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Once I returned to the bar, I wanted nothing more than to use the tunnel and beat a hasty retreat. Unfortunately, the belief that there was a bigger villain behind me was the only thing that kept us safe. 

My second option was to lock the door, go upstairs, crawl under my bed, and call the day off early. Unfortunately, that was not an option either. It would make us look weak, and we couldn’t afford it. 

Even worse, I didn’t have the luxury of panicking in the safety of my own bar, because once I entered, I saw Tara looking at the wall with a blank look, processing the deadly encounter she had gone through. I couldn’t lose my mind when she needed my guidance. 

I couldn’t afford Tara mentally drifting away. 

“It was an incredible performance for your first real super battle,” I said as I walked toward her, my feet hitting the ground with a confidence I wasn’t feeling. She didn’t react immediately. I put my hands on her shoulders, massaging softly. 

I chose not to use her submissive habits in that case. It would have probably allowed her to work more smoothly, but it would have pushed her trauma down as well. It was what I wanted. Instead, I continued massaging her, putting my power to good use to maintain the pace. 

I didn’t even push for anything sexual. 

And, once I was sure that nothing dangerous would happen, I turned my attention to the ripped arm of the power suit … which included the intact laser cannon that Chrome Defender had used to demolish a few buildings. 

Ordinarily, I wouldn’t have any hope of using it, but I remembered Emily explaining how she was able to sneak into the locker room of the heroines to take a few photos. She was able to interface with the door directly by touching it, bypassing the security measures. I was sure that she could repeat the same for the laser weapon. 

I just needed to find a way to conceal the origin of the laser cannon, which would depend on whether The New Giant Force wanted to popularize the battle or not. In an ideal world, they would definitely push the news to alert the other heroes about the potential danger we represented. 

Yet, this was not an ideal world. They were selfish enough not to care about the other heroes, and I strongly suspected that there was some kind of alliance between them and the Syndicate. 

The real question was whether there would be a follow attack with more heroes. Ironically, their possible collaboration with the Syndicate made that less likely. An attack from a new hero, even if he was a bit overgeared, was easy to explain. A bigger attack, or the presence of one of the A-listers, would inevitably draw more attention to the region. 

And, the Syndicate clearly didn’t want that, or otherwise they wouldn’t have gone all that trouble to conceal the place as some kind of drug distribution center of a minor villain.   

I predicted that the next attack would be a villain attack to give them plausible deniability. It was why I wanted to open the bar, making it look like an attack from the biggest guild of the city didn’t faze us the slightest. 

Giving me time to develop contingency plans. 

“I … I did good, right,” Tara whispered after almost ten minutes of massaging. 

“You were excellent. You took down a hero with training and better gear easily. I’m proud of you,” I said, focusing on the compliments to distract her from the fact that she had just fought against a hero, putting her firmly into the villain territory. 

No matter how unfair it was. 

“Thank you, sir,” she said as she shifted, leaning against me. After a long pause, she whispered again, this time even faster. “Do I get a reward?” 

“Good girls get rewards … and you have been a very good girl,” I whispered. “Do you have anything in mind?” I asked. 

It took a while for her to answer. “N-no. Not yet,” she said. 

“Why don’t I give you a bit of inspiration, then,” I said as I pushed her forward, against the closest table, and pulled her pants down. I needed to open the bar, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t afford to spend a few minutes having fun. “Fuck, you’re so tight,” I said as I slipped inside her. 

“Always for you, sir,” she answered, her beautiful moan echoing loudly. 

Once again, I was glad for my ability to read her reactions easily, which allowed me to invade her aggressively without holding back, trusting her powers to keep her safe. Her only reaction was to bring her hands back, silently begging me to tie her hands behind her. 

Technically, she could rip those bindings easily, but she treated them as invincible, her moans gaining an ethereal quality.  

Another woman might have considered being bent and tied down in the middle of a bar for a quickie humiliating and degrading, but as she was slammed from behind, Tara’s moans made it clear that she didn’t share that opinion. 

“Good. Then take it, and let it inspire you to what you want as a reward,” I said. “You’ll have the whole night.” 

“Really, you’re going out, sir?” she said. 

“Once we close the bar,” I said even as I continued to piston into her. “I want to visit a fence to see if we can somehow turn your acquisition into something useful,” I said. “You did good ripping that without damaging the laser cannon.” 

“S-should I escort you, sir?” she asked. 

“No. I don’t expect any attack, but we still can’t risk leaving the bar defenseless. My disguise will hold,” I explained instead. 

She didn’t fight back against my arrangements, though I could see that she was unhappy with the risk I was taking so close to an attack. Unfortunately, it was inevitable. I wouldn’t have stepped into this high-stakes game if I understood the implications the day I opened my bar, but after everything happened, pushing forward was the safest choice. 

Her unhappiness with my choice didn’t prevent her quick climax. A loud moan later, she started shuddering helplessly. 

“It’s time to switch up,” I said as I pulled her down. Without her powers, she would have hit the floor painfully, but she balanced herself easily thanks to her powers. 

She opened her mouth as I grabbed her beautiful brown locks and pulled her forward, her submissiveness once again showing itself. Beautiful, sexy, and obedient… She was a true treasure. 

And, I pushed, once again enjoying parts of that treasure without restraint, glad that her power didn’t block her gag reflex. There was something to hearing her gag and gasp repeatedly, especially combined with her resistance to actual pain, giving me all the pleasure, with no risk of causing an accident. 

Things were spectacular enough before my phone buzzed, and I received another show from Emily. This time, to my surprise, it was a video. She was in a bath, moving in a way that left no doubt about what was going on underneath the bubbles. I smiled as I enjoyed the occasional glimpses of her incredible bosom I got whenever she moved too high. 

‘Taking a break,’ her message read. 

‘Don’t take too long. Work hard, and I might visit you tonight for a reward,’ I said. 

‘You’re the boss,’ she wrote, which was followed by another message. ‘Look, I’m already out.’ That message had another picture attached, one in which she wore a bathrobe. It looked amazing on her, particularly since she failed to tighten it, giving me a deep glimpse of cleavage. 

My smile widened, not just at the show, but how quickly she accepted my visit. It looked like my gifts earlier worked well. 

I considered informing her about the laser cannon I was going to ambush her with, but after putting some thought into it, I decided against it. She wasn’t as submissive as my sexy bodyguard, but she wasn’t particularly strong-willed either. 

Face to face, I could counter her arguments much more easily despite asking her to jailbreak a weapon from her guild. 

She sent another photo, I answered, then turned my attention back to Tara, and grabbed her head with both hands before I started pumping into her throat. After all, it was her reward, and it was unfair to neglect her for long. 

I continued to invade her throat until her lack of breath strained her. “Tell me, sweetie. Do you want me to cum on your face, or your mouth,” I said once I pulled out. 

“F-face,” she whispered shyly. The fact that she still maintained her shyness after everything made her even cuter. 

“As you wish, my beautiful,” I said as I pushed her mouth once more, my invasion even more frantic as I pushed myself into the land of climax. I was at the edge when I pulled again. She coughed weakly, but said nothing as I exploded over her face, covering her beautiful face. 

“You look amazing,” I said as I reached and untied her hands. “Now, go upstairs and prepare. We need to open the bar in five minutes,” I said. 

While she dashed away, I grabbed the laser cannon. It was heavy, but thankfully, it wasn’t heavy enough that I couldn’t carry it. Just under sixty pounds. 

Something I could use to defend the bar. 


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