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“Your assistant is here, coach,” she whispered throatily as she gave a pose, letting me examine her body. I had first-hand knowledge about the impressive nature of her body, but that didn’t prevent me from lowering my gaze to enjoy the show. 

Especially since she went all that effort to stuff her amazing breasts into a top two sizes too small, enhancing her already impressive cleavage to a fascinating degree, her lack of a bra pushing it even further. The top button was open, but even that hardly reduced the stuffed feeling. 

I could imagine the disaster — a very fortunate one — if she tried to do even the simplest cheerleading move if she tried. 

To contrast, her skirt was normal. Slightly higher than acceptable, but still normal. Still, the mischievous smile that appeared on her face when my gaze touched her skirt suggested that she might have a surprise there as well. 

Her looks were impressive, but even more impressive was the glance she had thrown toward the phone one of the players was holding, confirming that he was still recording. 

That surprised me. I hadn’t paid much attention to the details of the way the popular girls acted, too busy dealing with my own particular problems of trying to chart life,  but the more I watched them, the more I saw their Machiavellian nature. Megan was extreme, of course, using her fame as a part of her ten-year plan, but the others seemed to be just as interesting as the battle for short-term objectives. 

Which was, admittedly, far more interesting than just a silly star-struck approach. 

It prevented me from feeling guilty while pulling my own plans. I was glad that Miriam was aware of the camera, as it allowed me to cut loose even more recklessly. 

“Now, who has the tape of your training, I need to see exactly what you have,” I said. One of them stood up and started playing with the TV, which was, while not as fancy as the ones the football team had, was still expensive, not like the budget of the less popular branches. 

“Meanwhile, I want the rest to draw the twenty play that you’re most confident in, so I can go through them, so we have something other than iso plays to rely on if they don’t play like we expect,” I said. “Not that I expect them to, they are prideful fools,” I declared, acting like I didn’t know I was being live-streamed still. 

I even kept my phone silent for that purpose. 

“Do we really need to—“ one of them started, already feeling rebellious, but when my gaze fell on him, backed by the weight of my intent, he was quick to fall silent. 

“Make that thirty plays,” I declared, and the rest of the team looked at him in frustration. Though, he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut, which was a nice surprise. 

While they were busy drawing plays, I sat behind the desk. “Why are you staying away, my dear assistant,” I said, patting my lap to invite her to my lap. She smirked as she followed that request, but with a pace slow enough to distract the others from drawing their plans. 

She sat on my lap without a preamble and reached for the remote. “Good girl,” I whispered as I wrapped a hand around her naked waist, the other taking notes, acting unaware of the camera that was recording every second of my movements. 

Of course, my moves risked triggering the same kind of scandal, but there was one huge difference. Despite all the tasks I had, I was still a student with no official rank, which made any potential scandal reach critical mass — like the disaster I had triggered for my dear old coach and his friends.

And, before that, any controversy would feed the System more, jealousy and impotent anger working excellently. 

“Now, start playing,” I ordered Miriam, and she did two things. First, she pressed play, and on the screen, a practice game appeared, showing most of my new players playing. With my enhanced perception, a quick dissection was all I needed. 

“Yes, coach,” she whispered,  her tone just raspy enough sound accidental, but her hips were already moving. I slid my hands down, right under her skirt…

And finally, discover what she had been hiding. 

She didn’t have her underwear. “Naughty girl,” I said as I let my hand move slightly lower, more than happy to teach her a lesson about playing. My hand danced at her naked her inner thigh. 

At first, she just enjoyed the sensation, a smug smile on her face as she looked at me, encouraged by my hesitant touch, like she pulled an amazing trick that put her ahead in our little game, especially since I had to multitask by watching the tape and going through the tactics the players produced. 

It was a very dangerous mistake, of course, but she didn’t realize it immediately. 

The reason, I was trying to find a way to use my Domain ability in a more direct manner. While she didn’t give me any of the feedback that I could feel from the other sources, I had a feeling that I had just scratched the surface of the potential the Domains represented. 

Of course, it wasn’t the only domain I was getting feedback from. Both Athletics and Command was giving me some feedback. Then, the first player finished drawing thirty plays as requested, and brought it to me. 

The speed he brought implied that he was either a tactical genius, or a careless worker. 

The one at the top looked nice, but when I pulled another play from the middle, the same care was not there. Worse, the play itself was complicated enough that it was hard to assess without spending some time checking the accuracy. 

Luckily, even with the distraction on my lap, I still had the necessary processing power to handle it. “That’s a mess,” I said as I used a red pen to draw eight lines of correction, turning the complicated paper into an even bigger mess. “Be more careful,” I said as I pushed the paper I fixed to him, and threw the rest into the garbage. 

“But—“ he started, which was all he was able to say under my sharp gaze, backed by a touch of Intent to turn that into a supernatural assault. 

“Did you think all the gossip about my tactical brilliance was nonsense, I’m a chess champion!” I declared haughtily. 

Of course, there was absolutely no link between being good at chess and understanding basketball plays, but I wasn’t exactly torn up about that inaccuracy. After watching hundreds of movies where the intelligent characters always played chess, whether they were inventors or commanders, people were far more willing to link that subconsciously. 

And, the sudden echo I felt at my Command domain confirmed that it was an accurate assumption. It was already somewhat active thanks to the challenge, but the feedback I was feeling from it increased tenfold. 

People were so easy to trick and manipulate it was shocking. 

“Sorry, coach,” he muttered. 

“Good,” I said as let my fingers dance under Miriam’s skirt, still in a relatively safe location. “I know that we don’t have much time before the match, but that’s only more reason not to cut any corners.” As I delivered that declaration, I once again backed it up with Intent-backed leadership. 

As I did that, every single player started drawing those plans once more, much more serious this time as I cheated a bit. Though, that had a little side effect that I didn’t expect. Affected by the leadership, the player that was live streaming the meeting ended the show and put his phone back in his pocket. 

Well, you win some you lose some, I thought as I focused on the show, letting my fingers climb up once more. While ending the live stream meant an immediate drop in the amount of Intent I was collecting — luckily not dropping it to zero — it also meant that I could do my experimentation with Miriam in peace. 

And, to make it even more fun, she was too distracted to notice she wasn’t being recorded anymore. 

I continued caressing her as I reached the System, trying to not just dip into the Intent, but trying to focus on the Domain aspects … treating Miriam’s delicate thighs to an extended massage in the process, each second bringing her pleasure to a higher level, making her bit her lips to keep her moan hidden.

Soon, I finally got my first hint of success, channeling the gathered Intent through the Lust domain, and Intent changed far more than I could through channeling it through my previous Traits. As the transformed intent infused into her thighs, her eyes widened in shock as she looked at me, the sensation of pleasure hitting her hard. 

“Let’s have some fun,” I said with a chuckle as I caught her gaze. I had my first hint of success … now it was time to push her limits.


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