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As much as I wanted to tease Dorothy about her decision, I limited myself to kissing her while she slowly sank down my length, her wetness wrapping around me tightly. She was almost as tight as Umi, which was an incredible achievement. 

She grabbed my hair once again, this time even more painfully, trying to convince herself that she was in control — likely subconsciously. I let that slide for the first few moments, ignoring the desire to dominate that rose in me. 

Her grip on my hair wasn’t the only tight thing I was dealing with. She pushed herself down, her tightness getting more and more unbearable as she sank deeper. 

Then, she hit the halfway mark, and I felt a switch flick. 

Normally, I had better self-control, but after all that teasing, I reached my limit. I shifted my grip to her hips. 

And thrust. 

She pulled back from the kiss, letting out a beautiful, deafening moan that made me glad that the room was properly insulated. I stared into her eyes, enjoying her shock even as I began to move faster and faster, no longer passive. 

For all her faults, she was not stupid, and realized any control she might have had until this point was gone — but too trusting to realize that it was an illusion in the first place. However, the shock she might have felt about that was quickly doused by pleasure, leaving her panting and moaning. 

With no desire to ignore my domination instincts anymore, I grab her hair, responding in kind, pulling her down painfully as I skewered her. Her eyes widened in pleasure as she forgot to speak, enjoying the fact that she made no move to push me away … or even slow down, showing that I wasn’t the only one feeling the strain of the extended foreplay. 

I groaned as the gorgeous rich heiress bounced on my lap. I was honest enough about my preferences to know that her status only made it more pleasurable, giving me a sense of domination that I didn’t enjoy for a long while. 

With every push, my shaft disappeared deeper into her.

I decided to make things fun. I stood up, easily lifting her while still staying inside, each push invading her body repeatedly until nothing but desire was left behind.  

I wanted to do even more.  

“So, boss. Are you enjoying the treatment?” I asked even as I climbed to the stage before letting her down. Her legs failed to carry her, and she grabbed the nearest thing. 

The pole. 

I used the opportunity to change the position, and moved behind her, invading her from behind. “We’re putting on an incredible show, right?” I commented casually, enjoying her whimper, which was the perfect mixture of shame and desire. 

She didn’t answer, but I had no problem with taking her silence as an affirmative answer. I grabbed her hips, lifting her until her feet didn’t touch the floor, leaving her to hang on. “W-what are you doing?” she asked, panicking.

“Making sure you can hold on to the pole just like you had been doing earlier,” I answered. “We can stop if you can’t handle it?” I added, confident that she wouldn’t take me on it. 

She did not. She stayed silent — well, discounting the moans — as I pushed back and forth, enjoying the moment. Filled with my meat, she started moaning even louder in turn, her hands grabbing on the pole hard enough for her knuckles to turn white. 

“Enjoying it, boss?” I asked, enjoying the way she tightened at the question, showing that she was doing her best to forget our power imbalance. Well, she should have thought about that before torturing me the whole night. 

She didn’t answer, but her feverishly enthusiastic cries were enough to make my cock throb inside her, making me enjoy the challenging pose fully. 

I kept her like that for a while, until her arms started to tremble, making it risky. “Let it go,” I ordered as I shifted my grip, and she let it go. 

This time, I didn’t bother moving her far away. Just put her on the ground, her hips raised while her chest was against the floor. I gave up on my primal instincts, pressing her even harder, testing the limits against the rough treatment. 

She didn’t complain, but I decided to stop pushing after that. No matter how much I enjoyed to dominate her, I knew that I couldn’t push to a point that she would blame me tomorrow. The power imbalance was a dangerous concept. 

She yelped as I limited myself to the basic — yet effective — move of fucking her hard and fast, her body clenching around my invasion to show it was the perfect strategy, even if I was doing it on the floor with more savagely than it was necessary. 

It was becoming exceedingly clear that, while she might have had sex before, it was the first proper fucking she was receiving. And, it was my ‘honor’ to give her everything she truly desired. 

I was a nice employee, after all. 

I didn’t pause even for a moment as I pumped her hard, she climaxed … and so did I, unable to resist the temptation to cum inside her despite the risks, not even bothering to mention it. Instead, I asked a question? 

“Do you want me to fuck you even harder, boss,” I asked. 

Her delirious moan was the only answer I needed. 


Four hours later, we were still fucking, with Dorothy dazed with pleasure. We were not in the strip club anymore, but at a limo, I asked the strip club to rent — which they had a selection already on call. Right now, we were on the tarmac of the private airport, looking at a jet. 

No wonder she was able to change her flight time so casually. 

We were naked on the back seat, with her clothing sprawled around the floor … except her underwear, which was hidden in my pocket as the bounty. 

I wanted a memento — particularly as a reminder if things collapsed like I feared they might.

Still, it was easy to ignore the risks when I had a busy beauty in front of me, with her legs wrapped around me, begging for more. “Harder, faster…” she moaned repeatedly. 

And, just like any good employee would, I gave it to her, enjoying her hapless cries, not bothering to hold myself back as I enjoyed her slick insides, her folds squeezing me desperately. 

“It must be nice not to be afraid of missing the plane,” I commented even as I reached and twisted her nipple. 

“It’s certainly a perk,” she answered, her tone dazed and exhausted. Understandable, considering we almost never stopped except for the logistical challenges. Yet, even as she answered, her hips continued to move, doing her best to milk me. 

That was a shocking change considering her earlier shyness. It was fascinating just how much change could happen in four hours — a very memorable four hours, but still, barely half a working day. 

I put my hands on her breasts, enjoying the way they filled my palms with some to spare, groping and squeezing, the pleasure enough to steal her all words, except one sentence. 

“Cum in me!” she ordered. 

“As you wish, boss,” I said mockingly, not even pausing a second before I exploded inside her, giving her another dose of love. 

The result was spectacular. She moaned in ecstasy once more as she tightened around me, her increasing wetness mixing with desire as I filled her completely, giving her another creampie. 

 Bringing the total to four, with two already dried on her tits. She never took the initiative to ask anything, just accepting anything in the heat of the moment, but quite a few things, she asked for seconds, showing it was her hesitation that was keeping her back. 

As she climaxed, she let out another throaty moan and wiggled against the seat, but no matter how much she wanted, she was clearly at the edge. “I think you need to go to your plane, boss,” I said. “You have a shower there, right?” 

“A bath, actually …” she commented, which was tempting for me. I almost asked whether she would be interested in continuing there, but I held that back. 

I had taken far than enough risk. With both of us getting too exhausted to continue having sex, getting locked in a plane meant talking … and I had no intention of pushing that, especially since she was planning to return to her family. 

No, I much prefer not to subject myself to that. I had already pushed my luck enough. 

Instead, I watched silently while she dressed and left … but not before one last kiss, which was surprisingly shy. 

I kept the car in place until her plane left, then pressed a button, signaling the driver to move. 

I barely bothered to put on my pants before I leaned back and took a well-earned nap… 


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