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Lily had a problem. A big problem. 

She was being neglected by her newest paramour. 

Ordinarily, she wouldn’t have cared much. She was one of the sexiest and most popular girls in her college, and guys chased her while she rejected them. But with Darion, things were different. Not only he was amazing, but he was also confident enough to push her away the moment she tried to get control…

For some reason, being ignored felt amazing. 

Unfortunately, it came with some disadvantages as well. Like the last night, when she tried to reach him but failed … only for her slutty friend Mary to share some photos about his absence, some starring her … some starring her host Fatima. 

Pity Mary only had some photos of the aftermath, as Lily would have loved to watch how a submissive old lady reacted to her. 

She wanted her turn … so she came to work early … only to see Darion was missing. And, according to that whore secretary, she went to an important meeting, taking Darion with her. 

Lily would have suspected her sister of acting like Fatima, but even the thought of it made her chuckle. Her sister was famous for being a snob. Not only did she have to be always in control, but also the guy needed a CV that could get into every single Ivy League college. 

Her loss, Lily’s gain. 

Her gains were the reason she was currently at a corner cafe in an abandoned corner of the city. The reason, she had followed Sakura. 

The way Sakura acted while she was talking about Darion’s whereabouts was surprisingly suspicious, so she followed her. 

“Wow, such a surprising little display,” Lily murmured as she took a glimpse into the place, only for her eyes to widen. She certainly didn’t expect Sakura to be dressed like that. “Wow, her work outfit was hiding a lot.” 

She didn’t dally for long before she entered, enjoying the sudden explosion of panic on Sakura’s face. “Wow, I didn’t know my sister allowed her employees to work part-time.” 

“L-Lily,” Sakura just gasped, shocked at her sudden arrival. 

She walked toward there with a confident smirk, wondering how far she could push the little office worker. In such issues, she was like her sister.

Never let weakness go. 

Lily smiled while she waited for Sakura to realize just badly she screwed up. “I hope your boss is paying you well, as you have to rely on only one job,” Lily declared smugly. “Unless…” 

“Unless, what,”  Sakura whispered, hesitant. 

“Well, first let’s talk about the risks. I know how my sister would react, but how your new boss would react. Maybe you’ll get kicked out of here as well.” She glanced around. “It doesn’t look like your tits are driving business.” 

Lily was smug as she delivered her ultimatum, but by watching her face, she realized she made a mistake. Exactly what, Lily didn’t know, but her fear was suddenly gone. 

“Do your worst,” Sakura said. 

“Oh, I will—“ she started, only to freeze. The reason, Darion suddenly appeared behind the cafe. “Oh, Darion, what are you doing here?” she gasped. 

“Should I ask your permission to visit my own store,” he said, his voice once again sending shivers through her. 

“Of course not,” Lily said as she walked closer. “I was just asking Sakura about starting to work here as well. I need some spending money my sister doesn’t know.” 

“As long as you’re willing to dress appropriately, not a problem,” he said.

“Oh, I can handle everything this little girl could handle,” Lily declared, enjoying her anger. Lily was ready to admit that Sakura looked far better than she expected, but she lacked the personality to hold such a man. 

With a smirk, she walked to the other side of the store.


“That bitch,” Sakura murmured once she heard the door being slammed. “Like I’m not dealing with her enough at work.” 

Darion walked closer as she complained. “Oh, really?” 

In her anger, she didn’t pause to decipher his tone. “Yes, she’s a spoiled bitch. You can’t allow her to join the cafe. She’ll ruin the place—“ Sakura complained for a while … only to realize too late that she tried to order him. 

A mistake she realized once she was floating in his arms. “Did you just order me?” he whispered.

“N-no,” Sakura answered. 

“A liar as well,” he followed, and she froze. 

She was stuck now. She said nothing even as he flipped her, easily like she was a simple toy, the way his arms wrapped around her making her blood flow faster. She loved the way he hugged her … she just wished he didn’t do it in such a public place. 

There were never any customers in the cafe, but still … the fear of getting caught was there. He ignored her fears as he undressed her, far too familiar with the exact locations of the buttons … and she was left in her panties, pressed against the counter. 

Sakura flushed as he flipped her once more, this time looking at the wall. She bit her lower lip in an effort to suppress her moans, unable to ignore the sensation of his cock being pressed against her ass.

Her juices flowing once more… 

As he grabbed her tits, her determination to contain her moans disappeared, letting him play with her easily. 

Then, Lily arrived … reminding her that she was here in the first place … and looking amazing in their official uniform. 

Enough to make Sakura jealous if it wasn’t for Darion’s hands molesting her.


‘What the hell is going on here,” Lily gasped as she took a turn, her smugness about her uniform melting into shock. Admittedly, it wasn’t about what Darion was doing. Lily had already caught him with Janet, they had an incredible threesome with Mary, and she had the photos of him sleeping with a naked Fatima…

The only thing Lily was sure that he wasn’t able to touch Mia. Her sister, the hardass. 

However, she was surprised that he was daring enough to do it behind the counter. It was … incredibly sexy.



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