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After our fun ended, Elsana kicked me out of her bedroom unceremoniously, but I didn’t care about that. First, it wasn’t the first time I had to leave once the fun ended, and it was far better than being interrupted halfway. 

Also, I had my rewards.  

[Cultivation Difference Bonus - 30; Pampering Bonus - 55 (Capped)]

[85x Return - Massage Technique Lesson, Minor Familiarity - Major Accomplishment]

[85x Return - Essence Massage Technique Lesson, Beginner - Minor Familiarity]

[85x Return - Snow Blossom Essence]

I sank into the water, shivering despite the warmth. It had been fun, but her method of cultivation meant a lot of her cold essence had seeped into my body. I could have used Volcano Essence to destroy it but I let it stay. I had already pushed my luck with that to extend the duration of our fun. Any more, and she would start to get suspicious. 

As for trying to use Snow Blossom Technique, that was even more dangerous. I was yet to trigger the rewards from the System. And, not all of them felt safe. 

Instead, I relied on the warmth of the water to combat the cold while I considered the rewards I had just acquired. Snow Blossom Essence was probably a concentrated form of her essence, which I didn’t dare to trigger, afraid of turning into a popsicle. 

The massage technique felt like the safer option. I triggered the ordinary variant first, and when the information settled in my brain comfortably. I spent a moment enjoying the difference in the information I had received compared to the earlier. Not only the techniques were more professional, but also included information about the usage of some supplementary tools like acupuncture needles, balms, and oils. 

It indicated that the style of of the instructor was even more than I had assumed.

Also, the jump between Minor Familiarity and Minor Accomplishment was incredible.  

Curious, I triggered the other lesson, and information flooded my brain once more, this time teaching me how to help spread, mobilize, and channel the essence of the others. 

For example, I could use the massage to draw out the cold energy that was infused to my body, fighting against my essence. I wanted to trigger the other reward I had received, about the lesson on Snow Blossom Technique, but the presence of Elsana in the other room kept me from doing so. 

What if she felt the fluctuations. Instead, I settled on the bath and let the cold disappear slowly.

Then, I heard Lannayin shouting. It came from inside, but her voice was too muffled for me to hear it properly. 

Still, it meant that Elsana was too distracted to notice anything, so I triggered the lessons one by one, both the essence technique and the medicinal knowledge. 

Learning another way to manipulate essence was a wondrous feeling. The cold essence that was previously hostile turned obedient as I absorbed it into the small ball in my chest, its coldness fading against my hidden energy. 

Snow Blossom Essence was similar to Volcano Essence in the manner it was completely useless before reaching Muscle Reinforcement and gaining the ability to push it externally. However, unlike Volcano Hammer, it wasn’t immediately deadly during its earlier stages, making it easier to cultivate. 

It explained the great disparity of wealth between two friends despite both having lucrative careers. 

I continued categorizing the knowledge. Just like Volcano Essence was used to break down its target, which was then shaped by constant hammering, Snow Essence was used to freeze certain parts of the energies in the plants, so that, during the refinement process, they were released in a certain sequence, enhancing the quality of the final product. 

The contrast between cold and hot essences was interesting. They were not entirely opposites, but they still clashed hard. They could be used to eliminate each other, but it had to be done slowly. Trying to combine them might be deadly. 

Even with my enhanced martial talent, I didn’t dare to experiment. 

Instead, I waited in the bath, processing the more intricate parts of the knowledge I received, with a relaxed expression on my face. I never liked studying, so my new way of receiving information worked much better with my knowledge. 

Already, I knew enough to diagnose some critical health problems. More importantly, I had enough knowledge to refine the basic essence pill, the recipe I received at the restaurant. Combined, I could easily make a living ...

But I wanted to stay longer, at least until Elsana and Lannayin started to get bored of my presence. 

They were fun enough, and spending a few weeks here should be safe enough. Then, one day, I could just leave a letter explaining that I was summoned by my family, and disappear. 

A knock had been heard on the door an hour later. “We have some clothes here, young master,” a male voice said. “Master Elsana invites you to the garden.” 

“Very good. Leave them,” I said as I stood up. Once the servant left, I changed into the new set of clothes, which fitted me perfectly. 

Unfortunately, there was no convenient notification this time, which suggested that she might need to be in the same room to trigger it. That, or she was not feeling any sense of pity after the adventure we shared. 

Frankly, I preferred the letter to the former. It was easy to reawaken a sense of pity, but if proximity was a part of the deal, it was a serious limitation for the ways I could abuse the System. 

Not that I had any right to complain with all that I had already received. I just needed to stick around for a couple weeks until I turned into a master of martial arts, as well as a skilled apothecary and forger. 

And, meanwhile, maybe I could even decipher what the essence was. 

Once I changed into my new clothes, I followed a servant, who brought me to a private garden, but she didn’t follow me. It was a beautiful garden, filled with trees and flowers, but I paid more attention to the two beauties in the garden. Elsana wore a long, flowing green dress that accented her cold beauty perfectly. Across her sat Lannayin, wearing her usual practical ensemble. 

They both had wine glasses in hand, and their mellow expression suggested that it was a strong wine. “So, our exalted scholar is finally here,” Elsana said teasingly as I walked forward. 

Linnayin said nothing to me, but looked expectantly as well. They were clearly looking to be entertained. I decided to fulfill that need. 

”With eyes of frost, one draped in winter's gown; a diamond heart where icy whispers crown. The other burns, a flame in mortal guise; with lips like embers, fire in her eyes,” I read, once again putting my oratory capabilities to the limit. 

“Impressive,” Elsana said, amused. She was clearly entertained by my choice of playing to the fences even after our ‘adventure’ earlier. She poured me a glass of wine, which was a great honor in the context, so I bowed slightly as I took it. 

[Cultivation Difference Bonus - 30, Pampering Bonus - 10]

[40x Return - Flame Flicker Wine, Profound High-Grade]

My smile grew further when the System graded the product. Not only did it show that the pampering effect could be triggered further even in more casual situations, but also she wanted to reinforce the warmth of my essence. 

Signaling that there might be a repeat in the future. 

Just like the previous feast, I alternated between reciting poems and telling stories to keep them entertained, though the amount of wine they drank played an even bigger role in their good mood. Moreover, this time, it wasn’t just Lannayin who was drinking recklessly but Elsana as well. She was much more relaxed in private. 

I waited until they were properly sloshed to make a request. “It’s a pity I won’t be able to collect any new stories from Markas. Not after I accidentally insulted the father of your disciple,” I said, doing my best to act drunk as well. 

“Ex-disciple,” Elsana answered. 

“Ex or not, it’s still your fault,” Lannayin said. “But don’t worry about it. As long as you don’t leave the city, he won’t be able to do anything. He won’t dare to offend both of us,” she said as she slapped her chest. 

“You mean I can walk around the city,” I asked excitedly. 

“Of course. I guarantee it,” Lannayin declared. Elsana looked frustrated, but she nodded as well. “Now, to another story. Tell me what happened once you departed this Black Pearl…” 

“As you wish,” I said, doing my best to sample as many food and drinks as possible since they were in a good mood. It was never too early to start preparing for an eventual departure. 

“That’s enough for tonight,” Elsana decided at one moment, after they both drank enough to kill a large squad of hardened soldiers. She waved me away, which indicated there wouldn’t be any follow-up fun. 

A pity … but then again, I had a lot of things to work on. 


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