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The moment I realized the identity of the incompetent spy that visited my bar, I walked back to the bar and poured myself a stiff shot that burned my throat. I welcomed the sensation. 

“Why the Lady of Destruction is here?” I muttered to myself. “She’s a famous hero who destroyed hundreds of villains. She’s even not supposed to be in this pathetic city!” 

Though, infamous was a better word. Her nickname wasn’t granted to her out of love. She had dealt with not only hundreds of villains but also hundreds of city blocks. To her credit, there never had been a civilian that died, though that was only because her power allowed her to detect and protect living beings in the area she targeted. 

She protected people … in a very clumsy way, only increasing the destruction wholesale, which left her with a unique infamy. However, that was the extent of my knowledge about her. I never have been a hero groupie, and once I received my powers, all my research had been focused on the supers in the town. 

I thought about asking Emily to compile a dossier, but I decided against it. With her affiliation, it might be risky. Instead, I just checked the news in a more general manner, checking not only her but also all the premier heroes who operated at the national level. 

It showed general levels of activity for her … which started to show a sudden dip about a year ago. She didn’t stop fighting, but the frequency decreased significantly. And, there had been no sighing of her during the last month. 

It had interesting implications, particularly when combined with the many signs of infiltration training she had received. 

I couldn’t rule out that she was working for the Syndicate, but it was a remote possibility. Unfortunately, that wasn’t true for the New Giant Force. She might have joined them and was here as a spy. And considering the New Giant Force had a secret alliance with the Syndicate, it wasn’t exactly a solution. 

Of course, the chances that she was working for another organization were not low either, which meant it was more or less a problem. 

I sighed. It was a big problem, the kind that required me to be in a better condition to even start working on it. And, I had already pushed my power enough for the day. It was time to have a nice sleep. With that in mind, I climbed the stairs and saw Tara. 

Her body language alerted me in an instant. 

I froze. She had been listening while I had fun with my earlier guest. And, her body language suggested that she was unhappy about it. I couldn’t help but question my earlier observations. Everything I had managed to learn about her suggested that she wouldn’t have been jealous when she saw me with other women, leading me to discard that possibility. 

I couldn’t help but tense. If she had an issue with it, it had the potential to be extremely troubling. Even now, I didn’t fear her using her strength against me, as nothing about her body language shouted aggression. 

However, ultimately, she didn’t need to use her strength to hurt me. She didn’t even need to reveal my secrets, including the fact that I was not actually a villain working for an even bigger one. She could just walk away, and everything about my fake identity would fall apart. 

A true disaster. 

I said nothing, and instead, ignored my pain to activate my power. “Tara,” I called her, forcing her to look at me without saying anything. I needed to see the source of her distress to find the best apology. 

However, the moment I caught her gaze, I realized that I had gone in a completely different direction. She was in distress because of what I had done, but I had completely misread the impact. She wasn’t angry at me. 

She was feeling inferior, almost disposable.

Only due to sudden panic, I ignored that possibility. After all, Tara was submissive with very serious self-worth issues. The moment she saw me with the sexy redhead party girl, she started to feel inferior, and felt like she would be discarded. 

Naturally, it was absurd. Even discounting her incredible power, she still had her lovely face, amazing body, and an incredible willingness to serve my needs. If she was jealous, I would have no problem staying loyal — or, at least, do much better hiding my indiscretions. 

I didn’t feel like laughing, but only because of the stabbing headache. I had already pushed myself too hard earlier, and activating my power wasn’t helpful. Likely, I doubted that I could spend the next half an hour whispering sweet nothings to her with my headache. 

Luckily, helping Tara solve her sudden bout of insecurity didn’t require it. “I’m going to take a shower,” I said sharply, and her expression of despair turned even thicker. “Come wash my back,” I added. 

Just like that, her expression turned hopeful. I didn’t bother maintaining eye contact and walked toward the shower. “Undress me,” I ordered. 

“Yes, sir,” she whispered, like I had just bought her a diamond necklace instead of asking her to serve me. 

Not that I had a problem. I was happy. She was happy. Everyone was happy. 

My mood got even better as she disrobed, matching me in her nudity. I waited while she reached for the shower, playing with the knobs until it got hot enough to be steamy. I was tempted to play with hers as well, but my headache was too much. 

Instead, I stepped under the water, the warmth helping me to ignore my distress. Then, she stepped behind me, her fingers gentle and hesitant as she started to slowly soap me up, and trying to ignore the pain got even easier. I closed my eyes, enjoying the flow of the water as her fingers slid down, focusing on my lower back, then on my legs, soaping every inch of my body. 

“Very good. Now, massage my shoulders. It was a rough day,” I said. 

“My pleasure, sir,” she answered, telling the perfect truth. She enjoyed serving me immensely. I had no doubt that, if it wasn’t for her shy and obedient nature, she would have played with herself to bring herself to completion. 

I was tempted to do that as well, but her slow shower massage helped my headache too much. I wondered if a scalp massage would help more. “Now, come and wash my front,” I said, not even bothering to turn, forcing her to change position instead. 

She was happy to be ordered. As she stood in front of me, slowly soaping my body while giving me another perk. Her sight of her beautiful body glistening under the water. My headache didn’t affect the other parts of my anatomy, which had already turned rock hard once more, especially since the earlier, my reward had been limited to a lap dance. 

Initially, once she walked away, I had been planning to ask for Tara’s help to deal with it. Then, I saw her using powers on the hidden camera. Realizing that my bar had been visited by the Lady of Destruction had worked wonders to deal with that raging boner … temporarily. 

Now, it was back with revenge. Tara’s gaze dipped down, showing that she wanted to deal with it. Admittedly, it was tempting, but I decided to tease her a bit first. 

“Wash my hair,” I ordered. 

She reached for the shampoo and immediately rose to her toes to reach my hair comfortably. I was quite a bit taller than her, after all. Amusingly, only through power, she did it easily, as staying only on her toes was hardly the easiest thing, yet she did so with the elegance of a ballerina. 

Convenient indeed.

Her fingers danced on my scalp gently, her beautiful face contorted with an intense focus, her eyes shut. I said nothing, as her gentle scalp massage certainly helped with my pain. So, even as her fingers gently danced, occasionally slipping down to rub my neck, I ignored the fact that she could snap me like a twig and focused on the pleasure instead. 

I kept my eyes open, enjoying the massage and her beauty at the same time until my horrible headache started to fade away. “That’s enough, we can’t stay in the shower all night,” I called. 

“As you wish, sir,” she whispered, trying to hide her disappointment, mistakenly thinking that it was the end of our fun. 

“You still hadn’t finished cleaning me, after all. There’s one last part you need to massage,” I said as I pointed down at my … pointing organ. “On your knees.” 

She followed that order immediately, hitting the floor hard enough to shatter her knees if it wasn’t for her power. However, with her power, it was the ceramic floor that experienced the same fate. 

Luckily, I was planning to renovate the place sooner or later, so it was hardly an issue. 


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