition or anything else that told Rossweisse that fact but the most simple things. The way his eyes avoided hers, how he sounded uncertain on the last lines or the small flinch on his weak body. “But that is fine. I understand you don’t know me. That is the type of thing you should talk about with your friends later.” She didn’t want to touch on how many lovers he also apparently had.

“Heh, yeah. They must be worried sick.” Then he smiled sincerely even if a little weak and exhausted.

Clearly he needed a distraction while his body recovered enough to move as Rossweisse was embarrassed about offering to carry him. “You said something about how you wouldn't be here if you knew about Lord Odin coming?”

“Yeah, I could have used it as an excuse to blow off this meeting.” Placing a hand close to his ear like a phone he started, “‘Hello, Lakmia, sorry I can’t go. A god is going to show up tomorrow and I would like to prepare for it. I knew you would understand’.” If his condition was a little better he would have thrown his arms in the air. “With how much she cared about the Gremory Clan, I am sure she would agree that learning from a god would be more important. Wouldn’t even be a lie since I would have cooked and it would take a lot of time to make a lot for everyone.”

“You cook?” The idea of a Mage, someone who was acknowledged for having reached the upper echelons of magic, cooking was foreign to her.

“Oh yeah. Just love seeing the faces of people enjoying my food. Just love it.” He chuckled after having a thought. “Hey, since you saved me from Lakmia, what about I cook you dinner?”

On one hand this person she just met was offering to cook for her after he had what she would consider a traumatizing experience. “Would love to.” On the other hand, Rossweisse would never say no to free food.

“Great. Finally going to have an excuse to cook something. With how much work I had over the month I couldn't step inside a kitchen.” His tone of longing made it clear he missed it. Then the redhead placed a hand on the floor. “But I think I already rested enough and we should be going-” He tried and failed to get up.

But that was fine since Rosswiesse was there to stop his fall. “No, you need to rest at least for a little while.” She said with a harsh look. “Give yourself ten minutes or so. The ice sucked every drop of energy you had. Maybe you are feeling better now since your body wasn’t actually moving but
” The silver haired maiden’s eyes grew sad. “Depending on the illusion you were in, your body may have reacted to it contrary to what was actually happening and made things worse.”

‘She is right.’ Shirou admitted with a nod.

While he had been sitting around for hours in reality, inside his mind he had been walking through fire and death for a similar amount of time. In the past just remembering that landscape would have been enough to activate some sort of curse in his body but while he felt none of it there were some other effects.

Mostly was due to adrenaline and the mental exhaustion that was trekking his worst memory with no end in sight for hours as his mental image basically moved without any conscious input from his part.

The memory played and replayed like he was stuck in a treadmill, his body never reaching the point where he would fall from exhaustion and Kiritsugu would save him. Instead all he had was devastation until Macabro had realized that his methods weren’t working and tried to mess with his head personally.

And while that didn’t work his body was stuck in the paradox feelings of having been sitting down for hours in the universe’s coolest and most uncomfortable chair while walking through the hottest hellscape outside a volcano.

“But is it safe to stay here?” He asked cautiously. “Depending on how you got in, Lakmia is most certainly to come check this place sooner or later. Or did Azazel call the ‘dogs’ on her.” Shirou chuckled at the thought.

That wasn’t a discussion Rossweisse wanted to have as Shirou was still weak but she wasn’t going to lie either. “My Lord Odin forbade anyone but a small group that included myself to come to your rescue.” While she had a low opinion of her god she would like the Mage to not share the same. “We managed to arrive here in a timely manner and thanks to your
 girlfriends opinions about yourself we rightfully deduced you were in danger.”

“Girlfriends? Akeno is here? And Xenovia?” Shirou was starting to grow concerned.

Rossweisse nodded. “Yes, we came here and-”

“Did you deal with Lakmia and her men?” He cut her off with clear panic.

“They were taking care of the Matron when I left-”

“So Lakmia has not been defeated yet?” Shirou immediately tried to stand up again only to fail. “Shit.”

“Calm down. You need to rest at least a little.” Rossweisse held his shoulder and while he couldn't struggle there was urgency in his eyes. “Look, while you were recovering I dropped the boundary field around this room and I can feel nothing. It probably means the fight is over.”

Shirou knew exactly why it didn’t. “If it was over both of them would be here to drag me back to the Vault.”

“Maybe they are too tired?” She offered delicately but his denial was evident even before he replied.

“Akeno would drag herself here to see if I am safe and Xenovia would get in this place even if she was half dead. They must still be fighting. We have to help them!” The magus wasn’t under any delusions he could do so himself at the moment, weak as he was. “Please, you have to check, Lakmia is more dangerous than you think.”

Patting his back the Valkyrie sighed. “Akeno was dominating the fight just before I left to find you. After she revealed her angel wings victory was pretty much certain.”

“Her angel wings? She revealed them
 To save me.” Shirou concluded calmly. “Where was it? On the deeper levels?” Because if Akeno was truly going all out he didn’t know what difference it could really make.

He could only hope it was where Lakmia was at her strongest and still the hybrid was winning.

Unfortunately his hopes were shattered. “It was in the entrance hall after we defeated several devils.” His eyes grew in horror, much to Rossweisse’s concern. “She was winning, I am certain of it. Every hit of her Holy Lightning looked capable of killing Lakmia if they connected.”

“But they aren’t going to connect, not if Lakmai can lure them into her collection.” His panic was back but instead of trying to get up Shirou was taking several deep breaths. “If they aren’t here, they are fighting. Is it just the two of them or

“We came here with Gasper and Liz as well. Although I suspect they will rush towards Gremory Castle the moment there is an opening.” At least Rossweisse sounded confident but she couldn't know for sure as most of her focus had been on finding the redhead.

Who gulped hard before saying, “Then it is just Akeno and Xenovia against Lakmia. If they are in her vault-”

“What is so special about it?” The Valkyrie decided the best way to put his concerns to bed was explaining them away.

“She made it inspired by the Gate of Babylon.” The name was so well known that Rossweisse shivered just by hearing it. “While it doesn’t hold as many weapons, just swords and none of which I would call treasures besides sentimental value, she collected the swords of all men who died in her service. Hundreds of thousands, especially after the Underworld Civil War.” Shirou’s eyes showed resolve but the panic was still there. “And she has spells added all over it, a trick to make those weapons to ‘jump’ to her from wherever she is inside the vault.”

Lakmia couldn't control them or had the swords move without prompt or even launch them very far unless she acted directly but there were so many weapons in her collection that Shirou could only describe that place, now that his memory was less foggy, as one thing:

“It is already a death trap without her Power of Luck. Add it to the control she has over her collection and it wouldn’t be a fair stretch to say Lakmia could use every sword there as missiles.”

Rossweisse was starting to understand the danger implied. “Either way, we can’t do anything.”

“You can help them!”

“My orders were to find you. Everything else is secondary.” It pained her to say it but Rossweisse said it nonetheless.

“Please, just go! You can still make it.” Shirou held her shoulders and while the white haired maiden allowed him to do so, her expression remained sad but resolute.

“My god ordered so.” And she was starting to hate Odin for it.

“Fuck the gods.” Still Shirou didn’t push her but himself as the Valkyrie gave him support.

She half expected him to fall but the man stood with his two feet faster than she expected. “How did you-”

“Touki.” His body was steel again but he was still weak. Despite that, Shirou had to hurry. “I need to get to the elevator-”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. You can stand as much as you want but you are still weak.” Rossweisse held his arm as she noticed he was almost falling again. “Look, have faith in them. They are strong.”

“I have faith but I also know their limits.” Maybe not as much as before but enough to leave him worried. “I also know that my condition is far from ideal but
 I have to try. I will try.” Gold and aqua eyes met. “Unless you are willing to fight. I think you are pretty much the only one who can.” It was easy to tell she was strong.

Yet she hesitated. “Lord Odin ordered-”

“You can explain while we walk.” He was insistent and for all her reluctance Rossweisse nodded in agreement. “Either way you can help me get there. I know the way and we can reach the vault by a hidden elevator.”

Finally his memory was all back and despite protests his body was ready to march whenever as every instinct told him that something had to be wrong. Of all his lovers he knew only Yoruichi wouldn’t rush to him if she knew someone else was going for his rescue. Akeno and Xenovia were the opposite unless something urgent happened.

