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Audrum was cute and fun to hang around with, but unless there was a very important necessity, I didn’t like to act passive for a long time. And, with Audrum, we finally hit that point. 

Especially since she looked extremely happy devouring my cock. I gripped her head without a warning and pulled her down, assisting her efforts to take me deeper into her throat. She tried to gasp in surprise, but it just melted into her gagging as I invaded her throat. 

I busied myself with stretching her throat for a while. She moaned with each push, her lips still doing their best to massage my girth, and I enjoyed her throat. 

 I couldn’t help but grunt as I continued to push forward, enjoying the warmth of her throat. An excellent way to brighten the experience. “Feel free to tap my leg to show you’re too weak to handle my help, miss explorer,” I said. 

I only received an angry glare, which I loved as I pushed deeper and deeper, enjoying her protesting grunts. The gags echoing from the broken walls were simply spectacular. 

She was stronger than I expected. She just accepted it, her earlier confidence not completely gone as I lashed into her throat. I could have continued like that for hours … but at the same time, I was multitasking. 

As I invaded her throat, I also invaded her body with my mana, checking the connection between her and the ruins, which was more sublime than I expected … but with a very nice surprise. As I used my Tantric magic, I started to feel her tentative connection with the ruins slowly seeping into mine. 

That was impressive. I knew Tantric magic was ancient magic, but I had always dismissed that as a statement of value. There were a lot of techniques that were ancient and still useless, only used to trick gullible people. I had assumed it belonged to the same category. 

However, using those tricks on her, I could feel that it allowed me to build some kind of connection with the ruins… Interesting. I couldn’t help but remember some of the descriptions of Tantric, where they had been not only used by the priestess — in a manner that wasn’t dissimilar to what Sapphire had been doing while dancing — but also to officiate weddings and other bindings. 

Could that be that easy, I thought as a possibility clicked in my mind. Luckily, testing it wouldn’t take any extra effort. 

 I turned my attention back to Audrum, enjoying her unbelievable throat around me while I continued to douse her body with my magic, and she continued to push forward … until I exploded in her throat, forcing her to swallow. 

At the same time, I could feel a flicker of connection being established by the wards. An amazing start. 

I pulled back, watching as she struggled to swallow without spilling. “Good girl,” I said even as I used magic for a recovery trick, and I was raging to go once again. “Now, warmup is over. Let’s start the real fun.” 

She gasped as I pushed her to her feet, leaning against the wall, her ass pointing toward me. My shaft throbbed in excitement as she pushed her ass out, showing that she wanted it as much as I did. 

I slipped into her wetness and she moaned. However, even as she cried, she pushed her ass out, taking more of my shaft, the temptation overwhelming her. There was only a brief pause once she hit her limits, but she just pulled back and repeated the move, breaking that limit. 

That continued more and more, and soon, she found herself dealing with a different challenge, keeping her voice low enough not to deafen me. “Damn, girl, keep your voice down, or you’ll bring down the ruins.” 

“N-not a problem. The ruins are stable enough,” she managed to answer between moans, which was far cheekier than I expected, but it only made it more fun. I let my overwhelming wave of arousal do the job and started rocking back and forth, her beautiful face giving me a range of expressions, each more beautiful than the last. 

Despite the explosive moans she was putting on, she was barely able to take half of my length inside her, though she worked hard to increase that. I could have pushed forward recklessly for more, but watching her struggle with the amount was more fun. 

Especially since I punished her failures with a spank. 

Of course, I wasn’t entirely passive. With a hand on the wall, I soon started to take control, pushing harder and harder. Soon, I was buried in her completely. It made her moans get even more intense, and the movement of her hips picked up even more. 

They were still steady and rhythmic, which wasn’t shocking considering her dancing performance. Steady, but not monotone. Soon, my hands shifted to her shoulders, pinning her against the wall even better, and my hips started to move much harder. 

“A - a second,” she gasped, and shocked by her request, I actually pulled back, wondering if I pushed her too much and misread the signal. 

My concern turned empty, as she quickly turned toward me, her back against the wall, and jumped on my lap. Her legs were wrapped around my waist, once again showing the extent of her surprising strength, imprisoning me inside her. 

Technically, escaping was not impossible, but it was too fun to stop. 

Her moans rose once more as my hands slid away from her shoulders to her breasts while her body was comfortably locked between my body and the wall, her hips still moving with a shocking speed. 

Her tightening declared her climax, and her trembling showed the growing impact… 

I could have resisted the call, but I was too interested in testing the impact of the connection, so I let my body explode along with her, filling her insides … and along with it, I felt a growing connection. 

I rapidly used Tantric to enhance the connection further. It was a tricky spell. What I was doing was replicating a half-remembered ancient marriage ritual, but I was hoping that it would work. 

It worked … after a fashion. I could feel the connection with the ruins increasing … slowly, without a direct feeling of when it would end. 

I decided to continue using the same trick. I leaned in for a searing kiss, but my hips continued to impale her without giving her a chance to recover, her wetness reaching a new height. 

“Harder,” she begged once I pulled for a breather. I stopped instead. “Please,” she whispered. 

“Only if you promise to be mine forever,” I whispered. If she was in a different mood, her reaction might have been different, and questioned the necessity of such words, especially in such dubious ruins. But. as the pleasure invaded her brain, she was quick to comply. 

“As you wish,” she moaned. “I’m yours, forever, just fuck me harder, you magnificent bastard,” she cried.

I felt the connection between me and the ruins solidify, enough to understand that the ruins were trying to build an even stronger connection with her, but her lack of magical proficiency prevented that. 

“And, here’s your reward,” I said as I grabbed her hips, and started drilling her mercilessly. 

The sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the ruins, and I started walking around. With the connection between me and the ruins getting stronger, the traps and guards suddenly turned useless against me, their presence already suggested to me magically. 

I could feel that, if the connection grew any further, I could just use that connection to push for more. Ultimately, I reached a large room, something between a throne room and a ritual chamber. A large chair that reminded me of a throne was in the middle, with runes and pictures rotating around them.

And, at the back of the room, I saw a surprising object. A large block of metal, with two dozens of Eternal Cores … an incredible discovery. 

Feeling like taking some risk, I brought her to the chair, and started fucking her on it, partially as a point, and partially to enhance the connection even further. 

A good choice, as I could feel the chair using its magic to check for authority like a key. I used Tantric to meld against her completely, and the chair detected her presence … and my magic. And, as the biggest benefit, the chair failed to understand the nature of the connection, and treated us as one being. 

I settled on the chair, with Audrum on my lap, still jumping up and down to enjoy my presence…

And I focused on the magics of the ruins…


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