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Rev it up! We're diggin' deep into a toy nobody gives a crap about but I like him and I'll do what I want thx


Alternators Swindle: Thew's Awesome Transformers Reviews #220

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Well then. By all means more deep dives about shit no one cares about please! Lovely review.


Brilliant work once again! I particularly loved how chilled out and laid back this one was considering it's an older fella. You also somehow managed to hit every single point I was thinking about having a combiner component as a solo character as the review went on. Amazing!

Connor Mullins

Bud, people watch and love this stuff. Favorite quotes: 'Dump it in a bag and punch it if this isn't the most unaerodynamic jet mode ever, it's worse than snare' 'Can you feel it? Can you feel ya mind blowing?' 'Oh no they've done it again, they've done that thing where they turn an aircraft carrier into a jet, have we learned nothing?' 'my AAAAAAAARRRRRMMMMMMM UUUUUAAAAGGGGHHH' 'Pay attention Hasbro, this is important, you've made me say it again, and I'm right about fifty times!' 'Oh yes, automatic transformation, oh yes, yes yes, y'all' 'I did that! (bites knuckle)' 'hidden seventh mode, hipster wolf' 'Why is his face where his Wang© should be?' 'You dare defy the Gods? How DARE you something something KRATOS!' 'Seekers are like Bowie records, I don't know about getting all of them, but if you don't have one, you're an asshole!' 'Same extreme robot nipples' 'Check out the turret it goes all the way around, making a lovely soft click as it goes.' 'Back-mounted titty penises' 'LAZILY REACHING FOR A CUP.... ACTION!' 'Thing is, I just really wanted it.' 'Curse you Horso, I'll get you next time!' 'man it's like he's impervious to water or something' 'Oh he's a triple changer, I'll let you know what else he turns into in about six hours' I've watched your videos since I was eleven, and now that I'll be 21 in a month and a half soon, it's ironic how I get nostalgia for your nostalgia, hopefully that isn't creepy. Your vids are a huge time trek for me, and I'm really grateful that now I can actually support you as a creator. Thanks for everything. Oh and also great video


Keeping it Reeeeaaaalllll


You say 'someone noone cares about', I say 'oooo swindle thew loves that guy I wonder what he'll say about it' one of my favorite parts of your reviews is your personal anecdotes, gives more to the thew lore. Plus that image of the empty street at the end got me


Oh hey neat. I have the Hound of this... and one of his doors broke off when he shelf dived, I mean he has authentic Battle Damage! Only other alternator I got is Sideswipe, who is still doing fine though, I only got him because I had a Viper themed computer case at the time.


Keepin it reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEALLlllll


I prefer the deep dives to the modern stuff. Because if I want modern stuff I can just go look for it, but things like Downshift I never knew about until I suddenly had to have one


Was always curious about alternators, does seem like an interesting line idea. Wonder if they'd ever bring the concept back

Thew Adams

Whoah, you remember my stuff way better than I do!! Thanks so much for supporting me dude :D