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Hey guys, Apprendice here. Things are slowly returning to normal on my front, getting better everyday after the spook but still not 100%. Thanks to the fact that I am working from home some of the time I would be using on trafic was used on this and at least that allowed me to not dely the chapter of next month.

This is actually half of the chapter already or at least almost half and it will be posted  complete probably Thursday. See you all them and stay safe.

Fate/Bonds Beyond Humanity


43- Nightly Temptations


Dragging themselves through the streets made everyone lament about not having a car. Hard to not think about it since most of them were getting used to running around Fuyuki either on their own or in a limousine but Shirou’s house was a few streets away from Kuoh and they couldn’t teleport.

So on they walked, Shirou, Rias, Koneko, Xenovia and Irina with Medusa resting on the little Rook’s back as Yoruichi took a nap on the King’s shoulder.

After the whole ordeal with Caliburn was done and Kiba had left the premises without saying anything, everyone prepared to depart. Those that could move helped those that couldn’t inside the ORC where a distraught Gasper was running around in a panic.

Fortunately the former dhampir hadn't been affected by Sanctuary since the boundary field of the club was disconnected from the main one, a small miracle. He quickly moved to collect Akeno who had been on the rooftop that Shirou had indicated and once the Queen woke up and checked everyone she asked Rias if she could leave for the night.

Understanding that Akeno needed some time for herself, Rias granted the request and, after she collected some improvised robes to cover the Exorcists and Durandal, she departed herself with her lover and their entourage, promising Sona that they would work to fix everything the next day.

She still needed to call her brother to inform him of the situation and while Rias had the mana to do it, she wanted to make that call at home where she could rest after. Or the next day when she felt better because the day felt long enough as it was.

“Ah!” Shirou suddenly stopped with a look of panicking that had everyone worried.

“What is wrong?” Rias asked first.

“Is the city still going to blow up?” Xenovia looked around for any sign of danger.

“Is Caliburn safe?” Irina felt that leaving the sword alone was a terrible idea despite the assurances that no one with ill intentions could get it.

Both Exorcists were now wearing different colors with Irina dressed in a red cloak that looked too small for her and revealing her boots while Xenovia had a blue one that was big enough to tie Durandal on her back.

“I didn’t cook anything for dinner.” Suddenly Shirou’s panic was less worrisome.

” Rias relaxed as the urgency disappeared from her eyes and both Exorcists looked at him like he grew a second head.

However Shirou looked at his lover with a serious expression. “There is nothing to eat, Rias. Nothing. I didn’t expect all that to happen and had no time to prepare anything."

“I’m hungry
” Yoruichi admitted from Rias’ shoulder, one eye opening to show she was awake. “Used to much energy today.”

“Me too.” Koneko and Yoruichi shared a look.

“Me three.” Medusa added while half asleep.

Rias began to massage her temples until she heard something growling. It was Xenovia’s stomach and she blushed at her show of weakness. “Sorry.”

A sigh escaped the redhead devil’s lips. “We can just
 call for a pizza once we get home.”

Shirou frowned. “I don’t like the idea of serving delivery to guests.” Said guests look at him with mixtures of confusion and amusement.

“Shiro, don’t even think about cooking.”

“But Rias-”

“No buts. We are all exhausted, you more than all of us combined.” Nobody could disagree as while they looked tired Shirou looked ready to pass out at any point.

‘How is he still walking?’ Xenovia couldn’t help but think in wonder. Sure he was healed but just his face and dropped shoulders indicated that he had long passed his limits. ‘Is he even human?’

Conventional Exorcist knowledge told her that ‘yes’, Shirou had to be human to have a Pact with a devil as a magician. Yet many things made her doubt the claim, Reality Marble being the chief of them all even if Xenovia really didn’t understand what it was.

” Shirou gave in after some argument and Rias smiled at him.

“Hey, don’t worry. If everything goes well you will be back on your feet by tomorrow.” The King scratched the nekomata’s ears but the cat didn’t react even if her breathing stiffened. ‘Someone is nervous.’ She chuckled at the thought.

Back to their march they went, some people in the street looking at them curiously as they were an odd group to be walking around even at night. It wasn’t just the Exorcists that attracted attention as Shirou’s clothes caught many eyes together with Rias’ damaged uniform and Medusa traveling on Koneko’s back.

There were some stares but nobody did or said anything which everyone was grateful for. As tired as they were, it would be hard to come up with excuses to avoid future problems.

Soon they were in the right district and Irina was impressed. “This place always was like this with huge houses and mansions.” She turned to Rias with some envy. “Does working with devils pay that well?”

“Why? Interested?” Rias had a mischievous smile that gave Shirou a bad feeling. “Know that my peerage has room for a few more.”

“No, thank you. I could never abandon the Lord like that. As Exorcists we should strive to always follow his teachings despite
 whatever happened.” Irina’s conviction shone in a smile. Then she turned to her partner. “Right, Xenovia?” However, Durandal's owner looked distracted. “Xenovia?”

“Hm?” The bluehead noted the others had all stopped to look at her. “Yeah, sure.”

“Are you alright?” Rias asked as delicately as she could.

“I’m fine.” It was obvious to Rias she wasn’t fine. “Just need to fill my stomach.”

And it was obvious to Shirou too. “We are close. Our house is just around that corner.”

“‘Our house’?” Rias asked with a grin.

“Well we live together, sleep together, calling our house isn’t that far fetched.” Shirou scratched his neck. Rias couldn’t help but blush a little while wishing to hug him but knew he would fall down if she tried.

“Just keep walking, I’m starving.” Yoruichi commented with a chuckle.

“Sure, sure.” Shirou commented while scratching her head. “We will be home soon, you stray cat. Stop being cranky.”

Yoruichi gave him a look of mocking offense. “Cranky my butt. I saved your guys' lives and deserve to be pampered a little.”

“Of course you do. That is why we are going to get tuna pizza for dinner.” Shirou could see the nekomata’s tail perk up behind Rias’ hair. “I will also give you a massage if you want.”

Then something that had Rias giggling happened as Yoruichi seemed almost shy. “Yeah, sure. I mean, maybe tomorrow

Nobody said anything else as they approached the walls of the residence. Xenovia and Irina didn’t realize that the whole property they were walking beside was actually their objective until Shirou opened the gates and they walked in.

“This place is huge.” Irina, more knowledgeable about Japanese homes, admired the front yard and the area as well as the main house. “This is really a mansion.”

