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Our journey back was silent. Whenever I looked at her, Nicole blushed furiously, almost as bad as after our first photoshoot. However, since I didn’t see any sign of anger — and shockingly, jealousy either — I didn’t say anything, letting her process what she had just seen. 

“I …. I will go take a shower,” she said, blushing as she did so. 

“Good, have fun,” I said, which didn’t help her blush any as she run away like a gazelle, the dance of her ass tempting me to follow her. 

Unfortunately, I had a lot of shopping to do. New cameras, proper lights, screens, props, some minimal furniture … all just to furnish one of the many rooms, which would give me the operation I would require. Our account was still going viral, with people clamoring for more and more. 

I had a lot of work to make sure everything was going alright. 

However, when my phone buzzed with a message, I decided I could afford to rest for an hour. It was from Carol, asking me to pick up the papers from her home. 

It would be rude to leave her waiting after awakening her arousal in such a memorable manner. And, as a bonus, she was on the way to the store where I would pick some of the props, so I could multitask. 

After a message that confirmed I would be there in half an hour, I drove there directly, ignoring the temptation to go and check on Nicole. I had a feeling that, if I did so, it would take quite a while for me to leave. 

However, as I arrived at my destination, I was glad that I had yet to buy my new camera. It was not the safest place to leave a top-of-the-line device around. I still had my old one with me, of course. This time, I wanted to take a few photos of Carol. 

The ones that Nicole took … let’s just say she wasn’t a natural photographer like the way she turned out to be a natural model, and Carol deserved to have better photos, even if it was just for my private collection. 

I rang the doorbell based on the address she texted me. The light from the peephole went off for a moment, suggesting someone looked through, but the door stayed shut. “Carol, can you open the door?” an unfamiliar woman shouted. 

The roommate, I guessed. 

“Can’t you do it, Amy? I’m busy,” Carol shouted back, their apartment not particularly well-isolated. 

“Playing with yourself doesn’t count,” Amy answered, not particularly loud, but still clear. 

“S-shut up, I’m not,” Carol answered, her panic suggesting she was aware of just how thin their walls were. “Who is it?” she asked. 

“I don’t know,” Amy said, which gave me a reason to tease Carol a bit. Apparently, she didn’t tell her roommate the good news, that she found her a job. 

Carol grumbled something that I couldn’t hear as she stomped toward the door. When she opened the door, I noticed two things. First, the extremely expensive silk dressing gown contrasted greatly with her cheap pink slippers. 

Second, the abject expression of shock on her face. “S-Stephen, what are you doing here?” she stammered, blushing. In her shock, she didn’t notice, but I heard the roommate chuckling from the other room, which gave me an idea about exactly what had happened. 

“Well, I’m here because you sent a message asking me to pick up the paperwork,” I said, deliberately acting confused as well, letting the roommate have her victory. Considering she was going to do a lot of work for me — assuming her work was satisfactory — there was no harm in keeping her happy. 

Carol looked confused, but she still took a step to the side, inviting me. “I didn’t…” she started, but I raised my phone and showed it to her. She read texts in confusion, then checked the time. Then, she looked at the corner of the room, where there was a charger but no phone. 

“Amy!” she suddenly shouted. “Where’s my phone!”

“You must have forgotten it in the kitchen,” Amy shouted back and stepped into the room. 

The first thing I noticed was her hair, bright pink and long, with sides shaven, giving her a punk aura. I would have said she looked like a wannabe, but even without any piercing, her stance was tough enough to handle it. 

Of course, both tough and a contractor, one might assume she looked masculine. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. Despite her tough aura, she had one of the rare auras that oozed sexiness, her curves helping immensely. 

Though, the fact that she was just wearing panties and a tank top didn’t hurt. 

Carol dashed toward her to rip off her phone. She grabbed it, trying to pull it, but Amy didn’t give, smiling even wider as she did so. 

