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Ohyama's confession was inexplicable and hardly real.

"My fantasies and fetishes are shared and practiced by all the guests."

The propagation of one person's tastes and interests without conversation is beyond mass hysteria or hypnosis; it is truly a supernatural phenomenon.

I could neither admit nor deny such a claim.

In fact, as if by design, the hotel was filled with muscular men who were showing off their bodies, savoring them, and enjoying perverted acts with them.

I have seen many times the kind of exposure and sexual acts that are far beyond the scope of what a well-trained man would want to show off his muscles. And yet, none of them realize that this behavior is abnormal. Not only the guests, but none of the employees seemed to think that the hotel was abnormal.

Among them, only Mr. Ohyama "remembered," was "ashamed," and "conscious."

Despite his strong body, Mr. Ohyama is an ordinary Japanese man. Why, how, and why did he do it?

After all, I could not come up with a satisfactory theory.

Perhaps I need to think more outside the box, but that is impossible for me, an ordinary man and no more of an expert than Mr. Ohyama.

Thinking about such things in a roundabout way, I found myself wrapped in the supreme comfort of a luxury bed, and it was morning before I realized it.

The breakfast buffet was as lavish as I had ever seen it that day.

Natto (fermented soybeans), white fish, soba noodles, spaghetti, and other familiar dishes were all on the counter, along with chicken breast, soybeans, powdered protein next to the milk, and a host of other energizing and protein-rich items.

It is a macho man's dream dining table.

Huge men lined up vertically and horizontally, happily sharing their meals.

Normally, people would wear clothes to some extent at such a dining place, but there were men in tank tops, yukata (casual kimono), and some of them were naked, perhaps after a workout.

Dark-skinned men, hairy middle-aged men, white men with their hair trimmed, and black men with glistening skin.

Although the facility is located in rural Japan, it looks like a training camp for world-class athletes.

Involuntarily, I find myself looking at them rather than at the food.

When our eyes meet, the well-trained men pose happily and proudly show off their muscles to us. Just like Mr. Ohyama did.

"Mmm,Good morning. Did you sleep well last night?"

While I was thinking about that, Mr. Ohyama sat down right next to me.

Perhaps because of what happened last night, he looked a little uncomfortable and was dressed more heavily than anyone else in the breakfast room. The only thing that seems to stand out is the fact that this is the only seat in the house.

How are you doing? Eating at the beginning of the day is essential for maintaining a sound body and mind.

Despite this attitude, he still can't seem to stop showing off his muscles. Mr. Ohyama let me touch his muscular arms as he imparted his gratifying knowledge of this nutrition and that ingredient, which I did not ask him about.

Apparently, he is a "that kind of person" at heart. He also has children, which is both gratifying and annoying for a gay man like myself.

......That reminds me.

It brings back the question I had last night.

If Mr. Ohyama is a "unique" person in this place, there is another "unique" person.


I am not affected in any way by this place ......, at least I don't want to show off my muscles or get aroused by embarrassing figures, or anything like that.

I am not affected by this shared fantasy.


One thing that comes to mind is that my sexuality is gay.

From what I've heard, it seems that many of the people who engage in perverted behavior are married people, including Mr. Ohyama.

......So you are not affected by the shared fantasy because you are gay to begin with?

I don't believe that I am the one causing this anomaly.

Is Mr. Ohyama's past and even his personality altered because he interacted with him in a special many ways?

--No, ...... in the first place, it was my father who won the invitation ticket in the shopping district Lottery.

It was a coincidence that I came here. But what if that coincidence is causing something strange to happen?

No, my head was spinning.

I noticed that the breakfast room smelled strongly of male sweat, just like that gym.

Each of the men, energized and warmed up after their meal, was moving about with gusto.

This place is a trap to gather and trap only muscular fathers. This hotel must be like a huge cage.

Such exaggerated words came to my mind.

