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A break was in order, I decided as I walked toward the impromptu bath, feeling refreshed even as I walked closer. The reason was easy to understand. Finally, under the wards that were strong enough to isolate our magic, she was able to use her magic.  

And, for a sorceress specialized in healing, little physical exhaustion was nothing. 

As I approached her, she was leaning against the side of the small pool she created, looking at the other side, her position inviting. I didn’t say anything as I slipped out of my own rags — the battle followed by a long swim ruined them thoroughly — and slipped into the bath. 

“Isn’t it rude to barge in my bath uninvited,” she said, though her husky tone certainly disagreed with the sentiment.  

“Oh, really. What’s the problem?” I asked, enjoying her teasing tone. 

“The bath is not big enough,” she said, which was objectively not true. There was a reason I called it a pool. A small one, but a pool nonetheless. 

“Isn’t it easy to solve,” I said as I wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her to my lap, my hand slipping down to grab her thighs as her ass wrapped around my naked — and ready-to-go —  shaft. “Here, now it’s big enough,” I said. 

“Oh, it certainly is,” she said, purring with excitement, far less shy than our first time, though I didn’t miss her victorious gaze toward sleeping Theodora, showing her uncharacteristic forwardness was fueled by her sense of competition. I couldn’t help but chuckle as I remembered how smug Theodora had been when Xia admitted she wasn’t strong enough to power the wards. The princess pushed herself hard to power all the wards by herself until she fell asleep…

Leaving the night to Xia. 

Naughty little minx. 

She leaned against my chest, further pressing her lithe body against my form so I could feel every inch of her curves. She might lack the endowment of some of my other lovers, but that didn’t mean her body didn’t have its own beauty. 

“Since you’re here, you can help wash my back,” she whispered as she slid forward. 

“Only your back?” I whispered. 

“Of course,” she answered, her tone even more smug, thinking that her little victory against Theodora extended to me. 

I could have swiftly taught her differently, but I decided a slow lesson was in order. “As you wish,” I said as I put my hands on her shoulders, slowly caressing and massaging. I stayed focused on her shoulders, gently rubbing and teasing as I massaged her. 

Soon, she started moaning as she tried to slide back, only for my hand to slip lower, preventing her from moving forward. “We need to maintain the appropriate distance so I can wash your back properly,” I whispered into her ear. “Unless, of course, you want to surrender.” 

“No, definitely not,” she declared, trying to stay committed to her little game, but her tone didn’t convey the confidence her words indicated. 

“And I respect your determination,” I said, though saying that seriously was even harder than controlling myself under the circumstances. I continued massaging her shoulders with one hand, the other around the small of her back, enjoying the way she squirmed in a way she thought to be discreet. 

Though, my slow teasing wasn’t to just teach her a lesson. It was also about controlling my instincts. With my magic out of control, so were my instincts, begging me to teach her a lesson now that she started teasing me. 

I needed to control my instincts better, and the situation I faced was an appropriate test. 

Unfortunately, I soon realized that it wasn’t as efficient, not with Xia’s almost immediate signs of surrender. I rubbed and massaged her back for barely two minutes before her whimpers joined, and five minutes before her whimpers turned a needy gasp. This time, when she pushed back, I didn’t make a comment or prevent her from moving closer. 

Even when she leaned against my chest too tightly for my hands to continue working on her back, ignoring my own body shouting for me to take her. I didn’t even continue with her front, but instead, I stopped. Even when she started rubbing her body against mine to tempt me. 

“Why did you stop?” she whispered. 

“Only following your explicit requests, miss sorceress,” I answered, enjoying her annoyed hiss. “So, unless you changed your mind—” I said, putting my tone perfectly. 

“No, I did not,” she said, her voice sharp as she did her best to contain her dissatisfaction, but prideful enough to follow along with her plan as I egged her. 

Well, in a way. She squirmed almost constantly, trying to disguise it as a way to settle down, but it was nowhere as subtle as she thought she was … especially with our nudity. Her innocence was cute. 

She wiggled, making me grow harder and harder. Not a problem under ordinary circumstances, but with my instincts going haywire, it was very difficult to resist. Yet, I resisted for the sake of my self-appointed mission. 

Which got harder once she started to abandon even a hint of control, and a growl escaped my mouth. That earned a chuckle as she realized I was having difficulty keeping myself back, changing her game completely. 

“What a comfortable seat,” she commented, proving that she noticed my self-appointed challenge, and the sultry, knowing smile she sent my way as she looked back certainly confirmed it further. 

With that, her attempts to keep it subtle disappeared, and she started moving in a purposeful way. Not particularly skilled, but that didn’t harm attractiveness anyway. She grinned up and down along my shaft, forcing me to grit my teeth. 

Holding myself back was far more difficult than I expected. A fog of desire started to descend over me, ordering me to push forward, but I refused it. I wasn’t going to be the first to surrender, and I certainly wasn’t going to surrender myself to foreign instinct. 

It got harder and harder to resist the urge to grab onto the beautiful, seductive woman on my lap to teach her a lesson, but I somehow succeeded. I resisted the invitation to grab her even as she rubbed desperately. 

“How much longer,” she chuckled as she continued, enjoying her sudden sense of power too much. I let her, even when she left my lap momentarily. When she sat down, she was looking directly at me, her tits rubbing against my chest while the warmth of her core unmistakable against the underside of my shaft.

She rubbed up and down, occasionally teasing the head of my shaft, but not taking the plunge despite her clear arousal. “It’s only fair if I give you a rub as well,” she said as her chest rubbed against mine. “

“Well, that’s true,” I said, though it left was a desperate growl. 

“Good,” she said. “Feel free to change things whenever it’s …” she said, letting it linger. I nodded, stiffer than I would have wanted. However, as much as my new instincts were pushing me, I refused them. 

I had no intention of surrendering before her. 

She didn’t give up, my growl not enough to warn her about her teasing antics. She continued to grind her body against mine, even taking things to another level. She leaned forward, and started kissing my neck and collarbones. Gently at first … but it soon turned into not-so-gentle bites that would have left a mark if it wasn’t for my immediate recovery. 

A soft moan left her lips when her legs trembled in an untimely manner, taking me inside before she corrected that mistake, her intense expression of pleasure beautiful. She looked at me worriedly, to see whether I would use it to call an end to our little game. 

I did not, no matter how much I wanted. 

She smiled, glad for it … at first. Soon, the pleasure from her mistake disappeared, leaving her aching for more, her face an open book. The kisses and bites got more desperate, and her fingernails pressed against my shoulders desperately. 

It was far harder to resist the desire after a proper taste. Admittedly, that was true for me as well, but her inexperience was far more detrimental than my new magical instincts, so I didn’t bother hiding my smirk when she had another ‘accident’ and slipped halfway to recreate the sensation. 

It didn’t work well enough to keep the desire at bay, so she another accident followed. … then another. A grunt or two escaped my lips, but it was nothing compared to her needy growls. It was a desperate dance,  her body rocking harder and harder against mine…

Until she finally lost her own battle with desires and sank even deeper. “Oops, another accident,” she whispered, using the same excuse … which would have worked better if she actually tried to lift herself back. Instead, she stayed in place, extending the joy of the moment. 

“I don’t think so, sweetie,” I said. “That was your loss.” 

“But —” she started, which I cut with a short yet searing kiss that left her breathless. 

“No,” I said as I grabbed her hips. “Now, it’s my turn.”  



There has to be more it wont end here surely my addiction will be meet right?