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While Dorothy did her best to act like a sleazy boss doing her best to molest her employees, Destiny decided that being neglected was not acceptable. “No need to make a girl feel neglected,” she said as she pulled me into her bosom once more. 

An amazing hug, one that I considered riding until the song ended, giving Dorothy a chance to feel shy once more. I was sure that she had been encouraged by her success of getting me alone — well, discounting Destiny, but it was far easier to ignore a professional naked dancer — and I wanted her to give me a chance to calm down. 

Maybe even reawaken her shyness in the process. I brought my hand along Destiny’s side, one that she ignored as a casual touch for a moment. Maybe even cowardly, considering her state of nudity, but whatever she thought, it didn’t last for long. 

It was the benefit of having an escort as a great friend — along with all the benefits she gave in a professional role. Elena had taught me a lot about how the perception of the professionals differed when it came to bodily pleasure. The more obvious locations had always been overstimulated, at the cost of neglecting some abandoned spots. 

So, while Destiny continued to keep my head in her bosom while she gave me a very dedicated lap dance,  my fingers danced across her back and sides, occasionally dipping down to her thighs, exploring the undiscovered secrets of her body. 

And, before the song even reached the end, the nature of Destiny’s lap dance changed. Her steady, practiced movements started to fade, replaced by what could be defined as more of a squirming. She finally let me pull my head from her bosom, and caught my gaze with her shocked eyes. 

“You’re not as shy as the little girl thinks, aren’t you,” she said as she leaned to my ear. 

I pulled back, giving her a confident smirk even as I dragged my hand along her back, earning a suppressed moan. I had to admit, as I saw the hint of panic — not fear, just the panic of losing control where she had to be the one on the lead — on Destiny’s eyes to match her growing wetness, I felt satisfied. 

As much as I appreciated the irony of being chased in a dubious power balance situation — and Dorothy was far from being unpleasant to the eye — I didn’t enjoy the sense of powerlessness even a bit. With Destiny busy controlling her reaction, she wouldn’t be able to play the distraction, and hopefully, I would be able to handle the night without any further incidents — 

My thoughts were interrupted by the distinct sound of cloth hitting the floor, one that was somehow noticeable despite the music filling the room. 

Mostly because it felt far more substantial than anything a stripper would be wearing. 

Even without looking, I knew exactly what hit the floor, along with my hopes of keeping the night safe and sanitized. 

I said nothing as I turned toward the private stage, my fingers still dancing on Destiny’s body to tease her — a possible career crisis was not enough to stop me — while took in the view. 

Dorothy was currently holding the pole, leaning to the side as she took a glimpse of her body, blushing badly.  Understandable, as she was wearing something rather fascinating under her outfit. A set of red underwear, one that was too thin and lacy to be actually worn casually. 

She was definitely looking for an adventure. The bra was mostly transparent, with just a line to cover her nipples in a failed attempt to look tasteful. Her panties would have been more tasteful, but unfortunately, it had been ruined by the other aspects. 

Such as, the wetness of her panties.

She wasn’t much of a dancer, I thought as I watched her do her best to move wearing her heels, but she didn’t need to be. Her clumsiness, when combined with her busty body, was just enough to speak to the wolf within. 

I was tempted to push Destiny off my lap, go to the stage, and show Miss Rich Girl what happened to the amateurs who entered the sector unprepared when they met their first wolf, but I still cared too much about my career to not worry about the aftermath and the consequences that would follow me. 

However, it was a close call. As Dorothy looked at the mirror, still trying to process her own ‘courage’ I turned my attention on Destiny, watching her dance. 

“She doesn’t really know what she’s trying to do, does she?” Destiny muttered, one that was interrupted by a moan as I tightened my hold on her inner thigh. 

“No idea at all. She’s lucky that she’s the daughter of the big boss,” I said, not really bothering to go into detail. As I focused on Destiny’s breasts once more, the shoe didn’t either. At this point, there was no stopping halfway, and I could only hope that Dorothy would lose her courage before I ‘saw’ her. 

I stayed focused on Destiny, trying to avoid accidental eye contact … but when I felt a hand on my leg once again, I realized it was in vain. Inevitably, I had to turn my gaze, and saw Dorothy leaning over us, the angle giving a perfect view of her breasts, her hands on her hips to highlight her other beautiful features. 

She flushed as I caught her gaze, but instead of retreating as I hoped, she stood straight and started swaying with the music, ironically, her inaptitude under the circumstances made her even more desirable to my —  admittedly warped — preferences. 

It took all of my willpower, and the constant repeating of the consequences, to avoid pushing Destiny off my lap and focus on Dorothy. It wasn’t that Destiny was some undesirable ugly duckling, but ultimately, she was a professional. There was no thrill in seducing her, just the joys of the physical aspects. 

As Dorothy turned her back and bent over, the view promised so much more than the physical release. Her alluring ass danced, begging for my attention — and more — while Destiny moaned under my fingers. 

When she stood up, she walked away without looking at me, hurriedly. I didn’t let myself hope that it was her limit, which turned out to be the case. She stopped by the drinks table, and poured herself a large drink from one of the premade cocktail bottles. 

One that would have been enough to make me worry about her blacking out if the drinks had any alcohol in them. 

Yet, as I watched her drain the glass, her eyes brightening as she did so, it finally clicked me what I missed. By not allowing any alcohol in the mix, I tried to keep her from getting too wild … but looking at her underwear choice, I could see that it was a mistake. 

She had already made that decision, and required just a bit of help to push for more. One that she could easily take from the placebo effect as well. 

I should have just let her drink herself to unconsciousness while Natalie was still here. But, there was no changing it. 

Instead, I watched as she poured the last bit of drink on herself, just enough to wet her cleavage. “Oops,” she gasped, loud enough to be heard by anyone despite the music. “I had a little accident.” 

She used a towel to clean it up, using it to give me a few glimpses of her erect nipples, though I made sure to be looking at Destiny whenever she tried to check. She frowned when her ‘trick’ failed, but she only chose to push her luck further. 

She sauntered toward me despite her growing flush, and stood next to me. She made a gesture to Destiny, who started unbuttoning my shirt. I let her, aware that any hope of somehow containing the night was gone. Of course, allowing a customer to undress would have been risky … but there were some benefits to having a private room. 

I didn’t say anything, just raised my hands and allowed Destiny to remove my shirt. Dorothy gasped as she finally got a sight of my muscles. 

I wasn’t half-bad for a man in his late forties. 

 “S-so, Nathan,” Dorothy said, trying to sound casual even as her eyes were locked on my chest, showing just how much she enjoyed the view. “Maybe you should let me have a turn with Destiny. It’s not nice for you to hog her all night.” 

I was willing to bet everything that she was trying to replicate a scene from a movie. The line felt too practiced and unnatural. 

Destiny, who long realized who was in control, asked for my permission to stand up. I nodded even as I reached to my pocket and subtly slipped several bills to her hand, before subtly gesturing toward the door. 

Enough playing. 

As Destiny stood up, Dorothy made a move to sit down; right next to me once again despite all the empty spots, clearly planning to use it as another step in her plan. 

I decided it was not needed, grabbed her waist, and pulled her onto my lap instead. The way her eyes widened was beautiful. “Well, boss, how about if we try a different combination?” 


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