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“Sit down, boy,” she said as she waved a small bell. “Bring me my tea set, and some tea from the blue pot,” she ordered. And, the servant disappeared just as quick. 

I nodded, hiding my distaste even as I sat across her in a traditional style. I wasn’t as unfamiliar with the tea as when I first arrived, but that didn’t mean I suddenly started to enjoy it. It was still a bitter swill for my tastes, especially the cultural preference that valued sharp and complicated tastes over a smooth drinking experience. 

I much rather deal with her pressure attack than drink tea. 

Still, I sat down as I tried to decide how to play it forward. Her attitude implied that she was close to Aisnam, more than what I had felt from reading Aisnam’s letter. But maybe Aisnam deliberately framed her request for help as a favor to not risk the old woman. 

Technically, they were the same family, but it was obvious that, when it came to conflict between branches, that didn’t mean much. 

Not that I actually understood how family functioned here. I didn’t even know how big was the Verdant family. It was supposed to be a small one, but I had no idea what small meant in terms of cultivation families. It might be a dozen members, or a few thousand. 

“Now, tell me, boy. How’s the little Aisnam,” she said, her tone surprisingly fond, suggesting that the two were close. 

I might have questioned why she didn’t help Aisnam, but the earlier pressure already answered it. She was barely enough to maintain the pressure of her Qi for a few seconds. If it came to fighting, she would probably be able to deliver a blow or two at most. And, she was working as a healer for a mortal kingdom, meaning her political position in the family wasn’t particularly better. 

“She is still determined to recover,” I said, deliberately conflicting with the letter — both the original and the fake one. The letter implied that she had accepted her circumstances and as a last gesture, she was trying to keep me safe. However, only by acting like I was successfully tricked by Aisnam’s bluff, I could explain my presence here. 

“It’s good that she is still working hard,” the old woman sighed. “Her fate is such a pity. Before the injury, she had the potential to reach the Foundation Establishment.” 

“Heavens are merciless,” I said, once again playing the stoic scholar, but I let it echo that it was something that was relevant to me. I decided to take a risk, and as I said so, I stirred my Dantian slightly without covering it with essence. 

Using my skills to look like I had an injured cultivation base as well. I wanted to associate myself with Aisnam at this moment, hoping that it would translate her pity to me. 

It was risky, as I was betting quite a bit on the whims of an old lady who was practically living in exile — very comfortable exile — but I needed an excuse to ask for her help and a reason to pity me. She didn’t think she would care about the tragedy of a martial artist. 

A young and promising cultivator, on the other hand… 

We didn’t say anything until the servant arrived and served us tea. 

As I took a sip, a notification appeared. 

[Cultivation Difference Bonus - 50; Pity Bonus - 60 (Capped)]

[110x Return - Yellow Peak Grade, Flickering Thousand Years Tea]

I was happy to see that. Not because I needed a better tea, particularly since, it was still food without essence, and the incredible quality of it didn’t matter that much. The essence it contained might be incredibly high quality, but it would still be miniscule. 

The notification itself was the true gift. It showed that, my imaginary sob story, closed with my closeness with Aisnam, successfully managed to earn her pity. 

Meaning, she was an excellent target for freeloading. And, while asking questions about cultivation might have been problematic, the same didn’t apply to more ordinary skills. I could ask her for help to improve my general medicine and acupuncture skills. They were high enough, but there was no harm in improving them further. 

Particularly since I could ask questions without hiding my expertise — well, much — without ruining the pity she felt toward me. 

“It looks like there’s a story there, young man,” she said while I took another sip. “Why don’t you entertain an old woman.” 

“There’s not much to tell. I started practicing martial arts late,” I said, deliberately not mentioning the reasons. But, I made sure to push a little pain, implying that I started practicing martial arts once my cultivation had been ruined. “However, once I started, I realized that martial arts had too many limits, and as long as I followed the usual path, there would be no hope,” I said. 

She didn’t say anything, but I could see she was dismissive. Whether she thought it to be impossible, or I was trying to reinvent the wheel, I had no idea. 

“That’s why I decided to learn as many techniques as possible, trying to purify the essence as much as possible. Maybe, if I pushed it hard enough, it might have been possible to elevate the arts further.” 

“Really, that’s all you do?” she said. 

“No, I’m also trying to learn medicine, but I have hit a limit there,” I said. 

“Show me,” she said. 

“I don’t have my acupuncture needles with me,” I said. “A travel accident cost me most of my personal belongings,” I added. “Traveling fast between kingdoms is difficult.” 

“Did you travel alone?” she asked, and I nodded. “How?” she asked. 

“During my research, I was lucky to discover a martial art that allows me to move faster. The travel took less than two weeks,” I said, significantly underselling the full capability of my speed art. Still, it was significantly better than anything else. 

It was another trick. I was hoping that she sent me to purchase the pill she mentioned … and hopefully, I could use it as an opportunity to sell some talismans, and actually buy some cultivation equipment. 

She called her servant again, who, after the order, brought me a set of needles. At a glance, I recognized them as high quality, probably Profound Low Grade. I had something better in my Inventory, but still, they were nothing to scoff at. “A little meeting gift, then,” she said as I took them. 

[Cultivation Difference Bonus - 50; Pity Bonus - 60 (Capped)]

[110x Return - Yellow High Grade, Purified Silver Acupuncture Needles]

I nodded in appreciation as I pulled them, but before she could gesture to her servant, I stabbed several needles along my arm even as I channeled my essence aggressively. It looked like I was trying to make a breakthrough, but my essence cycled between different types, while I had used the needless to block it. It looked like I was repeatedly grinding against the channels between the essence at my chest and my skin, but blocking the breakthrough. 

It was not just for show, as it was actually helpful. Not enough to make it worthwhile with my talent, but assuming it wasn’t enhanced by a very expensive pill from a cultivator, it would have been useful. It showed off my medical talent and my acupuncture. Not fully, but enough to show that I was at the peak of Perfection, showing that my comprehension wasn’t weak either. 

As a bonus, it was also very painful, allowing me to show off my determination as well. 

Altogether, it was a perfect tragic sight. I was showing her that, if it wasn’t for the supposed tragedy that ruined my life, I would have made an excellent cultivator. 

It was good, because I didn’t dare to ask her any questions about cultivation techniques in the first place. Unlike Aisnam, she wasn’t a lovesick woman at the peak of her sexuality, and therefore willing to neglect a lot of inconsistencies. 

I wanted to see if I could reach Major Immersion for my medical skills … well, technically, even that was a side benefit. 

My real aim was to find out how to access the marketplace of the cultivators. 

“Be careful about the fifth needle. It blocks the flow too much,” she commented after a while, immediately fixing the biggest mistake I had revealed. “And, the seventh needle, move it slightly higher to balance the acupuncture points better…” 

She added several more comments, and the more she did, the more I realized I wasn’t the only one with medicinal skills at Minor Immersion. 

[Cultivation Difference Bonus - 50; Pity Bonus - 60 (Capped)]

[110x Return - Essence Massage Technique Lesson, Minor Immersion]

Success. Now, all I needed was to see if I could my understanding to the next stage after several more lessons. 


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