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Five minutes later, I was looking at Nicole, reminding myself that we needed to attend an important meeting, and a detour was unacceptable. However, sticking to that determination was difficult. 

She wore a beautiful sundress and fixed her hair into a messy ponytail, a combination that would have looked innocent on another woman with … less generous proportions. Her amazing breasts turned the cleavage into something of wonder, her hips challenging the capability of the skirt portion, each step enough to make my heart flutter. 

“You look beautiful,” I said, her blush tempting me to check her lingerie choices, but I suppressed that desire. 

“Thanks,” she murmured, her gaze dipping down, still shy despite everything we had done. 

I had to repeat the phrase of ‘business first, pleasure later,’ in my mind to ignore the temptation. And, only because getting a new studio as soon as possible was very important. I kept my gaze straight soon her face to not to be tempted. “Let’s go,” I said as I went out. 

I was glad that I didn’t bother removing my equipment from my car, allowing me to skip the tedious step of piling the car. Even better, we were too exhausted on the way back to do anything fun … so I didn’t need to deal with the thick smell of sex. 

Naturally, I didn’t promise Nicole anything even close to exclusivity, but there was a difference between that and just annoying her with the aftermath unnecessarily. 

“It looks … complicated,” she said as she looked at the back seat, which was piled with my equipment and the costumes. 

“Yeah, the shoot was more complicated than we expected, but it worked well,” I said, then paused, trying to remember whether she knew that shoot was with Nancy. I failed to remember, but I ignored it. If she knew that, she would have tried to talk about it. 

“Ladies first,” I said as I opened the passenger seat, gesturing for her to step inside. She followed that, smiling happily … which turned into a blush as she noticed two of her neighbors whispering pointedly as they looked toward us. “Ignore them, they are just jealous of your beauty,” I said as I closed the door and took the driver’s seat. 

I earned a grateful smile in response to my easement. 

With that, we drove away, the expression of the neighbors ranging between jealous and excited. “They are so jealous of you,” I said as we left the street behind. 

“I … I don’t know,” Nicole murmured, saying nothing else. Clearly, in her hurry to get dressed, she had forgotten to consider the reaction of her neighbors, and she was worrying about it after the fact. 

As a kind houseguest, it was my mission to keep her relaxed. I put my hand on her leg, caressing it gently. “S-Stephen,” she gasped, shocked by my touch. “Y-you’re driving!” 

“Don’t worry about it. I’m just resting my hand. It’s not dangerous,” I said as I squeezed her thigh, enjoying her resulting moan. However, even that only kept her distracted for a minute, and worry returned to her face. 

I started driving faster, hoping to arrive at the location with some time to spare. Though, it showed just how concerned Nicole was with the reaction of her neighbors that she didn’t even comment on my driving. 

We arrived at our destination with ten minutes to spare. Just enough to have a talk. 

As I pressed the brakes, she looked even more distraught. When we stopped, she reached for the door, but I locked the door. “We need to talk,” I said. 

“A-about what,” Nicole said, avoiding my gaze. 

“Look at me,” I ordered. She followed my command, but I could see tears gathering. “Now, tell me, what’s going on.” 

“I … I don’t know,” Nicole answered. “I thought that… I… It’s absurd… Please ignore me.”

“No, look at me in the eyes,” I ordered as I gently cupped her cheek. “It’s about the neighbors, right?” 

“Y-yes,” she stammered. “I’m sorry. They are a nosy bunch, always commenting on my clothing.” 

“Is this the reason why you only go out with those horrible sweatpants?” I asked. 

She nodded. “I thought that, after all those photoshoots, it would be different. This time, I could ignore their whispers, but it didn’t work. I’m still weak.”

“Nonsense. You’re an amazing, sexy woman. You’re certainly not weak.” 

“Then, why all it took was a few whispers for me to break down despite everything we had done. I thought that I was finally ready. I was finally strong enough.” 

She looked ready to cry, so I decided to distract her from that in the easiest way possible. I leaned forward and captured her lips in a searing kiss, my tongue invading her mouth. The short yet explosive burst was enough to do what my earlier touches failed. 

