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wow wtf Zone-tan!!?

I expressed my interest in working on her for tha Café this past summer so I went and asked Zone about her inclusion, he was on board with the idea so I got to work as soon as I was done with Ryza.

For those that for some reason don't know about them, ZONE is a hentai illustrator and animator that has been pumping out lewd content since 1999, ruining childhoods ever since.

Zone-tan was originally just a mascot character that'd show up at the start of their animations, a logo at best if you will. But with time they gave her more and more character, made a twitter acc for her and gave her the spotlight as the host of their news channel in youtube: ZTV News.

As someone that grew up with their animations and out of my admiration towards their career I decided to honor their work in the best way I can right now, by adding her to this weird hall of fame for waifus!

So starting today, Zone-tan joins the Sumata Café!

NOW it's finished! Wew, that was a lengthy Season 2 jesus...

Anyway! As per usual, lemme know in the comments for the DL or join our Discord by linking your account to Patreon!




Where do we get the download from?


Holy hell, is this real?! This...this is like a dream come true. I thought Ryza was the end, this is such a shocker! I have to ask...were alternate costumes on the table? The design they used for her casino dress in Skullgirls is PERFECT for this. But either way, this is an unbelivable bonus! If you could send the update over DM, I'd appreciate it- you're absolutely godlike, Mosbles, really!


I couldn't decide on an alt because I think nothing is as iconic to her than her default outfit so I just ended up dropping the idea, combined that with me wanting to get the update before December and... well. That said I poured as much love into her scene as I could, adding all sorts of winks to her character. Hope you like it!


Hey, that totally makes sense! Maybe something to consider as an additional bit of a bonus to release alongside another girl if/when you start the next pass~ I'm certainly not complaining! Can't wait to see what you've done with her!


Could I get the download?


Downlond link please


DL link please?


Download link please?


Could i get the download link please?


gibs me this pls! Thank you


Downlond link please


download link plz

Ivan Ochoa

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King Charles

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