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Hi gang! Just wanted to drop in with a swift update. I'm working on a TF video which has accidentally (if predictably) mutated into a pretty massive one. I really wanted to get it out for this weekend but it's still got me grinding away at it! Won't be much longer, and I promise it'll be an absolute beast. Cliffjumper Catch-up: coming very soon!! Hell yeeaaahhhh

In other news, the Bluster and Trench vid has gone absolutely batshit crazy and racked up over 125,000 hits in like 4 weeks! That's insane!! Not sure what happened, but 'm gonna go ahead and say thanks anyway. So thanks!

Stay safe out there, and stay sexyyyyyyyyyyyy




Can't wait! I usually watch these over a meal and my wife is always very entertained.


I am looking foward to it


The wait always sucks, but it's always worth it.


Oh daaaaaang

Captain Invictus

oh hell yeah, cliffjumper representation

Patrick Rainey

Love this! I didn't realize there were so many different ones!