“Bigger than most churches.” Xenovia added.

“When I moved out from my parents house I expected something more like theirs-”

“Small and homely.” Rias chuckled at Shirou who nodded.

“Instead they
 gave me a mansion.” There was fondness in his tone at thinking about his parents. “Let me tell you, cleaning this is a pain.” And everyone else that lived there nodded except Yoruichi who just laughed. “But I like to keep some of the extra rooms clean in case of visits so please make yourselves at home.”

He looked at the Exorcists with a smile, one that Xenovia appreciated and repaid in kind. “Thanks.” Her interaction with him earned a raised eyebrow from Rias who saw opportunities.

Opportunities that she knew Yoruichi also could notice and a glance at the nekomata had a golden eye looking back. Rias smiled and Yoruichi looked to the side, still feeling uncharacteristically shy over everything but not really worse for wear despite the defeat at the hands of the White Dragon Emperor.

Already Yoruichi had recovered a lot after the conflict by just remaining in a low energy form and focusing her Ki. It wasn’t a perfect process as her mana reserves were still low but she could already fight again if necessary.

Not that any of them believed there was going to be an attack on their home as the boundary fields were strong and the place was well hidden despite its size as few people knew who lived there.

As they approached the door and Shirou moved to open it, someone else opened it first. “Finally! After all the mana being thrown around the city I thought you guys were goners!”

Tohsaka Rin looked as tired as Shirou felt but still in better condition; her hair was a bit messy, she looked sweaty and her eyes were bloodshot but those were symptoms of someone who worked too much.

“Did you place a small boundary field at my door?” Shirou asked after his nose twitched for a second with a smell that reminded him of Rin’s mana.

“Needed to know when you were about to get back or else I wouldn't have dragged myself off the couch.” She was still attentive enough to notice the Exorcists in the area and fix her glare before commenting. “Picking up more strays,. Emiya?”

“They need a place to stay tonight.” Shirou stepped forward and the Tohsaka Head made way to the owner of the house. He turned when he noticed that while everyone went in, Xenovia and Irina did not. “Come on in. Just please remember to take off your boots.”

“Thanks.” “Excuse me.”

Both step inside as instructed, taking off the robes and revealing Durandal which had Rin’s eyebrows jump. They were once again in their combat uniforms but Xenoiva was taking an extra second to wrap her sword. “Are you sure Durandal isn’t going to destroy them?”

“Don’t worry. Just keep a hold of Durandal and it won’t act up if you stay calm.” Shirou replied easily.

“But it has already destroyed all the sheaths that the Church gave me.”

“Understandable but the robes Rias gave you were part of some experimental Mystic Code I was working on.” He showed her his coat. “It was supposed to be an alternative for this for everyone since its silk is super rare but, well
 It was a failure. Should still be good to hold Durandal for a few days until I make you a proper sheath.”

“You wan do that?” Xenovia was so excited that Durandal began to let out some energy.

Enough to damage its cover. “Xenovia!”

“Shit!” Shirou worked with her to try and calm the sword down with Irina offering her robe to see if it would help. It wouldn’t and soon Durandal destroyed them both. “Sorry.”

“It is fine just
 let's take care of how you lie it down so we don’t get a hole somewhere.” Shirou commented with a smile as he showed her how to control the power a little more. “See, just ease it out. Don’t hold it in because Durandal is going to fight you. Noble Phantasms can’t be suppressed like that.”

“Hm.” Xenovia nodded as Irina stepped away to allow Shirou to guide her partner.

The twin tailed Exorcist gave Rin a small wave and walked in, admiring the place but not leaving the owners' vision as Koneko did just that to place Medusa on the table for when they would eventually have some food.

But Rias’ attention wasn’t on any of them. “You have bad news, don’t you?” In a second Rin looked a world more tired than before.

She sighed and went to the living room. “Better to explain it over a cup of tea
 By the way, I made some tea.”

“We don’t mind.” As they arrived in the living room Shirou looked around. “Where is Liz?” He needed to talk with her as he still felt bad about giving her a command like he had done before. ‘Unlike everyone else, she literally can't say ‘no’.”

“Went to bed to conserve her mana.” Rin could see the conflict expression on Shirou’s face and could already guess the reason. “Said to call her once we had some food.”

“Better to call for the pizza then.” Shirou opened his cell phone before stopping to blink. “Does anyone know about a good place?” Traded glances were the only reply he got.

It shouldn’t be a surprise since with Shirou and Rias around there was never any need for them to call for food of any kind, this would be the first time for their house.

“Check the internet.” Rias suggested and Shirou did so. There was a back and forward of which pizzaria they would be calling from but soon they decided on just the closest one.

Rin let out a sigh. ‘I never had pizza before.’ And while she wanted to try it, she also knew that by this hour Sakura must have made some dinner for her. “I am going to go fetch the tea.” She moved to the kitchen as everyone else sat on the table. ‘I also don’t feel comfortable staying here.’ She couldn't avoid the pang of guilt she felt.

Took a few seconds for everyone to get comfortable with Xenovia being the one having the most troubles as everybody else was used to sitting down in the proper style for their table while the bluehead tried and failed to do so until someone pointed out she didn’t need to.

She ended up sitting with one leg above the other while Yoruichi just laid down on the table. “I will transform once the food gets here.”

Rin returned and began to pour the tea for everyone. “There is enough for one cup each
” She looked at Yoruichi but the nekomata didn’t move. “Do you-”

“Only when the food gets here.” Even Medusa was drinking the tea but Yoruichi refused to do anything else but rest.

“Okay then
” Rin accepted easily before taking a seat. Everything went quiet as they savored the tea but Tohsaka was fidgeting in place with some nervous energy. “So what was with all the mana that we could feel around the whole town.”

“Kokabiel was trying to call reinforcements.” Rin was so glad she wasn’t drinking or else she would have spit the tea on Rias’ face.

“Kokabiel? Angel of Stars Kokabiel? What the hell was he doing here?” Rin managed to stop herself from screaming, just barely.

Rias chuckled as she took a sip of her tea. “Maybe we need to explain some stuff.”

“He wanted to reform Excalibur to restart a war.” Xenovia finished her tea and looked at the cup, wishing for more. “I think that is about it. Can I have some more?”

“Sure.” Shirou refilled the cup again while Rin looked ready to have a meltdown much to Rias’ amusement..