My head started to spin around when a gentleman-like man with a beard began to squat. Our eyes met and the gentleman winked back at me. I felt embarrassed and looked away, and another man showed off his muscles.

--I looked away, embarrassed, and another man was showing off his muscles.

Not a smile, or even a glare. A man with dark skin and green hair stared. He was looking at me as if he was observing me.

I realized that my body was hot and hotter than ever, probably due to the energetic meal and the sight.

I knew it was a bad idea to stay away from him, but I couldn't bring myself to go sightseeing, and somehow I found myself looking at the pamphlet again.

The problem may not be the person, but the place.

The place, not the people, might be the problem, because it was too large for an individual to cause such a phenomenon.

The first floor above ground...a heated swimming pool-like facility for families.

Basement level 1... a large public bathhouse

level 2...Fitness and training gym

level 3...cave baths

level 4...equipment layer

If you think about it, this facility is unusually "deep". Four underground floors. Is it possible to dig to such a depth that would require such large-scale construction?

It is not possible for ordinary visitors to go to the facility level, but they can enter the cave baths above it without any problem. It might be a good idea to check it out.

"Adventuring in one of the largest cave baths in Japan! Bring the whole family and explore the deepest part of Yu-topia!

The sign reads, "The whole family is invited to explore the deepest part of Yu-topia.

It seems to be a huge maze-like bath for families who wear swimsuits.

It seems that you are required to wear swimsuits, so I hope nothing bad will happen to you......

Giant Onsen Hotel, Yu-topia, 3rd basement floor, cave bath

The water level was about knee-high, and although the interior was illuminated by lights, the steam was like a fog, making it difficult to see.

The bath was so realistic that one could have thought it was a real cave, but it was very soft to the touch. All the rock surfaces were painted, and it seemed to be a leisure activity for families, taking care not to injure anyone.

But now, the real wildness has taken up residence.

Deep in the cave, the deeper we went, the more we heard a low, muddy voice like that of a beast.

Men, men, men, men.

There were stunned men, fathers with erections, and machos masturbating while lying in the passageway. The place was crawling with strong muscles panting like monkeys.

Whenever I tried to pass by them, the men, perhaps sensing my gaze, would let out a loud gasp. Some of them even ejaculated. I felt as if I were Moses the pervert.

The front part of their swimsuits were completely stiffened by the obscene and perverted scene. The only relief, I suppose, is that they are not in the act. That's because all the men are heterosexual.

The rings shining on their fingers and the atmosphere indicated that.

As I was walking along, I heard them talking, not panting or moaning.

It was Mr. Ohyama's voice.

"Wait, wait ......Wait ! ......You see--!"

The voice was not so much a scream as a grief, but the tone was clearly puzzled and impatient.

"Oh ...... what the hell are you trying to do ...... in a place like this--you can't--you can't... ...ah......!"

A 'common sense' denunciation that does not fit the occasion. Apparently, Mr. Ohyama is in a normal state of mind. If so, he is in some kind of trouble.

The act that the big man like a giant refuses to do. I was just about to go to ......, and I realized again that I was in trouble.

Then I realized something else.

I have seen many situations in my life, but aside from competition, I have never witnessed a situation where customers are having sexual intercourse with each other.

Have I not accidentally witnessed that situation?

Is it because ...... or because Mr. Ohyama does not have fantasies of having sex with men?

What the heck is going on down the road.

I ran, sloshing water, and found Mr. Ohyama in a small room at the dead end of the street.

And another ..........

They were muscular - they were connected.

"Oh no ...... no, no, wait! Wait! Wait ......! Oh ...... I don't ...... have that kind of taste, that was a misunderstanding ...... misunderstanding! Mmm ...... that's it, no more ah .........!"

"You said 'Daijobu'. You're the one who showed me the place and asked me out first, aren't you?"

It was him I had seen at the breakfast hall, with a green head of hair. He was the one with the flashy, youthful muscles, and he was assembling Mr. Ohyama, who was still sporting his blue beard early in the morning.

