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The difference in the burden of reproduction between men and women is remarkable.

During pregnancy, a woman protects her life in her belly, sometimes even endangering her life.

In the meantime, the male sex is able to reproduce with other individuals, literally sowing seeds.

In contrast to the existence of a mother, which always arises when a child is born, the existence of a father is a formless position.

"...... here is ......

As soon as I woke up, I knew that I was in a well-ventilated place.

I didn't know anything else. I didn't know where I was, where I had come from, or where I was going. Everything was unclear, and all I could see was a clear blue sky.

A clear blue sky.

No, I feel the sky as close as if I were really in the blue sky. I'm not in the air. My buttocks and the soles of my feet feel the warmth of the ground directly.

I can feel the muddy soil in the valleys of my hips and the small trees tickling the crevices of my toes.

"Wait, wait--a tree ......? What ...... do you mean?

Then I realized I was bare.

And that's not all. Not only that, but my body is so huge that I can look down on the trees.

A body as big as a mountain. A giant. I was on top of a mountain as a giant, just like in the old special effects movies.

Is this a dream? To begin with, .......

My memory is cloudy. I think I was on a trip somewhere. At that destination? No, what do you mean, I don't know.

"Is this ...... Mt. Tsumigami?"

As I looked around, I realized that the scenery looked familiar to me.

This was Mt. Tsumigami in the countryside that I only return to on limited occasions, such as during the Bon Festival, New Year's and festivals. I was sitting in that place where my father lived alone.

"I don't know what to do, here I am ...... Oh, there's a village over there ....... There's a company over there, and just around here, well, I think there's a ...... pharmaceutical company or something like that. There are supposed to be people living there,......."

I blushed and bent down, trying to make my muscular body as small as possible.

This way, from anywhere, if you looked up just a little, you could see me naked as if you were looking at the sun.

Any child, any lady, any man, anyone.

"Uh-oh, ...... is ............."

An inexplicable heat was building up inside her body.

My hips were swaying, my buttocks were straining, and I could feel the heat like a fire erupting in my spine.

It was unmistakable excitement.

An inescapable excitement that came in waves after waves.

"What is happening, why am I here--oh, what is this feeling, this memory, why, why is this thing ......?

Once I tasted the sexual excitement, the desire came up like a potato vine.

This is not just excitement. In my head, an unremembered sexual act is repeated over and over again.

A policeman spitting out semen from his oversized cock.

A huge monk with his head shaved ejaculating madly.

The pleasure of semen spewing from his chest plate.

Tanned, swarthy men.

A number of pleasurable sensations and ejaculations flashed back from the back of my mind.

"Who is this, what is this, what is this place, what is this ...... Father Enhancement Center?

In the middle of Mt.Tsumigami, the Father Enhancement Center.

The men were gathered together. The pleasure and ejaculation that goes on forever.

The vibrations shake the earth.

The center collapses, the mountain cracks, and a pillar of light rises from it.

The underground lake and the sky are connected, and the light becomes stronger and stronger.

It's like a white dragon. A towering, strong white dragon.

That's where I am now.

At the site of the dragon. I am now a giant.

The Paternity Correction Center. Its purpose is to reincarnate fatherhood.

It gathers fatherhood, uses the divine energy that lies in the underground lake of Mt.Tsumigami as material, and connects it with spiritual power to rebuild the fatherhood that has been lost to this world.

The preparations were perfect.

The Father God was thus manifested.

"I don't know what you mean. I'm just an ordinary ...... father ...... who enjoys working out a little."

I was so stunned that I just sat up and stood up.

This is a great way to make sure that you are getting the most out of your money. It's not just about ...... feeling the wind. It's not just that I can feel the wind.

"Oh, ......, aha, ......."

It was an inexplicable feeling of pleasure.

The blood flowed to my sphincter as if it was trying to reproduce with the sky.

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.

I want to impregnate it.

A primal desire called out in my head.

There was no woman's body or anything else in front of me, but the word "impregnate," the pure intention, and the meaning of my existence echoed over and over again.

"I want to impregnate it. ......

Finally, I said the words with my own mouth.

At that moment, something like white light burst from my body, which had been nothing more than my father's naked body.