“Restart the war? You mean the Great War? Why? How? I mean
” She massaged her temples to try to calm down.

“Xenovia is not wrong and the details are not really relevant.” Rias commented with a giggle as Rin looked baffled. “If you want a more complete story we can explain later but I think you should tell us the bad news you have.”

Rin flinched but decided to ask something else. “Did Kiba at least get his pay back on Valper?”

“I think he did, in a fashion.” Irina commented as she asked Shirou for more tea. “This is good.”

“Thank you but what do you mean ‘in a fashion’?”

“Again we can explain this later. Just know the old bastard is going to the worst prison we have available. I will make sure of that.” Rias replied, giving Rin a look. “Maybe I can just give you a report later.”

“But what happened with Valper?” Rin was honestly curious about that.

Rias chuckled a little. “Well since there was a huge wave of mana that alerted everyone the police didn’t take too long to show up and escort him away from Kuoh.” She was enjoying the look of utter disbelief Rin was giving her. “At this moment he is being processed by his many, many, many crimes. Later we are going to have him removed from the system and escorted to a proper prison until Kiba decides to do something about him. Either that or we execute him anyway.” Now she was frowning. “As he is my prisoner I have the last say but with Kiba’s situation

Things were complicated because Kiba decided that killing Valper wasn’t worth it so they actually needed to do something about the old man. The fact he was a criminal being hunted by some of the biggest powers on the planet helped but it would be easier to just kill him.

“Killing Valper now would be doing him a favor.” Shirou commented, earning Rin’s attention. “As a person, as a scientist, everything he believed was flipped on its head. He is broken beyond repair and it will take some time for him to even be functional again.”

“If he recovers.” Medusa sounded weak but still managed to speak.

However Shirou agreed with her observation. “‘If he recovers’. Either way Kiba was right in sparing his life since he will have to live with the knowledge that he failed in fixing Excalibur.”

“What happened to the Fragments anyway?” Rin asked faster than Shirou expected but Rias was sensing a pattern.

“First, it wasn’t the Excalibur Fragments but Caliburn’s. Everyone pegged it for the wrong sword.” Shirou replied with a smile. “Second; I fixed it.”

“How did you do that?”

“Long story. And Rin, you are stalling.” Rias had no problems in telling her employee about Shirou’s Reality Marble, Rin couldn't do anything that would harm her, and Shirou, by extension so there was no danger.

However one thing would lead to another and the pureblood devil realized that Rin was jumping between topics almost constantly, trying to avoid giving the bad news Rias knew she had.

For a moment Rin seemed to hesitate. “It is about Luvia, isn’t it?” But Shirou already was aware of the problem.

When Rin’s aqua eyes turned to Shirou she looked like she was guilty of some crime and even Yoruichi opened her eyes and sat up properly. “What do you know?” The nekomata asked and Shirou sighed.

“What happened with Luvai-san?” It was Irina who questioned, worried about her one time ally. “Is she alright? She didn’t die, did she?”

“Tsk, maybe death would have been more merciful.” Rin commented with some sadness that looked out of place since she was talking about her rival.

“Then you should tell me as well.” An old voice had everyone turned to a hallway where they saw Auguste still dressed in his mostly teared buttle uniform and looking much better than the majority saw him the last time. “After all, she is my charge. I should have protected her from whatever curse was inflicted with.”

“Auguste-san!” Irina quickly got up to help the old man sit down but the butler waved her off and moved to sit on the couch instead of joining the others..

“Thanks to Lady Tohsaka’s treatment I am well enough to walk, lady Irina, don’t worry.” But the old man looked exhausted as well even if he hadn’t fought during the day. “I was taking care of lady Luvia when I heard you arrive
 And you haven't told me what happened to her yet, Lady Tohsaka.”

With some hesitation Rin looked at Shirou, asking for assistance. The redhead magus really wanted to help but unfortunately he had his limits. “While I got most of the story of what happened from the sword I don’t know the full extension of the damage.”

Considering how much Luvia had suffered and the damage her body took only on the surface, it was enough that Shirou went ready to kill Freed from their first exchange of words. He knew how much the Blue Magus had suffered but the extension of what happened to her was still lost to him.

It was up to Rin to explain and despite how much she disliked Luvia for her own reasons there were things that she wouldn't wish even to her worst enemy. “Luviajelita won’t be able to use magecraft ever again.” And that was one of them.

“Elaborate as clearly as you can.” Rias ordered, hands folded on the table.

The severity of the situation hit the devils and magi like a truck passed unnoticed by the Exorcists. “What is wrong? Does that mean she can’t use magic anymore?” Irina’s worry was very real but her knowledge failed her.

Auguste’s jaw tightened as Shirou looked to the side in sadness, Koneko's face remained blank as she understood some of the implications and Rias gave Rin a look before waving at her to explain.

“‘Magic’ is an extremely broad term when you think about it. You could pick a hundred scholars and ask them what is ‘magic’ and odds are that they all will have a different opinion.” Rin began slowly, her attention directed to the Exorcists. “But there are things they all agree with; the use of mana, the actualization of ‘mysteries’, the power of beliefs and that, surprisingly, everyone agrees that there are many types.”

Hard to deny something when it was right on their face even for the many types of scholars with diverse opinions. All one had to do in order to finish an argument that said that magic was all the same was just explain the difference between a magus and a magician which was what Rin was about to do.

She raised a hand with lines visible in it to start. “Humans, the weakest but most adaptable sentiment species, have easy access to two schools of magic; magecraft and devil magic.” Relaxing her circuits, the lines disappear as Rin makes an unstable magic circle. “The second one, based on the devils’ system, uses magic circles for most of its spells. It has the fundamental principle of using the mana in its most raw form connected to the caster and to use magic circles to give them direction.” The circle disappeared and Rin frowned. “Because the creation of the magic circle is necessary, it forces an extra step. However one positive of it is that by modifying the magic circles, a researcher can find a great variety of results.”

“But there are plenty of other negatives.” Shirou commented to not let Rin have to explain everything which she nodded in appreciation. “By having to use magic circles, most of this kind of magic is external. We are not devils who can strengthen their bodies easily with just mana and most of the time magicians need to use the magic externally.”

“Because mana can be dangerous, right?” Xenovia remembered learning something similar. It was one of the arguments that made the pursuit of magic something heretical.

