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Bearceth: Hey, look closely at this slime cave rescue request, there are some very old ones mixed in. Either the initial rewards were too generous, or they weren't fulfilled until this long ago. ......

In any case, this is the one that caused the most damage.

When it comes to saving people, Osric, who can also use sacred magic when the time comes, is the right person for the job.

Even with his size, that equipment is ...... well, even I can wear it, so I should be able to get by just barely.

Okay, I'll ask him to do it!

Quest request

Osric (E: Slime-resistant suit)

Tekely Cave a.k.a. Slime Cave

Lv1 Entrance

"So this is the ...... Tekely Cave."

When Osric arrived at the "Slime Cave," which no one calls by that name nowadays for a long time, he alerted his surroundings with his nose.

The smell of slime was already in the air. It was the sour smell that comes from digesting something. Osric's face and muscles tightened at the prospect of a fierce battle.

"The equipment is ready, yes?"

Looking down at his familiar white armor and unfamiliar green vestments, Osric stretched carefully.

Gyum ...... and the slime repellent oil made a noise between the very thin fabric of the vestments and his skin. It was a high-end piece of equipment given to him for the accomplishment of his request, but it was impossibly uncomfortable to wear.

The green vestments are filled with slime repellent oil on the front and back, and the same ingredients as slime are woven into the fabric. To put it bluntly, this is a far cry from the proud knightly figure Osric had in mind.

However, this is also for the sake of helping others. And by extension, for the prince and the country. And so it is.

"Now, knight Osric, let's go out in full force!"

Osric shouted to rouse himself and entered the cave.

It was early morning. The demons were still quiet.

Lv2 Shallow part of the cave

Relying on the light of the torch, Osric made his way through the dimly lit cave and soon discovered a slime figure.

However, it was a little different from what Osric had imagined.

It's like blood vessels.

Slime fills the walls of the cave like a web along the crevices of the rock surface.

The size of the cave, the fresh warmth of the cave, it is as if we have entered the body of a gigantic creature. If you rely on this, you will be able to reach the main body without getting lost. But .......

This ...... is impossible to defeat, isn't it?"

Osric simultaneously revised his target downward while advancing deeper into the cave.

The slime that is visible is only a blotch of some of the slime behind this wall. How much scale lurks deep within this rock face, Osric, who is no demon expert, has no idea.

The slime-patterned rock face continues on and on, deeper and deeper.

If all of these went out of control, ...... that would be something that would require the formation of a battalion to take down.

"I didn't expect this much,...... and the number of those trapped would be more than just a party or two,......."

Osric proceeded under his breath so as not to provoke the slimes.

After reaching a certain point, he came to a conclusion.

"--It seems we don't need to be on the lookout for any more demons other than slime, does it?"

There are no other demons in this cave.

If there were, they would have long been preyed upon by the slime.

This is the slime's stomach, so to speak. In other words, you don't need anything other than anti-slime equipment. ......

"In that case,...... my armor is also unnecessary just for today,...... mmm."

Osric put his hand on the clasp of his armor, muttering to himself as if he were trying to make an excuse.

To be honest, although he does not intend to show it to anyone, he does not feel comfortable taking off his holy knight's armor and becoming "the figure" here. However, a man who would be so uncomfortable about such a thing is far from Osric's ideal of a holy knight.

Osric removed his equipment one by one and placed them gently on the floor of the cave.

"Mm-hmm, let's move on."

The result was Osric wearing only his vestments, leaving only his walking regalia.

His well-trained muscles glistened like a dancer in a red-light district, and his buttocks and crotch were tight together. Even the holy seal that she was hiding could be seen through her body. The fact that only the leg guards remained was even more obscene.

Now I won't fall behind the slime.

Osric let out another inspiring cry, just as he had done at the entrance to the cave, and continued on his way deeper and deeper into the cave.

Lv3 Cave depths

"So this is the big one."

After a while of changing equipment, Osric finally reached the slimes' stronghold.

"The slimes don't seem to be ...... activated, thank God."

The time was just a little past early morning. The slime's movements were slow, even so.

"Wait for me, and I will help you right away."

Osric raised the torch above his head. The warm light revealed a large number of men.

Overhead, on the walls, and on the ground.

Everywhere, there were adventurers who had been taken in by slime. Their equipment was melted away, they had no clothes, and only their muscular bodies were exposed, twitching with stunned expressions.

These are all the men who have been turned back by the slime.

"Let's go!"

Osric raised a holy order as if in preparation for battle.

His whole body is filled with power, a kind of ritual that circulates holy magic.

But .......


The slime in the cave vibrates with a chirp and shows signs of activation.

