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Finding a place to live was easier than I expected. After all, while we made some enemies, enough to blacklist us from the inns, it required our followers to follow us and alert the places in advance. Disguising ourselves before getting a room in a cheaper inn had been easy. 

I left Pearyin in the room with two basic takedown moves to practice, enough food to keep her sated for a few days, and even gave some money for emergencies — one I received directly from Lannayin and not from the System, as the rules for the System gifts were more stringent. 

I didn’t want to trigger another punishment.  

Once that was done, I went to the battle arena. 

Finding the arena was easy. It was the third biggest building of the city, right after the huge manor of the city lord, and the military keep of the city guards. It was larger than a modern stadium, easily enough to house a hundred thousand people. 

Even if it didn’t hover in front of me, I could have found it by following the vast crowd moving toward it. The people surrounded the building, purchasing and redeeming tickets, making bets, and discussing their favorite fighters. 

I had already realized that fighting was an important cultural event, but seeing the passion of the people was still shocking. 

I went to a different gate, one with no line, because while observing people, I noticed people with the same token I had used that one. “You can’t just—” one of the guards started, only to stop when I revealed the token Lannayin gave me. “Come, lead the honored guest to his seat,” the guard said, signaling to a servant. 

I followed him, and soon, I found myself in a private area right at the edge of the field. Unlike the rest of the stadium which was stuffed to the brim, the large private area was a place of luxury. Comfortable chairs, silk curtains, and a huge buffet spread on a long table that put last night’s discussion into shame. 

The people that were in place were equally impressive. Several people were inside, dressed expensively, and my arrival was enough to earn their gazes. Not because I was famous enough for them, but because I was too shabbily dressed. 

“He’s the guest of Master Lannayin,” the servant that was leading me said, his tone smooth enough to feel respectful, but I didn’t miss the disdain in his tone. The others looked at me with even deeper disdain, almost disgust, but none of them dared to say anything. 

I didn’t miss their fearful glances toward the door the servant had been leading to me, showing that, while she was not liked or respected, she was truly feared. Which, I had to admit, was a weird status. 

I didn’t waste my time thinking about it, and instead followed the servant into the room. Once I stepped in, I saw two guests. Lannayin, and another woman that was wearing some kind of plate armor made of volcano steel. It was forged by Lannayin. 

“So, this is the famous scholar Arthanum that caught your attention, my friend,” she said, though I shivered under her gaze. 

“I wouldn’t dare to claim fame. I’m just a wanderer, nothing more,” I said, trying to use the same charm that had been enough to win the attention of Elsana and Lannayin, but it only earned a dismissive glare. 

Not someone that appreciated poems, clearly. 

“Take some food and sit,” Lannayin said as she pointed to the empty seat next to her, their chairs positioned in front of a window that had an excellent view of the arena. “I made you lunch.” 

Her friend didn’t miss it. “Really, you missed lunch? Yet, you were late to our meeting,” she said, the disapproval in her tone sharp enough to scare me. 

It was best not to anger her. 

“Yes. Master Linnayin’s skill using the forge inspired me in my art. I was even inspired to compose a poem for her,” I said. I didn’t want to be killed by a mysterious swordswoman who wanted to protect her friend’s chastity.

“Really,” both of them said at the same time, Lannayin fascinated, the swordswoman disdainful. 

“May I read it?” I asked, and they nodded. Luckily, I was prepared. “Where fire bleeds from earth’s raw might; she bends the flame, her hammer bright. Steel whispers, molten dream; A blacksmith queen, in embers’ gleam.” 

Once again, it was not exactly amazing, but the near-perfect delivery helped it to feel somewhat more believable. 

“See, I said that he’s good,” Lannayin declared. 

“He’s not terrible,” she answered, but otherwise, she didn’t even look at me. “We were talking about the next order. I still need you to forge another hundred swords for the elites of my regiment…” 

With that, they started to discuss business. Most of the details they discussed were too complicated for me to contextualize, so I went to pick some food, sat back, and started eating. 