Both Shirou and Rin nodded as the redhead continued. “What Rin said bears repeating, we are an adaptable species but much like Holy Energy can be dangerous in excess, the same can be said of mana.” He nodded to Rias with a chuckle. “Devils, of course, don’t have that weakness.”

“Same for angels, gods and the like.” Rias added while pointing at Medusa. “However, gods have their own way of doing things.”

“Don’t ask me to explain
 not my thing.” Medusa always followed her instinct more than anything but there was something she could say. “It has to do with our Domains or, if you prefer, what we are gods of.”

“So to compensate and use the natural mana in the air, magicians began to give it shape and form by using their own.” Rin wanted Medusa to explain more but that didn’t bear weight on the conversation. “Because of that there is a waste, nothing humanity can make can use 100% of its energy.”

Irina realized where this was going. “But there is an exception; magic circuits.”

“Close but not quite. Even us can’t use every scrap of mana that the human body can absorb.” Rin commented with a smile. “However we get close, but not without consequences if we exceed our limits.”

Shirou was still feeling some of those consequences. “Pretty much our circuits help us channel the mana far more efficiently; however we also have to deal with some other things like heat.”

“Because mana is still energy.” Rias added for the Exorcists’ benefit. “Think about mana as gasoline or even hot air; a magician has minimal contact with mana while a magus has a greater contact. One is safer while the other is more powerful.”

“We magi have a saying; to study magecraft is to walk with death.” Auguste’s face looked every bit his age. “The many ways to pursue magecraft, every single one of them has a considerable degree of risk. However that danger can be greatly diminished the more control one has over one’s mana.”

Rin decided to intervene. “While that is true, you are skipping some things that they should know.” Once more she reveals her magic circuits and all could see how many she had all around her body. “To the us magi who possess what has been dubbed as magic circuits they are more than just tools. Let me say this before you make the comparacion, these are more than nerves or organs. Sure they are pseudo nerves but they also are connected to the astral plane, to the soul.”

Rias raised a hand. “One thing to mention about that comparison is that, much like organs, it is impossible to change the number naturally.” She pointed at Shirou and then at Rin. “The number that each of them was born with can’t just change on whin. And no, nobody knows where magic circuits came from but everyone agrees that Solomon was the responsible one way or another.” Shirou, Rin and Auguste stared at her but Rias brushed them off. “However there are ways to change them artificially as in the case of the use of family crests. I imagine that is the reason why we are develving on the topic, Rin?”

Once more Tohsaka nodded as most of her circuits disappeared but some of them began to form a shape on her left arm not unlike the motherboard of a computer. “This is a Crest and they are the greatest treasure a family of magi can have. In it there aren’t 30 magic circuits to help me with magecraft but also the knowledge of generations of Tohsakas.” Rin saw the Exorcists’ eyes widen and chuckled. “That is to say that every single spell that my family ever developed is here in this Crest and I can use every single one of them even if I never practiced none.”

It was fundamental that everyone in the table understood the importance of a Crest for what Rin had to say next but Shirou was already aware by the look he had in his face and Rias had a suspicion.

Auguste, the aging butler looked even older as the explanation moved from magic circuits to Crests. He wasn’t just looking his age but far older, like if a century of life had crushed his shoulders in an instant as fear began to crept his spine.

If anything else it made Rin feel bad about what she had to say but she already had stalled enough. “The Edelfelt Crest is usually connected to two heirs, two possible Heads thanks to their Sorcery Trait; Ore Scales. The thing is so famous that the Edelfelt are called the ‘Scales’ because of it.” And then came the kicker. “And Luvia lost her Magic Crest during today’s events.”

“I see.” Auguste covered his eyes with his blood stained gloved hand, many had the impression he was crying.

“But why is that important? I mean, doesn’t that mean she needs to get a Crest from her sister?” Irina felt she was missing something.

“Transferring Crests isn’t something simple or easy unless your family is old. Really old.” Shirou tried to remember a more definitive number.

Rias had him covered. “At least 500 years and after the family had some genetic markers established to help with the transfer.” She looked sad and a little upset. “Even between siblings the process can go terribly wrong without preparations. It isn’t uncommon that a family starts to prepare their heir, or heirs in this case, from childhood.” Which meant that Luvia would still be capable of receiving a copy of her crest but the King saw there were more troubles. “Her magic circuits
 How extensive was the damage?

“‘Extensive’ is the appropriate word.” Yoruichi was obviously frustrated. “Don’t think you guys did the wrong thing calling me, I already had done all I could for Luvia at that point but the damage was just
” She thought about how she would say it as Auguste was clearly distraught. “There were many of her circuits that couldn’t just operate anymore, her own circuits, not the Crest. The Crest was just a victim of the attack.”

“Of Freed’s sadism.” Shirou grunted in anger wishing the man a worse death than the one he had. “Holy Energy is a type of mana that can be extremely beneficial even in dangerous quantities if the user is someone with a pure heart, able to even make someone immortal. That still took skill or an appropriate Artifact or Noble Phantasm.” He shook his head to calm himself. “Instead of just directing Blessing to kill Luvia, he ordered the sword to make her suffer. Broken as it was, Caliburn’s Fragments had no means to stop themselves from doing what their holders wanted and Freed wanted Luvia to feel as much pain as it could inflict.”

“Holy Energy is still mana and magic circuits are an efficient filter for that mana.” Irina covered her mouth with her hands in horror. “The magic circuits were forced to deal with the hostile energy and-”

“They overloaded and broke?” Xenovia understood after some thought. “That is possible?” She was looking at Shirou who dealt with something similar or even on a greater scale.

“I should be dead.” Shirou admitted without shame. “For some reason Fuyuki’s mana didn’t kill me. We all have our suspicions on why,” he was looking at Auguste, hesitating to talk about his Reality Marble with the older man around, “but Freed was ordering Holy Energy to actually be dangerous and Luvia’s circuits fell victim to it.”

It was something he caught on the moment they had arrived at the Art Gallery, the second that Shirou used his Structural Analysis on Blessing. He saw how Freed ordered the sword to make Luvia feel pain, not kill or neutralize just to inflict pain and Shirou saw it all down to the beginning of the process to the end.

But he had no way of knowing the full extent of the damage just by the sword, that was Rin’s job as the person who took care of Luvia.

And she hated that job because it led her to being the bearer of bad news. “She would have died if her circuits were not of the quality they were or if her Crest hadn’t redirected some of the blunt from her organs to itself.” A function of Crests was, after all, to keep its bearer alive. “But the damage was already done by the time we arrived.”

