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The morning after the undercover visit from Blue Princess — a.k.a The Lady of Destruction — the monumental nature of what had just happened hit me again. I had been just visited by one of the heroes with the worst reputation for collateral damage. 

Yet, rather than ending up in prison, I had received a sexy lap dance. Not bad for a fake villain. 

If only I could believe that it was the end. Unfortunately, I wasn’t naive enough to think so. There was a reason she visited my bar … and, I needed to find out what. There were several likely reasons for her visit. 

First, the ‘unfortunate’ deaths of a hero and two villains. The death of supers had always been treated with more gravitas than their unfortunate normal victims, and it was not outside of the realm of possibility that she discovered my role in their deaths and came to explore. However, considering her reputation, I doubted it would be her approach for that particular investigation. 

It was also possible that she was here because of my entanglement with Emily, as technically, it could be a method of spying on the New Giant Force through her abilities. But, once again, it wasn’t likely. Even if she had joined the New Giant Force secretly, it was hardly the kind of assignment they would give her. 

In the end, there were two believable options for her presence. First, some people started to get spooked about the mysterious — and nonexistent — villain behind me. To get a handle on my background, they were sending spies. At least, that made sense in terms of scale. 

Then, of course, there was the last option. She visited my bar, not because I was the target, but because it was a nice staging ground for her real mission … the warehouse. 

I had already discovered that the warehouse was a complicated issue, some kind of staging ground for an unholy deal between the Syndicate and the New Giant Force as they smuggled something. 

“I really know how to pick a location,” I muttered as I put on my disguise. If only I didn’t accidentally choose the worst possible location to establish a bar. 

Unfortunately, if wishes came true … well, no need to waste time on that. Instead, I finished changing and walked down. Tara was at the bar, cleaning. “Be careful, and don’t forget to check the cameras,” I reminded her, and, after a quick kiss, departed through the tunnel. 

I wanted to visit Emily before she had to leave for work. I wanted to request to put together another detailed dossier for me. Not on Blue Princess, as I was afraid that it might trigger some kind of red flag, but a similar trick to what I had pulled on the supers of the city, only on a greater scale. 

Everything on public about all the heroes and villains she could find, starting from the most important ones. With her power and her new computer, she should be able to gather me another useful source. 

However, I didn’t ask her on the phone. Instead, I made a reservation in a cute little breakfast place, and wanted to meet with her before work. 

“I better not show up empty-handed,” I said as I stopped by two shops. First, a flower shop, buying a small but beautiful bouquet that was surprisingly expensive, and a small cutting-edge modem device that cost five figures. The seller warned me that such a modem was excessive for home use, but I wanted to see how it meshed with her power. 

Depending on the results, it might be worth the expense. 

I managed to catch Emily as she was leaving her apartment. “Good morning,” I said with a big smile, a gift bag and flowers filling my arms. 

“G-good morning,” she stammered, once again shy now that we were face to face. “I … I thought we were supposed to be meeting at the cafe,” she said. 

“We were, but then I realized it would end up you hauling all those stuff to work unnecessarily,” I said, giving her a seductive smile. 

“You didn’t need to,” she said, but after a long sleep, my headache was finally gone, meaning I could read her reaction easily. And, there was not one sign showing that she was actually unhappy with the gifts, the glamour of the expensive flowers doing wonders to elevate her mood even further. 

“Nonsense, your help saved my ass. This is the least I can do,” I answered with a bright smile. The flowers already put a big smile on her face, though once she opened the other gift, her smile got even wider. A modem was hardly a classical gift, but for her, it was more than a nerdy gift. 

And, she showed her appreciation with a long kiss, along with a thoughtful glance at her bedroom door. I had to say, it was tempting, but I didn’t want her to skip work. The last thing I needed was her guild to start looking into her affairs. 

“Let’s go and enjoy our breakfast,” I whispered as I hooked my arm around hers, leaving her gifts behind. She looked disappointed. “I’m sure you can spice things up a bit as well.” 

“W-what kind of spice,” she stammered, but her gaze brightened, showing that she understood exactly what I was talking about. Teasing an exhibitionist, particularly a shy one like her, was fun. The cafe I picked was not far away from her house, so we walked. Of course, it was a deliberate choice, considering it was hard for me to get a vehicle in my disguise.

And, it helped me to tease her a bit. I raised my phone as we were passing through an empty alley. “Give me a sexy pose,” I ordered her. She blushed, but she was quick to comply after a careful glance, confirming that we were alone. 

It was a beautiful picture that highlighted her beauty despite her boring work outfit. But I felt greedy for more. “How about opening a couple buttons for a more interesting pose,” I teased her. She blushed, but that didn’t stop her from complying. 

Resulting in another sexy pose. 

We took several more photos as we walked to our destination. She was sexy enough to brighten my mood. Unfortunately, I had an ulterior motive for talking those pictures. I wanted her to be in a good mode, which would make it easier to manipulate her. 

I didn’t want her to be suspicious about what I was about to ask. 

“Wow, this place looks expensive,” she muttered as we entered. 

“Nonsense. Nothing is too much for the beautiful heroine that saved my ass against the villains,” I whispered, once again leaning hard into the story I told her about accidentally finding myself against the villains. Though, it was eighty percent true, so it was at most a white lie. 

“So, the last night’s report had been useful,” she said.

“Certainly, you saved my ass again,” I said. ”It can’t compare to your other gifts,” I added, caressing her leg with mine even as we checked our menus. She chucked as she checked the options, though her eyes widened in shock. “W-what’s wrong with the prices?” 

“Don’t worry about it. I’m still benefiting from that incredible dossier on the city,” I said. 

“Really? Was it that helpful,” she said. 

“Are you kidding? It helps a lot,” I said. I noticed her frown at that, and realized my mistake. “I just hope they don’t check the actual information I provide them too deeply,” I added. 

“What do you mean?” she asked. 

“Well, remember, the information you provided is publicly available, and there’s nothing sensitive. I’m just using those details to make the nonsense I feed them believable,” I added. Her face relaxed, and I acted like I hadn’t noticed it. “It’s good to trick criminals.” 

“Try to be careful. It won’t be good if they notice you are playing them,” she said, her worry immediately transforming. 

“I’ll do so. I just hope that they don’t ask me any questions about the other cities. I know nothing,” I baited, looking forlorn. 

“Why don’t I prepare another dossier for you, this time at a national level,” she offered. 

My eyes widened. “You would do that?” I said as I grabbed her hand in appreciation, kissing her palm to make her blush. “For every hero and villain.” 

“Sure, but it will take a while, and I can’t just send it to you. It’ll be too big.” 

“I’ll buy you as many storage devices as you need,” I promised as I kissed her palm again, enjoying her shivers. “But, why don’t you send me the dossier about the top heroes and villains first, just in case they ask me about it…

A reasonable list to ask. And, if the Lady of Destruction was a part of that list, it must be a complete coincidence, right?

At least, I hoped so. That was the safest I could be under the circumstances.

However, as we ordered breakfast, my attention was already on the next step. 

Discovering the secrets of the warehouse… 


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