Unless there was an enemy to be fought.

And neither of them knew what Lakmia was really capable of.

He needed to get moving, demanded to move and his body knew better than to ignore his wishes as it was his stubbornness and determination that had saved him from the fire where many others had given up and perished.

Rossweisse watched as a man who shouldn’t walk started to do so, with some effort sure but considering his condition that was unbelievable. ‘This is the sort of man who doesn’t stop. Can’t stop. Valhalla would truly welcome him.’ The Valkyrie noticed he was still pretty much dragging himself so she moved to his side. “Fine, we will take a look but I still can’t help. If she is really that dangerous

“Tell me about Odin. What exactly did he say?” They stopped just shy of the door and their eyes met again.

There were no debating pros and cons against Shirou’s look, his resolve alone had moved Rossweisse’s heart. “He-”

” A weak voice cut their conversation short and the redhead’s eyes widened as he remembered something important. “You
 already going?” Macabro couldn't move no matter how much he tried. His energy was gone and his spirit had long since given up. “Going

 I almost repeated that mistake.” Ki flowing around his body Shirou placed a hand on a wall beside the door and walked towards the devil. “You know we could do this later, right? Or you could use this as a chance to escape.”

Rossweisse felt the atmosphere shift as the two men confronted each other. “What is going on?” She didn’t know the relationship between them nor understood how they sounded so calm considering their previous positions. “Do you two know each other from before
 all of this?”

“You could
 say that
” Macabro managed to chuckle. It hurt a lot. “This man
 owns me
 a death.”

“His own.” Shirou said solemnly as he took a twisted knife from the wall. Its disgusting story was already on his Reality Marble anyway, he was just going to add one more chapter. “He is a criminal who sold my work and killed innocents. After bringing him to justice, in my rush to forget the whole endeavor, I tried to pretend he wasn’t my problem anymore.” He stopped two steps from Macabro. “You could say he is here because I wasn’t paying attention and no one deserves what Lakmia did to him
 no one.”

Memories of a great warrior with a double sword fighting and dying without showing the slightest emotion were still fresh on the Valkyrie’s mind. “I see
” Pity and hatred touched her heart as Rossweisse wished Odin listened to her once in a while. “Is there any way to reverse it?”

“Even if there was, the things he did before joining Lakmia earned him a death sentence anyway.” Shirou took a page of his father’s book and erased all emotion from his tone. “If anything, we are here because I delayed it too much.” Rossweisse looked to the side and sighed in resignation. “You can wait outside.”

She managed to smile at the offer. “Any Valkyrie unable to face death is a poor one.”

Shirou nodded in response before turning to Macabro. “I am in a bit of a rush because people I care about may be in danger.” He made clear from the start; that wasn’t personal but out of duty and nothing else.

While the Mage raised his sword to finish him off, Macabro managed to say. “That hell
 you never escaped it

Contrary to his previous statement Shirou talked to the man one last time. “No, I was saved.” The sword descended on the older man’s neck as he heard, “Sorry that I couldn’t save you.”

Because no matter how much Shirou wanted to, Macabro wouldn’t stop killing if left loose and forcing him to change would just be a tortured existence. That was his father’s bane and would be his own too unless he kept himself grounded by the people he loved so he didn’t waste time with ceremony.

Unfortunately, Emiya Shirou knew he wasn’t able to bring smiles to everyone.

“I can’t forget you anymore.” A small consolation, one he wasn’t sure the man heard but Shirou gave them regardless. Free from Lakmia’s bonds, he could only hope Macabro would find some peace. “Let's go.”

As the redhead threw the instrument of torture away, Rossweisse couldn’t help but notice he stood taller but sadder. “Lets.” The Valkyrie still offered support which he quickly accepted. “Lakmia still has control over the boundary field so unless you know where the entrance is-”

“Few hallways from here if I am not mistaken.” He wasn’t. The fog in his mind was gone, his body clean and his memory fully his once more. “While we are going, tell me everything. I am sure there may be a way for you to help.” A roguish smile grew in his lips when Rossweisse gave him a doubtful look.. “If there is something my father taught me was how to read between the lines and find loopholes.”

Behind them the departing pair didn’t notice the glow leaving Macabro’s broken corpse nor hid small relieved smile. The last expression the man made.

Several magic circles unleashed mana in Xenovia’s direction while a hidden short sword flew between the blasts straight for her neck. The former Exorcist saw them all coming and raised Durandal’s power enough to create a bigger blade and banish everything away but she mistimed.

Or rather Luck wasn’t on her side as the blade flew slow enough that her swing just managed to grease it, getting through without losing most of its momentum. It wasn’t a fatal hit as Xenovia survived with a cut instead of having a sword poking from her throat.

Still a cut was a cut and by how much she was bleeding it wasn’t a shallow one. “Shit.” Cursed the knight as she touched her neck. ‘Not deep but-’

Any other thought died as four thin swords and a half a dozen blasts of mana flew towards her from another direction. Lakmia was still moving and if Durandal wasn’t there to stop the attacks the blue haired warrior would have something worse than the others cuts had accumulated. Cuts and burns that highlighted her damaged combat uniform.

And there were plenty of them as using Durandal to its full capabilities wasn’t on the cards while Durandina’s power was active. Xenovia knew the moment she dropped the bronze aura then Akeno would become the target. But keeping it up strained her mind and body as she was trying to do several things at once.

At least Durandal wasn’t fighting her as much as it used to, the metaphorical horse while still powerful and tugging its reins to test her grip was more behaved than ever before as the sword’s energy remained stable, doing exactly what she wanted.

Stabbing it in front of herself, Xenovia held firm as the attacks came. Already she knew that Lakmia was on the move and would go for her back next time but she couldn’t move carelessly.

The bluehead knew every single one of her movements was under scrutiny and a mistake meant hers and Akeno’s death. When the attacks hit her weapon, the knight empowered it with her Ki not to supplement the energy used to protect the ravenhead but to keep its defenses stable.

Durandal roared and the blade of Light grew larger, blocking every strike at the command of its owner. It was basically an improvised shield that covered the knight’s front entirely and took the brunt of every blast and deflected every blade. As a Noble Phantasm there was no way such attacks would ever break it.

However the explosions around the area were still a problem but much smaller than the attacks themselves even if the Power of Luck made them actively worse by throwing more rocks around the knight.

Sure she was strong, sure she was trained from a young age to tolerate pain and sure her combat uniform still protected most of her body while she safely covered her head with an arm.

None of that meant she could ignore her enemy’s attacks forever. ‘Calm down, Xenovia. Don’t counter attack.’ It would only make matters worse as more blades would fly in her direction and she would waste more energy. ‘Hold on. Just hold on. Liz and Gasper will be back soon-’

Once again she couldn’t finish the thought as her senses warned her from the incoming danger. A huge fire ball flew in her direction making the former Exorcist wince.

To block that sort of attack more energy needed to be spent so Durandal grew brighter, leaving its position on the ground for a low vertical swing that sent its blade of Light to cut the attack in half.

Only for two swords to keep going, the third time Lakmia used fire as a camouflage and the second Xenovia managed to catch on as her sword returned just in time to bash the weapons way before she took damage.

One even bounced on Akeno’s laying form in the center of the circle of swords they were stuck inside. The Queen was still awake and tried to help several times only for her wounds to keep her down. She lost too much blood and energy to be useful and as weak as she was, any hit could be fatal.

Not that she would have any damage as Durandina’s power protected her and kept the sword away, Xenovia’s eyes not leaving it until she was absolutely sure the blade wouldn’t bounce back somehow.

“Left.” Weakened as she was, Akeno could still feel Lakmia moving and her warning coming in clutch as a new attack almost took Xenovia’s head.

Several blasts came around from that direction and Durandal blocked all but a few that Xenovia dodged. Unfortunately one hit her leg just as a sword was going for her eyes but the bluehead bent her back and used her arm to pull herself to the side, evading losing an eye and her life.

“She is slowing down.” Xenovia managed to say with a grin as the attacks stopped for a moment. “She is, isn’t she?”

