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It had been a while since Fatima had stumbled over what had been going on in her pool when she went back to her living room, unable to resist sneaking a peek. 

She shouldn’t do it, that much she knew, but after living all of her life in a repressive country, having some decadent fun was the only reason she had decided to live in America — only for a lifetime of shyness to prevent her. 

Peeking the fun of her young house guest was hardly the scene she had imagined to start. It was certainly pathetic, but seeing the man she claimed to be her swimming instructor from a closer point was too tempting. 

It was why she was behind her couch, trying to catch their view, hoping that, in her absence, they had already moved out of the water. 

Fatima wanted to see get a much better view. 

However, as she looked, she ended up disappointed. “Come on,” she whispered, trying to see them, only to fail. Disappointment welled up in her. “Don’t tell me that they had gone somewhere else.” 

“Don’t worry, I’m still here, miss,” came the answer from behind her. It was a sharp, throttling tone, one that sent shivers through her body. 

But, the quality of the voice, no matter how much it burned her loins, wasn’t the most important part. That honor went to the fact that it came from behind her… 

Panic — and excitement — rose in her as she jumped up to her feet, and looked at him. It didn’t help her emotions any when she saw him, even closer than she expected and completely naked. They burned even more intensely. “Y-you can’t walk around like that around the house,” she managed to stammer. 

“Oh, can’t I?” he answered softly, but as he took a small step forward, his movement promised her everything she wished to enjoy when she moved here. Yet, she only took a hesitant step back. “Isn’t it a bit unfair?” 

“Unfair, how?” Fatima answered. Suddenly facing his naked body in such close quarters, she had trouble thinking straight, but even with her addled mind, she recognized the trap. 

She just lost the ability to deny his implicit aura of demanding obedience, even to the point of answering that question. 

“You walk around wearing that sexy thing. That’s even more attractive than being naked…” 

“I…” she whispered, unable to answer as she processed an unexpected compliment. It was not exactly the most thoughtful one she had ever received, but delivered him, it felt different. “I’m not sure that’s appropriate,” she felt herself admitting. 

Even as she cursed herself. The opportunity she was looking for was right in front of her, but still, she was unable to take it. 

“You’re right,” he said, and she had a sinking feeling, expecting him to walk away. She avoided her gaze in shame, disgusted by her inability to flirt. Even facing a naked man, wearing a sexy nightie, she failed to flirt. 

She prepared to leave. 

“Of course, I can’t be sure whether you look better naked or in this sexy nightie. Do you want me to give a glimpse so I can be sure?” 

“Y-you think so,” she said, blushing badly as she played with her hair … cursing her reflexive action. She shouldn’t be doing her best to look like a silly girl in a schoolyard, doing her best to make him snort and walk away … especially since he had such a young and beautiful girl to go back to. 

Her age wasn’t making things any easier. 

“Of course, it’s only a certain way,” he said. “So, can I interest you to get rid of that sexy lingerie and let me compare properly?” 

“I …” she whispered, trying to gain some time as she tried to process the most absurd moment of her life, too confused to act decisively. Yet, her shyness reared its ugly head soon. “Isn’t it a bit too fast?” 

“Nonsense, that’s only appropriate for you to dress to the level of your guests. So, unless you’re saying that you have a problem with my state of dress and telling me to wear more…

“No!” she gasped, the answer forcing itself away. 

“Excellent,” he answered and took another step forward. She tried to retreat, forgetting that she had her couch to block her path until it hit her calves. He put his hand on her chin, and she shivered. “Now, let’s get rid of this pesky stuff,” he whispered. 

Fatima was frozen, helpless as his finger touched the strings of her top, which was barely hanging on in the first place. It slipped down, revealing her naked tits to him for, the first time in a long while. She couldn’t help but wait for his order.

“A-are they beautiful?” she found herself stammering, cursing herself as she did so. 

“They are delicious,” he answered, and she shivered in excitement. “Now, let’s see the rest,” he added, making the rest of her dress down. “Well, I’ll stand corrected, you look much better naked.” 

“Oh, really?” she said, feeling herself blushing as she raised her leg, crossing it to hide her core, unable to handle the process at the same time. 

“Yes, now, tell me you don’t want to waste such a beautiful opportunity.” 

The smirk she had on his face told her that it was a trap … a trap that she wanted to step in. What better way than to start her new life by following the direction of such a man. She wanted him to drag her to her bedroom, and do the exact same thing he had done to Mary. 

“Of course not —“ she answered, expecting him to drag her there. When he grabbed her shoulder, her voice was cut short, ready to be dragged …

Which was why, she was shocked when, rather than dragging her away, he pushed her down. She opened her mouth, but before she could ask for a change of location, he pushed his hips forward … preventing her from speaking up. 

He pushed forward, her lips stretching around his shaft. With her conservative upbringing, she was unfamiliar with oral, and her experience was limited to a few attempts with a toy before she decided that it was a boring activity.

But she was learning quickly that, the presence of a throbbing monster in her mouth was something else. She knew she should have been hating the feeling, but instead, the only thing she felt was pleasure as he forced his monster down her throat. 

He showed absolutely no regard for her comfort … and she loved it.  It was everything she imagined, and more. 

Even with her breath being cut by his aggressive invasion, she found herself unable to resist the temptation. She moaned in shock when it got too big for her to contain, gasping and gagging … continuing for a while when he finally pulled back, letting her take a breath. 

“W-we shouldn’t be doing this…” she found herself whispering once she regained her voice.

He smirked. “Oh, you want me to stop?” 

Fatima froze at the moment. Her shyness begged her to admit that, hoping that he would continue … but a more primal part of her disagreed. What if he actually followed that, and went back to Mary.

“N-no, just not here,” she whispered. “It’s too public.” 

“Come on, honey. No harm, Mary is already sleeping, and your mansion is safe enough.” 

Fatima opened her mouth to answer, but before she could do so, he lifted her, the ease he was able to do so bordering ridiculous. 

His muscles were certainly not for show … which made her imagine how it would feel to be trapped under him mercilessly. At the same time, her moans exploded once more as his fingers invaded her core … leaving her helpless for the possibility of more. 

“Let’s help you on your feet,” he whispered as he lifted her, and for a moment, disappointment filled her, thinking they had reached the end of their little fun, destroyed by her shyness … but then, he pulled her against his body, his shaft nestled between her cheeks, her fingers teasing her core once more. 

“Now, are you ready for the next step?” he asked. Fatima was unable to answer the question … but luckily, this time, she was convinced that an answer was not necessary. 

He seemed to be quite happy to lead the situation without any of her input. 



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