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I took the Black Tiger Onslaught book with me, but I wasn’t paying attention to that as I walked through the tunnel. Instead, I triggered the rewards I had received. I started with Calligraphy and Essence Massage first, both at the Perfection stage, knowing that it wouldn’t do any harm. 

Only after that information settled, I triggered the next blast of information. The knowledge of how to massage people better flooded my mind. Even as the information infused into my mind, I realized the only reason I was able to reach that level was my extensive knowledge as an apothecary, as well as many types of skills. Minor Immersion was a result of their merging, with the System-provided knowledge connecting the dots. 

I would have pondered on that more, but something else caught my attention. 

Suddenly, there was a glow around me. It was a multicolored array, gentle as it surrounded me, somehow giving a refreshing, calm feeling. It was fascinating, but I was more occupied by the fact that I did it while I was in an enclosed space. 

It was hardly subtle. 

I stayed in the tunnel until I was sure that the effects were completely gone before. And, once I left, I first visited the house. Pearyin was practicing diligently, so I didn’t disturb her. Instead, I dropped the book into a hidden spot before I started moving around the city.

I wanted to understand the changes.  

Contrary to my expectations, the number of soldiers defending the walls had been reduced. Escaping the city was possible. And, if it wasn’t for the great returns I received from Marana, I might have actually considered it. 

Instead, I moved around the city, taking note of the changes. Patrols had been reduced even further, and the ones that continued, kept on the main roads. I wondered if Marana took a few groups without revealing herself as well, putting her new cultivation to good use while scaring them even further. 

If she did, she clearly kept focusing on Tiger Fist, as Demon Claw disciples were still helping the city guards patrol while keeping the Wolf Fang and Crane Kick schools under siege. 

The arena was empty and mostly charred. Since I merely used two firebombs, so they could have extinguished it easily, if they responded on time. 

In their defense, I gave them more important things to be worried about. 

The bulk of the army had been gathered around the city lord’s manor, but that increase only made them more desperate. During my absence, they had set up several siege weapons, throwing huge rocks toward the manor, but none of them managed to trigger anything bigger than a ripple around the manor. 

Since neither Marana nor the defenders reacted to them, I assumed them to be harmless and left them behind. Instead, I decided to return to Crane Kick School. I had stayed away long enough. I didn’t want my absence to look suspicious if Marana woke up early. 

I had no idea how long it would take. 

Either way, before going back, I still made sure to walk around the Tiger Fist compound, and took down a few disciples that were away from the compound without killing — despite a flash of annoyance I felt, showing the effects weren’t gone completely — and threw a bunch more smoke bombs from a great distance to make them panic. 

It was better to keep them panicking. 

Though, that was all I was able to do, because the moment I threw the bombs, three instructors rushed out, two at the Peak of Skin Refinement, and one at Bone Forging Realm. 

I moved away. It was not a force I could face without making some sacrifices I wasn’t willing to make. However, their response scared me a bit. Our hideout was nice, but by using the place to refine so many pills, I turned it into a dangerous place. 

Maybe it was time to move away. 

I returned to my hidden apothecary. “Hi, sweetie, new plan,” I called, interrupting her practice.

“Yes, Master,” she said enthusiastically. It was understandable, as not only she had improved greatly, but also she was still enjoying the high of our successful operation. 

“You’re going to leave the town. Things are getting a bit too complicated, and I don’t want you to get caught in the crossfire,” I said. I had pushed my luck too much recently, and while I was confident that I could escape, I didn’t have the ability to save her if someone discovered her location. 

“What about you, Master?” she said, worried. She looked nervous. 

“Well, I’m going to stay for a while more,” I said. “Now, we have two options,” I said. “First, I’ll give you enough pills to bring you to the peak of the Skin Refinement realm, and you will be free to do whatever you want. Or…”

“I chose to stay with you,” she cut in immediately. 

“As you wish,” I said, amused by her enthusiasm. “But it might be risky.” 

“I’m willing to take that risk,” she said, still star-struck. 

“Very well, follow me,” I said. As I started the fire once more, I started explaining to her my plan. “You’re going to travel to the capital, and open a store selling low-grade martial pills,” I said, giving her a range of products. Which turned into a short lesson in pill refinement, mostly how to determine the quality of the products and other details. “Slowly sell them to fund your stay there, but otherwise do nothing to show off.” 

She looked confused at the suggestion, but she didn’t question it. “Meanwhile, I want you to listen to the gossip of the capital. When I arrive, I want you to give me the breakdown of the city. The more complete, the better,” I said. “If anyone asks for the name of the owner, say that it’s Apothecary Bartna, and he will arrive in a few weeks,” I said. “Also, use the time to learn how to read.” 

It should be enough to allow me to move to the capital without making too much noise. Staying in Markas was out of the question after everything. I just wanted to stay a while more. And, once I arrived at the Capital, I didn’t want to go around poking secrets. 

Gathering those secrets passively should be much safer. 

Once the pills were refined and bottled, I packed the place, including the book, but left the cauldron behind. Since I was leaving the city to escort her out, I didn’t want to risk it. “But, before leaving, let’s make sure you are strong enough,” I said. 

“I … are you sure, Master. I’m in the Skin Refinement realm. It’s strong enough already.” 

“There’s no point not using all the advantages,” I said. “Lay down.” 

She did, and I started massaging her once more. However, I didn’t apply the Essence massage, but kept myself limited to the ordinary one, more to test the difference than actually expecting it to help in any manner. 

Yet, the difference was even more overwhelming than I expected. I had been expecting no benefit considering her cultivation, yet, as my hands danced over her body, every flaw of her body became clear under my touch. Blocked veins from the impurities, weak muscles, and blood flow issues. 

None of those issues were dangerous, or even important when treated in isolation, yet together, they limited her potential significantly. 

Yet, as I applied my new massage techniques, those issues started to recover one by one, slowly correcting. It wasn’t instant, or even the majority of them were gone. It probably required months of massaging to see actual improvement … yet still fascinating. 

After all, it was supposed to be just an ordinary massage to relax her body. It showed that going above Perfection was even more beneficial than I expected. 

Unfortunately, rather than experimenting more, I switched to Essence Massage. I still needed to improve her cultivation, and we didn’t have the time to waste. While I used the massage and acupuncture treatment to enhance her cultivation further, I talked nonstop, giving her all the things she needed to be careful revealing. 

Ideally, unless forced, she should disguise herself as a Muscle Reinforcement Martial artist, and try to keep a low profile. 

Two hours — and a significant portion of the pills I had in my Inventory — later, she had reached the Advanced Skin Refinement realm, which, even with her subpar combat capabilities, would be more than enough to enable her security. 

After all, Skin Refinement was enough to be the strongest person in a town or a major player in a city. As long as she was careful, she wouldn’t come to any harm. 

Compared to her massage, getting out of the city was even easier. With the number of guards lowered significantly, there was no possibility of stopping a martial artist, so the guards didn’t even try. 

I doubted that we were the only ones leaving the city. 

“I think we have discussed everything,” I said as I escorted her away from the city, to the forest where I had hidden the Tiger Fist book. 

She looked at me with a sudden blush, no doubt about to ask a question she thought to be shameful, but her courage faltered. “Yes, we have,” she said instead. 

“Take care,” I said as I leaned forward, and kissed her gently as I sent her away. She clearly wanted more … but also she was too afraid to ask. I would have loved to tease her about that, but I had already stayed away for too long. 

And, I was afraid, if we started, we wouldn’t stop for a long while.  

“You too,” she whispered, and walked away. 

Good, as it would give her a chance to consider what she actually wanted to do in life. 


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