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Another month, another chapter. This one has a odd finish for me both because I ran out of time but also because I legitimely feel that was the best point to stop.

Why do you ask? Because this whole chapter is a transition for Akeno and the next one is a new chapter on her life.

Fate/Bonds Beyond Humanity


58- Her Way To Find


Took less than 10 minutes to schedule a fight, between the subscription, signing a waiver and showing she was in her right mental faculties, the Queen was registered and marked to fight on the last match of the bracket on the tournament as a replacement in return to splitting the profits with the former competitor.

Apparently the guard from before was right that a fighter could have given up, most do if they get too hurt or after watching a particularly brutal fight which steals their courage. In which case Akeno took the place of another woman who suffered a serious wound in her match even if she scraped a win in the end.

The result was her inability to compete but a substitution was possible since there were no rules against it. After a little back and forth Akeno got the spot thanks to some haggling.

It wasn’t one of the biggest tournaments of the Underground Arena but it was still the kind in which one could make a lot of money. Regulations and rules were scarce for the place as anyone could join after paying a fee. Nothing else was necessary as far as the Arena was concerned.

But there were still rules and while Akeno took a shower and changed into the clothes demanded by said rules, Shirou got himself familiar with the manual as quickly as possible.

“It says here that you can only go in with the equipment you are going to use and nothing else. Summoning equipment from a magic circle is forbidden and results in an automatic defeat.” His eyes scanned the pages as Structural Analysis supplied anything he made the mistake of skipping. “You are allowed a team to help with equipment and medical treatment. Also a coach. I believe that is my job?”

“Do you mind?”

“Honestly I would say ‘no’ if that would get you out but we both know you will be fighting anyway.” Despite water running, Shirou was sure he heard a giggle. “‘The Runeas Underground Arena won’t provide anything other than a resting room and clothes of which you must use for combat’. Also it has spells to warn the judges when the fighter’s life is in danger.”

Which was better than Shirou expected but there were too few rules for his tastes anyway. There was no division of categories on power and that was a risk with so few rules and the fact there would be more fights later.

Indeed Shirou knew that everyone in this sort of tournament should be in the Low Class by default but nothing stopped the other classes for whatever reason they saw fit.

And he also knew there were plenty in the Low Class who couldn't advance because of the system. “I don’t like this.” He commented while going over the booklet for the fourth time in a few minutes. He was glad they had it in English because if not then he would be completely lost. ‘Note to self: learn the devil alphabet.’

“Ah~ Thanks for the concern but I will be fine.” Akeno’s amused voice pierced the shower’s noise. “Just you wait, Shirou-kun. I will solve that riddle of yours today.”

“If you are going to join an ‘illegal’ tournament because of it I could just give the answer.” He let out a sigh as Akeno finished showering. “From how things are set up you are going to have 4 fights in total, each with a time limit. Also you are in the middle of the bracket as your opponent would have advanced automatically if you hadn't joined.” Already they could guess that person would be pissed. “The time limit in each match; 15 minutes, no more and no less and no extra time.” Then Shirou voiced more of his concerns. “Akeno, every other fighter already fought and will be resting while you fight. After your match you will only have a few minutes at most to recover before going to the next one.”

“So I only get to rest if I win fast? That will make everyone play more aggressively for sure.” She was giddy at the prospect. “What is the penalty if there isn’t a winner before the time limit?” Closing the shower, Akeno began to get dressed.

“Both lose.” Harsh but Shirou agreed with the ravenhead statement. It was all to force the fighters to be aggressive. “No resources, no judges, nothing. You just lose. Also now I can see how brutal this place can be by the fact the arena doesn’t provide anyone with health care.”

For the life of him that was what scared Shirou the most about the place; it meant that if someone got in the arena without allies or money to hire help they wouldn’t be leaving. Soon the redhead realized the dozens of implications of it like the fact that even if nobody had died in the arena for years somebody must have died ‘outside’.

It almost short circuited his brain to think how many devils put up with it until he remembered what Sairaorg had said; that the arena was a chance for them to show their power and grow beyond their station.

‘But is it worth the price?’ Some wounds just didn’t heal, Shirou knew that more than most.

“There is probably a plan or a loan for starting fighters. Lakmia-sama would have too much to lose if she couldn’t get anybody new at least once in a while.” Akeno presented herself to Shirou with a smile and her usual ponytail with her traditional ribbon. However, contrary to her usual get up, the rest of her clothes were all black. “So, how do I look?” Asked the Queen with a pose.

“Like you just joined a new gym.” He wasn’t joking either. The standard clothing of the arena was much similar to the get up she used for her training but all black and without shoulder straps.

Instead the tank top was connected with her neck through a choker that left her back exposed for minimal protection. It was the whole theme with those clothes in fact as the tissue was legitimately too similar to a normal sports garment but slightly more resistant for its own survival.

Then there was the spell to warn if the fighter was in danger and to keep the damage to it on a minimum but that couldn't protect the wearer, not with its thin material. On her feet there were something like ballet shoes for full movement of her toes while also not protecting the feet from anything other than rocks.

With her back open Akeno’s side brought emphasis to her bust and highlighted her beauty with an almost divine figure that Shirou always knew that she had but those clothes made sure nothing stood in the way of the stare he was giving.

Which made her giggle a little. “So, maybe I can change my mind if

“No, you wouldn’t.” Shirou shot down the suggestion because he knew she was just teasing him. Trying to get his mind off her figure, the redhead looked back to the rule book. “Besides magic, you can go in with any weapon but no armor. You summon any sort of equipment once the fight starts and you are out.”

Akeno's expression turned serious and she nodded. “Basic but understandable considering the time limit. It also means some of my opponents are going to be armed?”

“More than likely.” Knowing her fighting style Shirou knew these were the kind of opponents Akeno would have a greater chance against. However there was still a lump in his throat about letting her fight by herself in that place. “Look, I know you want to do this to get stronger and figure out things but this place is no joke and I don’t know If I can heal everything if the fight turns really violent with those

Smiling gently, Akeno shook her head and began to walk towards the exit of the changing room. “Your EM can fix pretty much anything. Don’t worry, I don’t plan to lose any limbs.” She turned to him with a gorgeous smile. “Or lose in general.”

“But that isn’t-” A finger on his lips cut him off.

“Shirou-kun, have faith in your skills. I certainly do.” A small glare was her reply but Akeno just smiled. Turning around she marched to the battlefield, Shirou following. “So, how do I win?”

“By forcing the other fighter to surrender or by announcing your victory when they can’t fight.” That forced Akeno to do a hard stop, something that Shirou didn’t know if it was good or bad.

“Wait, so nobody is going to announce anything? I need to show that I won by
 raising my arms or something?” Excitement was pouring from every pore of her body.

“And they can’t fight back. If they do, the fight keeps going. That or the coach goes in and retrieves the fighter.”He certainly was planning to intervene if things went bad.

Akeno read him like a book. “Shirou-kun, promise you won’t step in unless I lose my conscience.”

Uncertainty filled Shirou’s eyes and he shook his head. “I can’t promise that.”

“Yes, you can, you will.” Her smile didn’t change but there was a threat under her tone. “Or are you calling me weak?”

“I am not-”

Hands on her chest Akeno leaned back as if struck. “Then it is because you have on faith in me?”

“You know that isn’t true. This rules, this place is insane, Akeno!” Shirou grabbed her shoulders and stared into her eyes. “If you go too far you will regret killing someone who doesn’t deserve it but if you don't go far enough then you have to hope that someone can stop things from escalating. And things will escalet!” There was so much concern in his gaze that Akeno grew mute. “The last fight almost had the audience crushed and that is normal around here. This is why Rating Games are more accepted; they are safer and easier to watch.”

“Because this place is for the desperate and the broken.” A sadness filled Akeno’s smile as she grasped his hands and had him let her go. “Great, my kind of avenue.”

“Akeno, this is all about spectacle.”

“Then I will give them a show.” As her smile grew confident, Shirou saw the window to get her to quit was completely closed. “So, do you promise?” When he didn’t immediately reply she pushed. “Do you believe in me?”

A wince escaped the redhead but he nodded. “Fine, I promise to not step in until you really lose; either when you are unconscious or stopped moving.”

“Thanks coach, fufufufu.” Akeno turned and began to walk away while swinging her hips to give him something else to think about.

Already the Queen of Gremory felt heartbeat accelerate as an electrical current seemed to run all around her nerves. That sort of excitement was new and old at the same time, sort of what she felt during a Stray Hunt where she was allowed to let loose all of her repressed impulses.

While Shirou saw the rules of the arena as too few, Akeno saw them as just right.

Things felt better for her when she stepped inside the arena proper to the sound of hundreds of cheers. ‘Is this why people like to be number 1?’ Akeno basked in it, opening her eyes and welcoming the crowd's calls for blood. ‘Aaaaah~ What a nice tingle~’

From the other side her opponent was already getting inside their battlefield as well, another woman with extremely short black hair, a little messy but enough for a few strings in the forehead.

She was slightly taller than Akeno and just as lean with breasts a lot smaller than the Gremory Queen but still noticeable. Obviously she was in similar clothing but unlike the younger devil this one was already used to the calls of the crowd. As an experienced fighter of the Underground Arena she was disappointed with her opponent if the scowl in her face was any indication..

Above her head Akeno saw her name appear in an electronic panel together with her opponent’s; Soravy. Nothing else was presented other than the betting odds and a timer counting down from 15 minutes, locking all bets in.

An amusing chuckle escaped Akeno as she noticed how her odds could only be called terrible. ‘If I am reading that right 200 people betted on her and none on me. Their loss~’ She was going to enjoy making them lose their money.

Nobody called the beginning of the match, in reality it had started the moment the two fighters appeared in the arena. Any of them could attack whenever they wanted, not even needing to wait for the bets to lock in.

That was why Soravy was disappointed with Akeno who was completely open with no mana to be felt. ‘Easy peasy!' In a flash a magic circle formed in her hands and a blast flew towards the ravenhead.

Akeno’s smile never disappeared as she was just looking up without concerns, many already believing she was going to lose in the first few seconds.

Only for her do an elegant pirouette inspired by her new shoes. Thanks to her Rook Trait the rocks from the Underground didn’t bother her and the evasion was successful, much to Soravy’s shock.

“My, my. Are we already starting? We didn’t even greet each other.” Akeno's smile was the same and Soravy frowned.

‘Not so easy then.’ The veteran created a bigger magic circle and threw another attack before running to the right. She planned to get close and initiate the real combate with a hook.

Akeno dodged again while running in the opposite direction, much to Soravy’s shock as three magic circles appear around the ravenhead and unleash Lightning towards her. The veteran rolled to the side to avoid the hits with a grunt as she glared towards Akeno with some real hostility.

“Great, a noble bitch.” Soravy’s aura grew in strength before charging straight at Akeno, full speed but without wings.

Noting the younger woman’s expertise and focus with magic had the veteran deducing that her opponent was someone who could be classified as an Wizard type, the kind who did very poorly in the arena.

It also implied that the ravenhead would be weaker in close quarters combat, something Akeno seemed to confirm by stopping and unleashing a few more blasts of Lightning towards Soravy with the apparent goal of keeping her at bay.

The older woman dodged with a sinister grin as the crowd cheered louder at her approach, that was usually when the fight really started. “Ready to die princess?!” An exaggeration but still the kind that made Soravy very happy with herself.

She was expecting Akeno to flinch or run when her attacks began to fail and yet none of that happened. If anything, the younger woman’s smile grew bigger. “Are you?” Then she jumped.

Not away or in a retreat like Soravy’s expected but straight towards her, throwing a strong kick on the veteran’s mid section. Soravy’s aura held strong but the surprise admitally immobilized her for a second too long, enough so that Akeno could create a magic circle at point blank range.

The crowd exploded with the explosion in the arena, surprised by the heavy use of magic in the Underground. Much like Soravy they expected a magic user to lose when they lost their range but Akeno surprised them by countering just in time, still using magic.

Veteran or not Soravy didn’t expect that counter and so her head was flung back as dozens of small blasts were unleashed point blank. They blinded Soravy and kept pushing her aura to respond and stay up against the constant assault.

However her experience shone through, the woman pushed more mana and threw a punch that destroyed the magic circle, breaking the stream of attacks. Soravy opened her eyes in relief only for them to grow wider as Akeno wasn’t there anymore.


“Behind you!” She managed to make the voice from the stands but it was too late as three attacks exploded on her back and sent her flying to the wall face first.

Akeno smiled confidently and began to wave her arms around as the crowd celebrated her triumph. ‘Maybe I will get addicted to this?’ But she knew the fight wasn’t over so another magic circle began to form. “Time to say ‘goodnight’.”

A huge Lightning flew in Soravy’s direction as the woman barely managed to get off the wall. Her efforts were immediately rendered pointless as she was pushed back on again, the stone cracking as Akeno blasting her in. The Gremory Queen had no problem wasting some energy, her reserves always had plenty.

She was also focusing her awareness on Soravy’s mana just in case it stopped circulating properly and the aura broke, not planning to cook the woman alive or anything of the like.

Yet Akeno was caught off guard as an explosion of mana broke her Lightning back as the other woman pushed herself off the wall and unleashed a torrent of power.

As the next fight was going to be soon after this one, Soravy was trying to save her reserves for her next opponent but the present situation forced her hand. Akeno was an amateur of the arena and didn’t fight like anyone she knew but the overwhelming power the younger woman possessed meant holding back wasn’t an option.

Soravy channeled everything she could on her back and legs, protecting herself while getting some leverage for a jump. And jump she did, dashing to the left and then at Akeno with her wings revealed and a lot of mana around her body. Her aura was a bright turquoise that captivated the audience.

Akeno wasn’t impressed as she opened fire with more magic circles, Lightning bouncing off the aura as Soravy showed her might as a veteran of the arena.

The short haired woman was confident that now she was going to get Akeno and didn’t waste time preparing a haymaker with a wordless warcry.

Akeno managed to dodge it just in time but the veteran wasn’t done as she spun in the air and her leg connected with the younger woman’s side. With her firm stance the ravenhead didn’t budge but that was also to Soravy’s advantage who turned midair and had her other foot hit her head.

While hair danced from the whiplash, Akeno grabbed both feet firmly and smiled again at the woman. “You are a bad girl~” She said with a sweet tone that sounded unhinged to the veteran. Magic circuits flared. “And bad girls get punished~ Spark up!”

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!” A scream of pain escaped the veteran as Lightning penetrated her aura and ran loose on her body.

Thanks to direct skin contact and the fact Akeno was more skilled with mana, Soravy lacked any means to properly defend herself. Worse even was that the woman wasn’t used to magic penetrating her defenses like that, an disadvantage of never facing a truly skilled magic user.

Indeed that was a problem most in the arena didn’t know how to deal with or even what was going on. Only the fact that the Lightning was being expelled from Soravy’s body told them a single truth; Akeno was the strongest magic user who ever fought in the Underground Arena and that was terrifying for most.

Not at all for the real veterans who were still in the tournament watched the fight and started to plan counters against her skills.

Still nothing that Akeno could know as the only thing that mattered to the ravenhead in that moment were her opponent’s screams and the audience’s praise. The crowds went wild with the new development, some even comparing the fight to a real Rating Game.

It made some of the fighters bitter.

‘Enough for her to feel a little bit of pain but not enough to really damage anything~ Just right~’ Akeno’s thoughts danced as Soravy kept struggling. ‘Just right~ There!’