"No,  that's not--oh, that's like communication between muscles, oh, that's like a greeting between men, oh ...... that's not...! Oh, no...! How could this happen, Oh,It's in me!"

"What, is he your type, like the guy you were having breakfast with?"

"Oh ...... why do you say that, no, I--I like women, and that ...... I'm not prejudiced, but I'm not going to have sex in a place like this. I like women, and I'm not ...... prejudiced, but I have sex in places like this."

"Oh, that's a good response, that's a prime example of the kind of territory you have to play with yourself to get there, bro."

It was not quite rape, but it was hardly consensual either.

Mr. Ohyama was shaking her head frantically, screaming over and over again that it was not true. However, the man's cock, or rather his penis, was firmly in her ass, and she was on all fours like a dog.

Above all, the cock dangling between her legs is erect and swaying.

"Oh, that thing went in...... inside...... this thing! --ahhh ...... Oh no, I can't believe it ...... when something like that is ...... inside of me! Noooo......!"

"Can't stop cumming, huh? It's only going to get better, that's what I'm talking about."

"What are you talking about? I don't have any-- I don't have any taste, I don't have any ......, oh !."

"Look, to the left."

"What the... fuck!!"

As he fucked Mr. Ohyama's ass, he pointed at us without stopping his hips.

Unable to hide themselves as quickly as they could, their gazes locked.

"You--ah ...... wait, wait, don't look at me, ah ......!"

A gush of pre-cum shot out of Mr. Ohyama's cock.

"Oh, I knew it. You've changed your reaction all at once."

"Oh no, I'm not gay, but he knows I can feel it in my ass. ......! Oh, even he found out. ...... Ohhhhhh ! He's thrusting deep into me, hitting me in all the right places. ...... It's hitting me!"

Mr. Ohyama gasped, his large body convulsing. The water bouncing in the hot spring water gives the illusion that a large amount of pre-cum is coming out of Mr. Oyama's own cock.

That is how excited Mr. Oyama was.

"You have a nice ass, you know."

"I don't know what kind of face I should make to him if he talks to me like that... ah, don't look at me, ah, my well-developed big buttocks are so tight. Oh, what a magnificent penis, I can't stand to have such a thing put in me! Oh, my God, what a magnificent penis!"

He is more accosting Mr. Ohyama.

Even from this position, no, that is why I can clearly see his huge meat pole going in and out so violently.

I can't take my eyes off Mr. Ohyama's ass with such a thick and long male pole going in and out.

While exposing such a figure, he turned his eyes toward us as he dug into Mr. Ohyama.

--It was strange.

He was excited, but did not seem to be in a feverish state. I sensed a strong will. There was a calmness about him, as if he was truly enjoying sex, but also had a larger goal in mind.

"You're watching me! You saw me feeling my perfect father's ass, and you saw my ass buried all the way in the big one!!"

Mr. Oyama shouted loudly, as if to steal the leading role from such discomfort.

Unlike the man behind him, who had plenty of room to spare, Mr. Oyama had no room at all. He is expressing with his face, body, and cock the pleasure of being fucked, being watched, and the pleasure of seeing his father crumble, to the point that his very brain cells seem to be breaking down.

"Aaaaah! It feels so good to have a cock in me! No! ...... dad was a dick dad who felt it in his dick! Oh ......, I've already been exposed, I've been completely exposed ......!  The muscular, macho Ohyama Hidekatsu  is a perverted father who delights in ass!"

Mr. Ohyama panted at a volume that was clearly audible to us and thrust his hips up in the air as if to show us.

Mr. Ohyama invades us as if it were sex between two strong men, but at the same time it is sex between three of us.

"Oh, God! I'm coming already! I'm gonna cum on your dick! They're gonna see me do it! I'm gonna get so kinky!"

Mr. Ohyama turned his clearly expectant eyes toward us.

Probably more than Mr. Ohyama would have wanted.

