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The moment her gaze fell down the pool, Fatima froze, her mind short-circuiting. 

She had been just having a midnight walk, having trouble sleeping after the view she had come across earlier the day … where she had peeked at her house guest and her friend having another friend over … and did so very explosively. 

She was having trouble handling that, as it was the first time she was truly living alone. She had studied in the States, but when her grandfather was still alive, he had made sure that she was never truly out without at least one chaperone, determined not to let America corrupt his only granddaughter. 

This meant, she had a very conservative college experience, and after that, she was immediately back to her country, a land where it was hard for a woman to truly live. Luckily, it was not the most conservative country there, so when her grandfather finally passed away, she was able to take control of her inheritance easily … and promptly moved back to America. 

It had been six months ago, but contrary to her plans, she didn’t do much. She had spent a fortune buying a mansion, and a smaller fortune to create an amazing wardrobe, but then, that was it. No partying, no wild activities… she found that, even without the pressure from her family, she was too shy to really step into the nightlife to enjoy it. 

It was why she jumped at the opportunity to host a student from her school, playing the role of a good contributor. She hoped that the presence of a wild student would help her break her concerns … but Mary turned out to be surprisingly shy and put together. 

At least, that had been what Fatima had assumed until today, when she had seen her being drilled aggressively in the middle of the courtyard, alternating with her friend. 

Fatima was not a virgin … but with her little experience, she might as well be one, so she was truly rattled by watching that. She was shocked, scandalized, but also aroused; a confusing state of being that was enough to destroy any hope of sleep…

It was why she had thought that it was an illusion when she walked out, only to see the same boy in the pool… an assumption that died just as quickly. 

“H-hey, Fatima, have you met my swimming instructor, Darion. I’m trying for the school team,” Mary explained rapidly. 

Fatima didn’t believe that even for a second. She was shy, not stupid, and even without what she had seen earlier in the day, there was no chance she would believe it. She prepared to say that, but before she could do that, Darion spoke once more. 

“You look good, by the way. Pink is definitely your color.” 

Just like that, Fatima remembered that, by assuming she would be alone, she hadn’t put any effort to change her sleeping outfit … a sexy nightie she had purchased, hoping for wild nights. Shocked, she covered her body. 

She was not ready to be seen like this, not yet. 

“No need to cover yourself, miss, you look amazing,” Darion said. 

“Please, stop—“ Mary started, but that was all she was able to say before she fell silent. 

“Don’t interrupt me,” Darion said in a sharp, domineering tone, and Fatima felt her body tremble even without being targeted. But still, Mary had stopped talking before he had spoken, leaving Fatima wondering why she suddenly stopped. 

An answer that she received an answer far quicker than she had expected. Mary suddenly rose in the water, a move that surprised Fatima for a fleeting moment, a surprise that only lasted until she had seen Mary’s breasts. 

Her naked breasts. 

After what she had seen earlier, she didn’t doubt for a second what was going underwater. “I better leave you two alone!” she gasped before she turned and dashed away… 

Though, even as she did so, a part of her was cursing her cowardice. Maybe she should have stayed… 


“Y-you are evil!” Mary gasped, trying to admonish Darion, but she was quick to find out that it was difficult Even the risk of being kicked out of her residence wasn’t enough to stem the tide of pleasure that filled her the moment he pushed forward…

The memories of her explosive climax were too soon for her to reject that call. Maybe she shouldn’t have rushed into this, but Darion … he was impossible to deny, especially after he filled her needy pussy once more. 

Mary needed it. She needed it bad.

Under his invasion, she barely paid attention to Fatima’s retreat. At this point, she had no chance of making Darion’s excuse about being a swimming coach believable … not that Darion had any intention either. If he did, he wouldn’t have started before sending her away. 

Mary felt like complaining, but as he brought her toward the edge of the pool, he got more domineering, leaving her helpless to do anything but obey. She barely managed to hold to the ladder as he started working behind her, his weight enough to pull both of them down without some assistance. 

She held onto the ladder, the chilly wind enough to remind her of the biggest drawback. As she pulled, she was giving a display of her naked body, enough for Fatima to see completely if she hung around. 

Mary managed to pause only a second to glance around, confirming she had retreated, then she banished those concerns, letting herself enjoy the feeling. At least, it wasn’t as explicit as it could be with the water hiding her from the view…

“Let’s fix it,” Darion said and pushed her out of the water, and only then she realized she had spoken those words out loud. She would have loved to complain, but he was quick to take a position behind her back, invading her body recklessly once more. 

And, without any concern about staying above water, he was even merciless and reckless. She felt his hand on her hair, pulling it hard, the pain making the pleasure even better. 

She let herself surrender, enjoying the feeling. It was nice, letting go, letting him dominate her as aggressively as he wanted. She just closed her eyes, focused on enjoying the feeling as his shaft stretched her out to the limit, turning poolside into porn. 

“W-we should change locations,” she managed to whisper. 

“As you wish,” he said and lifted her, still inside her. They walked forward, impaling in and out recklessly enough that, only halfway in, she realized they weren’t going out but toward the seats at the edge. 

She would have complained … but as the pleasure invaded her mind, she was having trouble staying conscious, let alone complaining. She just enjoyed his repeated invasions, time losing meaning once more. 

Time passed…

“I think you earned a break,” he said, which she appreciated. As he walked away, she closed her eyes. She earned a minute of shut-eye… maybe two.



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