Akeno tried to get up again, even looking for the EM which had been lost in a sea of swords. “Her energy is low but
 Devil’s Luck is still active.” She didn’t blame Xenovia for gritting her teeth. That Power was more trouble than it was worth with how Lakmia was using it. “She shouldn't have this much mana. Raw mana wise it is almost like facing a Maou.”

“Leviathan or Asmodeus, right? Because if she can compete with Lucifer we are staying here forever.” It was mostly a joke, time was on their side and they knew it.

It still worked to cheer the ravenhead a little. “Fufufu, don’t make me laugh. My back is hurt.”

‘More than hurt.’ Xenovia knew for sure Akeno couldn’t be just a devil, she killed Strays in the past who died after losing less blood than the Queen did. “Hey, not my fault that-” She was already moving and blocking two swords that came for her midriff and head. “Tch.” Using Durandal as a prop she prepared for the next attack.

However they were correct, Lakmia was slower than before as her mana grew weaker and sustaining the Power of Luck wasn’t an easy feat even with a King Piece. The Matron, or former Matron as she would admit to herself that one way or another she was losing the title, was on her last legs despite the boost given by the illegal Evil Piece.

‘I need to flee.’ She told herself as she flew low around one of the many shelves of her collection, grabbed a sword and threw it with three more blasts of mana right behind. Xenovia blocked every attack and she glared. 'Damned! Fall you stupid human!’

Despite feeling like her wings were about to fall off Lakmia kept moving as a wave of her hand had a sword dropping from the ceiling in her grip. Magic allowed her some control but she needed to trust Power of Luck with direction. Possible only thanks to how much energy she was investing in her Power even though she was starting to run out of mana.

But that made little difference when she lacked resources to apply the Devil’s Luck favorably.

Her swords while good were average, her blasts weren’t strong enough to pierce Xenovia’s protection and Durandal was a Noble Phantasm, worse a Holy Sword, she couldn't defeat.

Thanks to the King Piece her power could compete with those like Serafall Leviathan yet she lacked the Maou’s control over her Element. In fact against every single Maou or Ultimate class devil Lakmia knew she always fell short. Devil’s Luck wasn’t bad per say but implementing it directly was complicated.

It wasn’t like the Power of Destruction that could erase anything in its path or Power of Time that while also needing some set up could still give the owner an overwhelming advantage. There was a reason why Sirzechs, who inherited the Bael’s Power, was the first Gremory besides its Progenitor to actually earn renown in the Underworld.

Things could be different if the Gremory Clan had better weapons or equipment to benefit from their Power, much like how she was doing by benefiting from her collection, but that just wasn’t how things were.

She had no special weapon, her Power was pushed to its limits but her target was protected, said protector was limiting its use by being careful and King Piece or not she didn’t have a Super Devil’s constitution to keep going under those conditions.

‘I don’t have much time.’ More swords and mana flew, Xenovia blocked them all. The Matron just moved around and prepared another sword and more magic circles. ‘Sooner or later Rias will get here. I was lucky to hurt Gasper’s wings but the second she hears his story

Lakmia’s life would be truly forfeited, only the feeling of her boundary field assured her that nobody was coming just yet. She guessed that, since not even her family knew her collection’s location, once Rias arrived in the area she would have two to three minutes at most to escape.

The vault of her collection, the place where she always planned to use for any sort of last stand, had several escape routes in the form of tunnels with labyrinthian design. Each with exits located on safe houses all around Gremory Territory which included Runeas itself and others.

Once Lakmia got into one, her escape was more than guaranteed. ‘I just need to kill Akeno. Kill Akeno and you are free.’ More swords, more blocks. Xenovia wasn’t making things any easier for her. ‘If I could get rid of the Mage of Swords’ knight.’

In any other circumstance she would be praising her Clan’s ally for having such a competent warrior. Certainly not in the one that Xenovia remained in her way despite bleeding from her arms, legs and neck throwing a glare of defiance from where the last sword came from. She was brave, competent and strong. And that was not even counting Durandal.

Against such a blade, such a swordswoman, Lakmia knew she could only win if the bluehead made some sort of mistake. But she wasn’t and that was the point; Xenovia knew about Devil’s Luck and wouldn't risk attacking carelessly and placing herself under unnecessary danger.

Not while she was protecting Lakmia’s real target. ‘Time is running out, negotiations failed, Durandal is too powerful for a direct confrontation and Akeno is at death’s door.’ The ravenhead surviving how much damage she took was all proof the Matron needed she was right. ‘But I can’t kill her, not while the knight is in the way. It always comes back to that!’

Frustrated, she took a minute to gather herself. She noted Xenovia was still on guard, looking around everywhere, which was good for the devil who began to float around slowly to not give herself as an easy target.

During the small lull in the fighting was when a glow appeared by Lakmia’s side and dropped her bishop piece in her hand. ‘There goes my last bargain chip.’ Closing her fist around the piece tightly, the redhead knew there wouldn’t be any sort of negotiation anymore. ‘I need to escape.’ Her eyes landed on Akeno. “But she has to die.”

Even her life was inconsequential compared to the Gremory Clan, that was Lakmia’s sincere belief. Dying wasn’t something she was afraid of if the Gremory could benefit from it, that was why she didn’t hesitate to fight in the war. Even when leading her troops, she was always ready for action so long as the Gremory needed it.

But once reinforcements arrive, even supposing that it wasn’t Rias but Zeoticus or his men, she will miss her window of opportunity to kill Akeno. Her reasoning will fall to deaf ears as the ravenhead was the Heiress’ Queen and best friend. Rias won’t care about the sort of risks Akeno can present to her brother’s regime and Lakmia will be executed.

‘So much for helping the Clan from the shadows.’ Lakmia may have time to escape and survive but she had already accepted reality as her time ran out. ‘Time for drastic measures. First take out Durandal’s Owner and then kill Akeno. One shift move.’ Grabbing two swords from the shelves, two edged blades each, she was resolute. ‘All I need is to outlive Durandal’s Owner long enough to get the kill.’

She was moving again with renewed purpose as the King Piece’s power was added to her own completely. Demonic energy began to pulse erratically and many of the still standing shelves began to shake with its swords as the spell tried to take them out and keep them in at the same time.

When Xenovia turned to them Lakmia was already moving around her collection forcing all her swords to shake. She could already see the bluehead panicking a little before calming down as she slowly began to pace around with her sword guarding her chest and head.

Just like the Matron intended by letting her Power to seed chaos and overwhelm both her enemies’ senses. That would increase her chances of success but she needed to be careful. It didn’t matter that the spells in her collection allowed her some control of the blades within it, shaking them in place was never the intent.

A single mistake would have the swords jumping towards her out of control but that was what the Devil’s Luck was for. It kept them in place by turning every sword in a loud bell that disguised her moves and distracted Xenovia.

Lakmia wasn’t even moving anymore, coating her swords with mana and preparing for when the former Exorcist would present her back. At minimum she would need two swings to accomplish her goals, one for Xenovia’s life and another for Akeno's. Just two stabs or slashes and everything should be done.

‘Rias won’t forgive me but this is for the Gremory.’ Already determined in her course of action she pulled back and moved just a little as Xenovia kept searching. ‘Come on, come on, come on. Turn around.’ Lakmia was almost begging but her opponent’s steps were cautious. ‘I don’t have much time. Show it to me. Show it. Show it!’

She didn’t even notice as her mind began to slip because of the excess demonic energy but Lakmia would have ignored it anyway if she did. All for the Gremory’s sake.

Didn’t take long for the knight to take a turn and look in the opposite direction from where the devil was. Even if she was turning slowly it was bound to happen sooner or later.

Less than a second later she charged at full speed with both her blades aimed to Xenovia’s back. All of her mind and power was on the swords, ready to break whatever protection the former Exorcist could muster while guaranteeing a kill. The King Piece in her chest gave Lakmia power close to a Maou’s and all of it was going at the bluehead.

Those milliseconds were critical, both to the devil and the young woman who noticed the very moment the blades stopped shaking randomly. The attack was coming, of which Xenovia had no doubt and since she couldn’t see anything from the front and peripherals, she realized the attack had to be coming from the back.

