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Big news, duderinos!

Massive change is coming in Thewtown. As of the first of October, I'll be making the move to part-time hours at my job! This means I'll be able to dedicate a LOT more time to throwing videos at your lush, lush faces - more TF reviews, more Toygrind, more Builds, and more Beatdowns!

This is basically what I've been aiming to do since FOREVER and it's possible entirely because of your support. I can't begin to thank you all for joining the Thew crew - the number of folks who've signed up has been astonishing. Sincerely, thank you.

So far in 2017 I've only managed to put out a pathetic total of four reviews (not counting unboxings etc). Once I get into my stride with the new schedule, I should be able to start putting out one new review video per week! What am I, nuts?

A few months down the line I'd like to see if I can push it to two, he said, overpromising like a champ. Seriously, I have SO many bots I want to tell you about - new ones, old ones, super weird ones, a metric buttload of purple jets - and I'll finally have the time and energy to get it done! GUYS I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS AAAGGGHHH

I also have a couple of big vidz planned. You may have seen my feverish tweets about an Astrotrain special, which is ready to shoot but will take a lot of energy to finish. I adore Astrotrain so it'll probably end up 20+ minutes long! I'm hoping to complete this one in November.

Christmas time should also be a blast - there's altogether too many intact knockoffs around here...

That's it for now! Thank you so much for your support. I won't let you down!



Captain Invictus

hell yeah. just remember, don't overwork yourself! reviewing can be a stressful endeavor.


Greatest news, man, looking forward to the new output.