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Hey gang! I was aiming to get this year's Christmas video online today, but unfortunately I've run out of time and I haven't been able to finish it. I won't have chance to do any more work on it until after Christmas. I'm really disappointed about this and I'm truly sorry to have let you all down.  HOWEVER, I've decided to upload the rough cut here so you guys can at least see what I'm working on! It's a LONG way from finished but the bones are all there. Please consider this a stocking filler - I'll be back with the finished thing by New Year's. Have a great holiday season and party on!!



Dude, Yangtze River Dolphin is my go-to response to those 'what's something from your childhood that no longer exists?' Facebook posts. Proper fit of the giggles


My man Thew is a perfectionist. That was seriously awesome!


"Made out of triangles and bullshit" Every PC game I played since 2000 would like a word. 😂


Oh man, this is great! I love seeing something in-progress! Thank you for posting this before it's ready. That said, it looks like you were 98% finished. Happy Holidays, Thew!