Her training and experience as an Exorcist told Xenovia there was no time to think, just act and so she charged Durandal’s power and threw a powerful swing with a spin straight in the direction Lakmia was coming from.

Both powers clashed even before their blades were any close and despite Holy Energy’s natural advantage it found itself against demonic power of equal intensity as Xenovia couldn't bring all Durandal had to bear.

One slash was coming for the chest that would cut the devil in half while two stabs would connect with the heart and the neck of the knight who threw everything in the last offensive.

Before the collision truly happened both women knew they were going to die.

And neither changed course fully intending on killing their opponent and calling it a win regardless if they lived and both were sure neither would last long enough to declare victory.

At least one of them wasn’t because while Lakmia was banking in her Power to hold her together for a few extra seconds she was going to use to kill Akeno, Xenovia was definitely sure she was going to die and put everything she had on her swing to not give the Matron those extra seconds.

For Akeno was her friend and Xenovia would choose death rather than let the ravenhead die.

So neither would survive and as their blades were about to come in contact with their bodies mana began to jump around erratically, breaking the place where Xenovia was standing apart.

Devil’s Luck was still active and at full force now that its owner was putting herself at risk, trying to ruin the knight’s balance to secure Lakmia the win. Only it wouldn’t be that easy as Xenovia was rooted in the spot and her swing was still perfect. Hundreds of hours of training translated into a perfect swing in any terrain.

Only for a bluish white wall of mana full of letters to break the attacks apart, holding their powers back for a second until they realized someone had intervened and their fatal strikes were interrupted.

Lakmia recovered first but Xenovia wasn’t behind as the barrier between them fell and Durandal came for a back swing that would still be fatal while the devil’s swords had been pushed back completely because of the barrier.

The Matron had no choice but to fly away and yet she felt a deep cut to her side that almost took her life as Holy Energy threatened to rip her apart. She still managed to escape but didn’t bother to hide, not when most of her attention was on the main entrance of her collection.

There she saw an exhausted Emiya Shirou resting against a wall with a smile while the silver haired woman from before had her hand up holding a rune. Didn’t take a genius to guess who raised the wall from before.

Certain her plan would have worked, Lakmia grew frustrated at the interruption. “You? Who are you?” Despite the distance the path to the entrance was mostly open thanks to the destruction unleashed by Xenovia.

And the devil could clearly see the white haired woman who replied confidently. “Just someone taking a break.” Shirou chuckled by her side but Rossweisse ignored him despite the small smile she couldn't hide. “Then I saw two warriors about to kill each other and couldn't help but intervene.”

Convincing Rossweisse wasn’t even too hard since the woman actually wanted to help from the very beginning and it was just Odin’s orders that stopped her. All Shirou needed was a good enough argument and he settled with the most simple and easy one he could think of in short notice.

“Finding me was your only priority, right? What orders do you have after that?”

“None.” She replied while focusing on keeping him steady as they approached the tunnel to Lakmia’s vault.

That was exactly the answer Shirou needed. “So you don’t have any orders after that right? Doesn’t that mean you are free to do what you want?” The Valkyrie stopped and looked at him clearly confused but he kept going. “I mean, after a day of completing the boss’ orders, any employee who had nothing to do would take a break for coffee or lunch or maybe even get home and take a nap.”

“I don’t see myself doing any of those things at the moment.”

“You are missing the point; that means you can do whatever you want so long as you don’t piss your boss off.” His smile was mischievous as her eyes grew wide in realization. “Like, lets say, just going explore a bit and help someone in peril. Would Odin be against that?”

Immediately after that statement the Valkyrie held him firmly and followed his directions towards Lakmia’s collection. “We are just exploring a manor, right?” Despite feeling Odin’s eyes in the back of her head Rossweisse felt no fear.

“Sure. If anything happens during it you can blame me.” Music to her ears.

“You two were really going at it and usually I wouldn’t interfere in an honorable duel but attacking someone who is protecting someone else isn’t honorable.” Rossweisse said with conviction even as Odin’s eyes kept staring at her back. ‘That is right, I am not breaking any rules and my mission is complete. I am doing this in my own time.’

A flimsy excuse at best but she was going to take it any day.

“Thanks for the save by the way.” Xenovia held Durandal close while covering Akeno from any possible follow up. She was relieved at being alive but more so thanks to who else she saw down the tunnel. “Shiro, are you alright?”

“I need a bath and a rest but it could be worse.” The Mage joked a little as he relaxed in his seat. “Don’t worry. I will be fine. You girls need to finish this before Rias shows up and starts demolishing the manor to get here.”

“Grr, Mage of Swords! This is somehow your fault!” Considering her frustration, if Shirou was inside the vault proper she would unleash all the swords above his head.

Cheeky, he replied. “Guilty as charged. Only technically.” He added while looking at Rossweisse.

The silver haired woman glared at Lakmia with new resolve and stated. “There is nowhere to run. Surrender and your life may be spared.”

“Bah, that just shows you really aren’t any sort of devil and shouldn’t be involved in our affairs.” Lakmia replied with disdain. “I kidnapped the Magician of Gremory and tried to kill the Heiress’ Queen. There is no saving my life after this.” By the way she sounded everyone understood she made her peace with the fact. “But she has to die.” One of her swords was aimed at Akeno who managed to sit up but was still too weak to do anything else. “She is a danger to the Underworld, a security risk that needs to be eliminated.”

Rossweisse didn’t know the politics or her reasons, neither did she care. “Sorry but that’s none of my business. If you have problems, talk to your manager.” Because whatever Lakmia’s grips were that was for her superiors to sort out, not an outsider. “But what I know is this; I came to respect Akeno and Xenovia and if you insist on trying to hurt any of them it will be over my dead body.”

“What does an outsider like you have to do with this? Are you also with the Mage of Swords?”

The implications of that statement did manage to get a reaction considering Rossweisse knew that two of the other women in the room were his lovers. “A-a-’also with him’! No, I'm just here to help! My god asked me to find him and,” she turned to Shirou who just blinked in confusion, “I mean, he does look fine and has good muscles. But no, wait, I'm on the job! Wait, no, I’m on a break and

Everyone watched as the Valkyrie mumbled to herself for a few seconds, Akeno giggling at the reaction as she was the only one who understood the full extent of what was going on but holding herself because of the pain.

It was the frustrated Lakmia who broke the lighter atmosphere. “Doesn’t matter! Step aside!” Her attention was back on Xenovia. “For the sake of the Underworld, Akeno has to die!”

“You will have to go through me first.” Xenovia was ready for whatever round the two were at that point.

She wouldn’t need to fight as Rossweisse returned with a glare and a flare of mana. “Didn’t I already say you aren’t hurting them?”

With growing frustration Lakmia siad. “Again, who are you even? You don’t belong here!” She glared with hate and fury as Rossweisse was a real obstacle if her previous barriers were any indication. “This is devil business, leave.”

“If you want to know who I am, then I will introduce myself.” Suddenly the mana around Rossweisse began to grow thicker as her form began to glow enough that Shirou who was closest to her had to avoid looking or hurt his eyes.

When he looked back her business suit was gone and in its place was a form fitting armor that the Mage didn’t need his Structural Analysis to know it was actually of very high quality. The set practically pulsed with power to the point that his nose felt an extremely potent smell telling him that was an armor equal if not superior to his own but of a different make.

Not only that but every single piece of clothing that the silver white haired woman was dressed on had powerful enchantments on it that undoubtedly made every piece of clothing strong enough to survive attacks that could demolish buildings and mountains.

That wasn't armor made by humans or at least nobody with just human skill. All Humanity’s science couldn’t make something so powerful, flattering and practical in a perfect combination that screamed ‘this is a woman, this is a warrior’. Closest to it was the combat uniform from the Church but all its prayers failed to invoke the same effect.

Its primary color was white that spread around in the armor’s breastplate, fingerless gauntlets, boots that went just above her knees, hip guards big enough that could protect most of her legs and wing shaped hair clips, all with a mixture of white, pale blue and gold richer than in any jewelry.

Then there was the woman’s leotard beneath the armor; it was black like the thigh-high stockings that replaced her pants and the blue cloth wrapped around underneath her hip guards, all of which were clad with pink lacing along with her hair clips.