Suddenly Akeno let go of her opponent and jumped away as the woman fell on the ground. Some of the crowd paused while the others started calling the Queen of Gremory’s name and she turned to for a small curtsy before looking back at her opponent.

The short haired woman was standing up slowly, her arms spasming a little after the heavy shock. “You should surrender. I don’t think your body can take much more.”

“Shut up bitch! You think I’m gonna give a rich brat,” she got to her feet only to fall on a knee, “a win like that! In the arena?! No way in hell!”  Soravy jumped to her feet but fell on all fours as her body struggled to obey. “Just because you have some Power
 Just because you were born better-”

An aura of murder began to escape Akeno and despite her smile remaining the same the woman could immediately tell it was a little more unhinged. “Oh my, you think this is some Power? That I am a noble? Fufufufufu
” When she opened her eyes they carried enough rage that Soravy winced. “No, my father had nothing to do with this. This is my power.”

Letting her aura explode outwards, Akeno confirmed to everyone in the arena that she was by far the strongest when it came to mana reserves. In fact it would take a dozen of the best fighters combining their might to even compete with her in terms of raw power. A terrifying sight to devils.

“Hahahaha!” Yet Soravy laughed in defiance. “That is it? Daddy issues? Pathetic.” She laughed again as Akeno’s eyes grew wide. “Guess those are ‘noble problems’ for- AAAAAARRRRRRRHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!”

Through her fingers Akeno unleashed a huge charge of Lightning towards her opponent with an apathetic stare. “The line between just enough pain to make someone pass out and to keep them awake so they feel everything is a tenue one.” She began while approaching her opponent, right hand up shooting Lightning. “It takes some real skill to not fall on the threshold and just let it go. Fortunately for you I had plenty of practice with some Stay Devils who were tough enough to last a little.” The ravenhead spoke loud enough to pierce through the woman’s screams. “So I can keep going for a while and you will feel everything. Every single bit of mana, every single drop.” The screams kept going, louder and louder. “Lucky you.”

Soravy screamed and the crowd rejoiced as she tried to get up only to fail and be left there on her back as Lightning ran freely throughout her body.

Never in her life had she experienced so much pain. Soravy was used to broken bones, slip lips, being thrown around the dirt, punched and beaten.

But the sensation of Lightning running around her body was just too much. Far too much and her voice started to break as blood began to pour from her throat and eyes.

Devil or not she wasn’t going to last forever but Akeno wasn’t stopping, just watching the woman as she broke and was unable to do anything but suffer. Her spirit had given up long ago and nothing she could do would reach victory, absolutely nothing. All she had was her life and even that was in the balance.

Until Soravy managed to channel whatever was left of her strength as her resolve finally broke completely. “IIIIIIIII suuuuuuuurrrrrrrreeeeeeennnnnnnnnndddddddeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr.”

Immediately Akeno stopped as the crowd rose to their feet, some applauding others chanting her name. Pure magic users were rare in the arena and even then their victories, however rare, were clean. That wasn’t wasn’t clean in the slightest and they chanted for the victor.

Extra points in their book was that Soravy recognized her surrender vocally, something less usual than even Wizard types.

Most fights only ended with absolute defeat, knock out and complete inability to move, or an absolute surrender where team and coach raced to save their fighter. A direct surrender was so rare that only happened a few times and when the winner was someone known to be overwhelmingly stronger.

Akeno got a surrender on her first official fight while using magic, the second part an even bigger rarity. So she turned to her audience to receive their praise, noticing that the fight had lasted less than five minutes. Moving around and bowing her head she also noticed some members of the arena staff already going in to fix any damage.

Quickly a trio of devils, all looking remarkably young, rushed to the battlefield and collected Soravy, being careful to not aggravate any wounds. When the Queen of Gremory turned to them to approach her opponent she noticed two girls and a boy just slightly younger than her and dressed in rags.

That was already odd in her mind until she remembered the rules. ‘Those must be her team.’ So Akeno approached slowly, ready to summon an EM.

Only to suddenly pause and the boy who looked a little like Soravy to step forward and spread his arms in front of her. “Leave my sister alone.”

When she noticed the fear, Akeno hesitated. “I just want to heal her up-” She took another step forward.

“You’re lying.” The boy immediately replied with tears in his eyes. Looking at the other kids Akeno could see similar looks.

Realizing she made a mistake but not knowing what to do, Akeno crouched on the ground and summoned EM. “Do you know what this is?” There was no way they didn’t, the instrument was famous in their territory. “Take it.” The boy hesitated. “I am giving this to you, take it.”

“We don’t need your charity.” One of the girls, someone who could be her classmate in other circumstances, replied with a venomous glare.

It had Akeno wincing. “I see.” She didn’t retrieve the EM, instead turning around and retreating back the way she came in.

Shirou was there, hidden from the crowd and leaning on a wall with his arms crossed. She almost expected her to say something. “They picked it up.”

“I am sorry. I overreacted."

“As long as you are sorry and don’t do it again.” They began to walk back to the changing rooms, his pace just enough to stay behind her. “Was staying in the Vault just bottling up your anger?” He asked directly, making her flinch. “Because if so I am pulling the plug on this whole thing.”

“No! You don’t need to- It won’t happen again.” They arrived in the room reserved for them, the redhead Tracing and filling a glass of water. “I was having too much fun and then suddenly she began to-”

“I heard.” Shirou offered her the glass and Akeno took it almost out of instinct. “But you can’t lose control like that
 You are better than this.” A hand landed on her shoulder as she drank. “Are you sure you want to keep going?”

Akeno almost did a spit take. “Are you going to let me keep going?”

“I trust you and you know you overreacted
 Even if I don’t agree with your kind of fun.” A sad smile presented itself to her. “It is one thing to do it with insane creatures that would kill anyone on sight, it is another to do it with a woman who was just a little too proud.”

Slowly she nodded and gave the glass back to him. “Right, I won’t do that again. But what about the fight?” Shirou began to refill the glass. “Did I do well? I tried to hold back enough so my future opponents don’t know what to expect.”

When he offered the glass again, she didn’t hesitate. “Keep things simple and you will get farther but don’t fall for your opponent's provocations.” This time when she finished the glass disappeared. “You are at your best when you are in control of yourself.”

“Don’t you mean just in control?” She offered with a playful smile but he only gave her a flat stare. “It won’t happen again.”

“It better not. Most people here are just trying to earn their bread however they can and you almost ended her career for good.” When Shirou said it outloud Akeno couldn’t help but wince. A sad look crossed his face for a second before shrugging. “Then again, this needed to happen so you could see the line and now learn to not cross it. To be mindful of it.”

Before Akeno could reply the door opened for a man in a suit. “Five minutes, same arena.” He left without any other word.

“Really no rest for the wicked.” Akeno joked and this time Shirou chuckled.

“Well, I warned you, that is on the rules
 Or brochure, calling it rules may be too generous.” He gave her a good look before shrugging dramatically and shaking his head. “At least your reserves are still good enough but your adversary will be better rested and knowing your abilities. If you aren’t careful, then you are going to be defeated in this next match.”

Shaking her head firmly, Akeno abandoned any pretense of playfulness. “I won’t lose. Not here.” Looking at her hands she noticed she was shaking. “Shirou-kun, have you ever felt the crowd's love?”

After a pause Shirou nodded. “When I participated in a kendo competition years ago
 But don’t let it get to your head, they will root for any winner most of the time.” An arching eyebrow from Akeno had him sighing. “Not out of malice, from what I could tell, excitement can blow the winds in any direction and the crowd is bound by it. That or they are extremely loyal to their favorites.”

“The essence of a sport?” She was legitimately curious for his insight.

“I wouldn't call this whole mess ‘sport’. Too many risks
 Makes me want to give an EM to everyone in this place
 That is an idea!”

“You can do that now if you want.” Akeno commented with a giggle. “It will make things fair and my win even sweeter.”

With no objection Shirou moved to just that, planning to drop by every fighter’s changing rooms and Trace EMs. "We have two minutes before it starts so I will do that after your fight.”

“So I win faster?” It was her plan anyway. “At this point most of the competitors are already ready to go and I am the slowpoke.”

“Then we should get going.” Once again they left the changing rooms, trekking the same path as before. “Once you win I will go a few rounds giving EMs but only if you aren’t too hurt.”

“Don’t worry about me. If this is going to be like the previous fight-”

“But it won’t. Don’t underestimate them, Akeno.” That made the woman pause, surprising the redhead.

“Shirou-kun, I am not underestimating them. Not one bit. That was why I threw a lot of power even before she started mentioning my father.” A sore point that Akeno was trying to get over. “But Soravy still managed to escape and counterattack. They are good.” A confident smile revealed itself. “But I am better.”

Shirou let out a sigh and nodded. “Just be careful, alright. Even if you can heal fast doesn’t mean I want to see you hurt.”

“We both know I am the one doing the hurting.” While she tried to make it as playful as possible, Akeno knew she was also stepping on a mine.

Yet the explosion that came was far too different. “Your opponent from before underestimated you, don’t make the same mistake with your next one.” It wasn’t her friend talking but the warrior who faced Medusa, Freed and the White Dragon Emperor. “Everybody knows how strong you are now, Akeno. Everybody. You weren’t trying to be subtle.” They stopped at the exit and he placed a hand on her back so she turned to him. “They will be cautious, fight smart, maybe even desperate. Remember that.”

Slowly Akeno nodded, her eyes full with determination. “Don’t worry. I will be careful.” When he nodded back she returned to the arena ready to face her second opponent.

This time her adversary was a man at least one head and a half taller than her and with a smug grin which helped his handsome face. Even some of the scars he had worked to highlight his eyes and chin in a symmetric formation that made the ravenhead suspect he made at least one of them.

Obviously he was dressed in the man’s version of the arena’s attire; on his feet it was like he had socks connected with his pants but in general it was like a mirror of Akeno’s own outfit.

With short blue hair and slightly more muscular than Soravy, there was an air of confidence around him which was added by his weapon of choice; huge brass knuckles with spikes in both hands.

They were so big that if Akeno didn’t know any better she would think they were small gloves or something similar.

“Well, well, well. Here is the lil’ bird who beat Soravy up, heheheh.” His tone was relaxed even if his eyes remained sharp, watching Akeno every move with care.

A glance up told the Queen the time had already started counting but also her opponent's name. “Rofuse-san was it? At least you are being more polite than my previous opponent.”

“Hah! Don’t blame her for that. She underestimated ya a little too much, not even had her weapon on her.” His smile grew sharper as he cracked his neck and raised his arms in a boxing stance. “But that won’t fly anymore lil’ bird. You're an amateur in the arena but ain’t like most nobles. Ya know how to fight.”

Pleased with her opponent's attitude, Akeno began to prepare her mana. “If you must know, I am not a noble.”

“Nah, ya speak too right for a normal person.” Rofuse was nodding in a sage-like fashion.

“‘Too right’... The way that I talk is too polite?” To her Akeno was speaking formal Japanese so it wasn’t surprising how it was translated.

And the man nodded at it. “Yeah, too right. Ya too clean too.”

A frown began to take shape. “That makes no-”

It was then that Rofuse attacked with a fast haymaker straight towards Akeno’s face which she barely dodged. She sidestepped a few times but her adversary was faster than she expected and soon she was hit on her midriff before another punch hit her head. Fortunately for the woman her defenses were already up and a magic circle stopped a third hit.

Unlike her previous fight this opponent wasn’t going to waste time with magic, not when Akeno was much better at it than him. Instead he was focusing only on punching and defense of which was really strong as the Lightning she was throwing around failed to break the man’s rhythm.

He was far more prepared than someone who saw only her fight once but in highsight Akeno understood that she wasn’t the first Wizard type popping up on the arena so a seasoned warrior had a clear advantage.

So she started to forego magic circles at all and just focused on her circuits, Reinforcement helping her keep up with the far more experienced fighter who looked surprised. It wasn’t strange since her circuits were glowing and everyone could see it even if none of them could understand for most wouldn’t ever have met a magus, Reincarnated or otherwise.

Most pureblood devils would know what magic circuits meant but Akeno had no time to think about the implications of her skills at that point, her mind focusing completely on the fight.

When the ravenhead avoided another punch quickly grabbed the man’s arm, her hand unable to close in his wrist, and unleashed as much Lightning as she could. Thanks to watching the previous fight Rofuse had most of his mana on the defense but could still feel the steady assault on his reserves.

But he could easily ignore it and just keep punching, not allowing his pace to be dictated by the young woman before him.

Akeno was surprised her counterattack failed and even more so when another punch hit her cheek. This time her feet were off the ground so she was sent flying but Rofuse refused to stop his attacks. Opening his wings he chased with his punches still flying all over her body and the Queen found herself taking every single one of them.

However it wasn’t enough to defeat her and once the surprise wore off Akeno charged her mana. "Lightning Bolt!”

A flash of light threatened to blind the audience but those who could see past it saw Rofuse being thrown to the other side of the arena by a Lightning taller than he was, the walls exploding with his body’s impact.

Landing after throwing that much energy Akeno needed to take a moment to breathe as most of her body was in pain from the volley of punches. One of her knees touched the ground and she cleaned some blood from her face.

‘That was
’ The blood interrupted her thoughts as the ravenhead cleaned and stared at it in her hand.

There were scratches all over her body and the clothes she was provided now had a dozen holes showing much more of her skin. There were some calls of cheers from the audience, some from her attack, others from her appearance, but this time Akeno turned them off.

Still her lips tugged into a smile. ‘That is what I am talking about!’ Finding the fight she wanted, Akeno allowed Lightning to explode freely. "Lightning Bolt!”

Another gigantic attack was unleashed with gusto, big enough to cause a small quake when it collided with the wall, the flash just as intense as before but this time the audience was prepared and their roar replaced the thunder that should accompany it.

Her opponent threw a punch at the attack with all the mana he could muster but his protections broke during the clash. Already Rofuse was wounded from the first bolt, his chest burned and his shirt destroyed. The attack came too much as a surprise and his basic defenses failed him.

The second one he was more prepared for but it wasn’t enough and his arm ended up burned even if he managed to block most of the attack. ‘I knew she was strong but-’ His thoughts were cut by Akeno who appeared on his left and unleashed another one on his burnt arm’s side. “SHIT!!!!”

The man rolled just in that and the attack collided against the wall in its entirety, threatening to open a tunnel with the power used.

Neither of the fighters gave it too much attention, busy going against each other as Rofuse charged through rock and dust while Akeno prepared another Lightning Bolt. He was faster and a fist collided with her right arm that she had raised for defense. Blood left the new wounds on her arm as his strength and his weapon surpassed her defenses.

Rofuse was about to start raining punches again, burnt arm be damned, but this time Akeno wasn’t going to let herself be caught, opening her wings and flying away as quickly as she could.

Both sides knew that wouldn't be enough, not with Rofuse already having confirmed that Akeno was too powerful with her magic. ‘Can’t give her range!’ Like her he opened his wings and with a mighty leap he initiated his pursuit.

For all his power and the strength of his leap, Rofuse found himself falling short as the ravenhead kept flying back with her eyes still on him. Without a warning Lightning was thrown in his direction again and while the man managed to dodge he wasn’t any closer to catching the Queen.

Quite the opposite really as Akeno found herself far enough it was safe to unleash more Lightning Bolts in his direction with little hesitation and Rofuse was hit several times even as he tried to fly around them.

Immediately everyone could tell that in terms of speed Akeno had an absolute advantage. She actually was surprised when noticing that as her escape was not only flawlessly executed but her opponent failed to even exert pressure once she ran away.

