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"It's been ages since I last encountered your kind, mortal."

A voice that sounded like a mix of burning embers and whispering of flames rang out in Ben's mind.

"STOP! No one's got time for your backstory, so spare me your riddles and all that malarkey," Ben said, putting a stop to any foreshadowing coming from the little SizzleSprite.

"You dare take that tone with me, mortal! PREPARE TO DIE!"

Screeched the murder torch as it conjured two bright balls of scorching fire, raising the surrounding temperature by a few degrees.


And before the Lady Heat Blast could start her murder dance, she got extinguished by an [Ice Storm], an Adept-level spell from Ben.

"Tch, no fire salts?" Ben said, looking at the place where the atronach disappeared.

"There goes my infinite gold glitch," he said, feeling a little disappointed.

Casting the [Conjure Flame Atronach] spell again, Ben focused as his Magicka left his hand and concentrated on a spot in front of him, tearing open a hole in the fabric of space-time itself. It bloomed like a flower and then collapsed back on itself to heal the damage that was done to it.

It all happened in an instant, but that was enough time for a furious Atronach to be dragged back in front of Ben.

"YOU DARE SUMMON ME AGAIN MORTAL!" It screamed at the top of its embers but was once again sent back to Oblivion with a blast of Magicka from Ben.

This time using the [Banish Daedra] spell; the space fluctuated to bloom like a flower and then collapsed in on the atronach.

If you are wondering why it was the same atronach, it was because of the nymic used during summoning. Nymic, is basically the true name of a daedra and is also their biggest weakness, hence they guard it with their lives. Daedra cannot abandon or change their nymics, and their true names endure even when their physical form is annihilated. It's basically the daedra's dna, it defines its nature and if its physical form gets destroyed, it can regenerate from its nymic.

Nymics can be of different lengths depending on the strength of a daedra. The full nymic will often contain a protonymic, a neonymic, a tribunymics and a hieronymics. Which is kind of like its name, surname, affiliations and its rank.

Protonymic is basically the common name and can be shared by many daedra, hence when you use it to cast the summoning spell, any of those daedra can appear before you.

Summoning is all well and good, but if you want to banish it, you must also know its neonymic or surname. This is the reason Ben had waited until now to summmon it, because only the [Banish Daedra] spell tome contained the neomymic.

As for the tribunymics and a hieronymics, Ben had yet to come in contact with them. A truly capable mage who learns a Daedra's complete Nymic could change its loyalties, limit its powers, anchor it into a different physical form (such as an object of some kind), or simply disperse it altogether.

Ben stared at the spatial fabric repairing itself after swallowing the atronach whole.

'Blimey, that looked like it hurt,' he winced a little, but that didn't stop him from casting the spell again.

"YOU-You will pay for this humiliation with your pitiful life. My embers will not rest until I bathe in your ashes-"

"Shut yer gob, you daft bint!" Ben Growled at the hysterical flame Atronach and shut her gob she did.

"Good, now put that fiery temper of yours to good use and turn this into a shiny piece of gold," he said, throwing the lump of transmuted gold ore to her.

And she did so too, in immense disbelief as her whole being followed Ben's command without a second thought. Ben still didn't know its full nymic, but his soul was strong enough to compel it to do his bidding for a while.

Using the spell in this manner was deemed crude. Without the full nymic, most mages resorted to diplomacy and making deals with the Daedra to have them do their bidding, only to be betrayed at the earliest opportunity.

Ben didn't want to go through the whole shebang, and since he had a soul strong enough, he didn't have to. The stronger the soul and the will power of the mage, the stronger the binding effect of the spell. One could also use sacrifices to make the binding stronger, but there was no need for that now.

"H-How are you doing this, y-you are but a mortal and I am no ordinary Atronach, I am the-"

"Yeah-yeah, I'm sure you think you're somethin' special darlin'," said Ben, taking the newly purified gold bullion from her hands.

It had quite a bit of weight for its size and was currently hot enough to burn the flesh right off his bones had it not been for him casting [Ironflesh].

"But you're now just a blasted furnace, makin' gold bars at my bidding," he said with a smirk that was borderline evil.

"Look at the bright side, it's not too terrible a job, considering you get to visit this lovely island," he said with his arms out wide; as if he were the main character of a multi-billion dollar franchise.

The Flame Atronach perished under the onslaught of cringe coming from Ben. Just Kidding, it ran out of fuel and got snuffed since its sixty seconds were over.

Next, Ben dual cast the spell, and the atronach reappeared, this time a lot more docile than the last time. Daedra are used to serving a lord, and while servitude is not something shameful for them, serving a mortal is.

The Daedra bow down to the strong and look down upon the weak, and mortals to them are weakest of all; beings to be trampled upon and slaughtered for fun.

While he did feel a little uncomfortable, but he wasn't delusional enough to feel bad about enslaving one. He knew given the chance, it would murder everyone in its sights and capture their souls to torture for an eternity.

This wasn't a fairy tale where the hideous monster turns out to be a poor, misunderstood creature and neither was it a hormone filled teenage fantasy where the hot demoness falls in love with the nerd because of how good his dick tastes.

No, this was a horror show, and the demoness was, in fact, after your soul. She would then use it to light a lamp in her dark dungeon so you could clearly see her torture your whole family for all eternity.

Anyway, now that Ben had a daedra under him, he could finally find the answer to a question that had been troubling him for quite some time.

"What master do you serve?"


Hey everyone, its been a while. I finally continued my harry potter ff; trust me, it wasn't easy.

Anyway, this one became a bit too technical, I know. Getting lost in the details is the whole thing that I do. Please let me know if you have any ideas for the future of this book. I'm looking forward to your comments.


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