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A Gamer Adventure - The End and the Future

  • A sequel that follows the story immediately. 52
  • A equel with a large time break. 8
  • A spritual successor story, following the story of one of his sons 9
  • An expanded and improved rewrite of the original story 13
  • Just some NSFW epilogiue scenes and wrap the story up. it had gone long enough. 55
  • 2024-02-02
  • —2024-02-09
  • 137 votes
{'title': 'A Gamer Adventure - The End and the Future', 'choices': [{'text': 'A sequel that follows the story immediately. ', 'votes': 52}, {'text': 'A equel with a large time break.', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'A spritual successor story, following the story of one of his sons', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'An expanded and improved rewrite of the original story', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Just some NSFW epilogiue scenes and wrap the story up. it had gone long enough. ', 'votes': 55}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 9, 19, 19, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 2, 19, 17, 12, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 137}


Hi, everyone. 

My longest story, A Gamer Adventure, finally came to an end. 

I hope that you all enjoyed it. 

I have a question about the future of the story and the universe, whether you prefer it to continue ... and if you prefer it, in what form? 

Please note that, regardless of the result, I will probably have a small break. 


sihko gaud

IMO have a few epilog that basically imply happy ever after and then jump to the story of his kids.


Honestly the ending you made was so meh that I don't even know. I mean this is a webnovel so trash endings are to be expected. That being said it doesn't seem like you cashed in on a ton of set up you made. It seems like you just threw out a rushed ending so that you could focus on your shiny new story. No actual NSFW scene with the princess and her clones. I expected the goddess behind the system to join the harem. Maybe be the lust goddess the angel alluded to back in the day. There was no actual reunion scene with the girls. I expected him to see his mom at some point in the story and perhaps have something happen there. I don't think you can wrap everything up with a few NSFW scenes. A long time skip is skipping the scenes we actually want to see. I don't think a full sequel is really needed. You don't seem to want to write this story anymore so I don't see the point in forcing a sequel out. Plus you only need to revolve a few issues so not really worth a full sequel. Proper reunion, visiting home, finding away around the domain keeping them locked up, reveal himself to the world, setting the world on a better track, and figuring out the elemental spark stuff. So my vote would be for like 30 more chapters of this story actually focused on ending the book. A lot of mini time skips to move things quickly to hit the important bits.


💯% there was a lot of sexual tension and build up hinting at a future relationship between him and the princess, but before they could firmly build one, he was sent to the Chaos Realm. Then when he returned, he story ended immediately before he even reunited with the princess, much less tied off the threads with her. And what about Aviada's friend Carla, wasn't she going to join the harem? And speaking of Aviada, he barely acknowledged her return much less had a proper reunion. Where did she go? What did she do? How did she get back? I don't think these loose ends can be done justice in just a few epologue chapters.