More Lightning hit the veteran and wounds were starting to accumulate at a rapid rate. It was getting worse by the minute and the man could swear he was starting to smell the burnt flesh. Something needed to be done or he was going to get cooked alive and in his despair he tried to use magic.

It did Rofuse no good as Akeno’s attacks easily overwhelmed his own. Worse still directing some of his power on the offensive made his aura weaker and a direct hit connected with his chest again.

Akeno stopped just as the man fell on his back, an excited smile stuck on her face. ‘I did it!’ Quickly she sobered up, reminding herself that her opponent was a veteran and quite strong at that.

The easiest and safest way to secure her win would be a Lightning Net like she used with Soravy and so Akeno began to float slowly towards Rofuse to get him in range while expanding her senses.

Going by his mana the man had to be unconscious, his reserves were steady but extremely low. However the ravenhead wasn’t taking any chances, the many wounds covering most of her body just weren’t worse because of her fast reaction during his offensive. None of the wounds was grave or even crippling but blood had been obviously spilled.

Never landing and still keeping a good distance, Akeno stood a few meters above Rofuse, enough to look at his face. ‘Eyes turned inside the head.’ The man could still be faking and so mana began to gather in her fingers once again. ‘Just enough for an involuntary-’

Only for the man’s mana to jump and his eyes to focus on her just before throwing himself at Akeno with a wordless battle cry.

His aura was pulsing stronger than ever and despite her precautions Akeno found herself punched on the stomach, feeling the spikes of the knuckles breaking her skin. Fortunately for her mana was already gathered and she unleashed Lightning Net at her opponent with max voltage.

Rofuse screamed but didn’t stop his attack, grabbing the ravenhead’s arm and throwing her down with all his strength.

Quickly Akeno lost her reach and just as quickly her back suffered with the impact on the arena, some of it cracking around her, blood escaping her throat.

Sure that something was broken, Akeno could barely move when Rofuse continued with his attack, diving from the air with the intent of crushing her. His aura was pulsing strongly, an indication he was placing a lot of mana to maximize his defense and stop any more surprises.

Akeno did the same with her own aura, allowing it to cover her fully so she could unleash a Lightning Bolt from what was left of her Net. The power left her hand and clashed with Rofuse’s power but the devil was undetained and let out another shout of determination before breaking the Bolt and hitting the ground.

At that time the Queen of Gremory had already moved away, the Lightning having done its secondary job of blinding her opponent. Still the pain on her back and difficulty breathing told her enough about her condition.

Worse yet for her was that the man’s aura remained strong and his eyes held a glint of malice. “Ya don’t know how to use ya power.” She failed to hide a little of her irritation. His aura grew thicker as he opened his huge wings. “So ya lose!!” This time his jump was for a shoulder tackle.

With her back and pain and also feeling a wing broken, this time Akeno had no means to dodge and she knew it. Not only her but Rofuse and the audience as well could see her state and many saw the man’s victory as certain.

Akeno’s smile changed from the usual calm and inviting that earned her the title of ‘Onee-sama of Kuoh’ to a more sharp one with her eyes open in a determined look.

It was also almost feral, especially when Lightning took a new shape in her hands. “Lightning Spear!!”  Solid Lightning collided with the already wounded chest of the veteran, much to everyone’s shock.

Rofuse’s most of all as he tried to compete with the Queen of Gremory, to overpower her spear and get just close enough to finish his attack in vain as his mana failed to keep up with Akeno’s output and Lightning broke through his defenses.

The weapon was formed almost instinctively, its owner not knowing why a spear was the first thing her mana worked towards creating. But Akeno wasn’t going to ponder those things, not when she was about to win the match as her opponent was forced to cease his attack otherwise impale himself.

For a few seconds there conflict as Akeno’s golden mana pushed back against Rofuse’s pale blue. His chest was in pain the whole time as the ravenhead’s attack threatened the same place it had been wounded before and the man felt his skin start to give in.

Muscles bulged and Rofuse finally gave up and jumped as unlike the Lightning Bolt which had been one fast and done attack the Spear was a constant stream of Lightning poured on his body and the man knew Akeno had more energy to spare.

In reality everybody knew and the crowd cheered at the new use of mana, not on a single magic spell but a weapon unlike many had ever seen.

Looking down and seeing his burned muscles, the veteran began to grow fearful. “How?”

“Magecraft.” Akeno replied with a smile and a flourish of her spear that had the audience singing her praises.

“The fuck is magecraft?” A surprised look followed by an understanding one colored Akeno’s face, making Rofuse a little more upset. “What?”

“Nothing, nothing at all.” Holding her weapon in a stance, Akeno smiled. “Well, shall we dance?”

Her tone held teasing but Rofuse recognized the eyes of a warrior ready for the killing blow. The hair on his back stood up and not just by the static on the air.

Then Akeno lunged at him, something completely unexpected for the man and he barely had enough time to raise a hand to stop the spear from reaching his chest. Lightning ran around his body once again and Rofuse couldn't remember any other time he felt as much pain as he did in that moment.

Quickly he bashed the spear aside and tried to run away only for Akeno to give chase in an inversion of their parts. With her shoulders tight and grip firm the woman started to unleash a flurry of attacks. Most of them connected with the veteran’s better arm as he kept stepping back for every step she took forward.

Giving him a chance to notice a lot of mistakes in Akeno's posture and smile. It was too forced, her steps too badly spaced and the rhythm of her weapon a mess.

‘She can’t use it for shit!’ His smile turned into a grin as he dodged with his neck, letting the spear pass harmlessly, to throw a punch in Akeno’s stomach.

Already wounded, Akeno’s legs grew weak as the spear flickered in her hands before its form grew solid once again and she used it to try to hit Rofuse.  Emphasys on ‘try’ because previous experience taught the warrior to always be mindful of his opponent’s weapon. He ducked to escape the Lightning once again before delivering a strong uppercut with his burnt arm.

Furious but still in control, Akeno used her wings for as much leverage as they could give her despite wounds to attack with her spear and hit his shoulder, once again forcing Rofuse to deal with Lightning running uncontrollably on his body.

He pushed through and threw another punch but this time it didn’t come close as his opponent extended her spear in his direction. The veteran didn’t give in but it was too late, Akeno had managed to get some distance.

The back and forth was almost over and the match with it.

When she landed Akeno held her spear firmly in one hand before twirling it for a fast throw towards her opponent. Mana pulsed within the spear so when it collided with the tall man there was an explosion that made the crowd cheer. This was too similar to a Rating Game but more brutal and they were loving it.

Rofuse fell to one knee and used his less burned hand for support as he tried to ignore the burns all over his body. There were too many and while he was used to pain all he could do was swallow his pride and admit he had a little too much. At that point even if he won the fight and his team worked extra hard he wouldn't heal in time for the next match.

However he was a proud devil and an even prouder fighter so he raised his head to glare at his opponent with no intention of surrendering.

“Lightning Whip.” Akeno knew the look Rofuse was giving her, a look of pure determination from those who refused to back down. Lightning cracked on her hand again and a loud noise ran around the arena as her favorite weapon presented itself. “It is over!!” Her attack was as quick as her Element.

For all his experience fighting against multiple weapons and many sorts of opponents Rofuse found no action when the whip seized his less wounded arm. ‘She isn’t like any Wizard type-’ Lightning began to cook his less damaged arm and there was no escaping.

However he didn’t need to, Akeno let him go and began to move her whip around in an effort to spread the damage all around his body. And it was working.

Her form was atrocious to the veteran and many of the spectators but the Lightning made sure that every strike was as punishing as possible with new wounds and more mana spent just for Rofuse to stay in the fight.

His reserves were too low and there was no way Akeno was getting any closer to give him an opening. As much as it pained him to admit, the fight was over. “I give! I give!”

Immediately the attacks stopped but the whip stayed active and the Queen remained cautious. “Say again! Louder!” Demanded the clear winner as those watching their fight grew silent.

Almost the man refused to repeat his words, pride demanding him to not take this humiliation. His eyes turned to the whip, the ravenhead and her whip again.

Fortunately for Rofuse he had been in the ‘game’ long to not let pride get in the way of his health. “I lost alright, missi?” He fell on his ass and lowered his burned arms to appear as non threatening as possible. “You won, I give.”

That was when the spectators chose to jump and shout Akeno’s name once again, her back to back victories quickly making her one of their favorite fighters. The ravenhead smiled and let the mana go before looking up and closing her eyes. There she was, basking in the glory and cheering as she heard her opponent being collected by his team.

She opened her eyes to see the timer of the fight, noticing how there were little more to eight minutes still up. While she still ended up winning in a comfortable timeframe it wasn’t nearly as fast as she expected. Sobering up quickly, Akeno realized that other fighters could have already won and her rest time could be extremely short.

Then there were her many wounds which still stung. Her arms were full of what could have been claw marks while others puncture wounds filled her belly and legs.

Slowly a hand cleaned her chin of some more blood. ‘This was far more dangerous than I thought. If I was slightly weaker or didn’t have the Rook Trait
’ Calmly Akeno began to walk towards her entrance, noticing Shirou there holding himself back to not run to her. ‘That is nice.’

“How are you feeling?” He tried to smile but concern filled his tone. Looking at her, covered in blood, was enough for him to wince. “Do you need any help?”

A part of Akeno wanted to have Shirou carry her but the warrior of the arena convinced the girl to shake her head. “Not at all. Just some healing if you don’t mind.” Already EM was in his hand and she giggled. “Let's go back to the changing room first, silly.”

“But you are still bleeding a lot.”

Looking at herself she couldn't deny that. “Small wounds, just a lot of them.” Walking a little too fast made her flinch and Shirou noticed. “Maybe more than I thought.”

At a slow pace they arrived in their room and Akeno dropped herself on a chair after barely stepping inside. The Mage was by her side in an instant, EM already charged with mana for his work.

Only took a few seconds for Akeno to let out a sigh of relief as the pain went away, something that Shirou noticed. ‘Even if her mana was protecting her for the most part, clearly most of the man’s strength still broke through.’ Paying attention to her arms and back, he began to notice small bruises hidden by blood already disappearing. ‘Also she isn’t really used to fighting one on one in a melee.’

“Admiring the view?” Akeno asked with her usual smile but he only gave her a deadpan stare.

“You got too hurt. And yes, I know it was a fight.” He added just as she opened her mouth. “And that your opponent was experienced and that you did the best you could. Still some of it was too much.” The magus stared at the blood with worry. “Even with this you are going to be exhausted. Do you really want to keep going?”

Looking at the redhead’s eyes she could see his worry completely but the warrior born in the arena made Akeno shake her head. “I am going all out to win or to lose.” She smiled confidently. “Besides, weren’t you going to give EM to everyone else? You can go if you want.”

“That won’t be necessary. It seems the teams of the arena have more purpose than just preparing stuff and organizing the fighter’s equipment.” A curious gaze had his attention and Shirou let out a sigh before moving towards a closet close to them. From there he took out another set of clothing for Akeno and placed it on a bench. “With enough devils working together even your healing can be called fast.”

“Well, that is true but usually involves a lot of skin contact and costing a lot of mana.” Akeno watched as from another closet the Mage collected a towel and a bucket. He began to fill it with water, making her eyebrow raise. “Why bring that up?”

“One of Lakmia’s subordinates showed up. She wanted to offer you a team from her men if you thought it was necessary.” Putting the half full bucket beside the ravenhead, Shirou crouched close to her chair.

“She knows you can Trace EM,- Shirou-kun, what are you doing?” After wetting the towel the redhead began to delicately touch her arm.

“You need to rest so this is better than wasting time taking another shower.” Despite her wounds being healed, his touch was still delicate. “Give you some time to recover, you know?”

Akeno was blushing a little but ended up nodding. “So, she was going to offer me a team? Did you say no?”

“Do you want one? It is just a matter of calling one of the guards and-”

Smiling beautifully she replied. “I am going to go with a ‘no’.” Leaning her head on his, she let out another sigh. “I have all the support I need right here.” Relaxing as he was massaging his arms, Akeno took it as a reward for a job well done. Yet curiosity didn’t let her enjoy the treatment in silence. “So they have a lot of devils to heal them at the same time?”

“Pretty much.”

“What do they do? Stay in the shower after every fight?” It was supposed to be teasing.

“Depends on the preference I guess. If what the guy Lakmia said was true then that happens more often than not to also ease the mana transfer process.”

Akeno’s mind came grinding to a halt. She wanted to believe she wasn’t flushing. “Mana transfer? Are you saying-”

“That some of the teams also help their fighters recover by doing the ‘dirty deed’ in the dressing rooms between fights? Some apparently do. Others work with just blood.” Shirou added with a smirk at Akeno’s expression. Despite her attitude she was still very much innocent in a sense. Still his tone turned clinical a second after. “It is less efficient but not everyone is willing to sell their bodies for little money. I don’t doubt some do it and others help their employers out of a sense of loyalty. The most desperate probably don’t hesitate anyway.”

Shirou was someone familiar with the process thanks to his and Rias' bond. He never needed to count just with her blood and the weaker ritual but still took his time studying it just to make sure he wasn’t putting his lover in any danger.

A common method to refill someone’s reserves quickly, there were a ton of books and papers about how efficient one method was over the other or how they worked using numerical values even if they varied from person to person or how many times they had sex or spent on each other’s company.

There other methods to which involved objects and specific rituals but the mana transfer ritual involving lovers was more efficient both by the act itself and by the trust one needed to place on the other to open the pathway.

Despite her considerable knowledge in magic Akeno had to admit that wasn’t a subject she studied much despite having some interest. “So while I am here tired everyone else is recovering their reserves?”

“Pretty much. Unless, of course, you want to do the ritual?” Her face and ears were so red they reminded him of Rias’ hair. “I mean the blood one! The blood one! Dammit, do you really think after everything I said early I would do that just to give you a power up?”

“No, of course not
” Then her teasing smile returned. “But I mean, we have some time
” His stare told her everything she needed to know. “You are no fun like this.”

Shirou was about to protest the comment when an idea crossed his mind. “Either way, take off your top.”

Akeno needed to make a double take before replying.”Wha- what?”

“Take off your top, come on.” He stood up and moved the bucket.

“But you- I- you said-” Billion thoughts ran amok in her mind and they weren’t stopping. “I- Then- You- Here?”

“What is wrong?” Slowly he approached her and whispered in her ear. “Aren’t you going to change clothes anyway?”

“But then- before- I don’t want my first time to be here!!!” Her breathing was so fast the redhead feared she was about to have a heart attack.

Tilting his head, he arched his eyebrow slightly. “But how am I going to clean the blood then, Akeno?”

“Clean the blood?” He nodded with a blank face. “You just want to
 clean the blood?”

“Why, you thought about something else? Something more
 intense? even if you have a fight in a few minutes?”

It was then that Akeno calmed down enough to realize, “You are teasing me
 Well played.”

“I learned from the best.” Still he raised the wet towel with a grin. “But you want me to clean you or-”

A knock on the door interrupted them and the same devil as before opened it. “Next fight in arena two. Five minutes.” Again he left after delivering the message.

However Akeno couldn’t be more grateful as she grabbed the towed and began to clean herself quickly. “Looks like we don’t have much time.” Faster than Shirou expected she grabbed her change of clothes and ran to the bathroom. The Mage could still hear her when she asked, “So everyone’s reserves will be full anyway, right?”

Blinking at the rushed change of topic, the magus nodded his head even if she couldn't see it. “Right, everyone but you. I know your reserves are big but you have to pace yourself better. Also don’t go into melee again.”

