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“How about you take a couple photos of me,” she whispered as she passed her phone to me. 

“Oh, what an excellent idea,” I said. It was true. Taking photos of a sexy busty blonde was hardly a chore even under ordinary circumstances, let alone when she had just done me a huge favor.

A favor that might be the distinction between life and death. 

“Let’s start with something simple,” I said even as I pushed her to her back, which parted her already loose bathrobe open, giving me a glimpse of her breasts. Her blush as she covered her breasts was spectacular, though she wasn’t quick enough to prevent the revealing first pose. 

“H-hey,” she protested, but her voice was mellow. More importantly, that was the extent of her protest as she posed for me, jumping at the opportunity to play along. I took several more photos without giving any directions. Not because she wouldn’t have followed them, but because she was doing rather well even without my intervention. 

I didn’t need to say anything when her arm ‘accidentally’ slipped a few times to give me a glimpse of her nipples, rock hard with arousal. 

I would have pushed forward, if it wasn’t for the interesting nature of her gaze. There was arousal, but also the fragility of a wounded gazelle, panic not far away. The moment I did something more than she was ready for, she would close off. 

An interesting contrast, one that I would have played along even if her actions hadn’t been fun. She deserved a reward after enabling me to use the laser cannon even if I had to play the role of a bored cameraman.  

Luckily, that was not a concern considering she already stood up a minute later, moving through poses of increasing sexiness while her robe parted wider and wider, barely keeping her wonders hidden. 

My gaze danced over her flushed skin even as she moved around the room. “Maybe I should try some outfits, since I have a cameraman,” she whispered. 

“Excellent idea,” I said, watching as her hips swayed while she went to her wardrobe — quite large thanks to her hobby. Its doors were large enough to keep her hidden while she changed, yet she still gave me occasional ‘accidental’ glimpses. 

“How do I look?” she asked when she finally stepped back. 

My eyes widened. “Exquisite,” I murmured even as my gaze danced on her body, taking note of her outfit. She wore a simple sundress, which was supposed to be a conservative piece … if it was worn by someone three inches shorter, not to mention with a more modest bust and hip size. On her, it looked simply obscene, and her obvious lack of underwear didn’t help. 

Her breasts looked like they would pop out at the slightest sharp movement, and the skirt was short enough to display her legs perfectly. “How about we start slow,” she said as she took a pose. 

My technical knowledge when it came to photography started and ended with pressing the button, but I was far more familiar with the concept of sexiness. Also, my power helped me somewhat, so I thought the photos were coming out nicely. 

Then, Emily leaned forward, giving me an excessive show of her cleavage, and I stopped caring about the quality of the photos. She twirled, leaned, and danced, all giving me some good photos and even more excellent memories. 

More importantly, the more she posed in front of me, the more aroused she was getting. I could see her having an inner conflict about whether to stop or continue … and the more I didn’t push, the more she was leaning toward the latter.  

She disappeared behind the wardrobe door once again. “You’re not getting bored, are you?” she asked throatily. “We can always stop if you get bored.” However, from the way she asked that question, I could sense her conflict. She would stop the show if I answered her too enthusiastically. 

“Nonsense, I owe you for your help. I’m under your command,” I said. I deliberately kept the reply the innocent, and only my throaty tone suggested more. 

She didn’t answer, frustrated by the answer slightly. Yet, that frustration didn’t prevent her from stepping into the room, wearing a different outfit. This time, she didn’t neglect underwear, but considering she was wearing only a tiny skirt and no shirt, it wasn’t exactly a loss. 

Her black and lacy bra was barely enough to cover her breasts while her skirt functioned more as a belt. Yet, the matching black stockings and garter belt looked amazing. It was a beautiful sight. 

Brave as well, though considering the way she blushed, I could see that she was pushing her limits. “How about a new photo,” she said as she put a leg on a chair, giving a daring pose. 

“You’re the boss,” I said with a gentle smile, letting her act as she wanted. She clearly enjoyed the showing off, but was hesitant for any kind of extra intimacy. So, we took several more photos, before she dared to walk near enough that I could pull her closer, the way she was leaning elevating her already impressive bosom to the level of a goddess, making my pants uncomfortably tight. 

Patience, I repeated. Only the clues from my powers telling me that the night would be over if I reached to grab her kept me close. Instead, I took several more amazing photos, while getting closer and closer.

Her hot breath danced on my skin invitingly, one I would have taken in a heartbeat if it wasn’t for my power telling me it was a fake invite. Yet, the more I refused the obvious call, the more aroused she got.  

What a complicated woman. Luckily for her, even without her power to sweeten the pot, she was beautiful enough to be worth the trouble. 

Also, I was curious just how far she would push in her attempts to trip me. 

“Why don’t you help me to remove this bra so we can take some better photos,” she suggested as she turned her back, but the way she bent forward to reveal her full ass was tempting enough to seriously challenge me. 

Especially since she was wearing a g-string underneath. 

“Well, don’t blame me if I lose control,” I whispered, my hot breath caressing her ear, but despite my words, I barely touched her as I unhooked her bra, surprising her. 

“Good that you can keep your hands to yourself,” she commented, but the edge in her playful giggle contrasted her words. Or, the speed her bra landed on the ground. When she turned to face me, I could see that her determination to avoid physical closeness was getting weaker. I could lean forward to capture her lips — or better, her nipples — and all I would receive was a half-hearted push before she ‘accepted’ the change.  

After being teased for so long, I had a different plan in mind. I leaned forward, close enough that she felt my breath on her hardening nipples, but rather than continuing, I fixed her skirt and took a step back. “Now, give me another pose,” I said. 

She looked shocked, but I didn’t bother hiding my playful grin, signaling that the game had changed. “Oh, that’s how you want to play,” she gasped. 

“I don’t know what you mean,” I said, deliberately lying terribly. 

“Very well,” she said. ”You want interesting poses, right,” she said as her hands disappeared under her skirt, and pushed her panties down. 

I expected her to react like that, but even with my power, the speed of it surprised me. Her fingers disappeared under her skirt almost instantly, her legs open. “How about this?” she asked.

“Amazing,” I said as I devoured the dance of her breasts. “Why don’t you use the bed. I’m sure it’ll be more comfortable.” 

“What a nice suggestion,” she said, but to my surprise, rather than walking there, she fell on all fours, and slowly crawled toward her destination, her skirt had been dislodged enough to give me the perfect show. 

She crawled to the edge of the bed, but rather than climbing on, she leaned against it, her legs wide open. One of her hands landed on her breast, and the other stayed between her legs as she started playing with herself with a fascinating rapidness. 

Delicious indeed. 

“How about this pose,” she asked between moans. 

“Something is missing,” I said. She smiled. “Maybe a toy,” I added, and that turned into a frown. It was only momentarily, lasting until I pushed my pants down and revealed my erection. “How about this?” I asked. 

“Well, barely enough,” she said, but her hungry tone betrayed her true feelings.  

Warmup was over… 


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