On Rossweisse’s back was her weapon, sharing her color scheme and also the sort of equipment that borderline Divine. It was a long white spear made from similar materials as the armor and just as tall as her with its tip pointing down. It was the sort of spear which would belong on an infantryman's hands and when she drew and slammed the butt on the ground all felt her power.

“My name is Rossweisse, Daughter of Hillde, a Valkyrie! Granddaughter of Gondul, also a Valkyrie! Personal bodyguard of the Former King of Asgard, Odin!” Every title was like a hammer on Lakmia’s head as she realized her situation went from bad to worse. “Surrender yourself or prepare to face the wrath of a Valkyrie!”

The aura around Rossweisse was as powerful as it was gentle and through it all knew she was telling the truth. Her power was the real deal and easily challenged Lakmia’s despite the King Piece giving her a boost. For no matter how irritating their god was, the Valkyries wouldn't send a weakling to guard him.

No, they sent one of their most talented and skilled despite her age, someone who was acknowledged as brilliant.

“Tch, and not one of the mass produced ones either.” The Matron knew the kind of problems she was in.

Still her comment earned a glare from Rossweisse as there was an insult underneath it. “Don’t you dare to speak ill of my older sisters. They would decimate you if they were here in the blink of an eye.”

“Does it look like I care, half-goddess? Didn’t your god stop producing them because of his inability to predict their growth? Their emotions? Or was it because you, born from a Valkyrie, have less potential than your predecessors and are easier to control?”

“Like you said, Lord Odin and Lady Freya didn’t understand the potential growth of the original Valkyries but that is neither here nor there.” Rossweisse pointed her spear towards the devil. “If you insist on fighting, then you are fighting me.”

“And where is the honor in fighting someone wounded.” Lakmia gestured to herself, showing the burn Durandal inflicted on her from shoulder to hip.

“You were warned to surrender, if you don’t, your death is your own fault.” Rossweisse declared resolute, fully intending on carrying out the threat.

Lakmia couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. “What does Odin even have to do with any of this? Why is a Valkyrie even here?” She laughed louder and almost desperate before shaking her head. “Doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change what I must do.”

Her eyes jumped between Akeno, Xenovia and Rossweisse, already knowing that to reach her objective she would have to kill the other two women first.

“Very well. Come in then, half-goddess.” So Lakmia went for another desperate maneuver, hoping the Valkyrie fell for it. “Step in my domain and know that you will die.”

Rossweisse glared with mild irritation. “Hmph, you think just because I am a Valkyrie I will fall for such a weak insult?”

“But that is what you are, correct? A half-goddess, a being with no Domain but the Authority of a god shared with your ‘sisters’.” Sarcasm poured from the word ‘sisters’. “No matter, this is my domain, my territory.” Opening her arms fully she presented them all with her collection. The swords above the entrance tunnel began to shake. “Here I am a goddess in full while you are just half. Enter at your own peril.”

Another gamble because Lakmia was pressed for time, she needed to kill Akeno quickly but Rossweisse could be a worse challenge than Xenovia if the barrier from before was any indication.

The only way she was getting a fast enough victory was with Rossweisse stepping inside her collection’s vault out of her own volition. Then Lakmia would throw every sword at range and bury the Valkyrie with them.

A predictable plan for all watching. “Don’t do it!” Xenovia warned.

“Rossweisse, remember what I said. She can control all the swords here.” Shirou said next, earning a glare from Lakmia who started considering abandoning everything and running.

“No need to worry.” Rossweisse’s smile was as confident as it was majestic. Then she did the unthinkable and took a step forward in the death trap. “When it is about defense, Valkyries are unmatched.”

Lakmia didn’t attack immediately, fearing it was some sort of bait and the silver haired woman would run back the second the attack started. So the Gremory waited and held back everything but her Devil’s Luck. Demonic energy still dominated the area giving it a toxic atmosphere that could consume the weak and weaken the strong.

Rossweisse took another step and another and another without any hesitation, fearless, calm as a mountain against the elements just waiting for when the storm would finally begin with a grin.

It was like the Valkyrie was taking a stroll inside Lakmia’s collection, even stopping once to admire one of the many swords surrounding her, one that was positioned perfectly to jump towards her face if the devil so commanded it.

And so she finally did just a few meters inside her vault with a few kilometers to go before she could reach any of the people deeper within it. Two swords on the shelves jumped straight for Rossweisse’s eyes and still the silver haired warrior was unfazed. WIth a flex of her wrist a rune was created and the swords broke before touching her.

Stunned but undetained Lakmia unleashed the full might of the Power of Luck and the shelves around Rossweisse began to topple in her direction while at the same as every sword in them fell in the Valkyrie’s direction.

The rune began to glow brighter and Shirou saw how a different rune in every piece of her armor pulsed just before his vision was blocked by the rain of swords. And it was raining as the weapons on the ceiling descended thanks to gravity and magic. Thanks to the Power of Luck, they were turned into perfect projectiles.

It just lasted a few seconds but the rain of steel was a mighty one without question, demolishing the whole area as the blades fell with speeds greater than the distance between the floor and ceiling should be able to afford.

Yet a blue white glow stood at the center of the storm without any troubles, an attack that a True Hybrid like Akeno couldn’t defend with brute force was contested by a Valkyrie’s skill.

Blocked completely, that was the conclusion that all came too as Rossweisse was revealed standing there with a defensive rune in hand and her body protected by a translucent bubble-like barrier.

“Amazing.” Akeno whispered with awe, one that was shared by all but one in the room.

“Impossible!” Claimed Lakmia with rage as she glared at the Valkyrie.

“Why? None of your swords is anything special.” Rossweisse pointed out as the shelves and blades around her had fallen apart in their attempt to break her defense. “If anything, I didn’t even need to try much. A basic barrier is more than enough against simple steel.”

It wasn’t a bluff, Shirou could tell, the only one who could as his magecraft told him the functions of the Valkyrie’s armor. ‘It is made to channel all her power into runes, all of it. While the armor itself is impressive, its main function is just to benefit the runes.’ However he could only understand the armor’s function, not the engravings in it. “And her control over them

“Thank you.” Rossweisse smiled at the praise. “Since Lord Odin may teach you a bit let me say this, the runes in my armor are all about control and splitting my power perfectly. With them I can use every other rune as I please.” Showing the rune in her free hand, who fought before saw it was the same rune she used to protect herself and Gasper. “Don’t even need to bring anything too big, the basics are more than enough once my armor is involved.”

To say that didn’t infuriate the devil would be a lie as the Matron took the insult against her power badly. Moving her swords in a circular pattern Lakmia used them as magic wands, channeling her mana into huge magic circles and unleashing a giant blast.

That attack earned her a raised eyebrow but no real concern as Rossweisse could already tell the truth behind it. “I apologize but
” The rune in her hand shifted and the barrier grew stronger, tanking the hit completely even as mana began to melt all blades around her. “You aren’t strong enough.”

When her attack ended a fraction of her prized collection had been reduced to molten steel but that was the farthest thing on Lakmia's mind. What was on it was how Rossweisse began to march again. Her barrier was moving with her with no difficulties while pushing the melted steel aside.

The image sent panic on Lakmia’s system and she immediately poured as much power as she could in her next attack while ordering the spell around the vault to send every sword it could in Valkyrie’s direction.

Powerwise it would be fair to say Lakmia had more mana between the two, however Rossweisse’s mana was of a superior quality since she was a third generation Valkyrie.

Not that quality played too much of a part on their confrontation as the gap between them was all about skill. Lakmia’s attacks lacked control, precision and some sort of amplifier that could make them truly spectacular. They were certainly powerful and the average devil would die in one hit but that was the average devil.

For all her experience the Matron never went out of her comfort zone, always trusting positioning and her tools to carry her throughout many dangerous encounters. For a devil she was strong but even if the King Piece gave her the power of an Ultimate class, she lacked the means to use it effectively.

So it was only logical that her power was reduced to naught when facing someone capable of taking away all her advantages like her current opponent who was focused more in using her power for an efficient defense.

For her part Rossweisse was trained in runes and Primeval Runes, was the bodyguard of Odin and considered a prodigy amongst the Valkyries who were each and everyone of them warriors, some with as much if not more experience than someone like Lakmia could have.

