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It's a new month and as usual the group piece will be in full color but you can only get in ONCE, and I'll keep adding to the piece month by month!

Remember I can only draw 5 Patrons, per month.

These posts will serve for people to be added to the list from now on, as opposed to a post to see which five get included each month.

To those of you who want to have their character in this, you know the drill, please submit the following:

-character name

-reference (provide a link to an image of them in the comments, I wont be able to draw em otherwise)

- three personality traits

Here's the link with the list!

thanks guys!

(Color guide:

-Green: Done!

-Yellow: Up Next

-Red: Not done yet

-Gray: Missing ref/ Broken Link)




Name: Calpurnia Kazuhira: Traits: Confident, Creative, Tough as Nails. References: https://www.deviantart.com/kiu4ev/art/Calpurnia-Redesign-797447867 https://www.deviantart.com/kiu4ev/art/You-can-do-it-865851127


Name: Wex Leonard. Personality traits: confident, emotional, friendly. features: https://discord.com/channels/@me/790305848496357396/838119973032296466 https://www.icloud.com/notes/00bWWhBGKg7hKLRjYvXiBiAdA#New_Note


Name: Cronin Gregor Traits: charismatic, hyperactive, and flamboyant Refs: https://twitter.com/boshtet12/status/1312154110674653184?s=19 https://twitter.com/boshtet12/status/1388562010187702275?s=19


Name: Viridian Traits: Protective, Brave, Kind Refs: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=18xyaf2DULJhstHAHD3BMi1SBFOCzVUdm


Name: Zora Holgata Traits: Stoic, confident, strong References: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/648024013154811904/838123521963720764/SkorchVilulf_Zora_char_ref_sheet_version2_4k.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/648024013154811904/838123694018527282/Aozora_cas_nodachi_saltnvalk.jpg


Name: Jessamine (prefers "Jess") Traits: Free-spirited, chaotic, disaster lesbian References: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/817554149411258388/817554256948625438/ffxiv_09162020_200729_748.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/817554149411258388/835319854277459968/ffxiv_04222021_183953_739.png


So are these OC exclusive or are we allowed to ask for established characters as well?


So I've never understood. What exactly are these?


Name: Alexis Reyes Traits: Closed off, goofy, Angry refs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/120AX9YplIvy9O4kG7MUR3xWEMJiMshrP/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BqZQPUngYokHt879ukvitrWboCEdLjCL/view?usp=sharing


Ummm if one accidentally uploaded a broken link the first time and is now grayed out how would one get added back to the waiting list


I can't even submit anything to the document....


you just have to put the info in the comments here! and i'll add it to the document.


(Apologies for being so late but I was working on getting a proper reference. X3) Name: Luna Traits: Shy, Caring, Intelligent Reference: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/806329256178745395/840535158259449886/bunyip.png

John Storm

Love this chibby style :)

Foxie Juliann

My apologies I didn't realized the link was broken. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/715296585881223189/904689339043307550/startup.mp4_20211028_155838_0.mp4