“Then she is no longer suited to be the Head of Edelfelt.”

“Why did you say that?” Xenovia jumped to her feet to glare at the man but noticed how distressed and depressed Auguste looked. The anger was gone instantly. “She is alive.” The blue haired girl hoped the old man would feel better. “She is alive and even if she can’t use magecraft anymore, she can still use magic,” she looked at Rias who was pensive, “right?”

A sigh escaped the King’s lips. “That isn’t necessarily the problem. You see, tradition-”

“Magi are traditional people.” Auguste interrupted, still solem. “And those traditions are not only clear but fundamental to our society; only the Head of the Family may know certain knowledge and must pass their Crest to the next head. That is one of the pillars that has sustained much of our way of living.” The man finally revealed his eyes and they were about to burst into tears. “That is even more true to the Edelfelt Family. Thanks to their Sorcery Trait there was always a tight leash on the heirs to make sure that when they married outside their family, the secrets and advantages wouldn’t be passed to others.”

It was one of the many ways that the Edelfelt Family had used to stay ascendent in the Aristocratic Faction of the Clocktower. Their marriages were praised for offering a strong alliance while always keeping assassins at bay since killing a heir meant little unless the other was already married or dead.

With time Edelfelt accumulated a considerable fortune by playing a rigged game of chance and always keeping its heirs under control. The one occasion that failed, the Tohsaka Family became the strongest magi family of Japan.

Auguste sighed as Xenovia sat down at seeing how desperate the man looked. “There is nothing to be done for her magic circuits?”

“It would need to fix something in her soul.” Rin replied slowly. “The methods for it are

Yoruichi wasn’t surprised when Rin turned to her. “No. That kind of damage can’t be repaired by Senjutsu, even with the more
 exotic methods.” There were alternatives however. “Maybe one Elixir or even a sacred fruit could heal her but procuring one is hard enough.” She shook her head, discarting other possibilities. “Gods don’t part ways with their gifts so easily and even all the fortunes of the Edelfelt wouldn’t be enough.”

“If they are even willing to pay.” Rias reminded everyone of a cruel truth. “Luvia has a sister, a twin that even if not her equal, has a Crest. For all intents and purposes she will be the new Head.” Focusing on Auguste, she saw that the man looked despotent. “Would she wait for Luvia to recover?”

The butler looked shaken before speaking. “Even if she would, the Family wouldn’t because there would be no guarantees. Lady Luvia
 Will no longer be considered the heir and will be the one to be married off.”

“They would give up on her, just like that?” Xenovia hand hit the table hard, startling Medusa who had been resting her head.

“That is how a normal magi family works.” Rin remembered her own situation with bitterness. “If you can’t inherit then you are a tool for alliances, all to reach the Root.”

Xenovia scoffed. “Sounds more like a curse.”

“You might be right.”

“She was helping us
” Irina closed her eyes in prayer. “It is all our fault.”

Auguste looked ready to say something but his resolve returned and he stood up. “I need to contact the Edelfelt state.”

“Can’t you give us some time?” With the resources of Gremory there was a chance that Rias could help Luvia.

However it was a small chance for even the Gremory Clan couldn’t batter with the gods. “I have a duty with the Edelfelt.”

“Don’t you care about Luvia?” Shirou complained but Auguste glared back at him.

“Like if she was my own granddaughter.” The butler seemed to pulse with killing intent yet Shirou didn’t back down. “However I have over four decades of loyalty to the Edelfelt to counterbalance that. My duty as their servant is to inform them of any new developments with the heiress
 Regardless of how much I don’t want to.”

Medusa studied the man for a moment, a guardian like herself once was. “You are going to die.” All were surprised by the declaration.

“Nothing so extreme but the fact that I am alive and lady- no, Miss Luvia was harmed to that point will be considered.”

“That is not what I meant.” The purple haired goddess noticed Auguste’s posture and demeanor. “You blame yourself too much. Even if you will still be alive, guilt will stop you from living.”

“Speaking from experience, lady Medusa?” The butler looked more jovial for a moment, just for one moment. “Like I said, I care for her like she is my own granddaughter, her and lady Luna, her sister.” He smiled nostalgically. “I was there when they were born, there while they took their first steps, I taught them courtesy and etiquette. Even a little combat when I shouldn’t.” He chuckled while scratching his chin. “But this
 this changes things. Despite their situation both Edelfelt heiresses liked the positions they were in, one to inherit and another to marry with a man she learned to love. Now the former is lost and the later will soon be in jeopardy.”

Things would change in the Edelfelt Family because of Luvia’s fall and the sisters were the ones who would suffer the most. They were happy with their parts they would play but that was lost.

“You asked if I could wait? If lady Luna could? Yes, if there was even a small chance, she would.” He was making clear the younger of the twins didn’t wish to be the Head of the Family. “However the rest of the family won’t and even then Miss Luvia may never recover
 at least not as a human.” He threw Rias a knowing glance but soon focused on Shirou. “Can I ask you a favor, mister Emiya?”

“Of course.”

“You are someone that she respects and even admires. Can you protect lady Luvia, at least until she can find her own path?”

Shirou scoffed at that. “She is my friend. You never needed to ask.”

Surprised by the straightforward response, Auguste studied Shirou for a full minute. “Hmph. I suppose I didn’t.” He turned fully to the table and bowed to his waist. “Please, take care of her.” Shirou nodded silently and the man stood up straighter than before. “Thank you.”

“So you are leaving Japan?” Rias was suspicious of the attitude the butler was displaying.

“Not immediately, no. I need to settle a few things for lady Luvia’s sake.” Everyone could see what he was implying, a last act of love. “All assets in Fuyuki can be easily transferred directly to her name and some money can help her get to her bearings once she decides what she wants to do.” Once again he looked at Rias but the devil didn’t bother to acknowledge the look. “Also I will need someone to erase my memory of this place, for your safety and hers.”

“You could just sign a contract.” Shirou suggested but Auguste shook his head.

“Here is a piece of advice from someone more experienced than you; don’t put your faith in contracts, there are too many ways to go around it.” Auguste tapped the side of his head with a smile. “The information will still be here and if someone sorts my memories they can easily find you and miss Luvia while she remains here. She made enemies even in her own Family and I would prefer to not give them a lead.”

“Won’t you resist hypnosis?” Xenovia asked skeptically.