It was like sweat, like juice, like sticky light - a mysterious white light that enveloped me and formed my shape.


Impregnate it. I have to impregnate her. I must protect this world.

A strange sense of elation and mission, like a fusion of the heroic will I've longed for and the desire of the male himself, drives me forward.

The sense of shame that had been threatening to overwhelm me disappeared, and all my nerves were focused on each thrust of my hips.

The meat stick had become a pillar of flesh, a giant peak. Yamata no Orochi, that's what it looked like.

I pierced the sky with it.

You can find a lot of people who are interested in this kind of thing.

"Aaaa ......, that's amazing ...... aaaa ......!"

I slowly rotated my hips as if I were making love to my partner. I slowly turned my hips as if making love to my partner, and an irresistible feeling of pleasure and gushing love entered me from my rod. It fermented inside me and then returned to the world from the tip of my rod.

The world and me.

No, here we are - the world and my father.

"Mmm--oh, I'll, I'll, I'll do my best! Oh, wait for me, wait for me ......!"

In no time, a large amount of cloudy liquid spurted out of the giant peak.

It's a great way to get the most out of your money. It drank the forest away.

The semen accumulates inside the barely remaining world.

The semen that was produced in large quantities at the center and the divine energy based on the Oyama family's generations of bodies and semen stored in the underground lake mixed together to impregnate the inside of the world.

"Hah ...... hah!!!"

I kept thrusting my hips out again and again.

The boundary between the world and me becomes diluted as sweat and light splatter with pleasure.

My role as a father. My destiny as a male.

I threw away all of my life and dignity, and shook my hips as if I were pouring them all into him.

My brain burned with pleasure. With each ejaculation, I felt something human disappear, and I was being purified as a father. There is no fear. It's joy. And the dozens and hundreds of men inside me want it, too.

I want to be more of a father.

I want to be a great dad.

I want to be the best dad I can be.

Every voice just wants it so much.

"Yes, of course. Oh, Dad, I won't let you. Ohhhh ......... ahhh ...... I'm cumming again, I'm cumming .........!"

I murmured to no one in particular and poured my semen into the world again.

And I loved everything. I embraced it.

Like an ideal father would do to his beloved child.

--The "Father God" of this world, has given up being a father.

For God to give up his role. It was to deny the existence of the world.

The world, which was still in the hands of God, was destroyed by it.

At that moment, Ohyama Hidemasa, the son of "Father God," ceased to exist.

Ohyama Hideo, who was on his own and away from the shelter of "Father God", clung to the world with only the elements of his mother and became an existence of only thoughts.

For the sake of his grandchildren, ohyama hidekuni did not want the world to disappear due to the selfishness of Father God.

With Mt. Tsumigami as the center, the outer world was gradually disappearing.

Using every means at his disposal, and with the help of various parties, he completed the "Paternity Reincarnation Center".

A fusion of science and the occult. The drifting thoughts of the heroes were sealed in the center as AI, and the pieces of "Father God" continued to be collected until the world was about to disappear.

The result came to fruition.

Across the nothingness, an egg was born, filled with the sperm of the divine father, using the world that existed until now as its outer shell.

The world that had escaped destruction was reborn.

The world that had been saved from destruction was reborn, taking in the will and desire of a human being named "Ohyama Hidekatsu.

In a world where only perfect things existed from the beginning, the existence of man and woman, father and mother, came about only because the Father God distorted the world with his ego, "I want something to protect me.

Although "Ohyama Hidekatsu" was the father god of all things, he was unconsciously running the world.

He existed in all the possibilities of the world, and every time he created a world in his mind, a world was born.

The world that "Ohyama Hidekatsu" wants to create.

A world designed by "Ohyama Hidekatsu" himself, different from the one he created unconsciously, is about to be born.

With the reincarnation of God the Father, the world is reborn.




Oh wow, so interesting! So that is what the Father Enhancement Center's true purpose is! I wonder what kind of world Ohyama Hidekatsu will make?


Thanks for enjoying the story🥰 I will be releasing a story in the future set in a new world he is creating. But first, I have to make Yu-topia.


Amazing story! Unlike anything I've ever seen before. Love this!


Thanks for liking the story. I was inspired by many things to create this😉