However, as she kept Carol’s phone despite her insistence, another interesting thing happened. A small blush appeared on her face, one that immediately ruined her tough aura. It was subtle, but my gaze was too sharp to miss it. 

I even raised my camera to take a few quick photos before they noticed. 

Carol finally pulled it off and checked her messages. “I knew it,” Carol growled. “Why did you send it?” 

“Well, I wanted to meet with the man who finally popped your cherry hard enough that you were barely able to walk back into the apartment,” Amy answered. Her tone sounded casual, but after her subtle blush, I knew exactly what to look for, and could hear her longing, mixed with just the softest jealousy. 

An interesting twist. 

“I wasn’t a virgin,” Carol complained, but her blush grew immediately. 

“Well, you might as well be considering just how long it had been since you let yourself have some fun with all the bankruptcy stuff,” Amy said, unaware that she finally gave me the clue I had been looking for about Carol’s presence in the middle of the nowhere. 

Neither realized they just revealed another clue to me even as Carol leaned forward and they started whispering. 

I raised my camera, stealing another photo of Carol’s blushing face even as I continued examining Amy, trying to understand exactly what was driving her. 

Important, considering there was a likelihood that we would be working together. However, as I watched Carol whispering angrily while Amy reacted sheepishly, I could see that Amy had a one-sided crush on Carol, but she didn’t act on that. 

I didn’t think it had anything to do with Carol’s orientation — which was obvious considering I had seen the way Carol looked at Nicole during their competition. Her possible attraction to Amy could be a problem, as she didn’t seem to register her mostly-revealed tits despite their closeness, but it might just be about friend-zoning her. 

I caught a clue after I saw Amy’s gaze landing on Carol’s robe with a sudden distaste when Carol was not looking. It was a mixture of longing and frustration. 

Bingo, I thought as I combined it with Carol’s passionate attitude toward work and her past. Carol was clearly working hard to get rich again … and either Amy didn’t share that drive, or she believed Carol was only hanging around with her because of her destitute status, and would put some distance once she got rich once again. 

This might as well be true, as even with my ability to read them, my exposure to them was limited. I could have stayed at the edge, watching them even more to learn … but where was the fun in that. 

Especially when I could teach Amy about the risks of playing games. 

I walked toward them, and hugged Carol from behind. “So, now that the mystery of my arrival is solved, do you want to introduce us properly,” I said. 

“Y-yes,” Carol stammered, remembering that she had a guest even if she wasn’t the one that called. “Stephen, this is Amy, the pain in my ass.” 

“Damn. I was hoping I would be the one,” I whispered in her ear, just loud enough for Amy to hear while Carol blushed. 

“You’re so bad,” Carol said, scandalized as she slapped my chest, missing Amy’s intense jealous gaze, mixed with surprise. Clearly, when she called me, she expected something more subdued. Maybe Carol didn’t mention her latest realization, or maybe it was Amy’s own misguided expectations. 

“Well, not bad as your roommate,” I said as smiled at Amy before I whispered into Carol’s ear, this time making sure Amy couldn’t hear. “Now, do you want to make her pay for playing with your phone?” I whispered. 

Carol turned to to look at me, smart enough to be suspicious of my offer. Unfortunately, her body was quick to betray her, the memories of her orgasm easily distorting her thoughts as my fingers slipped inside her robe, pushing it open, revealing she only had her underwear under it. 

Sexy, but mismatching. “Oh, did I arrive just as you were trying to pick up your clothes before you called see,” I whispered again, once again louder to make her roommate jealous. I couldn’t help it. The anger looked good on her with her punk attire. 

“S-shut up,” Carol said, trying to sound threatening as I dragged her toward her bedroom … only to freeze when we passed it and sat on the couch. She looked at me questioningly. 

“It would be rude not to give your roommate a show after she went all the trouble of inviting me,” I declared. Carol blushed. 

And Amy froze, her expression split between outrage and desire. Pity I couldn’t take a photo with my hands filled with Carol. 


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