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"What's the next ability is going to be? Will it be the soul-drawing ability to extract souls, or the spiritual beam attack, or his ultimate wide area move?"

"What I need the most right now is the power of flight," He thought.fifteen-meter-deep"What's the next ability is going to be? Will it be the soul-drawing ability to extract souls, or the spiritual beam attack, or his ultimate wide area move?"

"What I need the most right now is the power of flight," He thought.Kevin decided to wait till his energy reserves were full before grinding the next ability. But even after waiting for a while, his body was still eagerly absorbing the sunlight. This time it took nearly twice as long for it to fill up.

Not only had his body's capacity had increased, but with his ability reaching level two, the quality of energy in his body had improved as well.

While the downside was that now it took a lot longer for it to fill up, but once it was full, Kevin could cast the level one ability, Black Particles, about twenty-eight times in a row.

"It's still not enough. I'll be all out in a minute or two of continuous fighting," Kevin thought.

Now that he knew levelling up can expand his energy reserves, all his mental exhaustion disappeared. Kevin was looking forward to levelling up Black Particles.

But looking around, he felt this room wasn't very suitable. If he started spamming Black Particles here, this place would soon end up resembling a hornet's nest.

Kevin stretched his body a little and found his arm healing nicely. He felt grateful for Chris's help. Coming downstairs, he saw Chris sitting on the sofa, watching TV.

"You hungry, kid? There's some food in the kitchen," Chris said, turning his head to look at Kevin.

"I'm not hungry, but thanks for offering." Replied Kevin.

Chris looked puzzled, but then understanding dawned on his face. "You're like a proper plant, aren't you, kid?" "Cant's say I'm not jealous. Not having to cook every day, that just sounds wonderful."

"It's alright I guess," said Kevin, not having to eat disgusting prison food was the favourite part of his ability as well.

"But you should still eat something. Those spaghetti arms won't do you any good,kid."

Kevin's brows could not help but twitch at that, "He saved your life, don't punch him in the face, don't punch him in the face, how about the stomach..." he muttered under his breath.

"Thanks for everything, but I've got to go now," Kevin left the place before he lost his composure, heading towards the back door.

"Where do you think you're going, kid? They're still looking for you out there," Said Chris.


"And it's not just you whose skin is on the line. If someone sees you getting out of this house, it's game over for me," said Chris, blocking the door.

"Well, if you're that scared, then perhaps you shouldn't have helped me in the first place," said Kevin.

"Perhaps I shouldn't have. Perhaps was a fool for helping you. It does not matter! What matters is that we are in this together now. You aren't leaving this house until I say so, kid."

Unfazed, Kevin gazed at the imposing figure in front of him and sighed.

"Look, I'm really grateful for you help, but as you said, there are some very dangerous people looking for me, and I don't want to involve you in my mess," said Kevin, looking at the man in all sincerity.

"Oh ho ho, believe me kid, I'm already very involved in your mess," said Chris, peering down at him.

Kevin felt the sincerity coming from Chris and finally gave in.

"Alright, your house your rules, but I need someplace to train."

"Training? Now? Hate to break it to you, kid, but last-minute training will do you no good."

"Well, I need to get familiar with using my abilities. I never really got to use them at the mutant prison."

Chris slightly nodded his head and said, "Follow me."

He moved the sofa to the side and removed the rug to reveal a hatch that hid a narrow staircase leading down. Kevin followed Chris, and he was quite surprised to come across a large room filled with all kinds of makeshift training equipment and a brutally battered target dummy.

As he saw the surprised expression on Kevin's face, he stated, "Regular gyms just don't do it for me."

After giving a brief introduction, Chris left him to his own devices and returned upstairs.

Looking at the already perilous state of the dummy, and shook his head. He found a steady corner and pointed his fingers at the floor.

[Black Particle Experience +1]

[Black Particle Experience +1]

A wave of black particles shot into the ground, leaving a hole in the floor.

The sound of notifications continuously filled Kevin's ears as he continuously spammed the ability, only pausing when his energy was on the verge of running out.

With the little energy he had left, he teleported to the upstairs room using Spatial Shift and eagerly soaked up the sunlight to restore his energy.

Once his energy stores were full, he teleported back to the basement.

He kept doing this repeatedly...

[Ability: Black Particles (0/500) Level 2]

Time passed quickly, and soon it was already six in the evening.

Looking at the level two black particles on the panel, Kevin felt the changes in himself and smiled. Once again, the energy reserves had increased, and the quality improved.

[Black Particle Experience +1]

This time, the black particle wave exceeded the size of an egg. Hurtling downwards, it voraciously consumed the ground below, leaving a fifteen meters deep hole.

"The attack distance and range of black particles has improved a lot."

Although it was still not very strong, Kevin was satisfied for now.

Glancing at the five hundred experience needed for the next upgrade, he gave up on improving it further for now.

"Now that space transfer and black particles have reached level two, there is no way to improve them within this short time, and there is no need to improve the rebound shield and divine finger for the time being..."

He turned his attention to the Imitation progress.

(Imitation progress 39%)

"It will be faster to get the next ability instead; it should be available at 45% or 50%..."

"What's the next ability going to be? Will it be the soul-drawing ability to extract souls, or the spiritual beam attack, or his ultimate wide area move?"

"What I need the most right now is the power of flight," He thought.



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