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Huh, how do i put this.
Today has been a very not good day lmao.

Since i changed of ISP i have been having more trouble than before to just set up a stream, i spent most of my time on picarto dealing with the poor connection i have and the issues that picarto has.
After a culmination of problems i got some stupid idiot trying to report me to mods for not being able to stream properly, making everything more troublesome.
Altho his ass is banned forever and he told me he would spend time unfaving my stuff (good luck looking to remove every submission i made from your favorite list ,asshole). The problem still remains, there is this inner conflict of me trying to stop streaming and this part of me that keeps going for the watchers.

With much regret i have to inform that i will suspend my streams until i get everything sorted out, one of my patreon goals was to get a decent internet connection so make my streams more enjoyable to watch, and even after the milestone was met, i couldnt control how shitty the ISP companies would be in this part of argentina.

I am truly sorry about this, and anyone that only pledged to me just to watch the streams is free to withdrawn their pledges whenever they feel like it, you will not get kicked out of the discord chat, because we are buddies forever now, like it or not c: .

Also there will be updates step by step of the animations im working on , to compensate the lack of streams, hopefully it will be enough until i a decent isp to stream with, with tons and tons of upload speeds

It has been rough trying to stay afloat lately, and i hope my efforts get me somewhere out of this deplorable country and break free from all the economic limitations under my head.
I feel like i keep dissapointing you all and nothing i can do is ever enough to get what i wish for and provide quality content for everyone.

I give my most sincere apologies to you all, and i thank you for being the best public any artist could ask for.
Streams will come back again someday, with getter quality and less frame skipping, hopefully i can boast my capacity to work with 3 monitors when i get some.

There is a long ride ahead, and i feel like i need you to be a part of my journey. thank you for the time.



Plaga, stay strong and keep at it. I know I'm going to keep supporting you; because you're one of my favorite furry artists around and I want you to be able to get ahead. So, here's wishing for the best~


I was going to contact you regarding your absence in discord, buddy. Did you got bored of using it xd ? i added you as a friend aswell, just in case something was happening.


Yeah i heard the troubles of ISP's being dicks/terrible all around, so i can understand the decision, also screw that retard O= BUT! You're not disapointing (me at least, that's for sure), this is something out of your control, so no fault to you. You really do try your best with your work, and that, with your humor <3 is what keeps me, and i hope you can keep going with it all as long as you like to do so~