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“I need to go shopping. I want you to stay here in your costume, and be ready to take my calls, while you dig that tunnel I asked of you, alright?” I asked. “And, don’t throw the dirt until we can find a way to get rid of it, alright?” 

I only received a muffled response, no words, which might have been annoying, if the reason wasn’t the way her lips wrapped around my girth, giving me a beautiful morning blowjob in the shower. 

It was already morning, and after a nice sleep, I was rested. So was my power, ready to face the new day. 

I said nothing else as I let her finish her task, enjoying the warm water dancing over my body, trying — and failing — to compile my shopping list. Only after I exploded into her mouth, and left her alone in the shower after a gentle kiss to her temple I gathered enough of my mental faculties to do so. 

The first objective was the renovation, but I wanted to hide it as long as possible, meaning the tunnel needed to be completed before we could start that part. 

The second objective was the temporary security devices of better quality, which I needed to visit various shops to purchase directly while leaving Tara behind, using the cameras to keep observing the area. But, for that, I could visit later. 

The last, and the most important, objective was the message I had just received. Thanks to my power, I knew that whoever wrote the message believed the truth of the situation … but that didn’t mean that it was actually the truth. It might just be the ploy of a villain to trigger someone to target the guild. 

And, even if that was the truth — while I didn’t expect the guilds to actually kidnap and imprison people, I didn’t trust them enough to categorically reject it — that didn’t mean there was only one message. She might have dropped several such messages. 

And, some of them might have been intercepted by the guild, meaning that the so-called stash might be already emptied. 

Or worse, under observation. 

I had no intention of visiting that particular junkyard to poke around a potential trap. I had enough problems already. 

However, there was one important problem. I couldn’t say the same for the guild headquarters itself. Oh, I wanted to do so, intensely, but after somehow introducing myself as a trusted agent of a mysterious villain, I couldn’t just assume I would always fly out of their control. 

No, I needed to at least get a glimpse of the place from a distance, to see if my power could provide me with some kind of advantage. 

Then, I left the bar, realizing I needed to make one more purchase, a vehicle. I went and used a bus, acting like I didn’t notice several people that were following me, some amateur, some with a decent amount of skill … one even using a distant drone. 

None was able to avoid my attention. I let them follow me as I went and purchased a bike, a racing one with a decent engine. It was a conscious choice, and, ironically, more secure for my circumstances. An accident was riskier on a bike, but a bike was far more responsive to adjustments than a car. 

It worked better with my power. With that, I drove downtown, going around and handling the other shopping requirements — while also making sure to check the security cameras around the bar constantly so as not to let Tara down. 

The purchase of security equipment and other necessities went quickly, especially since they were not the real set of equipment, but a temporary set. 

No harm in adding some extra security, especially since I wasn’t hurting for money and could easily repurpose the equipment. I didn’t bother hiding those purchases, and acted like I didn’t notice the presence of all but most incompetent tails. 

Yet, even when I noticed them, I deliberately acted fearless, as if I was daring them to act. It seemed to be enough to keep them scared. 

I hoped it would be the status as usual. 

I just didn’t believe it. 

When I arrived back at the bar, Tara was in the corridor, patting herself down to clean her hero costume — which she wore to make sure she would be ready for an incursion — to greet me. From her expression, it was clear that she had good news for me. 

“How’s the tunnel going?” I asked instead of directly inquiring about it, not wanting to ruin her enthusiasm. It would have been a jerk move, especially against someone as naive and eager as her.

“I made great progress, sir,” she said, her smile bigger than I had ever seen outside the bedroom — well, any sexual situation, really. 

“Really, show me,” I said as I followed her. First, the location of the tunnel was nice. Hidden at the back of my office, behind a bulky wardrobe. The tunnel itself was both large and well-designed, even with some handles for me to grab. 

And, after I climbed down, I found a basement, one that wasn’t supposed to be in place according to the plans. “Oh, interesting,” I said as I looked around. The walls looked strong as well, but there were no doors. The original owner probably designed it as a personal shelter — a reasonable precaution — but covered it up while selling as it wasn’t in the original plans. 

Digging underneath a building without official permission and creating the risk of a collapse probably had more fines attached to it than the building was worth at this point, so, altogether, a smart idea. 

Also, while the basement was nothing more than empty concrete walls — except the small pile of fresh dirt and rubble, and another tunnel, this time moving straight out —it was clean. Too clean, like an industrial operation had just gone through. 

Super cleaning for the win. 

Yet, as I watched her expression, I could see that this was not her surprise. Interesting. “Lead the way,” I ordered. She went into the tunnel, a flashlight in hand as she moved deeper into the tunnel. Thirty meters, and a slight slope downward, we met another concrete wall. 

Much thicker. 

“It looks like some kind of sever, sir. I didn’t breach it, but we could use it to move around safely.” 

“And you waited to see to return before breaching?” I asked. She nodded, though a slight hesitance entered to her expression as she didn’t realize whether I was praising or giving her problems. “Good girl,” I said, and her smile was back, even bigger. 

I certainly didn’t want to punish her for being cautious. That was how bad habits developed. 

“Good, dig around a bit more, and let’s see if we have a way to peek into what was going on without breaching. 

She grabbed a large metal sheet that she had been using as a shovel — which looked unwieldy but worked excellently with her strength, allowing her to move almost fifty pounds of dirt with every swipe … which would take at least an hour for an experienced worker without modern machinery. 

I found what I had been looking for after ten meters, a large crack, enough to give us a view of what was going on. 

Her assumption was correct. It was sever, but the lack of water — and thankfully smell — suggested that it hadn’t been used for a long time. However, when I peered inside, I saw a soft artificial light rather than the expected darkness. 

Meaning, we weren’t the only ones to discover. “Don’t make any noise,” I said as I put one of the new cameras to the crack and covered it, over with a thin layer of dirt, enough to cut the light, extending the wire. 

I was glad that it was wired, as wireless cameras were much easier to detect, especially underground, where there was supposed to be no signal. “Good girl, you earned a reward for tonight,” I said, which made her smile like I promised her a car. 

However, rather than taking that into place, I stayed underground, directing her to create another tunnel that ran in the opposite direction, one that led to another abandoned building — my power allowing me to measure and track our exact locations so I wouldn’t just appear in the middle of a street. 

Even better, it had a basement, but not a hidden one, but with actual stairs. 

“Try to pull that pile closer, and spread out a bit of rubble here…” I said, ordering Tara around as she moved a lot of items to make sure the exit was concealed, piling most of the dirt to the basement in a dedicated pattern shoo that, unless someone was trying their best

Then, I set up another camera, this time wireless, to make sure I could watch the main entrance. 

And, just like that, we had a little secret entrance that could be used to move around secretly. “Excellent work, my beautiful,” I said as I kissed her on the lips, ignoring the dust that covered her skin. Even with powers, construction was not clean work. 

I went back to my room, and a quick shower later, I was looking for my wardrobe, trying to come up with a disguise that would keep me hidden. 

I had no intention of letting the villains notice I was observing the strongest guild of the city. That felt like a recipe for disaster.


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