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As Tiffany set the table, I looked at Mark, who had been removing his laptop and other stuff from the dining table while his sexy wife, even more alluring than usual dressed as an erotic card dealer who wouldn’t look out of place in a strip club, provided it was a very expensive one. 

I had chatted with Mark casually while my gaze was firmly on Tiffany. He had gone all the way convincing his wife to impress me. It would be wrong for me to neglect it. 

Though, I had to admit, he managed to control his frustration better than I expected as he continued to share his opinions about the presentation, mixing a few comments about the current zoning of the sales regions and several possible amendments that looked neutral on the surface, but would benefit him immensely.  

That level of dedication to climb the corporate ladder was impressive…  

Our ‘pleasant’ discussion was interrupted by a voice coming from the kitchen.  

“ — Really! Now, you’re saying that! Go bring the drinks and shut up!” Umi said loudly. It wasn’t exactly a shout, but considering Umi’s reluctance toward conflict, it counted as a crazy hysterical shouting match. 

“Rough patch,” I commented with a smirk, amused by the situation. 

“Don’t be mean. It takes a while to learn how to live together,” Tiffany commented with a chuckle. “Sooner or later, she will learn how to cherish her significant other and help them complete their missions,  whatever it takes.”  

Her words were kind and understanding, but the way she stressed the last three words was unmistakable. Even Mark noticed it; and his ability to understand his wife’s mood was nowhere near his ability to decipher the middle-management nonsense.

“Well, within limits, of course,” Mark said, but his words were merely frustrated rather than wildly panicking, showing that he treated it as an empty threat rather than a prophecy about how the rest of the night would go. 

Tiffany just smirked as she looked at him, her vindictive glee apparent. On a different, less attractive woman, it might have been an ugly expression, but on her, it reminded me of a beautiful villainess sent to seduce the poor hero away from his mission, her sharp gaze making her beauty even more striking. 

That look alarmed Mark even more, but before he could say anything, Charlie arrived, carrying a tray that held three nice bottles of scotch, all three still sealed. Nothing that would break the bank, but not exactly cheap either. The cheapest of them went for eight hundred dollars.  

Another of Mark’s attempts to gain my favor, which paled against the way her wife had been dressed. 

“Drinks are here,” he said as he placed the bottles down, his frustration apparent. He wanted nothing more than to drag her fiancee away and leave, a plan he no doubt shared with Umi, but as she had replied, it was too late. He might leave, but Umi was determined to stay. 

Mark noticed that as well. “Let me help you with the drinks,” he said and elbowed him on the side. While he unsealed the bottles, he also whispered a few things in Charlie’s ears. What, I didn’t know, but it helped to douse Charlie’s impotent anger down to a childish frown. 

Meanwhile, Mark poured all of us drinks, but my glass had considerably more, making their plan obvious, and not that creative. Mark was the one who had got black-out drunk during my last visit, and, inspired by it, he clearly wanted to drink me under the table. 

Ironically, Charlie had fallen into the exact same trap during the sea trip, but he didn’t seem to connect the dots to weaponize it. 

It wouldn’t have been a bad strategy, if they didn’t make it obvious enough to alert even a blind man. Charlie was looking at the glass like it would bring him salvation. 

I grabbed the glass, and his expression brightened. We all lifted our glasses. “To the success of our department,” Mark said as they both drank their share. I was about to … when Umi walked in, bringing along Charlie’s punishment. 

My gaze widened in surprise because she had made one tiny change to her outfit. Her blouse was gone, leaving the task of covering her chest with her blazer, which was something that it was woefully inadequate for, leaving a deep cleavage that almost killed me despite my strong heart. 

I had seen her naked many times, but that didn’t make her look any more spectacular. Her daring attitude as she walked in, her shyness momentarily forgotten as she flared her femininity as a weapon to punish her frustrated fiancee was even better. 

Especially since she ignored her fiancee as he pulled a chair for her, and sat next to me. Which meant, Tiffany was sitting at the head of the table, Mark on her left, with Charlie at his side. I sat across Mark while Umi sat across Charlie, closer to me than what was strictly necessary.  

