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Megan stayed silent for almost twenty minutes, looking outside the window as I drove away, her trembling slowly subsiding while her expression turned more careful. 

However, the lust I could sense in her continued to bubble in an impressive manner, tempting me to ignore her attempts to calm down and focus on the more fun aspects of her concerns. Yet, I kept back, giving her the space she needed to make sense of the situation. 

She finally broke her silence a while later. “What the fuck was that?” she said with a sudden growl. 

“Well, sweetie, that was a … miscalculation,” I admitted readily. 

“A miscalculation,” she repeated, angry but not furious. “A squad of assassins trying to ambush mews a miscalculation.” 

“Unfortunately,” I answered, though I didn’t give her much detail, thinking that it was a different situation. “It’s a rather messy situation that I had been forced without my consent as well, but there are some benefits as well.” 

“But you don’t want to tell me about it,” she accused. 

“Not exactly. I’m offering you a choice,” I said. 

“A choice,” she repeated, her distaste clear. “How kind.” 

I shrugged. “Unfortunately, life isn’t kind.” 

She paused a while before she finally spoke. “What’s the choice?” she asked. 

“Simple. You need to make a decision whether you want to learn more about the situation or not. If you reject, I’ll do my best to keep you away from the mess, but once you learn more, it’ll be impossible. Believe me when I say it’ll change your worldview completely.” 

“You’ll do your best to protect me? That’s not good enough.” 

I shrugged. “The only thing I can promise you,” I declared, doing my best to stay honest. 

“And the truth is really as world-breaking as you are implying,” she said. 

“Probably even worse, but even I’m just digging the surface. Unfortunately, it’s a recent development for me as well.” 

She fell silent once more, this time lasting five more minutes. I continued to drive idly, feeling the conversation was too important to handle quickly. “And, were you planning to share that information if this hadn’t happened?” she asked. 

“Probably not,” I answered. “I was considering it, but if you hadn’t actually returned to help me, it was likely that I wouldn’t have trusted you enough to actually reveal the truth,” I answered. Maybe I would have changed my mind, but it was certainly the case that her immense personal risk changed my attitude greatly. 

“It wasn’t like I helped,” she answered, clearly feeling self-conscious about her lack of actual help. 

That made me chuckle. “Oh, that’s certainly the case. You made my job much harder by returning,” I said. 

“Well, at least you’re honest,” she answered, her blush getting even worse. “Why reward me if I hadn’t helped?” 

“Because you took a risk to help me, of course.” 

Amusingly, that made her look cuter than I had ever seen, and she didn’t say anything else. “Tell me,” she said. 

“As you wish,” I said, but rather than starting to speak, I continued to drive until I found a nice corner where we could stand. It was still cold, enough to make it troubling for her with her dress … but when she stepped out, she wasn’t cold. 

“What’s going on?” she asked. “Why am I not cold?” 

“A part of the story I’m going to tell,” I answered. “Are you sure you want to know?” She nodded. 

“Good, First thing you need to know is magic is real, and so is the gods,” I said. 

That was enough to make her angry. “I can’t believe all of this is a prank…” she started, angry, but that faded once she noticed a detail. I was floating, and so was her. “Impossible,” she gasped. 

“I wish, but it’s not,” I said as I floated toward her. “Worse, I’m not the only one that has it,” I explained. “Our attackers were part of a magical entity, the Ancient Brotherhood.” 

“And they attacked you because?”

“Because I angered Paul by defeating him earlier.” 

“Paul who?” she asked, then it clicked. “That basketball player. He’s some kind of magician as well. And he’s petty enough to attack you because of a basketball game.” 

“Not entirely petty,” I said. “There are some complications, but you can think that, under certain conditions, fame could be converted to magic.” 

“That’s absurd,” she declared, but her declaration didn’t carry her earlier conviction. The fact that we were still floating went a long way to convincing her. “It doesn’t make sense that magic is real and useful,” she added. 

“Actually, you’re not wrong,” I said as I passed my phone to her. “Look at the results of my research,” I said, giving her access to some of the aggregated results from my web crawler. She was smart enough to understand the implications.  

“Two years,” she whispered as she wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me tight. I let her, know just how intense it could be.  

“Exactly,” I answered. “Whatever that’s going on, it started two years ago, and it’s slowly picking up speed. Apparently, there’s some kind of barrier that was supposed to keep magic out, but it’s falling.” 

“It’s hard to take,” she whispered. “Even now, a part of me wants to believe that you just drugged me and I’m hallucinating.” 

“Certainly easier to believe,” I answered. Her reluctance to deny the reality wasn’t too unrealistic. “But there’s an easier way.” She raised her eyebrow. “I can share my powers.” 

“And, you would do that?” she said. “What do I need to do? Sign away my soul?”  

I chuckled. “Truthfully, I have no idea. You’re my first, think of it as taking my magical virginity.” 

“You’re an asshole,” she said as she poked my side painfully, but didn’t pull away. Rather, she wrapped her arm even tighter. “And what do you want in exchange?” 

“Well, you of course,” I said, and without a warning, latched on her lips. At this point, her acceptance was clear, and I could feel the System pushing the Acolyte status easily. Though, unlike my encounter with Coach Juana, I didn’t ignore the call, but pushed it forward… 

As her tongue slipped into my mouth eagerly — I didn’t miss the fact that, even with the shock, she was aroused by the power I displayed — I focused on the reaction of the System. Instinctively, I could sense I had two options. I could empower Megan in a restricted fashion, under one of my domains, and it came with the understanding that Megan would stay forever restricted under that domain … maybe even changed by it in the process. There would be no growth for her. 

If it wasn’t for her display of loyalty, that would have been, without a doubt, my choice. Yet, after that, I was tempted to choose the other path. The unrestricted.  

Of course, even that was not exactly unrestricted. She would be still bound by the System, which was under my control. That much was clear from the feedback I was receiving. But, unlike the other option, she would grow and change under her control, only guided by me. 

I chose the second option. 

[Acolytes: (Megan[])]

[ -50% Intent] 

I felt half of my Intent drain immediately, flowing toward Megan, infusing her whole being. Her eyes popped open, but I kept my lips locked, concealing her moans. Her hands slipped under my shirt, caressing my naked chest. 

I ripped her dress, revealing her beautiful body, revealing her incredible naked body underneath, my fingers quick to clamp around her nipples. The pleasure invaded her body, each second making it harder for her to reject the call of pleasure. 

However, the physical touch was only one side. I could feel that she was turning into a conduit … the sense of connection I felt was beautiful. 

However, through the connection, I had a very welcome benefit. The intent I was receiving increased further. The amount wasn’t too impressive … but I still smiled. Unlike my other attempts to collect the Intent, it was not reduced. 

She acted like a lightning rod for the jealousy of many women. Some hated her looks, some hated her popularity, and a growing segment hated her daring to actually establish a business in her name. The men were not too different, hating her for being a bitch, a whore, and somehow daring not to sleep with them … ignoring the contradiction in their feelings. 

It might have been annoying if it wasn’t for the direct benefit I received. Instinctively, I turned those changes rapidly into Intent, then used the same Intent to empower her. Under my fingers, I could feel her getting stronger, faster, more beautiful… 

Once I pulled back, she was breathing hard, flushed. “So, sweetie, still not believing magic is real,” I said. 

“Oh, you’re such an asshole,” she growled in anger … grabbed my hair and pulled me for another kiss. 



I wonder if she can develop her own domains, given time. Or if the title of acolyte still bounds her to his service in some way.