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What's up gang! Mind if I let you in on my plan of action for 2020? Well, here it comes anyway.

First of all, I want to say thanks again to everyone who's supported me so far. It's been a heck of a ride and I couldn't have done a tenth of it without you! I appreciate you so much and I'll never take you for granted. Seriously - thank you so much.


This year, I'd love to get to a point where I'm uploading at least 3 reviews per month. This was always my intention from the start - I've got TONS of ideas and hundreds of bots to pick from, and it's time I made it happen!

I'm proud of the reviews I made in 2019, but there weren't nearly enough of them. This year I'll be focusing more on regular, punchy reviews rather than unboxers and giant-ass videos like Bumblebee Brouhaha and the Siege Seekers (which are great, but they take flippin' months to put together). I'll still do big vids occasionally, but I'm positively clogged up with ideas and I need to blast out some bite-sized ones! One at a time, yeah?

I also have an idea in mind for a regular feature called Monthly Megatron, where I'll review a different Megatron toy every month, because they're all different and interesting in their own way. Could be good!

At present, $5+ patrons get two days' exclusive access to new reviews. Going forward, I'm planning to publish them exclusively on Patreon as soon as they're ready, and then release them on YouTube the following Monday - so you could get anything up to a week's access ahead of general release! That's cool, right?

Photo Galleries

Since I started uploading photo galleries to Flickr to accompany the reviews, Patreon has launched its own photo gallery feature which is way slicker, easier to use, and more mobile-friendly. I'll be moving most of my photo albums (except the very oldest and biggest) over to Patreon throughout January. All new ones will be hosted directly on Patreon for $5+ patrons. I hope you dig 'em!

Dammit Open

As I've been non-subtly hinting, I'm winding down Dammit Open for now. I've been blown away by everybody's generosity - huge thanks and mega love once again - but I'm at absolute capacity and can't accept any more boxes! I've had a blast doing unboxers but it got WAY out of hand and it's not what I wanted the channel to be. I'll do one more to cap things off, but that'll have to do for now, I'm afraid!

So instead, for your hit of casual unscripted banter, we'll be doing...


Yes mate! The build videos have been in need of a revamp for a while, so I'll be doing more of these and mixing in a bit of Q&A - I'll take a few questions from patrons that we can cover  to add some easy hangout flavour. I have a ton of Gundam kits, Transformery sets, and other weird ass constructo-crap to explore, so it should be an adventure!

Aaaaand I think that's it, honestly! Thanks for reading - I hope you'll stick with me for some sweet robots and dreadful jokes! It's gonna be a heck of a year, I reckon.



Spencer Ellsworth

Excited to see more reviews! Although I would wait for a big Overlord-off... still hoping.


Good plans all around. I'll miss the sight of your awe at interesting and/or terrible gifts, but it's fine.


Excellent plan of action!


Is there a 2019 top 10 in the works by chance? Regardless, I have confidence whatever you cook up this year will be entertaining as always.


Sweet! I think I was counting something the other day and for some reason I was hearing the numbers read in your voice in a very monotone way and I was wondering where the heck that was coming from. Then I realized, "oh yeah, Thew's top 10 lists--say, we should be getting one soon." *shrug*


Super looking forward to some build/Q&A, if indeed that is the form they take! And who wouldn't want a little more Megatron in their Mondays?


Looking forward to your awsome revoews




already can't wait for Monthly Megatron! 🤩


Sounds great thew cant wait


More frequent, more punch, shorter reviews! Yes, yes, yes. Don't personally care much for the unboxers.