“But it was the fastest way to win that fight.”

“Had Rofuse been a little stronger or had some sort of trick I would be carrying you off the arena.” His tone was gentle but the warning was heavy. “Don’t try to fight like you aren’t accustomed to, Akeno.”

“I will let you know I have been practicing how to use it even before we left Kuoh. Setsuna said that I am fairly competent.”

“Competent isn’t enough in a real battle, I am sure Setsuna told you as much.” Her silence was proof he was right. “Look, you are still thinking too much, Akeno.”

Opening the door, Akeno revealed herself with fresh clothes, giving the old ones to him. “Why do you say that?”

Shirou opened his mouth but hesitated. “If I answer that question, I will have to explain what ‘thinking too much means’. Do you still want the answer?” Surprised and confused, Akeno shook her head, much to his disappointment. “Then just
 keep things simple

With a look of disbelief, Akeno stared deep in his eyes. “I feel you are still trying to give me a hint

Quickly raising his wrist to look at a watch that wasn't there, Shirou replied, “Hey, look at the time, we need to get going or there isn’t going to be a fight.”

She gave him an irritated look but not much more than as the redhead was trying to look for her wellbeing while respecting her wishes and Akeno could easily admit that she wasn’t making things easier by joining an underground tournament both literally and figuratively.

‘After this no more ‘fight clubs’.’ The ravenhead thought decisively before looking to her friend’s back and giggling. “But he doesn’t need to know that.”

“Did you say something?”

“Nothing at all~” Soon enough the amusement left her face as they followed arrows towards the arena two, all red like a Gremory's hair color. But also the color of blood which got her heart pumping hard. “Almost done.”

“Yes, you are.” Shirou recognized with a nod. “But I hope you aren’t too confident because the three fighters left are going to be the strongest so far and if I heard right

“Lakmia sent you some kind of message?”

“Her subordinate wasn’t subtle at all when telling me your odds. Your fight took half of the time for the match to end, this guy’s took less than a minute.”

Eyes wide and throat suddenly dry, Akeno was impressed. “And his opponent?”

“Don’t know enough to say but Lakmia’s messenger made it clear that Frederick is a favorite to win.”

“‘Frederick’? Doesn’t sound like a devil’s name at all
” Her playful tone fell flat when she noticed the Mage’s guarded posture. “Shirou-kun? Something in your mind?”

Shirou gave her a concerned look but didn’t stop walking. “Doesn’t matter. From what I could understand this is the kind of guy who lives for the arena. While strong enough to compete in the bigger tournaments he pops up in the smaller ones from time to time.” He stopped, forcing Akeno to do the same. “Like this one. Akeno, I don’t know anything else about the guy either but a fighter like that definitely will have watched your fight and already has a plan in place.”

Neither could deny both Akeno victories were facilitated by her catching her opponents off guard. Sure it was thanks to her skill and power but the arena fighters weren’t necessarily prepared to face someone like her. That and the last match showed that even the average fighter had a defense compared to some Rooks.

And so far she faced no one with an Evil Piece, Akeno was certain of that. ‘All peerages belong to High Class devils or higher. None of them has any reason to compete here.’ Remembering the betting pool, she shook her head. ‘At least not in the arena directly
’ “About Frederick, do you know if he has a weapon or something else?”

“A sword.” Shirou replied swiftly. “Lakmia’s subordinate said nothing else but that Frederick is a skilled swordsman and his weapon was strong but not really special.” Then he shook his head with a frown. “Of course that means it can at least channel mana at the very least.”

But the information made her smile. “Well, at least I am facing something I am used to.”

They remained in silence the rest of the way until they arrived at the entrance, Shirou holding her shoulder just as she was about to go in. “Look, I will keep my promise but please, please be careful.

“Shirou-kun?” Her eyes showed confusion and doubt.

“Just because we are all swordsmen, don’t think Frederick fights like me or Kiba.”

“I know that-”

“Or that he will be weaker than any of us.” That made the young woman pause as his eyes locked on hers. “It wasn’t said but this is a master swordsman, someone who dedicated his life for the arena and is still here despite his potential.” His words carried weight and wisdom worthy of the title of Mage of Swords. “Think less of me and Kiba and more of Souji; someone who dedicated their lives to perfect their skill with a single weapon.”

Calmly Akeno nodded even if she felt some apprehension because of his words. “Are you sure he is a master?”

“In an environment like this? A man who is not only considered a favorite but Lakmia felt prudent warning us?” Shirou frowned just enough for her to see he was still thinking. “Perhaps he wouldn’t be as strong in a team based fight but this is one on one. Depending on how long this place exists and how long he has fought in it, he can only be a master.”

With those parting words Akeno nodded and made her way towards the arena once more. Her heart and her senses wished to be consumed by the audience’s cheers again, now louder than before.

Yet the Queen refused to slack off as her aura covered her body in a thin protective veil and her circuits called for a spear to help against her new opponent.

Frederick was also entering the arena with a confident stride and eyes which reminded Akeno of a viper, studying her for any weaknesses.

He was shorter than Akeno by a few centimeters, unlike her previous opponents he was skinny with far less bulging muscles. Except on his arms, those were the arms of a warrior with some scars and more muscle than the rest of his body. With an almost shaved head, his face looked a bit too round.

If she passed him by the street, Akeno wasn’t sure she would beg Frederick for a devil, much less a warrior.

However his eyes were a completely different story. The viper-like eyes held much and nothing at the same time.

There was no lust, rage, confusion, doubt, curiosity in his gaze, not even passion or excitement like her own. Just a wish for victory, a desire that burned hot in his heart and shone through the windows of his soul. They hid nothing and if anything stared at her as if to challenge her own resolve.

Then she noticed his sword, already on his hand and ready to be used. It was a one handed sword, short, the size of his arm from what Akeno could estimate. Her Structural Analysis wasn’t on Shioru’s level but it told her it had some runes inscribed on it for durability and to preserve its edge.

Unable to dive deep in its story like the Mage could, Akeno looked at the sword’s wave pattern for its steel.

It was a flame-bladed sword and Akeno could at least tell that was not the sort of weapon that was used with brute strength. It was too thin for it, lacking weight as she could observe by how her opponent held it comfortably with one hand. Besides that she also remembered Rias using similar swords to train but the wave pattern threw her off a little.

From behind her Shirou added the weapon to his Reality Marble, his look of concern growing more pronounced as Frederick’s history was displayed in his soul. ‘I was right, this man is a master
’ He gulped as Akeno raised her spear and Frederick’s rapier was repositioned in front of him. “Akeno, that is a rapier! It is built for speed!”

Thankfully there were no rules on the coaches shouting instructions because the redhead knew the ravenhead needed all the help she could get.

She barely reacted at the words, her eyes not leaving the tip of the weapon that was pointed in her direction. Through her peripherals she saw Frederick frown at Shirou’s words but didn’t let that take her attention away from the weapon.

‘I knew that.’ The memories of Rias practicing with Souji with similar weapons came to the forefront of her mind even if she just watched a couple of times. Instead of dwelling on them, Akeno focused on what went unsaid. ‘If Shirou-kun can warn me of the danger and he isn’t calling out some magic or anything else,’ her grip on her spear grew tighter, ‘that means his man’s skill is the issue.’

She smiled a confident if not feral smile that she began to develop in the arena as a certainty took hold of her soul. After all, she knew how to fight against swords.

With the clock ticking, Akeno decided to strike first and throw her spear straight towards Frederick. The man easily dodged to the side and advanced for a counterattack but in her hands there was already a whip and another spear ready to receive him.

Repeating her previous action she threw the new spear only for him to move around it seamlessly, almost like his body was made of water and bending to the sides was something natural he could do at any moment.

Still that was where the whip came into play as Akeno’s arm came into a swing to both keep her opponent and possibly end the fight in a second. Only for Frederick to bend again to the side, his feet never leaving the ground unless it was to keep running, as the whip completed its arch without touching him.

Calling her Lightning back and opening her restored wings, Akeno prepared to fly away only for Frederick to finally use his empty left hand, a magenta magic circle coming into existence.

Raising her arms Akeno expected a blast of some sort only to be caught off guard when her back collided with something and stopped her from taking off. A glance told her that another magenta magic circle blocked her path and in a panic she poured more mana in her whip before bringing it up for Frederick’s head.

Once again his body bended without losing speed and he finally reached her. When his arm moved for a stab it was like only skin connected it to his torso as the sword came at her from an unnatural angle.

First blood was spilled much to the audience’s delight.

Akeno’s cheek had been wounded despite her defenses, the attack too fast, the sword too sharp. She was flying to the side as fast as she could with wide eyes and more than a little panic. Her opponent turned to intercept her with his feet, her dodge barely successful since she did manage to escape but still took a kick for her troubles.

With her cheek stinging and a side bruised, Akeno fought against the shock mixed with panic. ‘He broke through my mana.’ A hand rested on her cheek and when she took stock of it, there was a lot of blood. ‘He broke my mana completely

Feeling she had no time to calm down, Akeno prepared her whip again only for Frederick to stare at her from where he landed. A swing to the side cleaned the blade of her blood and he deliberately turned to her slowly. There was no concern in his expression or posture, like he wasn’t worried about the fight.

Like he wasn’t worried about her.

A little irritation flared in her chest and Akeno charged mana in her right hand. “Lightning Bolt!!”

Once again the arena basked in light as the attack flew at higher speeds than before, the call of thunder howling as she let go of her control.

When he dodged Akeno was expecting it, her hand closing in on the Lightning as her mana struggled to take her power back under her control. She was mostly successful as the bolt became a huge spear which she swung in Frederick's direction to take off his legs.

Despite the brightness of the weapon and that the man’s eyes hadn’t left Akeno, he jumped and rolled above the giant spear. There was an attempt to bring the weapon back but it fell apart in her grip, the Lightning hitting connecting to the wall as it was intended the moment she let it go.

Frederick ignored the dust and the explosion, just opening his wings and flying towards the rookie at speeds she found extremely difficult to keep up with. That didn’t stop her from reacting by swinging her whip all around in the man’s direction while flying higher and higher.

Every strike was a miss as Frederick kept evading the Lightning without letting out a single sound. His weapon remained at his side until he started to get close enough to his range signaled by his free hand creating a magic circle.

Having already seen that coming, Akeno created a magic circle of her own followed by various others as the Lightning Whip disappeared. “Lightning Sword!”

Circuits flared as the new weapon came to life but that was only the first part of her plan which was necessary when she felt something on her back again. Not a single moment was wasted as her magic circles unleashed a torrent of Lightning towards Frederick while she turned around with a strong swing, cutting his wall in the middle.

For the first time Frederick reacted at her actions with a frown but it didn’t last long as he accelerated, his blade ready for a stab on her stomach. He practically danced around the Lightning, evading every single one of them and giving no thought for their quality or quantity.

None touched him, that was what mattered, and soon Akeno was on his range again as his blade moved for a stab.

The sword of Lightning came back and the weapons clashed in the air as sparks of electricity left the rookie’s weapon, trying and failing to connect with the metal. It was just impossible as no matter how much mana Akeno pushed in it the metal remained untarnished for the blade had a presence of its own.

But they kept flying up until the rooftop was almost in reach. “Lightning Dagger.” She commanded and her circuits answered. It was barely bigger than her hand but enough that she could throw it at Frederick’s shoulder.

Unexpectedly that the man moved, his chest bending just enough for the Lightning to pass along harmlessly while the strength of his sword arm remained above her own. She still tried to fight back, trying to maneuver her weapon in a way to take advantage of his more vulnerable position.

His wings flexed and suddenly he spun in place, bashing her weapon away and leaving her open. There was nothing to stop it when the sword pierced her stomach.

Ignoring the blade completely was impossible and Akeno couldn’t help but flinch from the pain even as her mana struggled against the invader. Fortunately she was strong enough to stop it from going too deep but only for a second. A literal single second that had her hands descending to grip the blade, planning on giving Frederick the shock of his life.

Only for the man to surprise her again, pulling back and leaving her to clap at empty air. Then she was forced to stop in her tracks when her back finally met the roof, with a frown she flew a little lower as she examined her new wound. It wasn’t big but just because the blade hadn’t gone deep, it was still bigger than it should have been and she didn’t know what to blame; his weapon or ability.

Meanwhile the rookie accessed herself, Frederick cleaned his sword again before launching himself into another charge. Again it was an expected maneuver so Akeno was already moving when the new attack began, her target not the ground but the electronic board with their names in it.

She got beneath it and turned, Lightning cracking around her fingertips as magic circles followed in its wake. Counting the seconds she felt Frederick stop as his mana froze mid air before moving around the board in a circle. Akeno also turned, following him as best as she could but knowing she was always a few milliseconds behind.

When a magenta magic circle appeared to her left, Akeno had grown enough attuned with the thin wall that she didn’t need to look to know it was there. She just turned and blasted it away with Lightning, still following Frederick’s presence as he revealed himself from behind the wall.

His sword was coming again and this time Akeno had enough warning to dodge it but that itself was odd as despite their positioning she knew the man should be faster than that.

When a kick came her mind clicked as the veteran warrior did a flip and his heel made contact with her forehead. ‘A feint.’ Akeno managed to think just before she collided with the ground in an extremely painful way.

Dizzy, confused and with a wing broken for the second time that day, Akeno heard the cheering of the crowd. This time she knew it wasn’t for her.

Deliberately slowly she turned, looking at Frederick’s back as he claimed the laurels of victory. Except that she wasn’t defeated and neither surrendered so the fight was still going even if he hadn’t noticed that as of yet. Looking up she saw barely no time had passed so Akeno used a few seconds to think.

‘He missed my vitals on purpose.’ She easily concluded while turning to her front and slowly standing up. Soon Frederick would notice she was still conscious but for the moment he was lost in the cheering. ‘From the beginning he could have hit my head, aimed for my heart and opened my belly
 Did I stop him from piercing my stomach or he held back?’

Time runned out as some of the crowd warned their champion she was still in the fight so the swordsman turned around slowly, weapon pointing to her. His eyes were wide with mid surprise but soon the emotion was buried under his previous detached but resolved expression.

Turning around fully, the man prepared to attack but Akeno called her circuits again, striking first. “Spark up. Lightning Net.” It was getting harder to use her mana but the aria helped push her just a little further.

Lightning moved to surround Frederick in eight different directions before closing in his location giving him no room to move around or run back.

Then the sword moved and Akeno understood what a master was capable of.

In an instant, faster than the Lightning she was capable of unleashing, the rookie felt her connection with her Element be severed as Frederick’s blade moved in a circle and slashed through every single one of her Lightning tendrils, unraveling her net.

Fighting back the panic, Akeno used what was left in an improvised attack while Frederick was still charging in her direction. He avoided the leftovers of what the ravenhead had to give much like before, bending in unpredictable ways while keeping up pace. Running wasn’t even an option as she already felt a wall forming behind her.

So Akeno channeled as much mana as she could in a short time frame, skipping every step and going for the most explosive result. “Departure of Lightning!!!”

The desperate action held barely a third of its full capacity and cost more mana than it should considering the lackluster results but the blast of Lightning did as she bid and for the first time since the fight began Frederick was hit as a wave of energy that blasted him away.

Surprised and mildly impressed, the warrior said nothing before turning his body and landing on his feet several meters from his initial position, the crowd cheering over his recovery.

At least that was what Akeno thought as she fell on her knees and used her hand to support herself. ‘That took too much out of me
’ With one of her eyes closed and gasping for breath, she looked at Frederick, still unharmed. ‘He should have at least raised some sort of defense.’ Her senses told her his mana was still the same, mostly focused on the sort.