It didn’t trigger the System. Why, I had no idea, but it was inconvenient. I hoped that it was not because of Lannayin’s emotional shift but something else. 

I ate the food while they continued to discuss their plans for the huge order for Lannayin to forge. Their discussion was interrupted by a huge bell, ringing. 

“No, Falnaher. I don’t care. I can’t guarantee you a hundred Mortal-Peak Swords. Ten Peak, and ninety High grade is best, I promise. And you need to find me three fire-natured bone essence pills before I start. That’s the best I can agree,” Lannayin said. 

“We will discuss more once the fights are over,” she said, and they both turned their attention to the field as two people walked toward the center, one wearing a tunic with a stylized wolf print, the other with some kind of demon. 

“Muscle Reinforcement artists already?” Lannayin said. “Are they still fighting? I thought the city lord was supposed to interfere with it.” 

“It’s difficult. Since the master of the Crane school is gone, the balance is ruined. The great schools don’t want to miss the opportunity.” 

“A pity. I wonder how long Wolf Claw would be able to resist with only one Connate Master,” Lannayin said, but at that point, the fight had already begun. 

I turned my attention to the battle as well. The disciple of the Wolf Fang School pulled his dagger and dashed forward, feeling just as dangerous as a wolf. I could see his essence gathering around his blade. The Demon Claw disciple easily deflected the dagger with his hands, his essence reinforcing some kind of metal plate covering his hands to resist the blow. 

With that, an intense fight began. The way they fought was completely different. The Wolf Claw disciple was fast and agile, circling around repeatedly to find an opening, while the Demon Claw fought from a more stable position; both were determined to display the advantage of their fighting style to the limit. 

I tried to capture the way they fought, but it didn’t work. It felt like trying to understand how a car worked by watching a car race. 

So, I turned my attention to the external displays of their essence. The Wolf Claw disciple focused on exerting it outside to reinforce his dagger, while at the same time reinforcing his legs for enhanced speed. The Demon Claw disciple, on the other hand, focussed exclusively on his upper body, relying on the strength of his metal claws. 

Their essence felt different as well. Rough and thorny for Demon Claw, sharp and bloody for Wolf Claw, but after having a deeper understanding of Volcano Hammer as well as Tiger Claw, I wasn’t surprised. The martial arts essences carried some kind of concept to reinforce its effects. 

“Wow, a vicious blow,” Lannayin said. 

“Really, do you mind explaining why?” I asked, enthusiastic about turning this into a lesson. 

“Of course. The Demon Claw relies on—” Lannayin started, but Falnaher interrupted. 

“I can’t watch the fight while you try to explain how to fight to a bookworm that doesn’t even know the basics of the Demon Claw,” she said as she looked at me with pure disdain. 

“He’s from overseas. It’s normal that he’s not familiar with the styles,” Lannayin said, quick to my defense. 

“He would have if he didn’t spend all his time reading books,” she said with disdain. She looked ready to kick me out, and I had a feeling that, if it wasn’t for her upcoming deal with Lannayin, she would have done so. She pulled a small booklet from the satchel, and passed it to me. “Here, all you need to know is here. Since you’re a scholar, you are supposed to be good with books. Just learn it from here,” she said. 

Lannayin looked annoyed, but I took the booklet with a smile, happy with it. 

Well, more accurately, I was happy with the chain of notifications I had received. 

[Cultivation Difference Bonus - 50; Insult Bonus - 10]

[60x Return - Tiger Fist Martial Art, Complete, Mortal-Low Grade]

[60x Return - Dragon Saber Martial Art, Complete, Mortal-Low Grade]

[60x Return - Demon Claw Martial Art, Complete, Mortal-Low Grade]

[60x Return - Crane Leg Martial Art, Complete, Mortal-Low Grade]

[60x Return - Wolf Fang Martial Art, Complete, Mortal-Low Grade]


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