When I pulled back, she was dazed, her tears nowhere to be seen. 

“Oh, my cute landlady. You have nothing to worry about, or feel sorry. You’re an incredible woman. Just because you’re a bit self-conscious doesn’t change that.” Then, I smirked. “And, I can help you solve it if you want.” 

“Really, you would do that?” she gasped, excited. “How?” 

“Very simple, practice.” Her eyes widened at that, realizing where I would be driving the discussion. Unfortunately, she didn’t have the time to answer as I leaned forward, capturing her lips in a searing kiss. At the same time, I hooked my fingers to the strap, slowly pulling it to the side. 

She tensed at first, but that passed quickly as our tongues battled, not reacting as it slipped down, revealing even more of her cleavage. I repeated the same thing on the other side, and when I pulled back, her cleavage was far more impressive. 

“N-not that I’m complaining,” she whispered. “But, how exactly is this going to help?” 

“Simple,” I said as I put my hand on her leg, and let it climb higher, distracting her for the next part of the fun. “We’re in a parking lot where anyone could walk in. If you can handle the risk of getting caught, half-naked, you can learn to ignore the gazes of a bunch of busy-bodies.” 

Her eyes widened. “T-this is absurd,” she gasped. 

Technically, she was not wrong. I had no idea whether that would help … but trying would certainly distract her from her gloom. And, even if it was completely useless, it wasn’t like undressing her was a chore. “How do you know it’s absurd,” I said as leaned forward once more, this time clamping on her neck, teasing the spots that would drive her crazy — discovered during our earlier adventures.

“M-maybe,” she whispered, which was all she was able to say as my lips traveled down. “But, what if we get caught.” 

“That’s the part of the risk. You can’t defeat your demons without taking a bit of risk. You need to work hard to gain your confidence.” 

“M-maybe,” she whispered as her dress slipped down more, finally revealing a mystery. Her underwear. 

She had chosen a surprisingly daring piece. A strapless bra, one that was more of a band than actual support — not that her miraculous body needed much despite her size — barely reaching to her nipples. Add in its lacy, slightly transparent structure, and it turned into a delicious show. 

“How can you feel self-conscious while wearing that amazing piece, I have no idea,” I said as I dragged my lips along her neck. She managed to keep her shivers down until I reached her collarbone, and turned into a moan once I reached her cleavage, my tongue dancing down. 

“Now, I want you to imagine one of those neighbors at the door. What would they think?” 

“They would say that I’m a tease and a slut that’s working hard to seduce their husbands,” Nicole answered, but the moment she finished, she let out a gasp. The reason, was my hand tightening around her leg enough to give her a teasing dose of pain. 

“Was that my question?” I asked. 

“Y-yes—“ she started, which turned into another moan. “No, you asked what they would think, not what they would say.” 

“Exactly. And what would they think?” 

“I … I don’t know,” she answered. 

“I’ll tell you,” I countered, even as I replaced my mouth on her cleavage with my free hand, squeezing gently while my other hand moved higher and higher, riding up her skirt as well, enough to get a glimpse of her matching thong. 

“They will be thinking just how inferior they were to their sexy neighbor Nicole. That no matter how much they go to the gym and starve themselves, they could never be as sexy as you. And, rather than surrendering to that realization, they would rather attack you ceaselessly to break you.” 

Nicole moaned in satisfaction as my fingers danced on her body, but even more importantly, I could feel her cloud of despair disappearing. 

She must have really trusted me if my words were that effective. A heavy responsibility. 

Luckily, I had no intention of abandoning her … why would I, when—

Unfortunately, those thoughts were disrupted by a knock on the window. “Hey, this is a private property. Go away or I call the police,” a female voice said. 

I turned, only to see a figure wearing a serious business suit, the reddish blazer too distinct to be anyone other than a real estate agent. Probably mine. 

“No need to panic, just fix yourself while I talk with her,” I said to Nicole, who was busy blushing. She just nodded, and I reached the door. 


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