Yet he was unharmed and that implied some sort of trick or Power she couldn’t identify because despite how weak her explosion was Akeno was sure that anyone sort of a High Class would at least get hurt if caught off guard.

Pushed to her limits Akeno tried to think fast as Frederick stayed back, now more cautious. He could see that she was tired but suspected that could be some sort of bait to lure him in and strike with Departure of Lightning again. The swordsman had no way of knowing that she lacked the reserves to even try.

No, all that Akeno wanted was to lie down and take a nap because she was facing the most problematic opponent she ever had in her life. He wasn’t like Yubelluna or Kokabiel who could overpower her or even like any of her friends or stray devils she faced in the past. If anything he reminded her of Rutal’s Queen of whom she couldn't even remember the name.

‘What is the trick?’ She gulped some air and stood up again, Lightning sparking around her. It was for show. ‘If I can figure out the trick then I can win
’ At least she hoped as her eyes moved from the sword to the man then to the sword again.

Despite her obvious exhaustion he wasn’t charging as of yet, being on guard and careful to not fall for some sort of desperate attack.

That wouldn’t last for long as Akeno noticed his eyes going up and then looked back at her with more determination than before. Time was their enemy, even if she needed some to breathe, it was actually pushing her adversary to attack sooner. His mana grew stronger around his sword as a white aura grew barely visible around him.

‘Wait, white aura
’ It clicked in the ravenhead’s mind. “You can use Touki.” Frederick’s new offensive came to a halt as he stared at her with wide eyes. “It makes sense; your love for the arena, the certainty of your movements, your connection with your sword.” Her smile grew confident despite her exhaustion, born from the satisfaction of watching the shock in Frederick’s face. “Your Fighting Spirit is already burning brightly and that makes you possibly the strongest direct fighter in the arena.”

The veteran warrior stood there for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and talking for the first time. “Looks like you are more competent than I expected.” His voice was high pitched, so extremely high pitched that some of it was lost in a frequency only dogs could hear, and Akeno’s brow twitched but otherwise she remained stoic. “Surrender, you can’t win.”

Still smiling, Akeno surrounded herself with power as the smell of ozone grew stronger. “Come and make me.”

Shaking his head the swordsman looked disappointed. “You really are a glutton for punishment.” A twitch escaped the Queen’s lips. “Since you already figured it out, I don’t need to hold back anymore.” His Ki became more pronounced, much to the audience’s excitement.

The bald man then charged faster than before and despite knowing what her opponent was using that didn’t mean she recovered the advantage or found any sort of leverage. If anything it was the opposite as knowing her opponent mastered himself to that level filled Akeno with trepidation.

Lightning left her hands straight towards Frederick but his movements were still perfect and he dodged the charge. Instead of trying again, Akeno took flight only for another magenta wall to block her path. She had felt it taking form and expected it, using her arm to push herself from it to the side.

That dodge was sloppy as her shoulder got hit by the sword and another kick came to her chest. She was launched to the side again, this time hitting a wall while feeling like her ribs were breaking apart.

And her adversary wasn’t stopping to give her any more chances as he made a long turn towards her. Flying evidently wasn’t his speciality and he actually started going faster once his feet were back on the ground, his sword raised above his head and bringing it down to cut off her leg.

His reach was perfect however Akeno moved just in time and let out a blast of mana behind her to kick up some dust. Frederick wasn’t deterred as he no longer held concern for his opponent’s well being. The rookie proved herself sufficiently dangerous that meant she was worthy of him going all out.

So he swung his sword in the direction had been in, only hearing as his blade hit stone and not flesh.

Akeno had used the blast to push herself up and was holding the wall that barely separated the stands from the arena. Her hands were hurting but she smiled as her opponent was blind by his inability to detect her mana.

A problem she didn’t have as she kicked the wall and used her wings in an effort to stay afloat just enough to unleash several beams on mana around the place, kicking up more dust. Enough so that Frederick noticed his prey wasn’t in his range anymore but still unable to tell exactly where she was.

Eventually he realized she was flying and followed her cue but much faster as unlike her his wings were still healthy. Once he escaped the dust he looked around and saw nothing but the audience who were doing something or another. His eyes failed to find the raven haired woman and soon his gaze moved up.

Going around the billboard took just a second before he started looking around the roof. Already he started to wonder if Akeno had escaped or was using some sort of trick to hide.

Whatever the arena passed as judges still considered the match going as the clock kept ticking so the man knew the fight was still going even if his opponent was missing.

Then there was the cheering, a part the man usually enjoyed the crowd’s attention but now it was starting to get in his way as he tried to focus his senses to detect his hidden opponent. Part of him debated landing and declaring himself the victor to try and drag Akeno from wherever she was hiding but there was just one problem.

She was a Wizard type and Frederick had watched enough Rating Games to know that giving her any time to prepare was a terrible idea.

Then he recognized the voice of his favorite mistress cutting through the arena. “SHE IS DOWN THERE, RICK!!!!!” Certainly she used some magic to make herself louder and the tone he usually compared to a fine melody was full of concern.

Still the message was received and his eyes turned to see an frustrated Akeno hidden behind some rocks. Around her mana pulsed in concentration with a steady but slow build up.

It wasn’t for an attack, he realized, she was trying to recover some energy.

During the time the man flew around looking for her, Akeno didn’t remain idle or just build up her energy. As a Queen of Gremory, Rias’ right hand woman, she knew basic strategy and knew that she couldn't win the fight unless something changed.

While he looked around her mind ran over dozens of possibilities; an explosion of full power like Rias used to make, a single sword like Shirou’s, a cage like Yubelluna’s secret weapon, anything that could implement her Lightning and defeat her opponent before his sword took a hand or a leg.

“You are thinking too much.” Medusa’s words came like the ring of a bell just before Frederick turned to her.

Those words made her freeze as her power build up reached its limit, from there she could only recover with proper rest.

Not that was in her mind as it was like a light was turned on in her mind. “Could it be that simple?”

Remembered how Shirou usually fights, remembered how Rias dedicated herself more to her own way of fighting, how all her friends took their own steps to grow stronger.

Right down to her present opponent and how he dedicated himself to a single weapon. It reminded her of Souji but in a different way, a different path.

“‘How I fight and how I don't’
” A calm smile grew in her lips as she began to focus on her right hand. “Shirou-kun, I take it back; that was just the right amount of vagueness.” She didn’t know if she was mad or desperate but at least it was something to try.

It went against most of what Akeno had been taught but not everything, not against the lessons of the magi in her life. Since all her talent was worthless against a master, she discarded all of it. Every spell, teaching and practice but the essential was thrown aside. Changing herself, devoting all her being to a single thing like she saw many do before.

Perhaps it wasn’t true she was throwing things away and in truth she was consolidating all her knowledge and power in a single point. The real question was: would it be enough?

That would be her last gamble, if she failed then there was only defeat.

All hesitation left her body and anxiety took its place completely. Seconds ticked but for Akeno they felt like centuries. ‘Am I going to fail? Is this going to work? Is this the right path?’

“You are thinking too much.” Medusa’s words echoed again and her eyes abandoned any doubt.

No longer she was a Queen, she was a warrior and her place was on the battlefield. “Let there be Lightning.”

On her hand a weapon began to take shape, familiar but not as Akeno poured everything she had on it. It moved almost by itself, obeying a command the ravenhead didn’t know she gave. Almost like a serpent the weapon wrapped itself in her arm and promptly began to burn her as lightning should.

Akeno felt a greater awareness as her senses burned from pain and excitement, her arm throwing the Lightning in her hand towards her adversary.

Frederick saw the attack coming and flew a few centimeters to the left, enough to let it pass and keep going in his main trajectory. His evasive maneuver was successful for a moment before the Lightning moved after him from its center and without prompt. While his skill with mana was subpar he felt his Ki clashing against the new weapon.

The moment contact was made he began to move away from the Lightning, mostly by instinct than anything else even as Akeno’s new weapon began to change and pursue his movements.

Something was wrong as his flexibility failed him and for the first time in this match Frederick found himself flying away from his enemy’s attack. But he didn’t stop and instead moved around to keep going from another angle, the Lightning regressing towards Akeno once he was out of its range.

The ravenhead seemed to stumble as her whole arm was tied with Lightning, something she would never recommend considering her weakened state and the dangerous nature of Lightning.

Yoruichi could do it and Akeno knew she lacked the skill and power to reproduce the same results safely but the pain helped her focus. Thankfully her body was resistant against it else the ravenhead would have knocked herself out because it beared repeating that she wouldn’t recommend tying her arm with Lightning.

For the first time in a long time Akeno was embracing the benefits of her bloodline even if she didn’t take them into account.

Pushing through every useless thought Akeno threw her arm towards her opponent and the weapon was unleashed again, its form far more defined than any other she made. All could recognize it as a chain with dozens of links made of pure Lightning. It pulsed and moved at its creator’s whims, charging at its prey.

More cautious than before Frederick raised his sword, focusing all his mana and some of his Ki to make it even sharper. With its wave-like pattern the flame-bladed sword seemed to let out a river of power as he stepped to the side and struck the chain with all his might.

The weapon broke but unlike its previous kin it wasn’t gone and instead the broken link moved with Akeno’s hand to connect with Frederick’s chest. A scream ran over the arena before the man got away from the chain, charging at Akeno at max speed. The pain was a wake up call; he needed to win quickly.

But the links of the chain moved around to intercept him, the weapon using its links to move with far more precision than any chain of steel would be able to. Frederick took two hits on his arm and one on his back and that was with his body bending as much as possible to avoid them.

Then he noticed Akeno’s smile once he was close enough and feared some sort of trap. However he was committed to the attack as he could see the chain moving closer with its links dancing around the woman’s arm. There was only one path to him and it was forward with his first strike being a stab to her right shoulder.

‘Immobilize the arm and the chain wouldn't be a problem’, was his train of thought but the moment his rapier connected Frederick knew something was wrong. There were no magic circles or sudden defenses, the raven head’s aura also was absent, the chain didn’t move and his effort of avoiding its links was successful.

Too successful. It was like Akeno wasn’t even trying to stop him.

Because she couldn't, all of her focus was in her chain so when the sword pierced her shoulder it did so completely, the tip popping on the other side as the weapon sunk until the handle met her shoulder.

Easy or not Frederick knew to not waste an opportunity and with a downward swing he could cut Akeno’s arm off and secure an advantage if not a win.

But then Lightning ran over his body when the chain moved and began to tie itself around his arm and sword, the ravenhead revealing a grin which carried a mix of pain and triumph. The movement was so sudden and without warning that there was no way the older warrior could avoid it.

The links closed tightly around him, spreading like serpents and going up his arm in at a pace that was frighteningly fast. He tried to pull his sword back and run away but Akeno’s other arm came and held him in place as the chain grew tighter. Its links also kept moving, those behind him didn’t attack but steadily returned to their mistress.

When he saw the look of concentration on Akeno’s face he knew she was in control of the situation but something else filled his heart with dread. She was having fun.

Akeno was enjoying their position, sharing her pain with her opponent while also keeping him stuck as doom loomed closer. Panic began to set in and he tried to pull the sword one more time before deciding it was futile. She wasn’t going to let go and the chain was growing tighter.

However Frederick wasn’t one of the most prized fighters in the Underground Arena for nothing. He earned his position after years of struggles, suffering and blood, a lot of blood. Sure he was one of its top fighters even if not the strongest or most skilled one, more than one noble asked him to join a peerage only to be rejected.

Because the man was wise enough to know that in fights other than one on one he would be destroyed, especially against Wizard types with proper support. There was no future for him in Rating Games so the man refused to take the risk, believing it was better to be a big fish in a small pond.

He knew his limits and was sure that a Wizard type with a proper support could decimate him or neutralize his main ability. Akeno was bringing his fears into reality in the worst way possible; by herself.

Soon panic was swallowed by determination and resolve as long ago Frederick had already vowed that he would never lose to a Wizard type. “You don’t belong here.”

A kick came from her side and Akeno flinched but remained steady while commanding the chain to move higher and faster through the man’s arm while much of it kept the sword and her shoulder in place.

It was hurting a lot but it was the kind of pain she could deal with, the kind that left a warm sensation in her belly which felt somewhat like she was eating a very delicious meal.

Not the kind of pain a devil could take for long and in the proportion she was suffering but Akeno could do it because unconsciously she was using her advantages as a True Hybrid.

Born from one of the strongest fallen angels and a human, despite her Reincarnation giving her the weaknesses of devils, her physiology actually didn’t change much. Her potential could surpass her father even, the problem was that she never truly pushed herself.

She became what devil classified as a Wizard type, a fighting style belonging to those who fought at a distance and had a preference to not directly dealing with their opponents. Learning to use weapons and developing her own brand of Gradation Air to avoid direct contact with her enemies, she never experimented with the opposite.

When all her resources failed she had to fight for real, to grind herself into the mud to bring her enemies down and seize an impossible victory. That wasn’t how she was taught.

Always a Queen, always a Wizard type.

No more.

That changed in the arena as her smile grew more feral and the chain touched Frederick’s shoulder, the fight was coming close to an end.

Of course the most experienced warrior noticed that too and knew he had to act. From a period of four seconds precisely Frederick unleashed a volley of kicks on Akeno’s side, always in the same place in the area where her ribs started. His kicks were so fast neither could really count how many he threw.

However the chain was still getting closer to a vital area and no matter how experienced he was Frederick wasn’t capable of ignoring them as Akeno was apparently doing. He didn’t know if she was being hurt by her weapon, which she was, or how she was standing despite her wounds, with just determination and stubbornness.

All of her power was on those chains and knowing it or not didn’t change what Frederick had to do to win; break them.

His weapon was stuck, the chains locked it and Akeno’s arm in place and he was feeling so much pain there was no way for him to do anything else but keep attacking.

Still his Ki flowed and he jumped on one leg, unleashed his wings and channeled as much of his spirit he could on his leg before seeding it to Akeno’s face.

She couldn't dodge or raise any sort of defense since all her power was on the chain so the kick connected, forcing her neck back and her body to fly away much to Frederick’s relief. Akeno's forced flight took her towards the other side of the arena close to her entrance and the explosion of her impact raised another cloud of dust.

The pull from his arm was still there but it was harder on his sword so Frederick abandoned it as most of the chain was locking it in place. With his kick the chain grew slack a little and thanks to his wings he avoided flying uncontrollably and landed a few meters ahead after she met the wall.

Any devil would have been unconscious at that point unless they were Ultimate Class, of that Frederick was sure. Yet the pain didn’t leave him, neither did the chain.

Worse yet the pain began to grow more intense as the chain began to tie around his neck like a viper whose eyes he shared. Frederick took hold of it with both hands, Ki fighting to keep the Lightning at bay but that didn’t help much. His whole body was starting to break, his pain receptors going into hayware as the damage stacked so much he fell to his knees.

And the chain kept going, trying to close in on his throat while his body took more electricity than a hundred electric chairs could ever produce.

He looked up in panic, seeing his team shouting in panic but the security kept them back. Frederick saw how they were trying to save him but it was in vain.

Then his eyes landed on Akeno’s side of the arena and he saw a man with red hair and folded arms with an expression that indicated he was struggling to remain calm.

‘Get your fighter.’ Frederick wanted to say. ‘She lost.’

Words couldn’t leave his mouth as he had no strength to say anything as his body finally gave out. His spirit was exhausted and many would have died with less.

