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Oh hey! its me , Plaga.
I've been working on this comic for a couple months if you dont count the amount of times i tried to start the thing before i scrapped it altogether.
Its 12 pages, just a prologue to hook readers, but it is a start, i learned a lot from making this comic and im hoping next one is much much better!

Feel free to give me some feedback in the comments, i want to improve as an artists so dont hold back any punches!
Hope you like it!




Looks great so far love the art style and character designs will this be a sfw or nsfw comic


Whoa this is incredible! Very stylish and brutal. Hope things work out for the mutant.


Sounds awsome can't wait to see the story especially with your unique art style


While I can't say much in terms of story, as it's a cold open/prologue, I can compliment the paneling for being easy to track the action so far. Only art pointers I can give are minor, like making sure characters don't come in contact with panel borders (It's fine to erase a bit of the border to make the character outline stand out) and avoid using thick lines to signify motion, as it makes the image look sloppy. I'm excited to see you tackling a story idea like this again, and hope the best for it.