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I am currently working on the winner of the poll animation right now, but since its going to take some time, i would like to offer some small treats before the main dish for you, guys c:

Please, do ask me or my OC's , either requests, or personal questions, and i will be answering some of them while i work on the animations c:


Witty Username

Plaga (the character), how do you feel about the fact that everyone else is getting so much more attention than you in comics and stuff lately?


I'd be interested is seeing more of Pestilence. I really like the eyes.


One of the biggest skills Richard Williams stresses an animator should have is life drawing. Is this something you find is true? In other words, have you done life drawing?


Of all the characters, who's the most skilled at giving a titfuck? Asking for a friend.

Leonidas Caesarea

Question for all OC's. How do you ladies feel about wearing maid outfits.


that is a very good suggestion ,fam, the only gay thing i did was like a long as time ago for an YCH commish. I should try that. No homo tho ;P