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Twenty minutes … It was not exactly a long time for most of the circumstances, but the women who dragged me all around the warehouse no doubt didn’t count our current case as a part of that statement. 

Understandable, considering Carol was still half-naked as she gave ever-revealing poses that pushed her personal sense of shame to the limit and more, wearing just her blazer and her panties, while Nicole had to fight against her jealousy even as she did her best to take an endless chain of photos. 

I was the only one who was enjoying the situation, the amusement of the situation mixing with the erotic pleasure from Carol’s touch as she slowly escalated the erotic nature of the poses. And, escalate, she did. Kisses to the neck, various naughty touches, rubbing my bulge both with her hand and her hips… 

All the while, Nicole took photo after photo, parroting the lines she remembered from our sessions, half of it wildly inaccurate. Luckily, even if she showed occasional signs of suspicion, Carol didn’t know enough about modeling to call Nicole on about it. 

A beautiful dance, one chained by her submissiveness, the other by pride. Still, I expected the situation to end with a whimper. With both girls already reaching their limit, I wasn’t willing to push them too much. 

But then, Nicole suddenly decided to counter-attack. “I think we can stop,” she said, doing her best to hide the defeat in her tone, but failing. Even Carol caught it. 

“Oh, really,” Carol answered. It was all she said, but her smirk said much more. 

A mistake on her part, as that smirk suddenly triggered something in Nicole. “Yeah, it’s clear that you can’t handle anything more … interesting. I don’t have time to waste with a spoiled amateur.” 

Carol stiffened. I didn’t exactly know the reason, but considering the clues I had about her past, I was willing to bet it was the word spoiled. “Oh, why didn’t you say so,” she said, her tone suddenly sharp as she stepped behind me. 

A rustling, followed by something heavy falling to the ground. Considering the limited options I had, it didn’t take a genius to know it was her blazer. “How about now? Exciting enough,” Carol challenged with a poisonous voice as she hugged me from behind, her nipples hard against my back. 

A good attack. Nicole was at the edge of the shattering when I caught her gaze and mouthed her a promise. Play along, and receive a reward. 

Neither her fears nor her jealousy was as strong as her submissiveness. “Barely,” she said, her excessively flat voice easily mistaken as confidence rather than the edge of panic with the camera still hiding her face. 

Behind me, Carol quivered in panic and hid her face behind my shoulder. She paused for a moment, no doubt considering the merits of retreating … but her pride defeated her rationality handily. She slipped her hands under my shirt, riding it up. 

“Better?” she asked as her fingers danced over my chest. 

Nicole said nothing, aware that she couldn’t hold her tone. But, committed to her prideful stance, Carol read that as a dismissal. 

“Raise your arms,” she said. I did, and she pulled off my shirt, leaving both of us topless. She hugged me from behind again, her fingers dancing along my abs. She used her naughty hands to cover up her own panic as she started kissing my neck … which was a temporary solution at best. 

I was confident in my muscles to seduce any woman, let alone one that was as conflicted as Carol. Her tactic of escalating the situation just made it trivial. I wished I could stop and ask her what exactly she was thinking. It would be almost as interesting as her almost-naked body. 

Well, almost as interesting, I corrected as her fingers reached to my belt, fumbling with quite a bit. Either she had the most horrible agility I had ever seen, or she was trying to goad Nicole into stopping her. But, Nicole did not, and Carol found herself committed to that path. 

Her pride and arousal working in concert, she unbuckled my belt and pushed my pants down, leaving my boxers alone to hide my raging erection. 

A task that I was woefully unprepared for, earning me two shocked gasps at once. 

To her credit, Nicole managed to hold herself back despite her jealousy already bubbling like a storm. Her face showed just how close she was to her limit. All it would take was a rough word from Carol to shatter him. 

Carol, on the other hand, was too occupied with my latest reveal to pay attention to Nicole and take advantage of that opportunity, giving me the chance I needed to soothe Nicole, which I was able to do just by holding her gaze until she calmed down. 

“Come on, sweetie, don’t tell me you’re going to spend all your time looking,” Nicole said, her tone passably calm as she pushed Carol once more. She didn’t sound quite convincing … but Carol was too far into the mess to care about such details. 

“You’re right,” Carol as she stopped hugging me, and instead stood next to me, finally letting us see her half-naked body, her arm still around my waist. After letting Nicole get a glimpse, she turned to me and pressed her breasts against my arm. “By the way,” she whispered. “You’re going to rent the place, right?” she asked. 

“Well, our test run certainly didn’t discourage me,” I answered, amused by her timing, though I could see that it was more of a desperate attempt to focus on anything other than her own nudity. 

“Good choice. You need to renovate some locations, but—” she started, only to freeze. “Actually, do you have any contractor to handle the place,” she whispered. A suspicious timing, or it would have been if I couldn’t read her expression perfectly. With that, I could easily see that it was actually a last-minute realization rather than a calculated plan to arrange some work for a friend. 

“Have you got someone in mind?” I asked even as I turned toward her, so that not only her breasts were pushing against my chest, but also my barely contained arousal was pressing against her stomach, making her blush furiously. It was a sudden, aggressive change, one that might have scared her off. 

So I pulled it just when she was about to ask me a big favor. Even as my hands landed on her ass, squeezing, she didn’t give any reaction but a blush. “Well, my roommate,” Carol said. It was good that I was mauling her incredibly in-shape ass, as being asked a favor for a boyfriend would have ruined my mood. 

Well, a potential boyfriend, considering just how tense and unfulfilled she was, but still.

Still, I wasn’t above punishing her. I slipped my hands under her panties, cupping her ass even as I pulled her tighter against my body. “His qualifications?” I asked. 

She blushed, and for a moment, I assumed that it was about my touch. Then, I realized her hesitation kept her lips closed rather than making her wiggle out of my touch. “Well …” she said, hesitant. 

“Come on, sweetie, spill,” I said as I squeezed her ass once more. It ruined my attempts to make myself look tame and harmless quite a bit … but she was too focused on what she was about to say to pay attention to that. 

“My roommate is a woman,” she said, and I stopped squeezing her ass, realizing that I had been teasing her unfairly. 

However, true to her personality, she misunderstood it and panicked as I pulled my hands away. Her way of reacting, wrapping her arms around my neck and jumping up, wrapping her legs around. A reflexive mistake, I could read on her face. With our physical state, her reflexes took over, and treated me like a boyfriend whom she was trying to convince for an expensive holiday. 

“I know people don’t trust women contractors and think it’s a man’s job, but believe me, she’s amazing. And, as an interior designer, I can supervise her,” she said, still hanging on my body. 

“Well, do you have any work of hers?” I asked. 

“I have pictures. I just need to go and get my phone from upstairs,” she said, her legs loosening. I grabbed her ass, pinning her in place in the guise of helping her.  

“Don’t worry, Nicole can go and get it,” I said. 

“Sure,” Nicole said as she dashed toward the door, the reluctance and jealousy she felt for leaving us alone in a room easily overwhelmed by the relief she had to extract herself from the situation without being defeated. 

With that, we were alone. Carol looked at me, her expression shifting as she slowly realized the situation she was in. Mostly naked, wrapped around an equally naked man, alone in a warehouse…

A situation that wasn’t made any simpler by her intense arousal spreading from her core… 


White Tiger

in chapter 54 carol already mentions her roommate that can do the renovations