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I was whistling in a satisfied manner as I returned to the office, feeling calm, glad that my little adventure with the owner’s daughter hadn’t turned into a crisis. She didn’t even call me, which was a happy occasion. 

The retreat had gone without a hitch after her disappearance until a last-minute emergency forced me away, preventing me from taking the same plane. A pity. Taking the same flight with them would have been fun. Unfortunately, my comfort depended on my success, forcing me to limit my fun while I flew around to work.  

Well, old-school working that included gambling, cigars, and strip clubs, which meant it was hardly a great hardship. Even better, while I was away, my furniture finally arrived, turning my room into something that supported the image I wanted to build. I had already received the pictures from Brenda — some that included her as well. 

I particularly loved the one she wore a hat, and only a hat. 

I thought that my mood would stay the same, but, unfortunately, it didn’t stay like that. Just as I was climbing the stairs, I saw Mike, the annoying sales leader, and Tiffany’s husband, and Charlie, the tech salesman and Umi’s fiancee, in a corner, conspiring. “So, the interview is today?” Mike asked. “Very good. Once your fiancee starts working for that old codger, we will be able to do whatever we want. It’ll be glorious.” 

I stayed, listening as they talked for two minutes, their discussion filled with insults, annoying me. It wasn’t that I cared about the insults themselves — I deliberately undersold myself to make the seduction of their partners more fun — but their recklessness to speak like that in the middle of the office. 

I thought that they would have better sense, which turned out to be a mistake. It looked like I needed to teach them a lesson before their misaligned perspective filled the office. 

I decided to start with Charlie, simply because Mike walked the other way once their discussion ended. I made a point of making eye contact with him, wearing a stiff expression that shouted that I heard their discussion, though my angry expression was exaggerated. 

“S-sir,” he started, which was all he was able to say as I stormed past. He was too afraid to say anything else. 

Ironically, it was also a test for him. If he was smart, he would call Umi and cancel the interview. Naturally, it wouldn’t have worked, but it was still the smart thing to do based on the information he had rather than leaving his innocent fiancee free for my retaliation. 

After delivering the wordless challenge, I went back to my office. “Finally,” I said as I looked at the comfortable leather chair, mahogany desk, and elegant filing cabinets rather than second-hand garbage. Most importantly, a new bar that displayed my favorite bourbon and scotch brands. 

The perfect working environment. 

I took my seat before I took a glance under the desk, a nice nook, covered with a thick, yet easy-to-clean carpet. It was not one of my requests. It was likely Brenda’s idea, making it comfortable for all the times she would spend time on her knees. 

Even I had to do paperwork, so I turned on my computer and started handling some of the critical paperwork based on the results of my surprise trip. 

Until I was interrupted an hour later. “Come in,” I called. 

“S-sir, may I come in,” Charlie said as he opened the door. Behind him, I could see Umi, dressed in the classical yet sexy secretary outfit we purchased together. Mid-thigh skirt, stockings, white blouse. Though, it was a pity she didn’t wear a garter belt, and her top was buttoned completely. 

“Yes, come in,” I said. I was tempted to shout at him about asking pointless questions, but that would make Umi — who was clearly unaware of the little eavesdropping accident earlier, or would have looked more nervous — feel like I was targeting him unfairly. Combined with her guilt about cheating on him, it would have backfired badly.  

I had a better punishment in mind. 

Charlie walked inside, his nervous energy dissipating somewhat when I didn’t show any sign of anger. “W-we’re here for the interview, sir,” he said, still hesitant. 

“Good,” I said, ignoring my initial reflex of kicking him out. I couldn’t punish him if I kicked him out. Though, when he made a move to sit, I dissuaded him with a sharp shake of my head. 

He caught it. Umi was more focused on taking in the view of her new working place to notice that. “Sir, my fiancee had worked in several student clubs and —” he started, only to fall silent once I raised my hand. 

“Stop, let her talk,” I ordered. Which was already an absurd start, wondering whether he was trying to sabotage the interview, or was just that shy. Not that it mattered. 

