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She froze underneath me, trying to catch up with the sudden change. Her burning arousal left no doubt about her answer. “A-alright,” she muttered. “It’s only fair, right?” 

“Exactly, it’s only fair,” I said. She seemed to have forgotten I had just woken up from a very long coma in her desire, which, under different circumstances, might have been problematic, but was a boon in my case. 

The System for the win. 

Of course, once she stopped, she would realize I didn’t act like someone who had just woken up from a coma, but it was not a problem. Since I had no hope of hiding my powers since everyone that mattered already knew about it. 

And, not bothering to play the role had another underrated advantage. I had no doubt that, once someone really dug into my medical reports, they would eventually realize that they were fake. But, by acting vigorously, I would be giving the impression that I didn’t fear their discovery. 

Which, hopefully, would make them act even more cautious. 

I already had a plan to escape if that didn’t work. 

Then, the sexy nurse under me whimpered, pulling my attention back to the present. There was no point wasting my time revisiting the plans I had already committed, not when I had a sexy beauty wiggling under me, excited about the service she would receive. 

“So, let’s start,” I said even as I gently grabbed her chin, enjoying the way she trembled as I caressed her skin. And, suddenly, my own body was raging to go, as if to remind me, for years, I had not enjoyed the touch of a woman. For my consciousness, it was just a blink. 

But, it looked like my body had other ideas, begging me to just rip off her uniform and enjoy her body. That, I forcibly clamped on. No matter how much my body raged for it, I wanted to savor the moment. 

“W-where’s the sponge,” she whispered. 

“It looks like I had lost it,” I answered even as I dipped my finger into the water, and dragged down her neck, leaving a beautiful water drop on her collarbone, pushing down her uniform in the process. “You don’t mind if I find an alternative way, do you?” 

“Y-your fingers,” she stammered, her eyes wide with desire. She might have not expected the escalation, but that didn’t mean was unhappy about it. 

“Well, not just them,” I whispered even as I let my fingers slide to her side, then leaned down to kiss her collarbone, her shiver beautiful. As I did so, I could feel her Intent flowing back to me, stronger than I expected … even under the circumstances. 

I wondered if it was about the System upgrade, the changes in the world, or a combination. Then, she moaned, bringing me back to the moment. 

“Delicious,” I whispered as I climbed up to her neck along with a blush, enjoying her subtle shiver. At the same time, my fingers were not staying lazy. I dragged a  finger over her lips, cluing her about what might follow. A sexy but innocent move. 

My other hand was busy with things that were considerably less innocent. I had already slipped under her top, caressing her belly while moving forward steadily. 

She didn’t have any complaints. She opened her mouth, her expression making it clear that she wanted me to go faster. I didn’t even let her say that before complying, and started kissing her. She responded immediately, her mouth open, allowing me to access it. A considerate lover as always, I slipped my tongue, enjoying her response as she wiggled underneath. 

A few seconds into the kiss, her wiggling was already getting desperate. “Please,” she begged when I shifted to her neck, but I stayed teasing. 

Though, I was surprised by her grabbing her uniform, ready to pull it open. That would not do. I was still in control. “Naughty,” I said as I grabbed her wrists, pinning them to the side. 

“Please,” she whispered again. “I need it.” 

“You’re the patient now,” I said. “You have to listen to your sexy doctor,” I said, amused by a flash of annoyance that passed over her face the moment I mentioned being a doctor. Someone was not a fan of them. 

I chuckled and covered the awkwardness by leaning down, unbuttoning her uniform one by one … with my teeth. I could have grabbed her wrists with one hand and used my other hand, but this way was much more fun. And, my breath dancing over her growing cleavage was a good way to make her forget my earlier misstep. 

However, as her cleavage grew, my body was getting harder and harder to control. It might have been easier to control myself if, what I had seen the moment I parted her shirt was her bra, which was a boring functional piece perfect for a workday. 

Unfortunately, I had already removed that during my earlier ‘magic trick’, and as I slowly undressed her, what greeted me was the inviting pink of her areolas.

An invitation I failed to refuse as I delved down, capturing her nipple between my lips, earning a beautiful moan from her, one that tempted me to push even more. I desire that took all of my power to resist as I enjoyed her body. 

Just because I was horny didn’t mean I had to push aggressively, no matter what my partner desired for it either. She was surprisingly submissive, her every move begging for me to dominate her, increasing the difficulty of refusing my own desire even more. 

However, after three years, I was really afraid of letting loose, so I focused on slowly undressing her like a valuable present. Her moans, begging me to go faster, didn’t make it any easier to refuse the call. It took everything I had to keep back, and I had to kiss her whenever her moans got too much. 

Not exactly a huge sacrifice. 

Undressing her took ten minutes, each second delicious and torturous at the same time, her determined attitude to rub her body against mine not making it any easier. 

“It’s time for the main course,” I whispered. 

“Finally—” she gasped as her legs wrapped around my waist and pulled me inside. She had used that trick several times, but previous times, I refused. This time, I followed her pace, disappearing inside her sopping wetness. 

Under my invasion, she just moaned, her legs tight around my body. It was a tame pose, basic missionary, but there was nothing tame about my determined drilling, nor in her desperate moans. I kissed her again to silence her, preventing her moans from bringing half of the hospital to us. 

Though, it was a close call. After all that time, my body was burning with a desire I never had to deal with before, forcing me to focus fully on controlling my actions, avoiding the risk of injuring her with my strength.  

A mission that took all my focus even as I pushed into her steadily, giving her the orgasm she desperately needed. “That was amazing,” she murmured, the orgasm hitting her hard enough to turn her dazed. I was not in the mood to stop, so I grabbed some of the Intent she had been generating, stopped the System from absorbing it, transformed it into healing energy, and fed it back to her. “Now, the next turn,” she growled passionately. 

Too passionately, making me realize that the impact of my abilities was also empowered somewhat. It didn’t just work to dispel her sudden exhaustion, but worked as an adrenaline injection — without the terrible jolting sensation. 

“It’s my turn to ride,” she said, giddy as she flipped me and perched on my lap, rocking her hips, the sudden rush of energy making her forget her submissive tendencies. A surprising reaction, but as her hips started to rock back and forth with an impressive speed, I wasn’t exactly complaining. 

Instead, I crossed my hands on the back of my head, fixed the pillow, and enjoyed her desperate ride, her beautiful tits dancing with each push. Altogether, it was a fascinating dance as she did her best to reach her next orgasm.  

And, letting her control the pace let me focus on controlling my own reactions, letting pleasure infuse me without letting it drive me crazy. It was a difficult call, but my willpower was no joke either. 

She didn’t care about my stance as her hands landed on my chest, feeling my muscles. “Oh, my!” she gasped as she felt my chiseled muscles, once again enjoying their texture, this time with my heartbeat out of control.

Lost in pleasure, she had long forgotten the fact that I was supposed to be a coma patient. Maybe I would remind her … several hours later. 

I needed to compensate for a dry spell that lasted years. I doubted a night would be enough, but it was a start.  

I exploded in her.  


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