And it was still going, the chain wasn’t letting go, going completely around the man’s throat but not growing any tighter.

Only because its owner didn’t judge the fight over the chain retained its form while just sending relevant amounts of its Element throughout its extension.

Nobody said anything and an eerie silence dominated all of the arena as people watched Frederick fall. Clearly he was defeated but no one was going to infertere unless they were part of the staff and they were a little lost in what to do.

Fortunately for them Akeno began to shake a little before starting to try and get to her feet.

Slowly the ravenhead first reached her knees before trying anything else, her right arm practically useless with a sword stuck on her shoulder. Useless except by the chain that remained fixed on the weapon and her adversary, still shining as brightly as first summoned.

Her ribbon had been undone during her last flight and the cascade of her hair covered her face completely, only Shirou was close enough to see a small smile on her lips brimming with satisfaction.

Once she stood up the crowd roared at her victory as the timer above her head stopped and her eyes remained hidden behind her hair. All they needed to know was that Akeno was victorious.

Yet Shirou was concerned as she remained standing at the corner of the arena for a few seconds with blood still pouring from her wounds. Her shoulder was the worst by far for even if the chain held the sword in places it still was lodged between her flesh and bone. None of the Queen’s traits helped with that sort of situation.

However Shirou wasn’t a fool and he remembered his fight with Vali very well, specially how the White Dragon Emperor survived hundreds of cuts and lost more blood than most humans had in their body.

‘What was Lucifer if not a fallen angel?’ Shirou knew Akeno had more in common with Vali than anyone else in the planet despite him being a great grandson and not the direct son of the Devil.

Including their survivability.

He stood there in shock as Frederick’s team moved to save their fighter. Of note was the fact every single one of them was a woman and their faces held a great deal of concern.

When they tried to break the chain with mana it was a failure as it only shook and lost a little of its luster. One of them turned to Akeno and begged her to let the man go.

A small tilt in the head followed by the chain leaving his body were the only indications she heard the request as the Lightning construct moved towards its creator and involved Akeno’s arm completely.

Shirou was about to rush in as well when Akeno began to walk towards the exit with her head high but eyes still lost behind her hair. She staggered a little but still made all the way through.

“Akeno?” For a moment Shirou feared she had lost consciousness and was moving by instinct alone.

He was somewhat reassured when she turned to him with her usual smile that had most of the male populace of Kuoh bending backwards just to look at her. “That was fun.” Lightning cracked and the chain disappeared, her wound bleeding more. “Can you catch me, Shirou-kun?”

Akeno blacked out just as she felt the warmth of his arms.

A doctor yawned out loud as her shift in the hospital was about to end, exhaustion permeating in her body as the sun basked the room through a huge window. With short green hair going that just reached her shoulders and the figure typical of a healthy devil, able to compete with models, the woman held an air of exhaustion.

Hardly her fault as her shift had lasted longer than intended and over the last few weeks she had taken some extra work under the orders of a Maou.

Didn’t help that her normal workload was usually big thanks to the position of the hospital she worked on; the Frontier.

The Frontier was named like so because it was the area where the controlled territory of the Underworld ended and vast Wildlands began. Technically speaking it wasn’t really a frontier since its location was far ahead of its demarcation in any map. The frontier posts, including the one where her hospital was located, were several kilometers in the middle of the Wildlands.

Its place was actually located inside one of the many fortresses that populated the Frontier, command centers where explorers, bounty hunters, researchers and settlers used to coordinate, communicate and negotiate with the main government.

Those fortresses also held many fundamental structures that couldn’t safely be built outside strong boundary fields to keep dangerous monsters and the unstable weather from the Wildlands at bay.

Expansion and settlement took time after all and the devils were forced to learn patience or be consumed by their own world. It was one of the many reasons why they tried to take over Earth, the more tame and peaceful dimension, multiple times before the Original Maou were ultimately destroyed.

Still once the Great War ended they found themselves with little choice but to fully explore, expand and try to make the best of a bad situation.

For that they built their fortresses every few kilometers conquered, allocated many resources towards such endeavors, changed their system several times over to the point most criminal offenses held some time working in the Frontier while also trying to make sure the survival rates there were as high as possible due to the low birthrates.

Those were just a few of the measures devils took as they worked into taming the Underworld, a process they knew could take several millennia before they could finally call it a success.

Of course with so many dangers the hospitals of the Frontier were the heart of the expansion, allowing those who managed to enter their premises to recover and go back to work no matter the danger they faced.

Supposing they survived said dangers in the first place.

Still that meant the doctors and nurses in the Frontier were some of the most busy devils in the whole Underworld and such thoughts crossed that woman's mind now and again when she was reminded of a particular operation or a problematic injury.

Then she would touch a scalpel in her pocket with a small smile as EM did wonders and miracles, saving several lives in cases that in the past could only be called lost turned to doable.

It was thanks to EM that many doctors were relieved that most of their patients were saved and why she didn’t mind doing some extra work for the Gremory as she turned a corner and entered the Intense Care wing of the hospital, marching towards her newest protege.

Of the several beds in the room only a few were occupied by devils who just needed some time to recover their energies after their lives were saved. Complete restoration was impossible for one or two, their limbs lost completely or devoured by a creature which would never leave their nightmares.

Prosthetics would be made and thanks to the Grigori the doctor knew they would get the best of the best, the sort of miraculous prosthetic that was going to allow them to feel what they touched even in a lesser manner.

Also one of them asked for a rocket power fist and Azazel was eccentric enough that nobody doubted he was going to get it.

‘Hmm~ I wish that man offered me something nice~’ Devil or not, she found the Governor General handsome when he popped up to leave her protege and take a look around the place. He even promised her a coffee if she ever showed up in Runeas while he was around. ‘Is my break this month? No, it is still four months away
 Can I take an early vacation?’ When her eyes landed on a curtain with a green light behind it, she smiled and shook her head. “Not with my dear apprentice around~”

“Daline-sensei? You are back?”

Pushing the curtain around the bed just enough to get in, Daline looked inside with a grin. “Who else would be around this ungoetialy hour? The nurses are too busy with the less endangered patients and we are almost at the end of our shift.” The woman shook her head at noticing Asia’s bright disposition. “Then again, you are used to the sun, aren’t you? Despite waking up early you are still going out full throttle.”

Dressed in a nurse's outfit with a badge around her neck that showed a picture and credentials, Asia looked like the stereotype that men dreamed of having to have to take care of them.

Her hair was done in a neat bun inside a small hat and the Bishop looked to be sweating a little even if her eyes didn’t show any sort of exhaustion.

A tilt of her head showed that Asia didn’t understand the metaphor but her patient, a woman with dark curly white hair that was almost silver, chuckled at the comment before wincing and holding her modest chest.

Asia looked at her patient with a concerned but disappointed look. “Please Vitlia-san, stay still. I haven’t finished your treatment yet.”

Vitlia's smile was still present but she also looked pretty chastised. “Sorry, sorry you’re too nice for me. I thought that ticora would have done me in.”

“Manticora poison is dangerous and we always had too many in these parts.” Daline moved around to the bottom of the bed and retrieved the patient’s sheet. It clearly stated that the woman had a manticora’s spikes hit her on her back, pierce her lungs and scratch her heart. “Thank Goetia and your lucky stars Asia is around because of the migration of those beasts we used almost all our supply of antidotes. Honestly, in any other situation you would have been dead.”

“You bet your ass I’ll.” The woman in bed replied firmly before wincing again.

“Please don’t, Vitlia-san. Because of the poison I haven’t finished with your wound just yet.”

“Sorry.” By the look on her face the doctor knew she wasn’t sorry at all. Easier for her to see than the former nun since

Yet measures needed to be taken. “Listen here, Vitlia, Asia is about to finish her shift and so help me if you force her to stay even a second longer-” The doctor paused once she read the hour the patient was registered for treatment and, she was sure, the other nurses called for Asia to save her life. “Asia, how long have you been taking care of Vitlia?”

 A few minutes?”

An arched eyebrow showed skepticism.  â€œAnd the other nurses?”

“There are other patients that need- Auchie.” The sheet hit the blonde in the head.

“And you can’t help anyone if you pass out from mana exhaustion now move over.” Slowly and carefully Asia began to step back from the patient while the doctor took her EM and stabbed it on the affected area. Thanks to the Bishop’s efforts the damage was already mostly healed but the woman shook her head in frustration. “It was bigger than this but you should have another nurse relieve you once you got rid of the poison. I know that Twilight Healing was this dufus best chance-”

“Hey.” She winced in pain again but this time her healer gave her no sympathy.

“-but after that you should have switched over. If this wasn’t already the end of our shift then you could make a mistake and pass out of exhaustion. What would your patients do then?” The former nun looked down in embarrassment and Daline did her best to maintain her stern face. “It is worse in combat situations. You are planning to join your King during Rating Games, correct? Then more than most you need to learn how to pace yourself, choose wisely what to heal and when to heal.”

“But leaving my friends hurt can’t be right.” Quickly Asia covered her head, expecting another smack.

Instead the woman shook her head and focused on studying the patient's wounds. “Most wounds any other nurse could have taken care of easily after you dealt with the venom. Delegation exists for a reason or else the toughest cases slip through the cracks.”

“Are you saying my case wasn’t important, Daline.” Vitlia commented with an annoyed look.

The doctor sent her an unimpressed look. “We get to patch you every other day. You aren’t important but routine.”

“You hurt my heart more than the ticora did. What is your brother going to think?”

“That block head is stupider than you or else you wouldn't be married.” The tone indicated a joke but Daline’s face carried some real exasperation. “Seriously, when are you going to slow down? If you keep getting poisoned like this then you won’t be able to have children.” A sullen expression later had the doctor flinching. “Nothing so far?”

“We’re trying

” Sadness poured from the doctor as she removed EM. “Those things take time but you can’t force this. You need to take care of yourself to increase your chances.”

“I’m pushing two hundred next month, Daline. Nasta had hers ten years ago.”

“Nasta spent every single night with her lover trying. You still insist on going on expeditions.” A little sympathy at her old friend’s situation didn’t stop the doctor from spitting out facts.

“I am sure you are going to be with child soon, Vitlia-san.” Yet Asia was even more sympathetic, offering a certainty that could only be called absolute.

It immediately lifted the white haired woman’s spirits. “You really think so?”

“Of course. The important thing is to not give up.”

Asia’s words raised Vitlia’s morale, who sat up on the bed and grabbed her for a hug while rubbing her head. "That 's right! Game isn't over until I quit! I’m grabbing him tonight, dragging him to the bed and- OW!” Suddenly she laid down with an immense pain in her ribs. “Daline, didn’t you fix me?”

“I did but your muscles are still frail because of the poison so you opened the wound.” Daline sounded unconcerned and unamused. “That is what you get for trying to jump out of the bed after almost dying.”

“Should I- Auchie.”

“No, you are resting. Sacred gear or not, doing things half assed because you are tired can do more bad than good.” A small lie to keep the blonde from pushing herself too much.

With Twilight Healing specific ability there was no way Asia could harm anyone even if she actually tried. Azazel gave Daline everything the Grigori compiled about the sacred gear with instructions and theories of how Asia could push it further, including what it could and couldn’t absolutely do.

Twilight Healing was made for one thing alone; healing. Azazel confirmed that God used the concept of Healing itself, the restoration of what it was, when forging Twilight Healing.

Sure He didn’t use the whole thing, only its Light or fragments of the Concept essence to create the sacred gears that became Twilight Healing. Years of research showed that Healing as a Concept itself doesn’t have a singular form and that was why God saw no problem in creating more than one sacred gear with it.

However that didn’t mean it was instantaneous or there weren’t ways to use it wisely or recklessly like in Asia’s case. Daline could see by the shadows in her eyes and slumped shoulders that the Bishop was absolutely exhausted.

There was a reason the Intensive Care was mostly empty, after all. “You need to learn to not fret over every wound.”

Curious green eyes settled in the doctor. “Sensei?”

“In a combat situation you need to evaluate who needs the most help, who is close to dying
 and who is going to die regardless. Twilight Healing or not, EM or not, you don't have mana to spare for each and everyone.”

“But this isn’t- Auchie.”

“Ya ain’t listening.” Suddenly the woman was speaking with a heavy accent before clearing her throat. “Listen, I know that its hard but if you are going to be part of a Combat Peerage then you need to expect yourself to make some choices that you won’t like-”

“I won’t let anyone die if I can help them.” Asia interrupted with a firm look and determined expression. “I will save everyone, that is why I am here.” Raising to her full height, still a head smaller than the doctor, she held her hands together as if to pray. “I just need to learn more, correct? Then I will learn everything if that is what it takes to save everyone.”

Daline firmly believed the Bishop wasn’t telling her a lie. ‘You are naive
’ Memories of dozens of bodies surrounded a younger Daline as her hands were covered in blood. She couldn't save a single one. “Beh, that is not what I mean.”

“Auchie.” Asia held her hands, massaging her head after another hit.

“I am just saying you need to take better care of yourself. Or do you think you can help anyone if you pass out? Sure you can’t.”

“You don’t need to be so cruel, Daline.”

“And you need to stay in bed. Let 's go, Asia. Now that your shift is over let's put something in your stomach so you recover.”

“Hey, aren’t you forgetting something.” Vitlia pointed to the chest area where it hurt.

Daline gave her another unimpressed look. “I have no patience for patients who don’t rest.” And to make sure Asia wasn’t going to do anything else she grabbed the blonde by the back of her dress and carried her like a cat.

“You’re mean.” Vitlia said with a groan.

“And you know it.” Daline added before closing the door behind her and letting Asia go. “Now, we are done for today. Aren’t we?” She asked with a forced smile.

“But I can-”

“‘Aren’t we’?” The smile turned a little unhinged and Asia nodded slowly, concerned about the doctor’s well being. “Good. Honestly, you overestimate yourself too much.”

“But didn’t you say that I would learn more by working directly with the patients? Isn't that why Azazel-san sent me here?”

From any other person the way she asked questions would make Asia sound confrontational. “And you worked way too hard.” Daline knew Asia didn’t have a mean bone on her body. “Your sacred gear is better than EM and your knowledge on devil’s physiology is now good enough that you can be a passable nurse.” The smile the Bishop gave would have anyone else weak in their knees. “BUT. But, you need to remember that even if you know everything there is to know and can use as little mana as possible to restore someone, you still need to use the minimum necessary to restore flesh and blood which is a considerable quantity.”

The older woman began to walk and the youngest didn’t hesitate to follow. “But I didn’t heal as many people today- Auchie.” A light chop on her head shut her up.

“Not every wound or malady is the same. If you haven’t learned that by now I am a failure as a teacher.” The shot at her own credibility actually hurt Asia more than her. “Did you read the book about manticores that I gave you? It should be obligatory reading to anyone coming to these parts, honestly.” It frustrated her that it wasn’t but when she got a positive nod, Daline was satisfied. “Then you know their poison is corrosive and Vitlia only survived because of her power, right?”

“Of course. I also did my best to channel all of the poison on a single point before beginning to neutralize it. Isolating it took some time but I managed to save all her organs with just some blood vessels damaged.”

“Great job, did you account for the acidic level of the poison when neutralizing it?” At Daline’s question, Asia’s face grew blank. “Also, did you know that organs are more resistant to it than blood vessels since a manticore mainly uses it to survive against their own predators.” By the Bishop’s face, she didn’t know that.