Was it too loud to wake them up?

Osric held his mouth and flexed his large body tightly.

"Come on...... let's ...... go......!"

Osric bent his huge body as small as possible and shouted again modestly.

--He had brought three swords with him.

A familiar holy sword. A freshly sharpened straight sword. And a large sword with a dulled sharpness.

Three swords specialized for combat, cutting, and smashing. Three swords specialized for each. The slime countermeasures are sufficient.

Osric is the first step. He turned his attention to the man who was trapped in the slime ivy and hanging in mid-air.

Although Osric's tone of voice and demeanor give the impression of being misunderstood, he is by no means a thoughtless man. He does not pull him off in a hurry, but carefully assesses him first.


Holding the holy sword in his right hand, he straightens his left arm. Gathering strength. Adjust the position.

He found the angle of "here".


A flash. The sword, imbued with a holy radiance, splits several tendrils of slime at once.

The slime shreds soundlessly and without impact, and the trapped man's body breaks free.

"Mnh-mnh, okay, one first!"

Osric caught the fallen adventurer with one arm and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

That's it. Do not provoke the slime, just repeat this.

It is not a battle only to conquer.

As a holy knight, your proudest victory is to keep people safe.

"Repeat this ......, huh?"

Osric repeated the thought in his head with a self-deprecating smile.

The gesture makes it impossible to hold both hands, and it also drains a lot of magic power. You can't fire a lot of shots. If he failed, everything would be ruined. It would also require a lot of concentration.

While taking a rest, I repeated this over and over again.

Well, we'll just have to try ......!"

Osric regained his grip on his sword for his next exploit.

"Don't you dare move ...... !"

Osric shouted, plunging his greatsword deep into the sea of slime right next to the adventurer.

The man, floating in a sea of slime, swayed slightly from side to side. Carefully, yet boldly, he uses all the strength in his upper body to move the man out of the sea of slime and to the ...... side.

"Phew...... nuh!"

With only the last of his momentum, he pulled another man out of the slime.

 Osric had saved one more man, but it was clear that he was nearing his limit.

All the adventurers who could be rescued with one arm, and several adventurers who were swallowed by the sea of slime. He has been fighting a lonely battle alone, taking breaks since morning. How many times have we repeated this process? His sense of time has worn off and his sense of fatigue is blurred.

In his vestments, sweat had already accumulated more than slime-dodging oil. Breathability was at its worst, as it was impervious to bodily fluids. The masculine scent of his body is pungent, even if only from his slightly exposed neck.

One more.

One more.

Osric fought all the while, unable to abandon his captives, even as he assessed their limits.

His bravery and gentleness had been avenged.

"Nuh ......!!!"

The slime, which had been quiet until then, suddenly became entangled in Osric's buttocks.

"What do you mean ...... I thought my movements were the same as before--no way!"

Osric then realized his mistake.

He could not see the moon, but it was already ......... night outside.

It's time for magic.

The slime's stirring rose slightly, and even in ...... Osric's lower body, a mass of magical power glowed.

"No ............!!!!"

A holy seal imprinted on the lower half of his body. A strong ally that sometimes gives Osric strength. Sometimes it is an abhorrent curse that torments the lower half of his body. And now, it is a mass of magical power that is trying to put Osric in a tight spot.

"Hmm ...... the tightness of the suit ......!"

In his vestments, Osric's muscular meat rod became erect in an instant. The holy seal gives his body a strong tingle. A forced rutting. The commandment that is the exact opposite of holiness is in effect.

It was even worse that Osric himself was aware of this obscene appearance - and he was aware of it.

Osric's whole body was as sensitive as a disgusting whore, and then sobbing at the stimulation of the vestments.

And most of all--

"Slime, no...... damn......!"

With a sly ...... sly ......, the slime hung and stretched from the walls, from the floor, from the ceiling, all at once, surrounding Osric.

They reacted to the magic. Osric's whole body is this, the slime's best prey.

What had been hidden by the vestments finally became uncontrollable.

Male odor, magical power, and body.

Everything penetrates the vestments and fascinates the slime.

"If we don't do this, ......!

Although we have saved a lot of lives, there are still some adventurers trapped.

And there was no way to get them out of their stupor.

Osric, another man who failed his quest, is about to become a prisoner of these slimes forever.

No one can be saved. Nothing is accomplished.


Osric thought in silence.

There was no time.

There was only one conclusion.

All that remained was to make up his mind.

"There was no choice....... ......Prince...sorry...!"

Osric shouted one word to the second prince, who was not here.

Then he twirled his hands into fists as if in prayer.

--The glow of the holy seal intensified as it rippled strongly.

[Continued in latterpart]



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