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Legacy Bulkhead: Thew's Awesome Transformers Reviews 243

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Great video! I don't know much about this chonker, but now I'm very excited!


The first and only Legacy Bulkhead review I'll ever watch


So, nobody's going to care about this, but I actually really love this design, but not because it's Bulkhead. I imagined a 'bot like this many years ago with almost this exact body and vehicle design, but with a head more like Tough Trailer and the cloth canopy over one shoulder as a cape in robot mode. I called him Brigade. It's my one and only Transformers(adjacent) OC, conceived for a TTRPG that never wound up happening.


Between the pristine photos you took and the amazing alliteration you have sold me on this beefy bot. Great vid!


I was worried there would be a pea reference. I don't eat peas. It's definitely a squish and burst thing. Eww. I ruvvved it!


Great video. Keep flip flopping on whether to get this guy or not. I have Prime 1st edition Bulkhead and the Animated leader but have committed to pulling back on new tfs this year (basically getting new Cons and the Dinobots only) but he is tempting.


Fantastic review. This new Bulkhead certainly looks like a solid figure, and will look great in any collection, and will be a decent First Transformer for the kids. Are you planning on doing a Legacy Blaster review?


He do look pretty solid. Every time I look at it I think "That is a great looking toy". He just doesn't look like Bulkhead to me, sadly. But that's personal toy-budget-collecting mindset. I'm glad he's good, and I hope people can enjoy a solid square Bulkhead...and that the rumored Armada Starscream is good. I just thought, change the head and it could be a G1-ed movie Hound just as well. I'd bet Shapeways will have a head for that a few weeks on normal sale.


That new Perceptor looks brilliant. Definitely time to retire the old Generations Classics version.


I was on the fence but seeing him next to all the current line g1ers really drives home how much I want this big boy standing proud over my datsun/lambo fleet