“But I needed to-”

“To protect your patient, keep her organs healthy so she can recover.” Daline called her out perfectly, fully understanding Asia’s thought process. “Yet our organs are not as frail and that poison was especially bad to blood vessels. Keeping it locked into a strong organ, like a liver, would actually be better than keeping it on its original entrance point.” When her student opened her mouth, Daline raised a hand, anticipating the question. “And yes, it was going to be more painful this way but also reduce her recovery time and mana expended.”

A depressed Asia looked down before shaking her head quickly and giving the doctor a firm look. “Then I will do better next time.”

Sighing from her lips a little, Daline also shook her head. “Are you still going to focus on everyone else?”

“Of course, that is why the Lord gave Twilight Healing to me
” A second later Asia placed both hands on her mouth and looked around. Praising God in a devil hospital wasn’t a good idea.

Indeed even the doctor in front of her threw a small glare before starting to walk again. “How many times I have to say, don’t mention Him.” The last word was full of loathing. “He abandoned you and never cared for us. The Great Enemy deserves only curses.”

” It was easy to forget that she was in the Underworld and everybody was devils. Harder still because of her studies, ironically enough.

It all came down to how similar humans and devils were inside and out, literally and metaphorically. Daline for example wasn’t different from some teachers in Kuoh; harsh but fair. Only when God was mentioned was that the woman lost her calm and could be called cruel.

Not really strange since like many devils Daline believed that God was still out there and never cared for them.

Yet the woman did her duty in guiding Asia, teaching her as much as she could about medicine, mana management, the duties of a battle medic and her personal philosophy. She never failed and when God wasn’t mentioned the doctor would always treat the Bishop with respect even if she was a little annoyed with Asia’s naivety.

Despite all that Asia kept her positive attitude and that desire to heal everyone. “I will do my best.” She stopped in front of the doctor and bowed her head until her waist. “So please keep teaching me.”

 really are too earnest for your own good.” Another sigh. “Seriously, what was lady Gremory thinking about Reincarnating a nun of all people? I will never understand that.” Shrugging one shoulder she passed by Asia. “Just don’t mention Him, again.” After a few steps she turned. “Are you coming?”

“Yes, Sensei.” Asia caught up with the doctor’s step easily as the woman continued to give her pointers on how to best save up her mana and expand her reserves.

All the while Daline tried to keep up the instructions for Asia’s training, instructions that Azazel strongly suggested she kept a secret. “Twilight Healing can in theory evolve its ability infinitely so long as the user believes in it. Theoretically.” Had said the Governor General with a wink. “That is why you must never say that she can’t heal or fix something, just tell her she isn’t ready yet and teach her what a doctor would need to know, at least in theory, to solve the problem. Maybe regrowing limbs is too much, not enough energy, but let's start small and say, get rid of a cold?”

Already Asia was showing the results of such a stance. ‘When she arrived the idea of neutralizing poison never had even crossed her mind. Now she can deal with one of the greatest dangers in the Frontier by herself.’ A block of envy settled in her stomach but Daline held it back. ‘That sacred gear is the dream equipment to any doctor.’

Daline couldn’t deny that she wanted it badly and hoped that Azazel found a way to reproduce it in mass. EM was good but Twilight Healing was better.

Until then she was going to work with Asia until the girl could heal anything.

When Akeno came to be again she felt a wave of relief and the good sort of exhaustion that came after a long day of work. It was almost like her spirit had been purified by her struggles and the last few hours had helped her find something in herself that she never knew was there.

Remembering the date, the realizations and the fights had all memories coated in a positive light despite disappointments and pain, lots of pain especially from the fights. Funnily enough remembering some of that pain warmed her heart and made sure she was never going to forget her former opponents.

Then her most recent memories finally caught up with her and Akeno jumped.

“Hey, hey. Calm down.” Only for Shirou’s soothing voice and his hand to keep her in bed. “It is fine. Fight is over. You are fine.”

“Fight is
” Akeno noticed the pillow and the blanket before letting out a sigh and laying down again, looking at the roof. “Oh
 What was the damage?”

Shirou looked at her with a coyly smile. “Let’s say ‘a lot’ and let it go.” Calmly he sat back on a chair and pulled the cover back up. “Cleaning the blood was harder. Remind me to make a sword to get rid of it safely later.”

“Oh my.” Lifting her clothes Akeno saw she was still dressed in the same damaged uniform and pouted. “Didn’t you even take a peek?”

A deadpan stare was his best response. “Most women would slap someone for even suggesting that.” Akeno giggled and he smiled a little. “How are you feeling?”

“Tired, sleepy
 Satisfied.” Akeno recognized with a smile, studying her hand above her face. “I think I am starting to develop a taste for fighting
 Do you think I can learn Touki any time soon?” Shirou’s eyes suddenly looked sad and her smile grew. “It is fine, Shirou-kun. I know I can’t use Touki while fighting myself. Still remember your problems with it.”

 So are you finally ready to talk about it? The ‘other’ Akeno?” She nodded, much to his surprise. “Wow. I mean, today was just full of surprises.”

“I know, right? Never thought I would find a way to find fighting fun. Usually I just like seeing people squirm but
” Closing and opening her hand multiple times, Akeno heard her bones cracking once and let out a sigh. “I really wanted to win the tournament.”

There was a pause as Shirou stood up and left her view for a moment but the ravenhead was too lost in thought to follow. She just laid there, admiring her hand and remembering her fights, almost in disbelief that the person in the last match was her. Those emotions, that raw desire to win and the triumph after.

Also the cheering, that was practically intoxicating for her. She was used to some adulation and admiration from her peers at school but to have hundreds of people cheering her name was something else entirely.

'Exhilarating, pretty sure that is the word.’ Akeno let her arm drop as Shirou came back with a glass of water. Only then did she notice how thirsty she was.

“Here.” Helping her sit up again, he watched the relief in her face after her first gulp. “Tell me if you need more.”

Akeno ended up drinking two whole glasses before relaxing again and Shirou letting the glass go. “Even after Riser’s fight I never felt so tired.”

“Well, maybe that was because you had a little more control there.” At her incredulous expression he chuckled. “Against Riser’s Queen you fought in the way you were used to and you won by an attack you knew would leave you exhausted. In that fight, everything went according to plan.” Waving around, he smiled. “Here you were caught off guard and had to fight unlike ever before. And you liked it.”

 Maybe you are right.” Then her eyes grew wide and Akeno looked at her surroundings for the first time. “Wait, we are still in the changing rooms
” Looking down she finally noticed the ‘bed’ she was laying on was actually a couple of benches with a cushion and pillows. Expanding her senses she could tell the small mattress she was on was made with mana, Shirou’s to be more exact. “Why?”

Playfully, Shirou picked up a chair and turned around to use it to support his arms. “Can’t you guess?”

A twitch on Akeno’s lips revealed a smile. “The tournament isn’t over?”

“Got it in one. Well, it could end if you surrender but you are on the final.” There was no way he was going to surrender for her, not unless she wanted to. So he made sure the ravenhead could rest and hoped she would wake up.

Gears began to turn in her mind as the smile of joy grew. “How long was I unconscious?”

“Little more than half an hour but the rules for the last fight are obviously different.” Eyes danced with mirth watching how relieved Akeno was. Shirou knew he made the right decision. “The final fights in this kind of tournament are in the central arena without a time limit. One hour is given so both fighters can recover enough to give everybody a show.”

Playfully she tilted her head and looked exaggeratedly irritated. “And you just told me now?”

Raising his hands in surrender he replied, “It wasn’t relevant until now.” Then his expression changed to a more serious one. “But back to the topic, you have a few minutes before the fight or we can just go home.” Calmly he touched her hand. “You are still exhausted and your reserves aren’t close to full.”

“Are you offering to share mana now?” She doubted it. Akeno could feel how weak Shirou was. “How much did you used to heal me?”

“Almost all of it. Barely managed a pillow without burning my circuits a little too much.” The redhead admitted with a shrug. “Couldn't share now even if you asked.”

Taking a deep breath, Akeno placed a hand over his. “Don’t worry, I am fine. Better than fine, even.” She began to stand up but was about to fall when he grabbed her side. “Okay, maybe not.”

“Apparently True Hybrids still suffer from adrenaline withdrawal. Even if you are better than most people in your position.” Helping her sit down, he returned to his chair. “Seriously, between the cuts on your back, dozens of wounds, a concussion and the hole in your shoulder I know for sure that nobody else in your place would be able to wake up so fast, short of a god.” Her eyes were wide as she stared at him and Shirou winced. “Sorry, maybe you weren’t ready for that.”

“No it is just
 I am a True Hybrid? I thought I was a devil, even a half fallen angel.” Akeno could feel her Queen Piece still there, filtrating mana.

However Shirou shook his head with a sad look. “Evil Pieces can’t Reincarnate beings greater than devils. While you still have the weaknesses
” His hand hovered over her chest and both felt dregs of his mana touching the Evil Piece. “I bet that if I removed it you wouldn’t have that problem anymore.” Retreating his hand, the Mage got ready to reveal what he had known ever since he unlocked her circuits. “You are barely a devil, Akeno. In fact, you are still a True Hybrid born from a fallen angel. With devil characteristics due to the Piece, of course.”

“But my wings
” The bat-like wings jumped from her back. “They are
 they are
” Then with barely a thought they began to change. Huge angel wings dark as the night sky revealed themselves. “Oh

“Fallen angels can disguise themselves and with the Evil Piece filtering your mana you feel like a devil, can act like a devil and even use demonic energy.”

“But I am still a fallen angel.” The realization actually hurt. Only a little, much to her surprise. “I was never a real devil.”

“Hmm, I wouldn’t say that. Some of your pranks can be a little too ‘devilish’.” However she looked frozen so Shirou began to second guess himself. “Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“No, no. I needed to hear that.” Already Akeno didn’t feel the loathing and hatred that loomed like a shadow for most of her life. In fact, she never felt better and looking at her wings she smiled a little. “They are like my father’s.” Standing up completely, she opened her wings fully and Shirou couldn’t stop himself from admiring them.

There was a beauty on those wings that captivated the redhead in ways he couldn't explain, like the girl herself. In fact there was an aura around Akeno that certainly wasn’t there before. It enhanced her lovely face, made her form more complete, he would dare to say perfect.

‘Is this the effect a fallen angel can have or this is because it is her.’ When Shirou offered to open his heart to Akeno he was honest and already his soul was ready to embrace her if she wanted. However there was no need to rush, she just found herself. “While I am happy for you and I don’t mind, I don’t think you can continue in the tournament if the devils see this.”

“Right.” Immediately Akeno’s wings shrunk and became bat-like before retreating to her back. “But it felt good.” The ravenhead embraced herself with a smile. “So good.” It was like a rush in her veins that she couldn't describe. “But is it still fair that I participate in stuff like this? Or Rating Games?” Questions began and the rush was replaced with dread. “Can I still be Rias’ Queen?”

Shirou was at his feet in an instant. “Calm down, nobody knows just yet and you still have the Evil Piece. For all intents and purposes you are a devil
 Kinda.” Looking at his face, she knew he wasn’t lying. “Look, dragons can participate in this thing and until you start throwing Holy Lightning around you are just an overpowered devil.”

Arching her eyebrow with a smile, Akeno giggled. “My once broken bones say I am not that overpowered.”

He couldn't help himself but smile back. “That is because you are still holding back, just a tad.” Both smiled at his observation and he touched her back softly. “You are still learning how to walk, later you can learn how to fly.”


“Course. You are a better flier than me.” A moment of silence passed. “Unless Bellerophon is helping, that is.”

“Fufufufu.” Then surprising herself, Akeno kissed him on his lips. It was a second, just a peck, but the redhead was surprised nonetheless. “I hope you don’t mind.” She was blushing to her ears.

“I will be here when you are ready.” Promised the Mage with a blush of his own. “But let’s focus on the present, shall we. Do you still want to fight?”

Taking a deep breath, Akeno looked into herself and saw two of her; one with bat-like wings and another with angel wings, darker than the night. Then both of them smiled and became one.

“Yes.” The answer came easily. “Fufufufu. Maybe I am not ready to dish out ‘Divine justice’.” Demonic energy poured out from her being. “But I want to win this.”

Tired, most of her mana spent and barely recovered from all the punishment she took in the third fight, Akeno still wanted one more round, the last round of the whole thing and possibly the last one for her in the Underground Arena.

‘While the cheering is nice, I don’t need this place anymore.’ The ravenhead thought confidently. “This will be my last fight here.” She said with a smile. ”Let's leave with a 100% victory rate.”

“PuffHahahaha! I think this is the first time I ever saw you this determined!” Akeno pouted but that only made Shirou laugh harder. When he eventually calmed down there was a small grin on his face. “Seriously though, I am happy that you finally found yourself.” There was so much pride in his voice that the woman felt embarrassed. With a look of realization, the Mage picked something from his pocket. “Here.”

For a second Akeno was confused at the blood stained ribbon on his hand until she realized her hair was loose. It was her ribbon which had fallen on the battlefield, a bit torn but still mostly intact.

“I had to ask someone to collect it for you since I didn’t want to leave you alone but they found it really fast. Not hard since it was in a huge hole you made when you fell.” Pushing it towards her, Shirou was happy when Akeno retrieved it, looking at the accessory with relief. “You also have enough time to get it set before the next fight starts.”

Closing her fist tightly around it, Akeno shook her head and returned the ribbon to him. “Can you hold on to it until the end?” His face showed his confusion. “I just don’t want it to get more damaged.”

A pause later, Shirou held up his hand but not to collect the ribbon as his circuits began to glow vibrantly. Quickly Akeno placed a hand on his own and shook her head.

“Are you sure?”

On the personal side it was the hair that she remembered her mother by and on the logical more practical side it reduced the risk of her long hair getting in her way. In fact from everybody Shirou knew only Medusa had a longer hair than Akeno, perhaps they even had the same length with the goddess’ size making her hair look longer.

But Akeno’s hair was really long because while Rias’ hair reached her tights, Akeno's went past that and reached her lower leg. Indeed if it wasn’t for the mattress Shirou had Traced for her, her hair would have been on the floor at that moment. He didn’t know it didn’t bother her but that could also be chalked as part of her biology.

“No, that belongs to the Queen of Gremory and this,” Akeno pushed her hair around her shoulders with a sensual smile, “belongs just to me, the girl you went on a date with. The Daughter of Baraqiel.” The acknowledgment of her father was also easier than she thought and yet the woman still needed to pause after it. “Maybe I am not ready to talk with him yet
 But it wouldn’t be wrong to send him a message, right?”

“Are you asking me or yourself?” At her shrug, he chuckled. “What if you think about it after you deal with your last opponent?” Just from her smile Shirou knew she loved the idea. “The match is going to be in the main arena, no time limit-”

“You already said that.”

“-and you are going to face Gertrude. Remember her? You must have.” The Mage’s smile grew confident. “You got enamored with her fight in the first place.”

“Jealous?” Her coy smile made him shiver.

“If I say a little, will you think less of me?”

“Never. Also I always found your way of fighting beautiful.” Akeno admitted, holding his arm. “So you don’t need to be jealous. I like watching you fight and would love it if you could take a turn in the arena.”

The statement didn’t surprise Shirou in the slightest. “Oh, really?”

“Really. Seeing you dressed in tight clothes with your muscles bulging while showing everyone who is the boss.” It was her turn to shiver a little. “That is hot.” Shirou’s eyebrows jumped and she couldn’t help herself. “What? Just because I am not ready for us to not go any further doesn’t mean I can’t compliment my boyfriend.”

Surprise wore off eventually and he smiled. “I am your boyfriend now, am I? That is new I suppose.”