They were part of Asgard’s front lines in many conflicts and while Rossweisse wasn’t old enough to ever have fought on those she studied under those who did.

Steel rained mercilessly and the Valkyrie’s barrier didn’t even shake as the hand holding the rune relaxed. The silver haired maiden was practically taking a stroll with little care in the world even as the spear in her hand waited for the opportunity to attack.

And it would come no matter how many swords or blasts of mana Lakmia unleashed to slow Rossweisse down. Nothing was working, nothing could work as the Matron couldn’t make any of her attacks meaningful enough to be relevant. It was the simple principle of someone having a powerful weapon but not knowing how to use it.

There was also the fact that unlike her previous opponent, Rossweisse actually used a real barrier, a real shield.

For she was a Valkyrie, She Who Chooses the Slain, the One Who Scouts the Battlefield. Their duty did involve fighting but it was mostly the protection of souls and the escort of those that fell in battle. While in their care, the Valkyrie would watch over their charge with care and love when someone honorable or with disdain and rage when shameful.

Regardless they would protect them to the best of their abilities and that was why when in the matter of defense nobody in the manor could compete with Rossweisse who was chosen as Odin’s bodyguard.

Every rune, every defense from a Valkyrie had meaning, the first shield ,as the silver haired woman had claimed, was basic and used to repel mostly physical attacks. When Lakmia started to use mana Rossweisse changed her rune with ease to fortify her barrier and made it so best against pure mana while retaining its previous qualities.

Limiting and controlling what her shield could block cost less mana, mana that Lakmia wasted by trying to break it but failing miserably as Rossweisse advanced step by step unconcerned.

Soon the warrior of the North was just a few steps away from Lakmia and she quickly began to retreat, true fear in her eyes. She forgot her escape routes, forgot she was only present because of Akeno and forgot that everyone else was in the room.

Only that white silver haired maiden was important as she marched through steel and explosions.

There was a break from the rain once she approached the already spent area surrounding Akeno and Xenovia but she didn’t bother to acknowledge the pair as she kept Lakmia in her sights.

The Matron retreated some more and soon her back hit something, the jingle of blades indicating a shelf with more of her collection. Tightening her grip the woman decided to stop everything else, abandon her Power of Luck and focus everything her King Piece could give in her swords.

She expected Rossweisse to continue her march and that was her mistake. The Valkyrie saw the rain of steel subside, noticed the power converging in the woman and immediately took a step forward and thrusted her spear.

The last distance was covered by a leap in milliseconds and Lakmia’s only saving grace was that the swords were already close to her chest so defending wasn’t impossible. However defense never was within her skill set, at least not without her Power and that couldn’t help her anymore.

Despite the blades in her hands managing to intercept the thrust Lakmia was still sent flying and hitting the shelf full of swords.

Mercilessly her collection stabbed her body, where once those blades were turned against her enemies they now sunk and bit on her flesh without the hands to guide them. Lakmia’s surroundings ended up turning red with blood and a gasp of pain left her lips as she was barely alive.

Pureblood devil she may be but that wasn’t amongst the list of races that could survive a stab through her gut, tight, and left shoulder nor several cuts on her back, neck and arms, one going so far that it went through her chest.

A part of her realized that her fate was sealed and she tried to say something, anything to warn about the dangers Akeno could impose on the Gremory Clan for even at the end that was her only concern.

Nothing but air left her mouth as her hand fell and her eyes lost their luster. Rossweisse watched the process carefully, finding no sign of the older woman’s soul nor if it was worthy of Valhalla.

Still if there was a thing all Valkyries shared was respect or the dead, honorably or not. “So perished Lakmia of the Gremory Clan.” A hand in her chest and spear to her side, she bowed her head slightly. “May your rest be more glorious than your life.”

Rossweisse didn’t honor the woman for long nor did she respect the Matron enough to do so. Instead she turned around and upon Xenovia’s request collected EM to heal Akeno. Meanwhile the Valkyrie searched for the small scalpel amongst piles of metal; the bluehead knight approached Lakmia's corpse and collected Medusa’s Gift.

“Good riddance." Considering the problems that Lakmia gave everyone, Xenovia wouldn’t bother with anything else other than retrieving her Master’s prized possession.

It took the quartet a few minutes to leave the vault as the elevator had been ruined and at that point Zeoticus had shown up with a squadron of devils ready to apprehend Lakmia and any of her subordinates.

The man mourned the death of his family member but offered a sincere smile to Shirou while thanking Goetia he was still alive. He also thanked the others for the rescue and presented a fully healed Gasper and Liz ready to return to the Vault of Prosperity.

However when the topic of informing his daughter came up it was Shirou who held him back claiming he had an important meeting with Rossweisse’s boss which also would have to include a proper ‘thank you’ for sending the Valkyrie to help him.

The Mage knew the moment that Rias heard what happened she and his father would drop whatever training they were still doing to make sure he was safe. Both cared too much in their own way and the magus knew that his meeting with Odin needed to happen sooner rather than later.

In the end they only managed to buy twenty four hours because Zeoticus refused to keep any secrets from his daughter especially if it involved her most beloved person.

“Maybe we can reschedule for another day
” Rossweisse, back in her original outfit, offered while pushing Akeno’s wheelchair inside the Vault of Prosperity. “Lord Odin didn’t sound like he had any plans to leave the Underworld anytime soon.”

“I agree and disagree at the same time.” Akeno had a jeans long skirt that reached her heels and a new shirt. Unlike most of her friends she was too tired to move due to both using power she wasn’t used to and going far beyond her limits to survive. “We both know how whimsical gods can be, after all.” The silver haired woman's shoulders dropped and the Queen giggled.

Shirou, dressed in a suit and tie procured for him after Lakmia’s mess, shook his head. “Besides, I have no intention of you meeting him alone without saying my piece. Just in case.” While his loophole of her orders was logical it was extremely weak and the redhead wasn’t going to abandon the woman to her god without taking his share of the blame.

Which she was grateful for. “But you are still exhausted.” Just because Shirou could walk through his own power that didn’t mean he was in any condition for whatever Odin had planned. “And Lord Odin is
 Truly whimsical.” Akeno giggled again and Rossweisse began to wonder if Medusa was a better boss. She didn’t allow her mind to digress for long. “Perhaps you should at least take another hour of rest.”

“Nah, Master won’t stop now he has an idea in his head.” Xenovia commented with a chuckle. Her combat uniform needed repairs so he was dressed in form fitting white trousers and a green shirt with Durandal resting on her back. “Believe me, if he wants to meet Odin now, he is meeting Odin now.”

“Also we ate lunch and I feel fine.” Shirou pointed out with a confident but tired smile. “Trust me, if I wasn’t up for it they wouldn't let me be here.” He said pointing to Xenovia and Liz.

While his lover just smiled, the maid added. “Can rest later. Just a meeting.” After the fights and runs all extra mana Medusa gave her was spent. “Hungry.”

“Don’t worry, I will cook something later.” Shirou already planned to make her favorite cake for the rescue and figured everybody else could  get something too. “Actually, now we are here, do any of you have any requests for dinner? I couldn't make anything for lunch but later I can whip up something.” Just hearing that had most of their group almost jumping in excitement.

For lunch Zeoticus had offered some of the best food he could get his hands on while his men made sure everyone was safe and unharmed. The food was good, great even, but none of them had ever forgotten Shirou’s dishes and if the redhead was going to cook they were going to enjoy it.

“Oh, oh, oh. I want udon.” Xenovia requested with a raised hand.

“Can I have steak?” Gasper was the only one with his original clothes as they were cleaned from any blood with some magic.

“Don’t see why not
” Shirou took a glance at Liz who tilted her head slightly. “Cake?” She tilted it again. “Cake it is.”

“I could go for some cake.” Akeno commented. “What about you, Rossweisse-san?”

“Heh? I mean
 Are you really going to cook?” She still didn’t believe a magus would waste their time cooking.

Yet Shirou reassured her. “Few things are more gratifying than the smiles everyone has when they have good food.” And with how everyone was already smiling, she knew it would be good indeed. “Also you did save us. Especially Akeno.” His hand rested on his girlfriend’s shoulder who laid her own on it. “And since you aren’t going to accept any extra rewards-”

“Now you know how it is when the shoe is on the other foot.” Xenovia said with a grin that most of the present shared.