Though, I barely held back a chuckle when I noticed Umi’s placement wasn’t just to anger Charlie, but also to keep her away from Mark’s gaze. Even her anger didn’t cover her shyness. 

I paused for a moment, wondering how to play the game. Bullying them by revealing their drink trick and forcing them to match me, and take their significant others while they lay sleeping was easy, but also a betrayal … 

After all, the girls had put so much effort into creating a fun environment. It would be rude if I let them waste it. Especially since I had the perfect props, I added mentally as I let my gaze fall on the two bootlickers, wondering how best to utilize their presence for a fun evening. 

Then, I noticed Mark subtly lean to his side to get a secret glimpse of Umi. Charlie noticed, and elbowed him with a pointed glare. 

That gave me a plan, at least, the beginnings of one, especially when combined with their plan to make me drunk. “Boys, do you mind if I take this bottle for myself. It’s my favorite,” I said as I pulled one of the bottles toward me. 

“Sure, sir. Go ahead,” Mark said. 

“Excellent,” I said as I pushed away the thick glass they poured for me, and picked a new glass,, but poured merely a single before drinking it. Then, I poured another small one, and finished it again, noticing matching smiles of Charlie and Mark, happy that their plan to get me drunk had a nice start. 

I wished that I  could act drunk immediately and see what they had in mind next, but I had a reputation as a strong drinker, and it wouldn’t be believable. I needed to show them the process … it was also why I went with asking for a bottle of my own. I wanted them to check the bottle for how much I drank … while I slowly filled the pot of a fake plant with some of it.

Meanwhile, there was the other part. “I’m guessing we’re going to play small,” I said. 

“Yes, sir,” Charlie said immediately. 

“Boring,” I said. “How about ten grand from every player. Small enough for you guys,” I said, trying to open the deal high before bringing it low. 

Charlie looked ready to argue, but Mark poked him to silence him. “That would be alright, boss,” he decided, and to my surprise, Charlie complied with it, though they started whispering once more.  

That surprised me, as earlier the day, the prospect of paying fifteen thousand had managed to intimidate him when he had been trying to protect Umi. 

I decided to test their determination. “Which means fifty grand as the limit, not bad,” I said, reminding them indirectly that the girls had to play as well. 

“The girls won’t play. Just the men,” Mark said, keeping the pot lower. Smart, at least monetarily, but potentially angering his significant other more was less intelligent. 

“I still don’t — “ Charlie started, trying to argue about the amount, but Mark distracted him with another elbow before he started whispering. 

Charlie was too focused on what Mark was saying to notice it, but Umi noticed that difference as well, and stiffened against me. Big mistake, particularly since she was already angry, and looking for excuses to justify her infidelity. 

Her revenge came faster than I expected, in the form of a gentle finger reaching to my zipper and pulling my shaft with a smoothness she couldn’t have done before and started to give me an under-the-table blowjob, the suspicious movement of her shoulder only caught by Tiffany. 

Umi was rapidly becoming an excellent secretary. 

While my fun started rapidly, I also hooked my foot to one of the fake plants, pulling it closer so that I could dump some of my drink to make a convincing drunk. Then, we started playing, and I started by winning big despite their attempts to play slowly. Tiffany was the only one who was a good player, but she was the dealer, which kept her out, giving me an easy way to manipulate the table. 

Winning was easy. They were terrible poker players. I had more trouble in the second part where I started to act drunk and was supposed to lose them. Charlie, already scared by his losses, was too hesitant, while Mark tried to bluff in some really absurd times, needlessly confident in his ability. 

I actually had to cheat to make them win, which was absurd.  

Still, despite the struggle, I managed to lose all my winnings before adding twenty thousand more to the pot … and losing it as well. However, while I lost, I played the role of a lecherous old boss to perfection, occasionally grabbing Umi and Tiffany with the excuse of getting lucky.  

They were as willing as always, but watching their significant others grit their teeth as they swallowed their complaints was fun, especially since they said nothing to win more.   

Mark and Charlie smirked victoriously as they fleeced their drunk boss, who had already been slurring, with barely a thousand in front of him, confident that their night going amazing. 

It was a good time to counter-attack. 


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