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Erin was panting as she had just run a half-marathon as she retreated back to the showers, unable to believe the risk she had just taken by peeking at a potential investor. If caught, her whole plan of finding an external investor would have been ruined. 

Especially since there was no arguing about what she was doing there with her top pulled down while she fingered herself. 

She needed to get laid, if this was her reaction to seeing something even remotely sexy — well, very sexy. “Let’s get rid of this first,” she murmured even as she got rid of her exercise clothes, leaving her body free to be played. She wanted to get laid, but that was for the future. For now, she needed to handle that problem herself. 

“Now, let’s start,” she said, speaking to herself as she positioned herself in front of the mirror, enjoying the benefits of her facilities now that she had only one customer, who was busy with her task. 

 “Yes, let’s start,” a voice different than hers answered, making her freeze in shock even before she caught the reflection of her visitor. Darion. 

“W-what are you doing here,” she gasped. “And, why are you not wearing any pants. Go use the other bathroom.” 

“Nonsense. I’m here, because you invited me here,” he said. 

“I did not!” she said. 

“Really. So you were just peeking at us,” he said, making an affronted gasp. 

It was clearly fake, but she didn’t care about that when confronted by an important piece of information. She had been caught. “I don’t know what—“ she started. 

“Well, I can always ask Fatima to see if she saw you,” he said, his smirk wide. 

“C-come on. I'm sure that’s not necessary<” she begged. 

“As long as you admit that you have been peeking at us. I don’t like to be treated as a liar,” he said, his smirk making it a mocking delivery.  

“Well, if you insist,” she whispered. “I have been peeking at you. Sorry for lying about it.” 

“Good, was that so hard,” he said. “Now, you can go and enjoy your shower while I go and attend my lover,” he said. 

Erin froze at the declaration. Once he had entered the room, she felt she was sure how things would have ended. He would threaten to tell Fatima about her peeking, she would beg him not to tell, he would offer it for a price … which she would reluctantly pay. 

The fact that he looked ready to leave didn’t fit with that story, and while Erin wanted to send him away, what he was displaying was too attractive to act prideful.

God, it had been too long since she got laid. 

“Well, I still deserve a punishment for intruding on the privacy of my customer,” she said, frowning. “You know what. How about I give you a show just like you had given to me, and we call it even,” she said. 

“Oh, really,” he said with a chuckle. 

Erin didn’t appreciate the chuckle. It felt like he was calling her a liar — which would be true, but she didn’t appreciate it nonetheless. Instead, she took a step forward, doing her best to display her body in the best way possible. 

“Oh, someone dropped a soap,” she said, which was a lie as the floor was pristine. More importantly, even if there was, there was no reason for her to bend forward to grab it. Far more direct than she would have liked … but she was too aroused to act subtly. 

She hoped that, in his passion, she would bait him successfully. After all, she loved her ass. It was her best feature, one part of her that was sculpted to perfection by her professional career. 

Then, she smirked as she heard the footsteps getting closer, strong, confident, yet hurrying. 


“I see that you want to get a better view—“ she started, only to gasp in shock when she heard another set of footsteps, ones that sounded fat more gentler. So much that, she didn’t even make a comment about impatience when he pushed her into the shower by grabbing her ass, and pressing her against the wall. 

She bit her lips. Feeling his naked body — where it mattered — tempted her, but she pulled back to stand in front of him, hoping to cover him somewhat. 

“Hey Erin, have you seen Darion,” Fatima asked as she entered. Thankfully, the wall blocked her view, and Erin pulled the curtain to hide her body. “Oh, it’s not like you to pull the curtains. Are you feeling shy?” 

Erin opened her mouth, about to give a rebuttal. She didn’t like being teased by a woman as shy as Fatima … but the fact that her boyfriend was behind her, busy pressing his cock against her ass made it difficult. 

“Well, I decided to listen to your complaints,” she answered instead. 

“It sounds like admitting defeat,” Fatima teased her, which felt uncharacteristic, but Erin assumed it was the euphoria of being fucked hard. 

“W-well, maybe,” Erin answered. It wasn’t her preferred answer, but when Darion suddenly started playing with her tits, she found it difficult to argue properly. Instead, she bit her lips, trying to hold back her moans as Darion squeezed her breasts, trying to control her voice. 

A struggle she failed, and a gasp escaped her mouth. 

“Something wrong?” she asked. 

“No, not at all,” Erin answered panickedly. “I just hit my toe.” 

“You need to be more careful. You don’t want to injure yourself.” 

“Don’t worry about it,” Erin said, suddenly feeling annoyed at her superior tone, like Fatima wasn’t the scared little woman that was scandalized by everything. Just a little cock — well, not that little — and suddenly, she was missing chatty. 

Erin was annoyed enough that when Darion grabbed her waist and lifted her, she said nothing, just obeyed. “You’re supposed to be a professional, show me your flexibility,” he whispered. A little loud, Erin thought, but since Fatima didn’t start shouting about her being a whore, Erin assumed it went unnoticed.

Which made her feel far more aroused. 

Darion easily lifted her, licking her pussy while she took his cock from the reverse. It wasn’t like Fatima would interrupt, right—

“Wow, flexible indeed,” Fatima said just as she pulled the curtain open. 

Erin froze, realizing that she might have misread the situation terribly.

But it was too late.



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