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“You’re a smug little man, aren’t you,” Elsana growled as she fed me another flame essence pill, leaving little doubt about how she was planning to deal with her growing frustration. 

I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to ruin the mood even as she pushed me to the bed, surprisingly forceful as she pinned me down and ripped off my clothes. Whatever that note contained clearly left her extremely annoyed, and her inability to trip me up during the massage added a unique class of frustration. 

“Are you sure you don’t want me to continue with the massage, Master Elsana?” I said, unable to hide the amusement in my tone as she positioned herself above me, but yet to push down. She was even more aggressive than I expected, her usual calm nowhere to be seen. 

“Take care of your tone,” she countered sharply, followed by a dark smirk. “Or better, let’s keep you silent,” she said as she brought herself up, and landed on my face. 

Her tone implied that it was something degrading. Well, if it was, it wouldn’t be too shocking. I had been in this new world enough to learn that the connotations between sex and power were even stronger than back on Earth. And, even back then, there were some idiots who claimed that giving a woman oral somehow turned them into so-called beta males or other such nonsense. 

It was ironic when their bored and unsatisfied wives visited me for some comfort… 

I was very happy to teach Elsana that exact lesson. My tongue darted out, dancing at the entrance aggressively, her taste filled my mouth, and I disagreed completely. 

Another part of the irony, is that the earlier massage lesson she had taught me to trip her up made the treatment even more effective. She moaned, even louder than I expected. “Y-you’re not bad doing that,” she whispered, trying to sound in control. 

And failing. 

I didn’t bother to answer as I let my tongue dance a while more, pushing her toward the edge, which had been even faster than I expected. Stress left her weak against the pleasure, especially after a long massage. 

“May I suggest a little game, Master,” I whispered as I pulled back, just as she was about to reach to the edge. 

“What kind of game,” she moaned. 

“Well, you are stressed, especially after your best friend ignored your good intentions,” I said, shamelessly playing to their fight to distract her even more. Elsana growled, showing that I was on the right path. “I found out that trying to focus on something else helps anger.” 

“You clearly have something specific in mind,” she said. 

“Yes,” I said as I suddenly flipped and she ended up on her back, her legs still above my shoulders. It was still a dominant position, but not as dominant. She was already at the edge, which made women far more open to suggestions. “I found out that repeating something complicated helps like it gives out a sense of calm. Maybe, if you recite your refinement techniques and some recipes, it’ll help you forget your frustration.” 

“You’ll learn it as well —” she started, but I chose that moment to give a lick, pushing her toward the edge once more. It was risky, but she was still feeling unbalanced from the fight with her friend, and I didn’t want to miss the opportunity. 

“I’m flattered if you think I can learn advanced medicine recipes by listening only once, but…” I said, deliberately letting it linger with a sudden hint of despair, the implication being that if I had any kind of talent, my family would have nurtured me heavily rather than using me as a chip in their planned marriage alliance. 

I noticed a thick layer of guilt on her face, which wasn’t too surprising. Ultimately, in this new world, I found myself in, not being able to practice high-level martial arts was a big shame for a member of a rich family, somewhat similar to failing to graduate high school. 

 Guilt was another useful tool I had used many times before, which resulted in new cars, designer clothes, and expensive watches … and now, it was giving me actual power. “A good idea. Let’s try it,” she said, quick to distract herself. 

After all, for all intents and purposes, trying to learn something from such an unstructured lesson was supposed to be impossible. 

It would require a miracle … or a very misguided divine punishment. 

“Excellent, Master Elsana,” I said as I leaned forward, my tongue dancing at her entrance slowly to keep her at the edge while she started talking about various wondrous functions of her martial arts ability, and how it functioned with medicine refinement. 

Even with my System-enhanced knowledge, I failed to understand most of the things she talked about, but it was a good sign. The better the lecture, the better the return. 

I listened half-heartedly while my tongue danced at her entrance, determined to keep her at the edge as long as possible. None of her martial arts abilities mattered as I kept her on the edge, playing with her body like a musical instrument. 

I kept my lips locked to her entrance, but my fingers started exploring her body, gently dragging over her breasts and teasing her nipples. A moan escaped her lips as I twisted her nipples gently, but the relief was still far away. 

Still, I was careful. I didn’t let myself forget that Elsana was a dangerous woman even when naked. One wrong move, and the night would end up painfully. 

Yet, it would be a lie to say that danger didn’t make the moment even more delicious. 

“You’re doing excellent, Master,” I whispered, happy with the ambiguity hidden in the term. She raised her head, her blonde hair messy, her usual genial expression nowhere to be seen as she did her best to keep her moans back and continued speaking about medicine refinement. 

I was glad that she was focusing on the medicine refinement rather than her unique Snow Blossom Martial art that supported her refinement. 

Time passed. 

“How about we try something more interesting, Master,,” I whispered almost an hour later when her pleasure had turned intoxicating without a climax. Yet, I had to admit, she resisted far better than I expected. She was even continuing to speak about her techniques, which turned into a wondrous treasure. 

“What do you have in —” she started, which died the moment I moved up and positioned against her entrance, with her legs still on my shoulders, putting her in a challenging position. Yet, she was flexible enough to handle it. “Good idea,” she whispered throatily. 

However unlike the rapid invasion she expected, I moved forward with a deliberate slowness. Her eyes widened in shock. “Oh, come on, Master. You were just telling me about the recipe for Skin Refinement Essence Pills. Why did you stop?” 

“You’re playing a dangerous game,” she whispered, but no matter how dangerous her tone was, I ignored it as I kept moving back and forth at a torturous pace, still keeping her at the edge, the massage skills that she had taught me earlier proving to be the difference maker. 

“Just continue talking. I love your voice,” I said as I leaned forward, kissing her neck. She grumbled, but continued talking about some of the tricks of Skin Refinement stage Essence pills. 

Interrupted by a series of deep breaths she took to keep her moans down. Such stubbornness. 

We continued for hours, turning the night into an excellent dance, testing several poses, until Elsana finally reached her limit. “Enough,” she growled as her legs wrapped around my waist and pulled me deep inside her. 

“As you wish, Master,” I said with a chuckle and changed the pace. I stopped teasing her slowly, and started drilling into her mercilessly. Already at the edge, she climaxed immediately. 

I didn’t give her even a moment to rest, and continued to impale her, curious how many repeats it would take to fuck her into the land of unconsciousness…  


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