“-the least I can do is prepare you a decent meal.” He wasn’t going to disagree with his lover but wasn’t going to miss a step either. Not when the reward was something which would make him happy either way. “So go ahead, tell me your favorite food. If I know how to make it-”

“And Shirou-senpai always do.” It was Gasper's turn to comment.

“-then you are getting it.” Together with Shirou all smiled at the Valkyrie as they made their way towards the main lab. A long way for sure, enough time for them to know Rossweisse a bit better without the magus kidnapping over their heads. “So come on. It doesn't need to be your favorite food, just something you are going to enjoy eating.” He had plenty of ideas and decided to throw one out there. “Do you want your own cake? If everybody wants cake I can make one with several layers.”

“Cake, huh
 Maybe a slice will be nice?” Rossweisse couldn't remember the last time she had cake.

“Sister, trust me.” Xenovia embraced the woman’s shoulders. “You are going to want way more than a slice.”

“It also isn’t your favorite food.” Shirou pointed out since it was just a suggestion. “So, do you want cake or

Akeno then had an impish thought. “Maybe something you eat everyday? That way she gets a better version.”

“Akeno-senpai, that way she is always going to miss the taste.”

“That just means she will come visit, Gasper-kun.”

” Stopping for a bit Rossweisse held her chin with a finger. “If it was something I eat everyday then it would be easy to prepare meals like ramen.”

Immediately everyone understood what she meant; it wasn’t the well prepared bowl of ramen that could be served in restaurants she was talking about but the mass produced stuff that just needed a little hot water and a few minutes to get ready.

“That is
 a choice.” Considering how well everybody ate since they met Shirou, Akeno couldn’t help but pity the Valkyrie. “The high quality ones can be pretty good if you don’t want to cook something.”

“Nah, they are too expensive. Just get the cheaper ones in the market and you can have a week’s worth of meals for the same price.” Rossweisse admitted with a wave that had everyone freezing in place.

‘That can’t be healthy.’ Several of them thought at the same time but the Valkyrie paid no mind.

Until she remembered something. “But man, you Japanese are the ones who can get the best discounts. 100 yen shops. If there were just 100 yen shops everywhere then everything would be right in the world.  â€ When she noticed the looks of disbelief, Rossweisse grew confused. “What?”

“Don’t you work for-” Shirou immediately closed Xenovia’s mouth with a hand.

“You are getting a full course meal.”

“What?” Rossweisse asked, stunned.

Nobody blamed her as her situation began to sink in their heads. “You are getting a full course meal or my name isn’t Emiya Shirou.” The Mage said with a nod and everybody else was nodding with him.

Except the Valkyrie who was growing more confused before starting to panic. “No no no. That would be too expensive.”

“Don’t you work for Odin? Doesn’t a god pay well?” Gasper asked faster than Shirou could react.

“That wasn’t polite.” He still chided the younger man who looked a little embarrassed.

“Well, you know how gods can be, right?” She asked, looking at Akeno.

Who shrugged. “Actually Rias is the one paying my salary so I wouldn’t know. But Medusa-sama does provide me with a lot of benefits.” The Reward that was still to be completed came to mind among other things.

“Right, that is it, the benefits!” Rossweisse latched on that with excitement. “My salary now may be the lowest of the low but if I can last with Odin for a year then I will be promoted straight to lead a squad.” She began to rub her hands together. “Then I will be paid tons and tons. Also since I will have had more lessons with Odin than any other Valkyrie I will be promoted even more and never have to deal with that old man again.”

“I just
 I didn't expect Odin of all people to be a penny-pincher
” Xenovia managed to say and suddenly Rossweisse grew aware she was bad mouthing her boss.

“Ah, nonono. Lord Odin is
 It is stressful to work for but he is a good person
 most of the time.” When they weren’t going for adult establishments or shady bars and such. “He likes to look a bit too much, and the salary could be better, and he could not drag me to stripclubs and could be a little more mindful of my feelings and
” The Valkyrie knew she was digressing and by the looks of her new friends she knew they were worried. “But he is a good guy and a pit of knowledge that can be a lot frustrating sometimes.” Some of her accent broke thought but the young woman took a deep breath and then smiled. “But at least I get to learn a lot and see interesting places.”

“I see
” Shirou acknowledged with a nod, placed a hand on her shoulder and said, “You are still getting a full meal. If you feel bad about it, remember that it is a thank you for saving us.”

Rossweisse felt a little bad about it regardless. “I wish that I could have helped sooner.” Her eyes were specifically on Akeno who smiled.

“As a High Priestess it would be wrong of me to ask you to disrespect or disobey your god
 Unless I can convert you first.”

It was mostly a joke. “Is the health plan good?” But nobody could tell if Rossweisse was on it or not.

The conversation died down as they left the elevator and arrived at the main lab where gods and a fallen angel were locked in a health debate.

More precisely Azazel and Odin were in a healthy debate, Medusa was silent, and more concerning, pale. The change of her skiing tone was somewhat odd considering she was always the picture of perfection and couldn’t get sick but was pale nonetheless. Her eyes seemed fixed in a wall while she played with her cup and drank slowly.

The two men joked and laughed around while the purple haired goddess was content to just sip some juice in the privacy of her thoughts. She had much to think, too much for a goddess without Pantheon and mostly alone in the world. While part of her knew that what she learned wasn’t only her problem she would have preferred ignorance.

So for over an hour she just sat there and drank juice after requesting Azazel to have it delivered despite Odin offering more of Asgardian mead for her pleasure, perhaps out of amusement, perhaps out of guilt.

But they were rejected as Medusa wanted to use her free time to think, to come with terms that while Zeus was still out there and Athena may still have plans for her none were the real danger or problem.

Fairly enough she got plenty of thinking done but was still far from finished and failed miserably to relax during that time, choosing to make her own plans and hope for the best which left her practically swimming in worry because of the previous conversation.

Until she was the group arriving and rose to her feet elegantly before approaching and studying them. “Since I can figure that the problem wasn’t the criminal organization your sister is a part of, what was the issue, my protector?” She said with the most stern tone possible for a small girl, goddess or not. “Any reason why you missed a night?”

“Just a devil that wanted me to make swords.” Shirou answered with an amused chuckle.

The goddess hummed before replying. “Not odd considering your skill. I guess it involved eternal servitude of the worst kind?”

“Involuntary Reincarnation and other things.” Shirou tried to talk with Zeoticus privately about the King Piece but the men didn’t know anything about it. In any case he convinced the Head of Gremory that Lakmia did something illegal with her Evil Pieces, enough to get Belzebulb involved. “Besides that I ended up tied in a chair made of ice the whole night.”

“Lovely. But speaking of chairs.” She threw an amused look at Akeno who reciprocated it. “Can anyone explain to me why my High Priestess is in a wheelchair?”

“Just tired, Medusa-sama.”

“Nah, Akeno is downplaying it. She saved my life.” Xenovia leaned a little and threw her arm around the Queen who retained her gentle smile. “She took a whole rain of swords that would have skewered me alive. Blocked it with her wings too. By the way, did anyone know that her wings are like an angel’s? Or that they are purple?”

“““They are?””” Shirou, Medusa and Azazel asked at the same time.

Much to Akeno's exasperation. “Yes, they are. And there went my surprise.” Xenovia scratched her head and offered an apologetic smile but the hybrid just pouted. “But yes, my wings are purple.”

Medusa gave her a look of understanding before nodding. “And you are in a wheelchair because?” She asked Xenovia.

Who didn’t hesitate in adding. “She covered me while Lakmia threw every sword in her collection on us. If we weren’t the target, it would have been plenty cool.” She pointed to the only Valkyrie present. “At least it was when Rossweisse had them bouncing from her barriers like it was nothing.”

“That sounds awesome.” Gasper couldn’t help but comment.

A little embarrassed, Rossweisse said, “It wasn’t like she threw everything at once. Or that her swords were special in any way.” She nodded in the Queen’s direction. “If anything Akeno is far more impressive to react fast enough to not only save Xenovia but also survive.”

