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“How can I help you, director?” I asked as I stepped inside, only to see her looking at me with a furious expression … one tinged with jealousy and desire. 

Oh, she was feeling jealous of the cheerleaders I had been hanging out with. How cute. 

“We need to talk about your conduct,” she said as she shook her hand, though her attitude showed she would have preferred to break my head instead. It was nice to see her fiery side. And, if I was being honest, a bit intimidating. 

She gestured the seat across her, but I ignored that, and instead turned until I stood behind her, and put my hands on her back. “Yes, coach,” I said as I put my hands on her shoulders. 

“Sit down,” she said even as she used her elbow. I let out a grunt as her elbow bounced off, and stayed breathless for a moment, though more as a show than actual distress. 

“I didn’t think you were one of those old-school coaches, using violence against your players,” I said with a chuckle as I started rubbing her shoulders, ignoring her growl of anger as I ignored her earlier blow. “Other physical incentives, yes, but not violence.” 

“You’re pushing your luck,” she said as she looked up at me, her face twisted into a grimace, but it took a lot for her to maintain that expression as my magical touch worked wonders even through her jacket. 

“And you’re pushing your luck inviting me while wearing that delicious pantsuit,” I said as I continued to massage her shoulders, watching as her anger melted steadily despite her best attempts to maintain it. Then, I smirked. “Oh, I see. That’s my reward for getting rid of that annoying windbag, isn’t it?” I said. 

She shivered as her arousal grew. 

She let out a twisted growl, even more fake as she tried to conceal her arousal. A vain attempt. “Of course not. I called you here to be punished.” 

I laughed as I leaned forward, pressing my chest against her back, enjoying her shiver. “Oh, an excellent idea, coach,” I whispered. “Did you bring the handcuffs?” 

“B-be serious,” she whispered throatily, her tone certainly not conducive for anything serious. 

I blinked playfully, and darted a glance back at her. “What do you mean, coach? I’m always serious when it comes to … lovemaking.”

“E-enough,” she growled, trying to get up to her feet, only for me to bend her down against her desk, enjoying her shivers. 

“Don’t worry, coach, I have already locked the door,” I said as I enjoyed her shivers. Technically, I didn’t, but a little telekinetic trick was enough to solve that particular problem. “Now, let’s talk about your frustrations.” 

“I-it’s about your behavior. You’re causing a scandal, it needs to stop,” she said, and did so almost without a hitch. Impressive as I was running my hand over her ass, enjoying her shiver. 

“Oh, is this what annoys you, my beautiful coach,” I said as I pushed her pants down without a warning, enjoying her shivers, almost as much as I enjoyed her red lacy panties. “Or, are you feeling neglected?” 

This time, she found herself licking her lips before answering. “O-of course not. W-who do you think you are!” she answered, which would have been more convincing if she managed to deliver it smoothly without a hitch. 

“Oh, lying doesn’t fit you, my beautiful coach,” I said as I enjoyed her trembling. 

“Y-you’re a coach now, it’s not appropriate for you to be seen with students relating to the football team,” she admitted. 

I dragged my finger against her entrance, enjoying her shivers once more. “And, you’re saying that it has nothing to do with your jealousy. Not even a little bit,” I said as I caressed her wetness, and she shivered. 

“M-maybe a little,” she answered. 

I chuckled as I leaned forward, kissing her neck, but avoiding a kiss. “Here’s my good girl. No lies. Now, tell me the truth. Are those photos really that problematic?” 

“N-not really,” she admitted. “Actually, it’s helping. Your popularity helping us with our athlete admissions for the next year. We even managed to get some out-of-state applicants.” 

“Excellent. So you just called me here because of your jealousy. Oh, coach, you know you’re my favorite. Just a picture of you would have been enough to summon me…” I said as leaned down, and pulled down her panties with my teeth. 

Pity I couldn’t leak any of those pictures without ruining her career. The public would have loved them. 

“There’s another thing,” she whispered, this time quickly, like she was afraid of forgetting it. 

Admittedly, with the way her wetness grew, a reasonable concern. “Go ahead,” I said before I let my tongue out, dragging against her entrance to earn a beautiful moan. 

“Y-you need to help with the other teams in their conditioning as well. The students are responding to you really well, and the school management thinks it’ll help. So they want to have a group training.” 

“Sure,” I said, but even as I said that, I was happy she wasn’t looking at me, because I was frowning. It didn’t make much sense for them to ask me that. My tactical genius was for everyone to see … but that hardly applied to the magical tricks I pulled during the training. They should have been unnoticed …

Unless it was being prompted by someone who was aware of the tricks I was pulling. 

They no doubt wanted to test me … or the fake artifact I was using to heal the students repeatedly, to see its limits correctly. 

It wasn’t exactly a great disaster, but it was the third direct intervention in the last twenty-four hours, with Paul and the attack, meaning my mysterious opponents were getting impatient. 

I was glad that I had already triggered the repair process rather than trying to delay it further. 

“As you wish, coach. But you need to pay the price,” I said with another chuckle, this time darker as I flipped her, and she ended up on her back. I pushed her shirt and bra up to reveal her incredible bosom as I slipped inside, enjoying her incredible moan.

I enjoyed her wetness as much as the dance of her incredible breasts, her nipples readily erect. She raised her hands to cover them instinctively, and I let out, enjoying her improvised hand bra, while her expression melted into desire. 

Pity I didn’t have much time to enjoy it with the need to go around and see where exactly the request for group training had come from. 

Instead, I reached forward and displaced her hands and replaced them with mine, enjoying the way her chest heaved at my touch. A grand sensation as always, enough to blunt the misfortune of needing to hurry up. My fingers danced aggressively, leaving my mark. 

“Harder,” she moaned, and my grip turned into a slap, her tit swaying with the hit. The sound was loud, but luckily for her, I knew exactly how she liked it. 

The reversal of the supposed power difference between us only made it hotter. 

“You like it rough, don’t you coach?” I said as I leaned forward without a warning, my other hand reached for her hair, wrapping it tightly around my hand. I tugged her head back, enough to extract a pained cry from her as her tits rubbed against my chest, each push of my hips carrying my full weight. 

She opened her mouth, but I sealed her moan with a kiss before pulling back. “Don’t forget to keep your voice down, coach,” I teased her. “The building is still crowded, after all.

She froze after the sudden reminder, but I only pushed harder, testing her determination to keep silent. To her credit, she managed to stay mostly silent, the occasional whimpers not as loud as her crazy heartbeat, hammering her chest mercilessly, shocked by the sudden shift. 

Satisfied, I used my free hand to explore her body once more, starting from her flat belly, and paying a quick visit to the bottom of her globes in a quick detour before dipping my fingers down, teasing her clit as I repeatedly rammed inside her. 

I could feel her hopes staying silent dying as her eyes were filled with ecstasy, strong enough to be a physical entity. “Oh, coach. What would have you done without me,” I whispered as she tightened around me, experiencing a surprisingly quick climax under my invasion. 

“It’s a pity that I need to prepare for your request,” I murmured as I pulled out of her, and exploded, covering her tits and belly with my seed… A lot of it was thanks to my supernatural enhancements, making her look like a cheap whore after a particularly busy night. “You have a change of clothes, right?” I asked as I buttoned my pants, and she just nodded dazedly. 

“Have fun cleaning up, then,” I said, and after one last searing kiss that left her even more dazed, I departed. 

She was lucky that she had a private bathroom in her office. 


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