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Hello there, i know i had this patreon since 2016-2017, and its been slowly growing over the years until the point where i have enough money to survive and save up for some cool stuff like hiring voice actresses to make my projects come to life.

Since last year i have been thinking about raising the pledge entry fee for people that want to support.
This is for many reasons:

i feel like im underselling myself at this point

Also i want more money, im greedy.

And i want to grow as an artist, i want to work on bigger projects, and having a budget of like 500 dollars a month (without spending a dime on food or paying the bills) doesnt cut it, hiring an assistant animator would cost me a thousand, hiring sound designers would cost me hundreds.

Im thinking on raising the entry fee to 5 dollars per month, if its too much i will consider lowering it to 3. but this is going to be the case for January next year, so im giving you time to reconsider if you want to keep supporting or not.

Im open for feedback in the comments and the discord server.
To offset this fee i might do exclusive content solely for patreon as a reward, but that would also go against the idea of having my patreon without any paywalled content.
I could also extend the time exclusivity for patreon content for more than just 1 month.

If  you have an opinion about this topic please do let me know.
In any case, thank you for supporting me in any capacity! i've enjoyed working on every piece, and although i am on the fence about this, i feel like this must be done in order for me to keep growing. i would definetly not be here without your help


Witty Username

I'm all for it, making ends meet with your Patreon income means you don't have to find that scratch elsewhere, which means you can focus more on Patreon which means we ultimately get more value in the long term.

Cosmos Arts

sounds like a wonderfull idea! you art is totally worth it i might not be able to continue on patreon but ill support your proyect's & artrworks as much as i can until i can afford it again!


you def should dissolve the 1 dollar tier and just have the 3 dollar and up.


I’m not for it