“My wings took most of the damage.” The ravenhead said with a shrug. “Unfortunately our lessons never involved dealing with a rain of swords while protecting someone else.”

“To be fair, that is not a normal occurrence.” Azazel commented with a chuckle. Like Medusa he was worried about his niece but was far better at hiding it. “And defense never was your strong suit anyway.” ‘Neither is your father’s.’

“Hmm, defense was never my thing. In the past my body could shrug off almost everything. That or I would turn my hunters into stone.”

“Bah, reminds me of my son.” Odin finally stood up from the couch. “‘Just let me hit it dad. Nothing that a good pound from Mjolnir can’t solve.’ That is why Frigg insisted that the Valkyries were specialized in defense. She didn’t even need to harp Freya and I about it.” He approached the group, lone eye focused on Shirou as his familiar cawed loudly.

As the only person who hadn’t met the Aesir, Shirou didn’t know what to think about Odin. Sure the man looked like the archetype of a wise old man but also normal, not Divine in the slightest, as far as his senses could tell.

Had not been the two crows resting on his shoulders, and the redhead couldn’t remember for the life of him when the second one arrived, he wouldn’t be able to tell the man before him was once King of Asgard.

“Lord Odin.” Rossweisse stepping forward and bowing pretty much solidified the fact. “Emiya Shirou was in the hands of a devil who tried to-”

“Yes, yes. Don’t pretend you didn’t know I was watching.” His smile told all he was amused but there was an edge there. An edge that almost sent Rossweisse reeling. “Nor that you didn’t obey my orders.” She flinched.

And Shirou acted. “I would say she followed them to the letter.”

“The letter but not the spirit.” Odin’s eye was on him again but Shirou refused to retreat. “You have
” Then the god saw something, something he didn’t expect. “Hohoho, what is this? Azazel, were you hiding your game?”

Suddenly the Cadre was cautious. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“You don’t?” The Aesir approached the Mage, their eyes looked into each other. “Truly, he doesn’t?”

Feeling hostility in Shirou’s direction Liz tried to step up but the redhead held her back. “You will have to be a little more specific.”

A chuckle escaped the god. “Usually people are more respectful, brat. Didn’t you hear I am supposed to be your teacher?” Odin leaned forward with a grin. “Are you really trying to hide the fact you had contact with the Fae?”

Azazel looked curious and held back a frown. ‘He didn’t notice the Reality Marble.’ Despite the ‘Fae’ presence being suspicious, that was the Governor General’s interest.

If anything the man knew it was a risk introducing Shirou to any god of war or knowledge and Odin was one of the strongest of both categories. The redhead’s Reality Marble was connected to swords, usually instruments of war that also could be classified as reserves of knowledge and pieces of art.

There was a very real possibility the two of them could sync up and become a True God capable of reshaping the fabric of Reality, something that could shake the foundations of the World completely.

Except Odin hasn't been a warrior for a long time and Shirou hasn't mastered his Reality Marble yet. It didn’t even have a name.

Their Union could be something greatly beneficial or terrible but a lot of people would take issue with it and so Azazel didn’t voice that possibility to anybody, not even to Sirzechs. Both men were good people and their fusion could be a powerful ally but nobody knew exactly what would happen with their personalities.

Yet Azazel gambled with their lives, with everybody’s lives. ‘That is fine, Odin has his own baggage to deal with and that could have its own set of problems.’ Still he was curious about the ‘Fae’ part.

“Sorry but that is a family secret.” Shirou replied easily as Liz, Xenovia and Akeno did their best to not show they also knew. “You know how it is; a magician-”

“‘Never reveal his secrets’. Yeah, yeah. Next you are going to say ‘we never arrive early or late but always on time’. At least the Fae presence explains why you can’t use average runes, your mana probably feels like you are trying to draw in the smallest sandbox’s sand ever.” Odin offered his hand for a shake. “Not a problem with Primeval Runes so you won’t have to worry about it.”

“Why is that?” Shirou took the hand that was offered, half expecting a jolt of some sort.

There was nothing. “Your mana is too used to a higher language, something more connected to the World. Don’t know if you do but I discovered Primeval Runes after some
 exoteric experiences.”

“I am familiar.” They were still shaking hands.

“Oh, did you study me?” The hand shaking was still going and Shirou was starting to feel awkward.

"Incidentally while I researched Sigfried.” Something was wrong, the world seemed to be losing its colors.

Azazel and Rossweisse's eyes grew wide. “Wait Odin-”

“Lord Odin, he was just-”

“Too late~” Odin almost lunged forward and began to whisper in Shirou's ears. “Time for the lesson. And you are just getting one.”

Then the whispers grew jumbled, at least from an outsider perspective, as Odin spoke hundreds of words in milliseconds.

Words, words that Shirou couldn’t comprehend.

Words, words that the redhead had never heard of a tongue that should be dead but it wasn’t.

Words that he began to understand as Odin laid on his ears the History of Primeval Runes, his journey to Yggdrasil, The Primordial Soup, the Many Riddles and so many songs that Shirou forgot the first in the middle only to be reminded of it as every word carried each and everyone of them.

His eyes were inside his head as knowledge poured in and he understood the truth about runes and Primeval Runes. Runes were an alphabet based on Primeval Runes but not in the sense that the knowledge was lost due to interpretation or mistakes. They came from their superior counterpart due to the many small words that comprised the original runes.

Those words were runes and Primeval Runes were the composition, the union of the words that one day would be called runes. So Odin said and so it was.

For the first person who received the knowledge of Primeval Runes from the god wasn’t satisfied with one, they wanted more power and by breaking that Primeval Rune apart they managed to gain the components to create their own alphabet of runes.

The alphabet that survived through the modern day used by all sorts of magicians was just a small part of a gigantic whole that the gods held in their entirety and everybody else just held scraps of the scraps.

Much like Shirou as Odin’s words started to make more sense.

“And you are just getting one.”

He wasn’t talking just about lessons but just one Primeval Rune, one that needed dozens of smaller runes and the intricate knowledge of how to combine them perfectly.

Shirou understood every little bit of it without prompt, his mind running faster than ever before. He was still weak from previous ordeals and yet every single drop of knowledge sunk in his brain with ease and got stuck there. Like if every whisper from Odin’s mouth carved the information down.

When it was done the god stepped back and others stepped forward to catch him, Rossweisse and Azazel in a panic as they understood what Odin just did.

“Lesson over~ Night, night.” Was the last thing Shirou heard before darkness claimed him.




I was going to put "you are as beautiful as the day you left" but that would be exaggerating too much hahaha. thanks for the chapter

James Green

So, does that mean that Scathach and Cu only got a single Primeval Rune in their time?


Odin gave one rune but he isn't the sole authority and others may have shared more without his knowledge. Scathach would at least know more than one while Cu would know as many as Scathach would be willing to teach him.

James Green

That makes sense. Will shirou be learning more in the future then? And, at the risk of sounding dumb, will he be able to use them like others can - Norse Magic, or will he be limited to enchanting his equipment?


Good chapter! Thank you for your hard work!


Great chapter as always, though I think you had a typo somewhere in there. I think the quotes was something like “raised his arms in the arms” but the second one should’ve be “air” instead. Otherwise it was all good in my eyes.


Thanks for telling me, almost can't believe I missed that. I mean, I understand when I miss something but that one was just a shame. Still it is corrected thanks to you, thank you.

Basti Fortuna

Until now this fic is soooo good and I subscribed on your pat due to the fact that I enjoyed the 2 days of non-stop reading up until this point so that's my contribution! Though based on the reviews, which I hate cause I read it in advance, I'm dreading the next chapter. For someone who makes a story that's a harem without lemons, I wouldn't think rape would be an integral plot device. Sure character death, but not rape. So hopefully the 2 chapter buffer would resolve the problem like most of your plots that at least resolves or partially resolves in the same pattern.


You are 13thsephiroth, right? Have been reading your comments over the last few days, happy to have you. Don't know if it will solve your problems considering that Aphrodite will only start making moves once the Hero Faction is taken out, for a very specific reason, but at least I can gurantee to you we won't have a plot line like chapter 63 again as the goals there, show one of the future bad guys and prepare the terrain for her insidious plot, has already been accomplished.