“He won’t resist my Charm.” Medusa declared with frustration. “I may still be too weak but if he lowers his defenses I can send him back home and have him forget where we are and even about me.”

“That would be for the best.” Rias at least couldn’t see any other way. However, since the man was sacrificing himself for someone he cared for, she made sure to look for his well being. “We will need someone to escort you just to make sure you can make it. I have seen how men act like drunken fools under her influence.”

Rin saw that as her cue. “I can do it. I need to go back home anyway.” It was already late and Rin knew her sister would be worried sick if she took too long. ‘After all this conversation I think I will spend some time with Sakura tomorrow.’

Because if there was one thing the elder Tohsaka sister feared was making a mistake and settling her younger sibling with all their debt.

With how weak Medusa was it took a few minutes for Auguste to fall for her Charm even when he was purposely leaning into it. Another thing the goddess blamed her own weakness for but nobody blamed her since she was like that by saving lives, Rias and Koneko even thanked for her efforts more than once during the procedure.

They also left at a convenient time because “Pizza’s here.” Koneko returned to the table with four boxes in her arms. “We need to pay the delivery man.”

“I will handle it.” Rias got up from her place with one last look at Irina.

The twin tailed Exorcist looked inconsolable after all the facts were placed on the table and Xenovia wasn’t that far off.

Both felt responsible for Luvia's fate as they accepted the girl’s help because of their own lack of resources. That frustrated Irina more than anyone else as she was the one who spent their money on something useless and landed them in the position where any help needed to be taken.

For those reasons both felt responsible for what happened in a way or another. “It wasn’t your fault.” Rias decided to say. “If anything, remember that Luvia is a big girl that made her own decisions.”

With that the redhead devil departed to pay for the food but she got the ball rolling. “Rias is right.” Yoruichi commented as she transformed into her human form. She was still missing her orange shirt and her clothes were a little torn apart but she looked better. “She knew the risks when she got involved with the Fragments in the first place.”

Yoruichi helped Koneko to place the boxes with pizza on the table as Medusa sat up properly with water in her mouth. She was about to get a slice when Koneko stopped her. “Wait for everyone.” Medusa pouted but Koneko was unaffected.

Usually the little devil would be the first to attack the food but the somber mood held back even her hunger.

“Doesn’t stop us from feeling bad for everything that went wrong with them.” Xenovia touched Durandal, seeking comfort in its aura. “Those swords were our responsibility and yet, we were just lured into a trap that almost started a war.” She turned to Shirou. “And someone else had to clean that mess. We barely have anything to show for it.”

“Caliburn is rebuilt and its Fragments won’t be misused ever again.” Unless it broke again but Shirou wasn’t willing to entertain that possibility. It would depend on the real owner but he could see that didn’t help the two girls and he knew they had other things to sort out. “I am going to go get Liz.” He also had his own problem and it was time for him to face it.

Rias saw Shirou leaving and couldn’t help but sigh. “He is worrying over nothing.”

“Buchou?” Koneko, who was keeping Medusa away from the food much to Yoruichi’s amusement, noticed her King sigh in exasperation.

Instead of explaining, Rias smiled. “Medusa, if you are feeling well enough, want to help me get the dishes?”

The beast in her demanded food now. “Fine.” But the goddess in her knew that the sooner everything was set the less she would have to fight for the food.

Approaching Liz’s door Shirou knocked twice but received no response. “Liz? Can I come in?” Even asleep, the white haired maid usually would react when he called. ‘Must have way less mana than I thought.’ Which meant she needed some food. “Liz, I am coming in.”

Shirou opened the door slightly to see the bed with the covered figure laying on it. Looking around he noticed some weights, books and clothes lying around and noted that this was the first time he ever entered Liz’s room in their new house.

‘What a mess.’ His first instinct was to start cleaning the place up but the light of the hallway managed to wake Liz from her slumber. “Hey, we got some pizza.” The covers fell from the bed and Liz stretched herself a little in her tank top and shorts. ‘At least she took a shower before going to bed.’ Shirou knew he was just distracting himself to avoid certain thoughts.

Both pure and impure.

Instead the redhead looked to the side and waited for Liz to leave the bed, paying attention to how some of her books were about education, exercises for groups and rules of games. He smiled at the thought that her disguise as a teacher to keep an eye on him had evolved into something she was legitimaly invested in.

If she had asked, Rias could have given Liz a position where she would need to do nothing and still receive pay or just stay around the ORC. Instead she worked hard to become a proper teacher and by her reputation around her classmates he knew she had no complaints to her name.

Shirou was proud of how far she had come since the day they met, she was far beyond the almost robotic maid of those days. It also made what he did feel worse and the guilt that was on the back of his mind became more pronounced.

“I am sorry.” Liz stopped at his side, already having left her room.

The light of the hallway almost seemed to give her a halo of some sort. “About?” The white haired woman’s honest curiosity somehow made him feel worse.

“For giving you an order.” He waited for any reaction.

 it’s fine.” That wasn’t it.

 it isn’t fine.” Shirou made sure they were face to face but the woman tilted her head at his serious expression. “When I order you to do something
 you can’t respond
 you know that is because-”

“Because you are my Master and I am your maid.” Her voice sounded cold and robotic again, like the first day he met her. There was no emotion and no sign of the Liz he knew.

There was only Leysritt, a homunculus of the Einzbern. “You stop being you.” He touched her face and Liz was there again before he quickly took out his hand. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

Liz wasn’t a deep thinker, they both knew it, but there were times that she just couldn’t help but worry over Shirou. “You did the right thing.”

“I don’t-”

A finger on his lips stopped him from talking. “Your safety is my priority. You’re always my priority.” He understood what she meant, it was the reason why he gave the order in the first place.

While Liz cared about the friends she made, she cared for Shirou far more. It was the reason why she was able to even surpass her basic programming and request to stay by his side. It was something beyond being a bodyguard and they both knew it was there and that she wouldn’t hesitate to give her life for him.

Or take the lives of others for him, even his closest friends. It was both part of her function and something she would do out of love if she knew it would save his life.

“I wanted to help them but I didn’t want to leave you.” When Liz's hand touched his face it stayed. “You’re warm
 warmer than usual.”

“I ended up using too much mana today.” Her hand moved to touch the white haired strands in his head. “Way too much.”

They both knew that was a bad sign, that his body overheated so much with mana that some of the pigments in his hair were gone. It was a clear sign that the mana he had run through his body had been far too much for his magic circuits to contain.