A sudden thought crossed Akeno’s mind. “You have three girlfriends and none of them call you their boyfriend?”

Which actually had Shirou a little embarrassed and one leg scratching another. “Rias consider the term smaller to what we are, Yoruichi laughed when I brought it up and Xenovia is complicated.”

“I was talking about Setsuna since Xenovia and you have a whole different thing.” She replied with complete honesty and a little teasing.

“Why do I have the feeling that whatever response I give you is going to be told to someone later?” At her giggle, Shirou knew silence was the best policy at that moment.

Akeno recognized it too. “Boooooring~” She said while playing with his nose. “But a wise choice.” Throwing her arms around his neck, her smile became mischievous once his hands held her hips. “So, my opponent is Gertrude, right?”


“And we have
 half an hour before they come to collect us?” Akeno began to move left and right in short steps in the tempo of a dance.

Shirou didn’t hesitate to do the same. “A little less than twenty minutes give or take. You were sleeping for a while. A real sleeping beauty.”

“And the prince didn’t think about giving me a kiss?” The teasing was so clear the redhead would have to be an idiot to not hear it.

Instead of replying immediately he chuckled a little. “I have nothing of prince in me. If anything I am a vagabond blacksmith whose lips don’t belong in court.”

“Oh, I don’t know about it.” Closing her eyes she fell into the rhythm completely, allowing him to guide her steps. Akeno’s hand moved lower to his chest. “But then again, that is better. This way I can ask for compensation for not waking me up immediately.”

“So I gave you a mattress, a lot of pillows and it still wasn’t enough. What a demanding girlfriend I have.” Shirou was happy to join the fun, lifting her up a little for a twirl before setting her back on her feet.

“Don’t worry~ I know exactly what to ask and you will love it.” At his silent nod, Akeno raised her arms behind his head and brought him closer. “Tell me, have you ever had a make out session with Rias?”

Funnily enough he hadn't since in their dates things were plenty romantic and Rias only got ‘frisky’ in their room. At that point things went way beyond what could be called ‘make out’ so just kissing was something he wasn’t using on his dates. Neither Yoruichi nor Xenovia took part in many of those and the relationship with them was far more carnal anyway.

So Akeno was the legitimately the first girl Shirou had a ‘make out session’ and neither of them could complain much. The ravenhead didn’t really know what she was doing at the beginning but both would agree she was a quick study and eager to learn what the magus was eager to teach.

She was always eager to learn anything from him.

Time passed with them like that, Akeno eventually pushing him on the mattress as they continued freely, her hands not stopping while her legs held him by the waist in a position so provocative that the Mage almost lost his composure.

Both fell into a comfortable rhythm soon enough, the familiar smell of blood and sweat started to bring some comfort, Akeno discovering she particularly liked them more than she should.

Or figuring out that the situation made them erotic for her. ‘He tastes nice.’ It was a flavor she couldn’t find in any food and couldn't get enough of.

Similar thoughts were running on Shirou’s mind as his blood started boiling again and other more developed instincts began to grow stronger. He held them all in and kept his hand only on her back while controlling certain impulses. It was a challenge so he tried to play with her hair a little.

Grabbing one of his hands she placed it on his ass. “You can touch~” Akeno broke the kiss just enough to say before renewing her attack.

Never in his life the redhead will be able to say if that sort of freedom made things better or worse considering how much he had to hold back. He settled on liking it, focusing on her flesh and pushing her back to stay on top as their tongues explored each other’s mouths.

They rolled around the mattress for several minutes until knocks on the door snapped them back to reality. “Five minutes, I am here to escort you.” When he opened the door it was the same devil as before and he barely reacted at Shirou’s messed up look and Akeno basically romping on his lap. “Unless she is going to fight like that I suggest she change clothes.” He closed the door to wait outside.

Both looked down to notice how the clothing from the former fight was almost falling apart not only because of the event but also by how much they were losing themselves during the make out.

Akeno giggled and jumped to her feet. “He barely even reacted.” She raced to one of the lockers and picked another uniform.

“This probably is the most tame situation he ever found in this place. If anything it proves they are professionals.” Shirou made the mattress disappear and fixed his appearance a little, turning around while the Queen changed clothes. ‘Don’t say anything, she is going to tease you.’

“Not gonna say anything?” He heard the clothes moving and closed his eyes just to make sure. “Or maybe
 take a peek?”

She would let him get away with it too, she absolutely would. Yet Akeno was far more pleased by how he was shaking while also not looking, resisting the temptation.

Shirou knew she would let him, that didn’t mean he was going to do anything until she was absolutely ready. “I think calling ourselves girlfriend and boyfriend makes this worse.” Admitted the Mage. “Makes everything seem so
 harmless and innoceeeeeent-”

Akeno had just bitten his earlobe playfully. “Ah~ Really? Maybe I should be something else then?” When she stepped back he turned around to say his opinion only to see she was topless and with a smug grin. Shirou took a moment to admire her big firm bosom before turning around in a rush. “My, my, so innocent

“You really are a devil.” She was all too pleased with the title.

A minute later they were leaving the room, the man from before standing there with his hands behind his back. “Please follow me.”

Nothing needed to be said for a while as the path was a little longer than usual. There were no arrows to guide their way this time, no signs either.

Just a maze-like corridor that could get anyone lost in if they weren’t used to the place or had some sort of map.

There was also the heat because even with her few clothes Akeno could feel more sweat pouring from her forehead. She looked at Shirou and saw he was calm and not bothered by it at all. Too much time in the forge and his origins made him so resistant to heat it would take him standing close to a volcano before he was really bothered.

Then they began to hear the audience's cheers and there was also an announcer calling out to them, talking about Akeno’s rookie status and win streak for a minute before hyping up Gertrude as a veteran warrior who won two minor tournaments in the past.

At that point their escort raised a hand and spoke a little louder. “Wait for a moment if you please. Your cue will be when your name is called. The coach must stay close to the exit until the end of the match while the fighter must fly down to the arena proper.” He didn’t bother looking at them.

“Anything else we need to know?” Shirou asked calmly, his voice barely piercing the other hundred calling Akeno and Gertrude for the match.

Turning to the redhead the man scowled. “Same rules as before, no time limit.” Clearly the man was annoyed and Akeno gave him a look of amusement.

Shirou for his part just shrugged and looked at the ravenhead. “Are you sure you don’t want a ribbon of some sort? Your hair is already long but like this it is going to be easier to grab.”

“I don’t plan on giving her a chance.” She just barely had time to reply before her name was called and the man waved her in.

Skipping a little in place, Akeno walked out the huge entrance to the crowd’s warmth. They called her name, told her to win, gave her cat calls and shouted she was the best.

‘How I am going to miss this
 Maybe I can do something like Serafall-sama and have a TV show? Hmm, that is a thought.’ Forget that she couldn't act, Rating Games were too isolated for her and the ravenhead discovered the love of hundreds of fans wishing for her triumph. ‘Depends I guess

Her eyes watched the other side as the redhead Gertrude also entered in the scene with a team besides her made of men and women in all sorts. She looked like a boxing champion walking on the ring sans the gloves. Paying more attention than before Akeno quickly noticed that much like her first opponent Gertrude lacked a weapon.

Remembering the first match she ever saw in the tournament, Akeno knew it wasn’t by mistake. ‘I doubt she forgot about it or anything like that
’ This late in the game her chances of being underestimated were zero. ‘Wouldn't be weird holding it back in the first few rounds to avoid something breaking. Even if it is slow, healing is easier for devils than repairing equipment, less expensive too. Which means she really fights just with her body.’

If that was an advantage or disadvantage it was too early to say because one thing was clear in that match; Gertrude’s defenses were top notch.

Also there was the issue that Akeno’s reserves were considerably lower than her total even if she still had more energy than the bigger woman by a wide margin. The ravenhead still didn’t work out all the kinks of her new fighting style but it was already a start and it was far more controlled than just throwing her power around constantly.

‘This is how I fight and think less, funnily enough.’ Akeno barely heard the announcer say everything it needed saying about her or the bets going around. ‘Shirou mastered the sword, he can use many weapons but he always fights with a sword first. It is his best skill, easy to use and versatile when needed. Medusa as well.’ Immediately her mind shifted to the fight with the goddess. ‘She can create life, manipulate creatures and do Miracles. Yet she always goes for simple things; a blast of mana here, a punch there. Nothing stops her from creating a boundary field and sucking everyone’s mana but that is too complicated.’

And it took time, time that could be extremely crucial during a fight. Time that Akeno wasted thinking on what weapon to use and how to use it best instead of doing anything else.

Wide eyes from the rookie had Gertrude smiling confidently, not knowing that the ravenhead’s mind was somewhere else. ‘Rias understood it first!’ The realization was a hard pill to swallow. ‘She stopped trying to force the Power of Destruction away from her imagination, stopped trying to be like her brother, and focused on doing what she could do best.’

Being a Jack of All Trades sounded nice on paper but in fact it was an extremely costly endeavor with the risk of nothing paying off because a true master could crush the less experienced warrior in their field of expertise.

Before the arena Akeno considered herself a Jack of All Trades capable of making weapons of all sizes for any situation. Except she herself didn’t know how to use those weapons to their full potential and her advantages were useless when she was unable to even touch her enemies.

She lacked the skill, training into a dozen things at the same time and never developing the reflexes like a real fighter would. ‘Thinking too much’ as in not having the instincts or the habits needed to react, attack and counterattack with barely any thought.

Learning with the body was different from learning magic, the disciplines were opposites in their approach.

Through her devil magic Akeno easily learned how to manipulate all basic elements at the same time even if she didn’t use them much and made the mistake of thinking the same approach was valid when training with weaponry.

But her mind and muscles needed to get used to the movements, used to the basics, before she could move on to other weapons and even then it would have been better to train with similar styles.

Same on how Shirou first mastered the sword before developing it with his bow through his magic, same as Setsuna who learned the naginata since childhood before moving to swords while having to develop her claws.

Same with Medusa who first learned how to fight as a monster and was still learning how to fight as a goddess.

Finally the announcer called for the fighters to jump down and Gertrude didn’t waste time, throwing away a robe with her name on it, before diving towards the middle of the arena confidently.

Akeno needed a second before jumping as well, opening her wings and landing a considerable distance away from the giant woman, closer to the lava lake which dominated the central arena.

Her eyes jumped around, paying attention to every rock formation, every misshapen form and the size of the lava circle around them. It was big enough that it could be called a lake without a doubt and the temperature around the area was obviously high. Automatically the ravenhead’s aura came up to protect her body just from the heat, knowing that the lava itself would always be dangerous regardless of her defenses.

Except that she was a True Hybrid daughter of one of the strongest fallen angels. ‘Can I walk on lava? Better not risk it.’ Not to say that the morbid curiosity left her at all. Akeno shook her head and slapped her cheeks. ‘Once you are strong enough you don’t need to care, focus on the opponent in front of you!’ Her spirit screamed, hyping herself up. ‘Win, Himejima Akeno! Win and show how far you have come! That you don’t need to wait for your father to come save you anymore!’

Sparks of Lightning began to accumulate around Akeno and Gertrude smug grin grew as her aura became denser. Both fighters were ready to rumble but this fight was different.

This time there was an announcer. *Are you ready for the final match?!* The deafening cheering was all the answer he needed. The fighters were irrelevant, all was a spectacle for the masses and only their input mattered. *All betting pools are officially closed! Gertrude Dalimare versus Akeno Himejima!!* A pause for drama had its intended effect as the audience cheered louder. “BEGIN!!!!!!!!*

Gertrude moved first, her powerful legs giving the leverage needed for a leap that easily broke the sound barrier. Stone cracked in her wake, Akeno raising her arms with a chain around her hand. Everyone waited for the moment of impact, the contact that would start the fight for real.

Only for the redhead to kick the ground and jump just as Akeno prepared her chain for defense. All watched as the arc of the jump had Gertrude landing on the wall on the other side of the lava with a grin, her steps so hard that calling her footprints she made holes would be correct.

Still the change of positions gave more space for Akeno to work with so she immediately moved to the center of the arena while tying more of her chain around her right arm. The links on her left hand transformed into something similar to the tip of a spear or an arrow that sparked with intense Lightning.

Once again the veteran’s powerful legs bent and she jumped, this time landing closer to Akeno before taking a few more steps forward.

Walking forward with a grin, Gertrude approached just enough until there were less than five meters between them. “This’s better.”

“Huh?” Akeno articulated with a tilt of her head.

That made the giant woman laugh. “You’re a rookie so nobody told you; in the finals the fighters meet in the center before the match really starts.” Cracking her hands menacingly, Gertrude’s aura grew heavier. “But don’t worry, you will learn.” The woman let her demonic energy loose.

Now they were closer, Akeno could see how much taller Gertrude was and how her muscles bulged far more than most men she ever met. Even Beowulf, one of the tallest men she knew, was smaller than the giant before her and the Queen had to ponder if the woman really had some giant blood.

“Was hoping to fight Frederick today. Finally earn the big leagues.” Her smile was dark and carried a real desire for violence. “But you came here, beat him and stole my thunder. Gonna make sure you regret that with every single one of your bones.”

Gertrude raised a foot before bringing it down in a stomp that made the arena shake, cracking the whole and barely not breaking it apart. As a matter of fact the small quake was actually big enough that the whole Underground Arena felt it, the boundary fields preserving it flickering at the intensity of the woman’s power.

Akeno smiled an honest thirsty smile with her sharp eyes studying her opponent openly, a wish for violence growing in her heart. “Oh my, do you promise?” Gold mana poured from her and flooded the whole arena, some weaker devils falling to their knees. “Because I can’t wait to hear you scream.”

“That is the spirit, sister!!” Suddenly far more demonic energy than she should have exploded from Gertrude’s form, quickly making Akeno realize something.

“You were holding back.” There was no way to hide the pleasure in her smile.

Neither on Gertrude’s. “Of course. You should always save the best for last.” Her muscles grew stronger as demonic energy retreated inside the giant woman. Her skin began to let out vapor as her muscles grew even larger.

The crowd was cheering as Gertrude, who was already big, grew twice her size. There was a crack of bones breaking and rebuilding themselves repeatedly as the vapor from her sweat escaped with great intensity. Her clothing struggled to contain how big the woman had become after the transformation finished.

Before her muscles were already huge and she was a few heads taller than Akeno but now the woman was easily five times bigger than the Queen of Gremory and her muscles were bigger than the wheels of a truck.

A feral grin grew in Gertrude’s lips. “You could have attacked whenever, sister.” Her voice was the same despite her far taller and bulkier form.

Smirking to her heart’s content, Akeno directed all her power to her chain and Lightning cracked. “That wouldn't be fun at all.”

Feral grins were exchanged as powerful legs fixed themselves on the ground. The area around Akeno barely changed but every move Gertrude made had the rocks breaking apart. The ravenhead licked her lips before settling in a smile of excitement as she held her chain tightly.

The stands grew quiet, watching all the interactions with bubbling excitement, holding back every single emotion until the clash truly started. While this wasn’t a major tournament the remaining fighters were promising warriors, amazons of legend who earned the finals.

And a Queen of the Arena would be crowned for the winner of their clash couldn’t be called nothing else.



Pietro Deglie

I definitely love your portrayal of Akeno and can't wait for the next chapter!

Just Kab

I love how you’ve written Akenos internal conflict, this is probably the thing I’ve looked forward to the most in this entire fic. I’m not exaggerating when I say this is the best DXD Fanfiction written in the past couple of years.