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Hey gang!

I've been sequestered up in Thew HQ scratching away at the next episode for what seems like for-gosh-darned-ever, if you'll pardon my French, and I'm happy to report that the script for episode 200 is now complete! It's absolutely sprawled out of all reasonable control, but I figure you only hit a milestone like this once, so I might as well go all in. It's over 8,000 words and covers more toys than I've ever attempted to review in a single non-Beatdown video (spoilers: it's not a Beatdown!).

I'm so psyched about this video, you guys. It's gonna be stone cold dynamite and I can't wait to show it to you.

So the script is complete and I've captured all the photos and extra dumb stuff I'm gonna need, so all that's left to do is actually shoot the bugger! I hope to get it done over the weekend with a view to uploading for $5+ Patrons on Tuesday. We'll then go public Thursday the 28th, leaving my whole schedule open for more glorious reviews! Man, producing future reviews about one toy at a time is gonna feel like nothing after this monster!

Once I'm back in the swing and uploading regularly, I'll also be introducing a new Patron tier! Stay tuned for more on this!

Thanks so much for your patience, everybody. I know it's been a little while since the last review - but trust me, it'll be worth it.


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