Normally the heat from mana would be safely contained by his circuits which would be protecting the rest of his body, mainly his nerves and organs. In that sense the magic circuits still were able to accomplish their main function but the heat was still extreme and the results were visible.

“At least it was just the hair. I mean, I can paint it or just ask Rias to put a spell to disguise the white. Can you imagine how hard it would be to explain if I ended with a tan that never went away?” Shirou chuckled at the thought but Liz didn't even crack a smile.

She was still too focused on the sensation of his warm skin. “You aren’t using magic for the next few days.”

He nodded immediately. “Trust me, I know that. My circuits still feel like they are on fire.” A look of concern slipped the smile off his face. “Sorry, I am joking. I am fine but they sting a bit. Magecraft is the farthest thing on my mind.” Then he gave her a sad look. “That means my food won’t be up to par for a few days.”

“Still will be in the Shirou Standard.” Liz wasn’t worried because she knew that most of his cooking came from technique and he just used Reinforcement to push the ingredients beyond to their peak.

Of course there were other options like getting Akeno or Rin to help him cook even if just to use Reinforcement or buy the best ingredients possible.

Shirou still looked guilty though. “That isn’t important right now, we shouldn't even be talking about me.”

“But we’re. You felt guilty and I don’t care.” The look on Shirou’s face had Liz’s smiling. “I don’t mind what you did.”

“But you should
” She shook her head.

“No, I am a homunculus.” And she said it as respectfully as she could before taking a step back to show him respect. “And you are my Master. If you order me to do something, anything, I will do it.” An undeniable truth.

When an homunculus was created it wasn’t unexpected for them to have a flaw or another, it was standard of the procedure that they would always have something that would make them lesser than almost all sentient species on the planet.

An homunculus could easily have the mana capacity of dozens of magicians; however they would also have extremely short lifespans, not even years but months. Or they could have a high capability for management and even use of mana but lack a strong constitution which would make them unsuited for combat, like Sella.

Liz was the inverse; a body that many athletes wished they had, perfect muscles reinforced with mana that made them capable of breaking stone with her bare hands while also being immune to all diseases.

In return Leysritt not only was slow when comparing thought processes with her sister but the consumption of mana was constant. She eats a lot because she both loves and needs it to live.

Those flaws were inevitable because of the nature of the homunculus themselves. They were born almost like angels in a sense; perfect in all accounts. But unlike angels who truly started perfect they had those flaws and defects resulting from being born from alchemy, not from a miracle.

However it wasn’t farfetched to call an homunculus something like magic circuits in human form since they had a huge capability and inclination to magic. Or could use mana to replace and fortify themselves like Liz who was far stronger than most beings.

And she was considered a failure by the Einzbern’s standards despite being strong enough to fight on pair with Exorcists and magi of many kinds.

However she had other weaknesses like her dependence on a center or a core, someone to guide her. It was something carved fundamentally in her existence because only a certain line had far less defects and could be more independent; the Justaze line based on Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern.

She was an accident, a miracle that happened by chance and a being capable of using the Third True Magic. Comparing that to any homunculus that had nothing to do with her could only be called unfair.

Irisviel was based on her and Shirou suspected that, by the miracle of her own birth from the seed of a magus and the union with a homunculus, Illya was closer to her than their mother. Neither of the two had the safeguards that the Einzbern gave to their standard homunculus to stop rebellions and betrayals.

They have to obey because they are closer to familiars in a sense, if Liz or Sella weren’t connected to Shirou and Illya then they would be inert like dolls.

“Doesn’t make any of this right.” Shirou pointed out after reviewing all the history of the Einzbern in his mind. “I wish that
 you could just be you.”

“But I’m me.” Liz told him gently. “And I’m happy you are safe.” She took a step to the living room. “We should go, the food is going to be cold.”

‘If I could, I would free you, even from me.’ Shirou knew that Liz wouldn’t leave even with that..

However the redhead knew that was a distant dream. ‘But I can’t.’ It was how Liz was made, to obey someone and if there was no one it was back to being a mindless doll. “I won’t do it again.”

“You will, if it is the best thing to do.” Liz surprised him with the statement and her firm eyes. She went and held his hand between hers, holding it close to her cheek. “You are alive
 we are alive. That is what matters.” She also felt warm to his touch and her smile was gentle. Until her eyes grew as sharp as one of his swords. “But if you send me away and you die, I won’t ever forgive you.”

With that she smiled again and Shirou could see shades of Illya in her when Liz began to walk to the living room. “That was
” He didn’t know what to say but was hungry so he followed her.

When the two walked out of the hallway the table was already set up with plates and cups for everyone and a huge bottle of soda in the middle. “What took you guys so long?” Rias asked cheekly.

‘She knows.” Shirou wasn’t surprised. “We talked.” Liz nodded her agreement and sat down while collecting a slice of pizza.

After humming Rias just said “Good” and got a slice of her own.

“We should pray first.” Irina suddenly remembered.

“You do realize half of the table wouldn’t like that, wouldn't you?” Yoruichi commented with a chuckle.

“Oh, right
” For a moment Irina had completely forgotten that she was at a table with devils, a yokai and a goddess of a completely different religion.

Xenovia gave Irina a look and for a moment she seemed ready to say something but bite her tongue and a cloud of depression seemed to appear over her head.

“We still need to be thankful for the food, right?” Irina decided to ask with a blush which made Rias chuckle.

“Of course.”

“““Itadakimasu.””” Medusa, Koneko and Yoruichi spoke in sync before they began to dig in the pizza.

“See?” Rias had a raised eyebrow before she also said her thanks and began to eat her food.

The Exorcists looked at each other and began to eat as well. Both were feeling slightly uncomfortable with everything but were too exhausted to process too much. Irina was steadfast and focused, plans already being made to return home as soon as possible.

Xenovia for her part had questions, thoughts and problems running around her mind all at the same time. Thankfully the pizza was good and she could focus on that, ignoring the revelations of the day. One particular revelation that brought forward how little the institution she once praised seemed to not care about her.

How the people she loved were happy to let her stay in the dark.

A decision needed to be made but Xenovia was too tired and so she focused on enjoying her food. “This is great.”

“Isn’t it?” Rias took another bite and felt the cheese melt in her mouth. “We usually don’t eat out but maybe we should make it a tradition.” She looked at Shirou with a grin. “Or we could learn how to cook pizza.”