"Ah! You're jerking off on me ......!!!!  Are you shimmying your dick with this figure that is being shamelessly fucked in the ass? That hard! I can't believe you're jerking me off in this form that I've been holding back and hiding for so long!"

Mr. Ohyama finally reached the height of his arousal, having become a sandwich between the huge penis fucking his ass and the stiffly aroused cock in front of him.

With a more obscene smile on his face than I had ever seen before, Mr. Ohyama rubbed his hips against the penis himself.

"Oh! It hits me! There it is! I'm so weak when you hit me there! I'm weak!"

"Oh, come on, he's showing himself to me. This guy is unexpected. I already knew this was a good place for it. All right, that's enough ......, go ahead and come on."

"What? ----- oh oh oh oh!"

He grinned wryly and began to slam his hips down hard.

It was so intense, rhythmic, yet precise, that it made me wonder what sex had been like up to that point.

Until now, I had only been playing with her slowly until she gave herself up. I was just playing with her slowly until she decided to give up.

That's what his hips were saying.

"Aaah! That's too gooooood!"

"Ohhh, that's good. Come on, I'm gonna cum inside you!"

"Do whatever you want! I'm here! Use it any way you want! Use it!!"

"Nn--ohohh, Mmmm--!"


On all fours, Mr. Ohyama surrendered to the younger man's penis as if he were on his knees and ejaculated.

Outside, inside, and from himself. The semen of three men poured out toward Mr. Ohyama.

"Whew, well, here's how it's going to work, let's see, it's 10:20 AM now, so I'm going to start the timer here at ......."

"Um, ...... what are you doing? What are you and Mr. Ohyama doing ......?"

After all was said and done, the man was operating the smartphone he had taken out as he laid down Ohyama-san, who was lying on her stomach and dreaming. He was breathing heavily from the post-ejaculation excitement, but he seemed extremely calm and normal.

After all, something is different from the previous men.

"I'm sorry to make you go out with me, but I just wanted to ask you about this ...... um, Mr. Ohyama? Are he and you so-called ...... lovers? No, right? If that were the case, I wouldn't blame him for hitting me a time or two."

"No! I mean, Mr. Ohyama, you know,...... he has a child.......and he doesn't seem to be like that......"

"The way you talk, well, I guess that means you're gay too."

I was curious about his wording. People in this hotel change. They change. It is a word that would only come from someone who knows that.

"Do you by any chance know what is going on in this hotel?"

"No, not at all."

He answered matter-of-factly.

"Unfortunately, I'm in the middle of an investigation. In terms of grasping, I'm afraid I'm about as good as you are."

"Under investigation?"

"Yeah, I've got the knowledge, but I seem to be somewhat influenced by it, so I'm not making much progress. Normally I wouldn't have sex like that, no really. I've been taking precautions, but it seems this is more than I expected."

With a sultry smile, the man wiped away the semen that remained on his cock.

"I'm Leo Morrion. I'm a doctor of mysticology, and I'm here to do some research on Lake Katamo next door ...... but it looks like this hotel is the real deal."


"Well, let's change the place for the time being, because this ...... is probably going to be a dangerous place from now on."

"What do you mean by dangerous place?"

"You saw exactly what I did to this ...... Ohyama-san, didn't you?"

Before Leo could finish his words, his legs stopped.

The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the men were panting from outside of the cave.

Because I had heard them before, I knew something had definitely changed.

Yes, it was a wetter, more obscene, lewd voice, with the men panting at ...... the same time.

I walked out of the small room and there were muscular ...... men who had begun to tangle with each other.

"10:25 AM, I didn't expect it to be this early."




Oh wow! Interesting! The mystery is slowly being solved! I would love to know more about Mysticology Fantastic illustrations. Cave sex is very exciting!


Thanks for enjoying the story. We are about to close the long Yu-topia scenario. There is actually something called a cave bath in Japan, and I would like to visit one myself.

Alec Musc

Always a true work of art, muscle art. Congratulations.