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As Darion left the office of his newest boss, he did it with a huge smile covering his face. He had been rather hopeful about his new job when he arrived, but he certainly didn’t expect the latest twist with his boss … especially when it was just a setup for something just as interesting.

Mia had the lips to make him a loyal employee — especially when that loyalty meant fucking a rich and sexy older woman, her power making her even more attractive. 

But, there was a certain fun to tame a subservient woman … like the one he saw waiting for him in his horrible office, wearing a trenchcoat. 

“How can I help you, my cute barista,” Darion said with a chuckle even as he took a note of the bulky trenchcoat, very aware of the reason a woman would arrive at a private spot wearing that bulky when the weather didn’t require it. 

“I … I thought I would visit my new boss,” she whispered, her hesitant tone deliciously tingling, as promising as her outfit. She was yet to turn toward him, but he didn’t need to see her face to know what she was thinking. 

“Make yourself comfortable,” he ordered, his tone leaving no doubt about what he meant. An order that was accurately received, considering the speed she dropped it … and revealed her underwear underneath. 

A full-body corset that led to a nice choker, panties, and stockings. Darion would have said that she was overdressed … but her outfit was just transparent enough to make that comment useless. “Good work, now give me a twirl,” he ordered. 

She did so, showing her body, nicely gift-wrapped for him, her shy expression making him even more enthusiastic to taste her. He had an exhausting day … but not enough to turn her away after she had gone all that trouble to keep him happy. 

“I like your show of initiative,” he said, and she trembled in excitement. 

“T-thanks, sir,” she whispered as she took a step forward. Darion grabbed her and pulled her for a kiss, one that showed domination rather than love, but Sakura didn’t seem to mind. Her legs wrapped around her body, bringing her to a more convenient height. 

 A couple steps, and Darin had her against the shelf, happy to test the integrity of his furniture. Sakura just moaned, her tongue dancing. 

“By showing initiative, you deserved a reward,” Darion said. It was always a good habit to reward good behavior. 

“Thanks, sir,” she moaned before she even knew what he had in mind. Meanwhile, he knelt before her, giving a much better idea. She trembled as the realization hit. “Really, sir,” she whispered. 

“Of course, you deserve a reward,” Darion said even as he grabbed her calves and pulled her close, her panties destroyed in one pull. It ruined her outfit, but she chose to moan rather than complain. 

Darion grinned at her enthusiasm only for a moment before his tongue slipped inside, exploring her depths aggressively … just because he was going down didn’t mean he wasn’t the one dominating… 

“Faster, sir,” she moaned, showing she had absolutely no problem with his aggression, her dainty little entrance having trouble taking his tongue. It was shocking she somehow took his full length inside. 

He encircled his arm around her ass while she moaned again… until her arousal hit his tongue.

“Good work,” Darion whispered, kicking his pants while her trembling legs failed to carry her and she collapsed, looking at his shaft. “Now, it’s your turn.” 

“Do … do you want me to lick it, sir?” she whispered. 

Normally, that would be his preference,  but the day had been too full of activities, and he decided to be faster. “No,” he said as he grabbed her arm and pulled her up …

And impaled her aggressively. 

“Yes, sir,” she whispered. “Harder. Faster. Please!” 

Darion lifted her easily as he impaled her, his small office filling with her beautiful moans. She got even louder as he rolled her nipples between his fingers. She was very sensitive … just like he loved. 

He held her up as he pushed into her body again and again, her moans enough to drive him crazy. “Let’s try something new,” he growled. He could have slowly undressed her … but the transparent fabric was too fun to destroy. 

And, just like that, she found herself naked other than her stockings, doing her best to hang onto his shoulder as she tried to hover up while he took her again and again. “Are you having trouble holding, sweetie,” Darion asked even as he slipped inside her again and again, enjoying her incredibly loud moans. 

He was glad Mia was already out of commission, or Sakura’s cries would have brought her down. 

“A — a little help, sir,” she moaned, though her hips didn’t stop. 

“As you wish, let me help,” Darion said even as he shifted his hold, grabbing her legs. Creating an excellent view in the process. 

“Yes, sir. Harder!” she moaned. 

And just like that, his thoughts about Mia changed. It was a pity she wouldn’t come down to see the show. She could learn something … particularly the benefits of obeying her completely without obsessing over pesky things like authority blocking her enjoyment. “Tell me how much you like this!” he ordered. 

“I love it, sir,” she moaned. “Please, don’t stop!” she moaned, desperate. Her moans got even more impressive as he shifted his hold once more, shifted her position so that she turned into a little toy he carried along … a very entertaining toy. She grabbed her head, like she was trying to make herself believe it was real, her moans spectacular.

He had a nice new job, indeed… 



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