Shirou was all for the idea. “It needs a very specific type of oven to be cooked like this.”

“But we could have more pizza?” Koneko gave the redheads a cute look that had them smiling.

“Sure.” Rias looked at Shirou. “I can get an oven for that.” A few calculations later she added. “We will also need to expand the kitchen.”

“During summer? While we are in the Underworld?” Shirou remembered that Rias wanted to show him where she grew up and some of the devils’ culture.

Also talking to her parents and the magus was admittedly nervous about that. “Sounds like a plan.”

“Can I have another slice?” Xenovia finished hers but was hesitating.

“You don’t need to ask.” Yet Shirou felt the cute glares from Koneko and Medusa and promptly ignored them to serve another slice to Xenovia with a knife. “If I let you sleep hungry then I will be a poor host.”

“Thanks.” She quickly began to nimble her food before the two could act. Xenovia was sure that Koneko was ready to attack while Medusa seemed to wait for an opening to take her slice.

Irina chuckled at the interaction even as Yoruichi offered her another slice. “You want one too, right? Your bodies must be starving since your muscles need the calories after the day you had.”

“You can tell?” The twin tailed Exorcist couldn’t hide her surprise.

“Nyahaha! My family specializes in Senjutsu and its uses on the body. Since I was little I had studied the function of muscles, the flux of Ki and how to best apply them.” She took another bite before pointing at the Exorcists. “Part of it is because your training but running around would leave anyone starving.”

With a nervous laugh because she didn’t know how to act with one of Japan’s leaders, Irina scratched her cheek. “Thank you very much.”

However Xenovia heard them talking and decided to talk about their training. “Breaking the human limits always involves a lot of exercises to build certain types of stress and meditation and other stuff.” Irina was shaking her head but the bluehead didn’t care. ”There was also the food but the food was the most important part even if it was bland.” The blue haired girl ignored her partner’s incredulous stare as she tried to remember something. “There was a motto with the training, a theme, something Griselda liked to say

It felt like it was in the tip of her tongue but the more Xenovia struggled to remember the more it seemed to escape her.

She even began to snap her fingers to bring up the memory. “Was it something about an enemy? How to fight an enemy?”

“It makes sense since it was special training. Maybe the types of enemies you were getting ready to face?” Rias pointed out but Xenovia shook her head.

“A specific enemy maybe?” Yoruichi suggested and while Xenovia stopped to think she ended up shaking her head again.

Taking a bite of her pizza, Medusa offered “Maybe how to fight? You know, because it was training?”

“No, no. That wasn’t it.” And Xenovia knew that if she didn’t remember now it would bother her the whole night.

“I never remember any saying about our training.” Irina mumbled begrudge as she knew Xenovia training was different from hers. It wasn’t only because of Durandal but also because of who her guardian was. “Are you sure Sister Griselda used to say something about it?”

It wasn’t usual but Xenovia was sure. “She said that it was the root of all Exorcist Training. The philosophy of the person who designed it even before the Church received it in the old times.” That information was new to everyone. “It was something important, the kind of thing that you know without knowing, if you can get what I mean?”

"Common knowledge?” Rias asked with a shrug. “Then you will remember sooner or later. You are too tired to think about it today.” She looked at the Exorcists and frowned. “Maybe a bath will help. I will get you two new clothes once we finish dinner.”

“Hungry.” Koneko was still going strong as she devoured another slice.

A lightbulb lit on Xenovia’s head. “That is it! ‘Hunger is the enemy’! That was the saying!”

With that new piece of information Shirou couldn’t help but laugh out loud, surprising everyone.

It was a healthy laugh, a sincere laugh born of joy and innocence that showed that he wasn’t laughing at Xenovia at all but that what he said connected with him in some way he couldn't help but find funny.

“Someone is feeling better.” Yoruichi commented from the side, already on her third slice. “Want to share the joke with the class?”

Chuckling a little Shirou could tell he was feeling better. “Not a joke, more of a
 curiosity I suppose.” His small chuckle earned him a few skeptical looks. “Sorry, sorry. It is just that I think I know who devised the original training that the Church is using.”

“Really? Who was it?” Griselda never knew or at least never told her and Xenovia was curious.

A sad look came to Shirou’s eyes as his mind turned to a sword in a field of swords. It was a work of art, a masterpiece and it was the reason for the conflict of the last day.

With a sad smile, he looked at Xenovia with a sigh. “The Order of Pendragon had been the military arm of the Church for centuries before being dismissed. During that time you could say that the organizations were one and the same.” He fetched another slice of pizza. “Their resources were one, their intelligence was one and their principles were one. That was why the Order stopped training magicians.”

Looks of comprehension dawned on Rias and Yoruichi’s faces even while the rest of the table failed to catch what Shirou was telling them.

After chewing he looked at Irina. “In its infancy the Church was little more than peasants and even as it spread inside the Roman Empire they had little other than what God could give them; some relics and knowledge.” His throat felt dry so he took a sip of his soda. “While the Roman soldier was considered strong they weren’t able to fight against the moonlit world without the help of their gods. Thankfully there were plenty of gods around to help in those days but

“But Christianity always prayed only to one.” Irina's eyes grew wild. “They needed another source of power, something to help catch up when their weapons couldn’t.”

“King Arthur’s designed the Exorcist Training methods?” Xenovia had her mouth open in disbelief and Shirou shrugged.

“Not exactly the methods for the Exorcist but for their warriors. You look in any map and you will notice that the British Isle was always isolated compared to the rest of Europe. Hell, even Cesar failed to conquer the place for long compared to the rest of the continent.” He turned to Yoruichi. “An isolated nation similar to Japan’s and we always had our own ways of dealing with the moonlit world.”

It clicked in Yoruichi's mind and she began to laugh. “Nyahaha. Oh boy, it is the same situation as Japan! Nyahahaha, isolated from the continent, they had to develop their own ways to deal with anything that lurked at night.” Her smile turned feral. “And much like there are yokais here, Britain had their own monsters to deal with.”

“Britain, Scotland, all the isles really. They were too close to Avalon and that tended to attract those that wanted its powers
 and those unfortunate enough to catch the attention of the fairies.” Shirou explained easily and a picture began to form in the Exorcists' minds. He would still color that picture a little more. “Much like the people of the continent had to compete with each other and the moonlit world, everyone else also had to deal with their neighbors, be then normal or otherwise.”


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