“Yes, sir,” Umi said, who, at this point, was familiar enough with me for her natural shyness not to be a problem. She quickly rattled through several useless club activities that she had taken part in during college.  

“Sounds sufficient,” I said, then, just as Charlie was looking away, I caught her gaze with a demanding smirk, making her blush. “Of course, I need my secretary to look sexy enough to keep my mood positive. Get rid of a few buttons,” I said. 

A rather forward and clumsy request, which surprised both of them. Umi because she was very much aware that such a request was unnecessary and I was very familiar with the treasure hidden under her blouse, Charlie because he didn’t expect me to take revenge this openly. 

In actuality, the real punishment was what was about to follow. Umi naturally turned to her fiancee,  waiting for him to argue against such a ham-fisted method. Yet, Charlie froze, every second further lowering her respect for him. 

“Really,” she whispered, shocked. Ironically, she wouldn’t have reacted that obviously if she hadn’t already cheated on him. The human mind was a wonder when it came to finding excuses, and 

Charlie nodded even if his face started to lose color, realizing the absurdity of the situation. 

“Well, if my fiancee thinks it’s okay,” she said. She wasn’t particularly loud or cutting, just a little edge in her tone, but, considering her usual demure attitude, that counted as shouting in shock. 

Charlie clearly realized that as well, regret clear in his face. Maybe, if he was stronger, he would have chosen to ask her to stop and apologize. Yet, resignation soon followed his regret. At this point, I could see his thoughts like he actually spoke them out loud. Since he had already committed to it, he wanted to finish properly. 

“Better,” I said when she unbuttoned three from the top, enjoying the resulting cleavage, deep enough to show the edge of her bra. 

“Not yet, sir,” Umi suddenly said, surprising me by grabbing her skirt. She pulled it up a couple inches, turning an ordinary short skirt into a daring one, just one misstep to turn it into a true scandal. 


“I like the way you think,” I said before turning to Charlie. “Actually you explained better. Why don’t you continue explaining just how well Umi will fit in here,” I said. 

“I …” he started before his voice faded momentarily, unable to come up with anything to say, finally realizing that letting Umi be my secretary wasn’t as smart as his immediate superior had suggested, yet feeling helpless to change it. 

Umi’s respect for him dwindled in real-time as she watched him wallow in silence for a while before he took a deep breath, and started droning about the various activities she had been responsible for as a college student. 

“Umi, can you take this document and file it in the second drawer,” I said. 

Charlie continued the explanation as Umi walked toward me, only stopping for a moment when I grabbed the file, but rather than pushing it forward, I pulled it back, making Umi lean forward to grab it, which gave me an excellent view of her cleavage. 

Taking a hidden glimpse into a beautiful show like that was a subtle art, but this time, I deliberately exaggerated my gaze, enjoying the show. Umi smirked in satisfaction, while Charlie’s face lost even more color. 

Yet, he continued to drone when Umi grabbed the file and walked toward the cabinet, her hips swinging exaggeratedly, her shortened skirt revealing her alluring legs in the process. 

“It’s rude to look,” I warned Charlie, who found himself looking away even as Umi bent forward to reach cabinet two, which was low enough that she had to either kneel … or bend forward, and give a nice show in the process.

She chose the latter, lingering for a time, while I intimidated her fiancee from enjoying it. It was mean enough to count as bullying, but he should have thought about that before mocking me. 

“Excellent work, Umi. You got the job,” I said. “Now, go find Brenda so she can give you a tour of the building,” I said. 

“Thank you for the opportunity, sir,” she said, and after throwing a disdainful glare at her fiancee, she walked away. I didn’t comment when she fixed her skirt and buttoned her blouse again. Her show was not for the whole company. 

She left, leaving her shocked fiancee alone. “Now, I hope you learned your lesson,” I warned. 

“Yes, sir. I’ll not gossip again,” he said and left. The relief in his tone was clear, making it obvious that he believed the events to be a one-off to punish him. 

A very poor observer. 


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